The file format parsed by read_beam2 also includes the polarisation,
unlike those of read_beam0 and read_beam1.
When running gray standalone, however, we expect the mode to be set by
`antenna.iox` in gray.ini, not by the beam file.
- Avoid logging the same error over and over
- Make all the gray_errors actually warnings
- Replace `large_npl` error with `unstable_beam`, which is actually
the root cause of the former
- Use the gray_main error as exit code
- Replace the `get_free_unit` subroutine with the built-in
`newutin` option of the `open` statement.
- Replace `locatex` with just `locate` + an index offset.
- Replace `inside` with `contour%contains`.
- Merge `vmaxmin` and `vmaxmini` into a single subroutine
with optional arguments.
- Remove unused `range2rect`, `bubble`.
Similarly to eb648039 this change replaces the `equilibrium` module with
a new `gray_equil` module providing the same functionality without using
global variables.
- `read_eqdsk`, `read_equil_an` are replaced by a single `load_equil`
routine that handles all equilibrium kind (analytical, numerical,
and vacuum).
- `scale_equil` is merged into `load_equil`, which besides reading
the equilibrium from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings and the equilibrium kind.
To operate on G-EQDSK data specifically, the `change_cocors` and
`scale_eqdsk` are still available. The numeric equilibrium must then
be initialised manually by calling equil%init().
- `set_equil_spline`, `set_equil_an`, `unset_equil_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `fq` is replaced by `equil%safety`; `bfield` by `equil%b_field`;
`frhotor`, `frhopol` by `equil%pol2tor` and `equil%pol2tor`;
and the remaining subroutines by other methods of `abstract_equil`
retaining the old name.
- the `contours_psi` subroutine is replaced by `equil%flux_contour`,
with a slightly changed invocation but same functionality.
- the `gray_data` type is no longer required ans has been removed: all
the core subroutines now access the input data only though either
`abstract_equil`, `abstract_plasma` or the `limiter` contour.
This change adds a bit of documentation and simplifies the two
(internal) subroutines used to find the horizontal tangent points
and the magnetic O/X point.
Using a closure we can avoid explicitly passing parameters (psi0) to
hybrj1. Previously this required a custom `hybrj1mv` subroutine in
fitpack with an identical interface, except for our extra parameter.
This change replaces the `coreprofiles` module with a new `gray_plasma`
module providing the same functionality without using global variables.
- `read_profiles`, `read_profiles_an` are replaced by a single `load_plasma`
routines that handles both profiles kind (numerical, analytical).
- `scale_profiles` is merged into `load_plasma`, which besides reading
the profiles from file peforms the rescaling and interpolation based
on the `gray_parameters` settings.
- `set_profiles_spline`, `set_profiles_an`, `unset_profiles_spline`
are completely removed as the module no longer has any internal state.
- `density`, `ftemp`, `fzeff` are replaced by the `abstract_plasma`
type which provides the `dens`, `temp` and `zeff` methods for
either `numeric_plasma` or `analytic_plasma` subtypes.
1. Use the `contour` type for limiter and plasma boundary
(rlim, zlim, rbnd, zbnd)
2. Replace `inside` with `contour%contains`
3. Replace `range2rect` with a `contour` interface
4. Remove the limiter module which just re-exports the limiter
as a global; instead just pass the contour object around
This change replaces the output files (Fortran units) with a derived
type called table, that hold the data in memory until further
processing. The data stored in a table can be dumped to a file, as
before, or processed in other ways, for example converted to other
derived type.
This change replaces pointers with automatic arrays to greatly simplify
the memory management in the main subroutine:
- All arrays are defined in a single location and with their final
dimension explicitely shown.
- The allocation/deallocation is performed automatically when
entering/leaving the gray_main routine.
Using the libgray approach the script is not needed anymore.
Instead of collecting all indirect dependencies of an object
(essentially redoing the work of the linker), we just link libgray.
This causes slightly more recompilations, but it's a lot simpler.
The following test cases:
- 04-JT60SA
- 05-JT60SA-startup
- 06-ITER-startup.Mixed
were affected by the bug fixed in f82f91bc, so their reference outputs
had to be updated.