fix coupling for subsequent beams

In situations when multiple beams are traced, either when allowing
multiple plasma crossings (raytracing.ipass > 0) or the initial polarisation
is mixed (raytracing.ipol == .true.), the couplings of all but the first
beam (with least index_rt) were invalid.

The bug is due to the re-use of the psipol,chipol variables as the beams
are traced sequentially over the beam_loop. For the first beam being
traced the psipol,chipol are correctly initialised to the user-defined
value and the resulting coupling is correct.
However, in each subsequent beam the values were not set to those of the
parent beam (or to the user-defined value in the case of the first X
mode beam), but to those of the previous beams (current index_rt - 1).

This change repurposes the psipv,chipv arrays to store the polarisation
of the parent beams, including the initial user-defined value and makes
plasma_in always use these to compute the coupling.

In addition, in the case the polarisation is not immediately known (i.e.
if raytracing.ipol == .false.), this change postpones the computation of
the Jones vector (ext, eyt) from the launch point, if the magnetic
equilibrium is available, to when the ray actually crosses the
plasma boundary.
The original code, besides being strictly incorrect, can lead to
non-negligible alterations to the coupling. This change also mean:

1. most of the functionality of `set_pol` has been merged with
2. the polarisation is undefined and the Jones vector is set to the
   placeholder value [1, 0] till `plasma_im` is called

Finally, `polarcold` is removed because it's unused.
This commit is contained in:
Michele Guerini Rocco 2024-03-02 17:32:03 +01:00
parent 38a8edd439
commit f82f91bc8d
Signed by: rnhmjoj
GPG Key ID: BFBAF4C975F76450
3 changed files with 117 additions and 202 deletions

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ contains
real(wp_) :: rhotp,drhotp,rhotj,drhotj,dpdvmx,jphimx,ratjamx,ratjbmx
real(wp_) :: pabs_beam,icd_beam,cpl_beam1,cpl_beam2,cpl_cbeam1,cpl_cbeam2
real(wp_), dimension(2) :: pabs_pass,icd_pass,cpl,cpl0
real(wp_), dimension(2) :: pabs_pass,icd_pass,cpl
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xv,anv0,anv,bv,derxg
! Ray variables
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ contains
! i: integration step, jk: global ray index
integer :: i, jk
integer :: iox,nharm,nhf,nnd,iokhawa,ierrn,ierrhcd,index_rt
integer :: ip,ib,iopmin,ipar,iO
integer :: iox,nharm,nhf,nnd,iokhawa,ierrn,ierrhcd, index_rt, parent_index_rt
integer :: ip,ib,iopmin,ipar,child_index_rt
integer :: igrad_b,istop_pass,nbeam_pass,nlim
logical :: ins_pl,ins_wl,ent_pl,ext_pl,ent_wl,ext_wl,iboff
@ -154,21 +154,15 @@ contains
iroff,yynext,yypnext,yw0,ypw0, &
if(.not. params%raytracing%ipol) then
if(params%antenna%iox == 2) then ! only X mode on 1st pass
cpl0 = [zero, one]
else ! only O mode on 1st pass
cpl0 = [one, zero]
end if
end if
sox=1 ! mode inverted for each beam
iox=2 ! start with O: sox=-1, iox=1
psipol = params%antenna%psi
chipol = params%antenna%chi
call pweight(params%antenna%power, p0jk)
! Set original polarisation
psipv(0) = params%antenna%psi
chipv(0) = params%antenna%chi
nbeam_pass=1 ! max n of beam per pass
index_rt=0 ! global beam index: 1,O 2,X 1st pass
! | | | |
@ -196,9 +190,9 @@ contains
sox = -sox ! invert mode
iox = 3-iox ! O-mode at ip=1,ib=1
index_rt = index_rt +1
iO = 2*index_rt +1 ! * index_rt of O-mode derived ray (iX=iO+1)
child_index_rt = 2*index_rt + 1 ! * index_rt of O-mode child beam
parent_index_rt = ceiling(index_rt / 2.0_wp_) - 1 ! * index_rt of parent beam
call initbeam(index_rt,iroff,iboff,iwait,stv,jphi_beam, &
@ -223,10 +217,7 @@ contains
lgcpl1 = zero
p0ray = p0jk ! * initial beam power
call ic_gb(params, anv0, ak0, yw, ypw, & ! * initial conditions
stv, xc, du1, gri, ggri, index_rt)
call set_pol(yw, bres, sox, params%raytracing%ipol, & ! * initial polarization
psipol, chipol, ext, eyt)
call ic_gb(params, anv0, ak0, yw, ypw, stv, xc, du1, gri, ggri, index_rt) ! * initial conditions
do jk=1,params%raytracing%nray
zzm = yw(3,jk)*0.01_wp_
@ -305,14 +296,15 @@ contains
if(ent_pl) then ! ray enters plasma
write (msg, '(" ray ",g0," entered plasma (",g0," steps)")') jk, i
call log_debug(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
call plasma_in(jk,xv,anv,bres,sox,cpl,psipol,chipol,iop,ext,eyt)
call set_pol(psipv(parent_index_rt), chipv(parent_index_rt), ext, eyt) ! compute polarisation and couplings
call plasma_in(jk, xv, anv, bres, sox, cpl, psipol, chipol, iop, ext, eyt, &
perfect=.not. params%raytracing%ipol &
.and. params%antenna%iox == iox &
.and. iop(jk) == 0 .and. ip==1)
if(iop(jk) == 1 .and. ip==1) then ! * 1st entrance on 1st pass (ray hasn't entered in plasma yet) => continue current pass
if(.not. params%raytracing%ipol) then ! + IF single mode propagation
cpl = cpl0
p0ray(jk) = p0ray(jk)*cpl(iox)
else if(cpl(iox) < etaucr) then ! + ELSE IF low coupled power for current mode => de-activate derived rays
if(cpl(iox) < etaucr) then ! + IF low coupled power for current mode => de-activate derived rays
call turnoffray(jk,ip+1,2*ib+2-iox,iroff)
iwait(jk) = .true. ! . stop advancement and H&CD computation for current ray
if(cpl(iox).le.comp_tiny) cpl(iox)=etaucr
@ -325,6 +317,9 @@ contains
write (msg,'(" 1st pass - central ray (",a1,"-mode) c=",g0.4)') &
mode(iox), cpl(iox)
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
write (msg,'(" polarisation: ψ=",g0.5,"°, χ=",g0.5,"°")') &
psipol, chipol
call log_debug(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
psipv(index_rt) = psipol ! + polarization angles at plasma boundary for central ray
chipv(index_rt) = chipol
end if
@ -347,13 +342,13 @@ contains
if(cpl(2).le.comp_tiny) cpl(2)=etaucr
end if
taus(jk,iO:iO+1) = tau1(jk) + tau0(jk) ! . starting tau for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,iO) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(1) ! . cumulative coupling for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,iO+1) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(2) ! . cumulative coupling for next X-mode pass
taus(jk,child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = tau1(jk) + tau0(jk) ! . starting tau for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,child_index_rt) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(1) ! . cumulative coupling for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,child_index_rt+1) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(2) ! . cumulative coupling for next X-mode pass
if(jk == 1) then ! . polarization angles at plasma boundary for central ray
psipv(iO:iO+1) = psipol
chipv(iO:iO+1) = chipol
psipv(child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = psipol
chipv(child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = chipol
end if
else ! * 1st entrance on 2nd+ pass (ray hasn't entered in plasma since end of previous pass) => continue current pass
cpl = [zero, zero]
@ -395,7 +390,8 @@ contains
yypnext(:,jk,index_rt) = ypw(:,jk) ! for next pass = reflection point
stnext(jk,index_rt) = stv(jk) ! . starting step for next pass = step after reflection
call plasma_in(jk,xv,anv,bres,sox,cpl,psipol,chipol,iop,ext,eyt) ! . ray re-enters plasma after reflection
call plasma_in(jk, xv, anv, bres, sox, cpl, psipol, chipol, & ! . ray re-enters plasma after reflection
iop, ext, eyt, perfect=.false.)
if(cpl(1) < etaucr) then ! . low coupled power for O-mode? => de-activate derived rays
call turnoffray(jk,ip+1,2*ib-1,iroff)
@ -406,13 +402,13 @@ contains
if(cpl(2).le.comp_tiny) cpl(2)=etaucr
end if
taus(jk,iO:iO+1) = tau1(jk) + tau0(jk) ! . starting tau for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,iO) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(1) ! . cumulative coupling for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,iO+1) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(2) ! . cumulative coupling for next X-mode pass
taus(jk,child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = tau1(jk) + tau0(jk) ! . starting tau for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,child_index_rt) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(1) ! . cumulative coupling for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,child_index_rt+1) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(2) ! . cumulative coupling for next X-mode pass
if(jk == 1) then ! + polarization angles at plasma boundary for central ray
psipv(iO:iO+1) = psipol
chipv(iO:iO+1) = chipol
psipv(child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = psipol
chipv(child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = chipol
end if
end if
end if
@ -532,12 +528,13 @@ contains
icd_pass(iox) = icd_pass(iox) + icd_beam
if(ip < params%raytracing%ipass .and. iopmin > 2) then ! not last pass AND at least one ray re-entered plasma
cpl_beam1 = sum(p0ray * exp(-tau0) * cpls(:,iO)/cpl1, MASK=iop > 2) / &
cpl_beam1 = sum(&
p0ray * exp(-tau0) * cpls(:,child_index_rt)/cpl1, MASK=iop > 2) / &
sum(p0ray * exp(-tau0), MASK=iop > 2) ! * average O-mode coupling for next beam (on active rays)
cpl_beam2 = one - cpl_beam1 ! * average X-mode coupling for next beam
if(iop(1) > 2) then ! * central ray O/X-mode coupling for next beam
cpl_cbeam1 = cpls(1,iO)/cpl1(1)
cpl_cbeam1 = cpls(1,child_index_rt)/cpl1(1)
cpl_cbeam2 = one - cpl_cbeam1
end if
else ! last pass OR no ray re-entered plasma
@ -566,6 +563,7 @@ contains
if(iop(1) > 2) then
write(msg, '(3x,a,(g0.4,", ",g0.4))') &
'coupling [ctr ray, O/X]:', cpl_cbeam1, cpl_cbeam2 ! central ray coupling for next O/X beams
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
end if
end if
@ -1840,74 +1838,27 @@ contains
end subroutine alpha_effj
subroutine set_pol(ywrk0, bres, sox, ipol, psipol0, chipol0, ext0, eyt0)
use const_and_precisions, only : degree, zero, one, half, im
use beamdata, only : nray,nrayth
use equilibrium, only : bfield
use polarization, only : pol_limit, polellipse, &
stokes_ce, stokes_ell
subroutine set_pol(psi, chi, e_x, e_y)
! Compute the polarisation vector for each ray from the ellipse angles ψ, χ
use const_and_precisions, only : degree, im
use polarization, only : stokes_ell
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), dimension(6, nray), intent(in) :: ywrk0
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres
integer, intent(in) :: sox
logical, intent(in) :: ipol
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: psipol0, chipol0
complex(wp_), dimension(nray), intent(out) :: ext0, eyt0
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi, chi
complex(wp_), intent(out) :: e_x(:), e_y(:)
! local variables
integer :: j,k,jk
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xmv, anv, bv
real(wp_) :: rm, csphi, snphi, bphi, br, bz, qq, uu, vv, deltapol
real(wp_) :: qq, uu, vv, deltapol
do jk=1,nray
if(jk == 2 .or. k > nrayth) then
end if
if(.not. ipol) then
xmv=ywrk0(1:3,jk)*0.01_wp_ ! convert from cm to m
call bfield(rm,xmv(3),br,bz,bphi)
! bv(i) = B_i in cartesian coordinates
if (norm2(bv) > 0) then
call pol_limit(anv,bv,bres,sox,ext0(jk),eyt0(jk))
if (jk == 1) then
call stokes_ce(ext0(jk),eyt0(jk),qq,uu,vv)
call polellipse(qq,uu,vv,psipol0,chipol0)
psipol0=psipol0/degree ! convert from rad to degree
end if
call stokes_ell(chi*degree, psi*degree, qq, uu, vv)
if(qq**2 < 1) then
deltapol = asin(vv/sqrt(1 - qq**2))
e_x = sqrt((1 + qq)/2)
e_y = sqrt((1 - qq)/2) * exp(-im * deltapol)
! X/O mode are undefined if B=0
psipol0 = 0
chipol0 = 0
e_x = 1
e_y = 0
end if
call stokes_ell(chipol0*degree,psipol0*degree,qq,uu,vv)
if(qq**2 < one) then
deltapol=asin(vv/sqrt(one - qq**2))
ext0(jk)= sqrt(half*(one + qq))
eyt0(jk)= sqrt(half*(one - qq))*exp(-im*deltapol)
ext0(jk)= one
eyt0(jk)= zero
end if
end do
end subroutine set_pol

View File

@ -13,55 +13,73 @@ module multipass
! ------------------------------
subroutine plasma_in(i,xv,anv,bres,sox,cpl,psipol1,chipol1,iop,ext,eyt) ! ray enters plasma
! arguments
subroutine plasma_in(i, x, N, Bres, sox, cpl, psi, chi, iop, ext, eyt, perfect)
! Computes the ray polarisation and power couplings when it enteres the plasma
use const_and_precisions, only: cm
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: i ! ray index
real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: xv,anv
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres
integer, intent(in) :: sox
real(wp_), dimension(2), intent(out) :: cpl ! coupling (O/X)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: psipol1,chipol1
integer, dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer :: iop ! in/out plasma flag
complex(wp_), dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer :: ext,eyt
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(3), N(3) ! position, refactive index
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Bres ! resonant B field
integer, intent(in) :: sox ! sign of polarisation mode: -1 O, +1 X
real(wp_), intent(out) :: cpl(2) ! power coupling vector (O, X)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: psi, chi ! polarisation ellipse angles
integer, intent(inout), pointer :: iop(:) ! inside/outside plasma flag
complex(wp_), intent(inout), pointer :: ext(:), eyt(:) ! ray polarisation vector (e_x, e_y)
logical, intent(in) :: perfect ! whether to assume perfect coupling
! local variables
real(wp_) :: rm,csphi,snphi,bphi,br,bz
real(wp_) :: qq1,uu1,vv1,qq,uu,vv,powcpl
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: bv,xmv
complex(wp_) :: ext1,eyt1
iop(i)=iop(i)+1 ! out->in
real(wp_) :: R, z, cosphi, sinphi, B_phi, B_R, B_z
real(wp_) :: B(3)
real(wp_) :: c
complex(wp_) :: e_mode(2), e_ray(2)
xmv=xv*0.01_wp_ ! convert from cm to m
call bfield(rm,xmv(3),br,bz,bphi)
! Update the inside/outside flag
iop(i) = iop(i) + 1
call pol_limit(anv,bv,bres,sox,ext1,eyt1)
call stokes_ce(ext1,eyt1,qq1,uu1,vv1) ! stokes parameter at plasma entrance
call stokes_ce(ext(i),eyt(i),qq,uu,vv) ! stokes parameter at plasma exit/wall reflection
powcpl = half*(one + vv*vv1+uu*uu1+qq*qq1) ! coupling for incoming mode
! Compute B in cartesian coordinates
R = norm2(x(1:2)) * cm
z = x(3) * cm
cosphi = x(1)/R * cm
sinphi = x(2)/R * cm
call bfield(R, z, B_R, B_z, B_phi)
B(1) = B_R*cosphi - B_phi*sinphi
B(2) = B_R*sinphi + B_phi*cosphi
B(3) = B_z
if(sox.eq.-one) then ! incoming mode = O
else ! incoming mode = X
end if
! Get the polarisation vector of the given mode
call pol_limit(N, B, Bres, sox, e_mode(1), e_mode(2))
if(i.eq.1) then ! polarization angles at plasma entrace for central ray
call polellipse(qq1,uu1,vv1,psipol1,chipol1)
psipol1=psipol1/degree ! convert from rad to degree
if(i == 1) then
! For the central ray, compute the polarization ellipse
chi = asin(2*imag(e_mode(1) * conjg(e_mode(2)))) / 2
psi = atan2(real(2 * e_mode(1) * conjg(e_mode(2))), &
real(dot_product(e_mode, conjg(e_mode)))) / 2
! and convert from radians to degree
psi = psi / degree
chi = chi / degree
psipol1 = zero
chipol1 = zero
psi = 0
chi = 0
end if
if (perfect) then
! Ignore the given vector and use the expected one
! Note: this will give 100% coupling to the current mode
ext(i) = e_mode(1)
eyt(i) = e_mode(2)
end if
! Compute the power coupling with the current mode
e_ray = [ext(i), eyt(i)]
c = abs(dot_product(e_mode, e_ray))**2
! Store both O and X couplings, in this order
c = merge(c, 1-c, sox == -1)
cpl = [c, 1-c]
end subroutine plasma_in
! ------------------------------
subroutine plasma_out(i,xv,anv,bres,sox,iop,ext,eyt) ! ray exits plasma
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: i ! ray index
@ -239,7 +257,7 @@ contains
p0ray(nray),taus(nray,nbeam_tot),tau1(nray),etau1(nray), &
cpls(nray,nbeam_tot),cpl1(nray),lgcpl1(nray),jphi_beam(dim), &
pins_beam(dim),currins_beam(dim),dpdv_beam(dim),jcd_beam(dim), &
end subroutine alloc_multipass
! ------------------------------

View File

@ -97,58 +97,4 @@ contains
! gam = atan2(sngam,csgam)/degree
end subroutine pol_limit
subroutine polarcold(anpl,anpr,xg,yg,sox,exf,eyif,ezf,elf,etf)
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,zero,one
! arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: anpl,anpr,xg,yg,sox
real(wp_), intent(out) :: exf,eyif,ezf,elf,etf
! local variables
real(wp_) :: anpl2,anpr2,an2,yg2,dy2,aa,e3,qq,p
if(xg <= zero) then
exf = zero
if(sox < zero) then
ezf = one
eyif = zero
ezf = zero
eyif = one
end if
elf = zero
etf = one
anpl2 = anpl**2
anpr2 = anpr**2
an2 = anpl2 + anpr2
dy2 = one - yg2
qq = xg*yg/(an2*dy2 - aa)
if (anpl == zero) then
if(sox < zero) then
exf = zero
eyif = zero
ezf = one
qq = -aa/(xg*yg)
exf = one/sqrt(one + qq**2)
eyif = qq*exf
ezf = zero
end if
e3 = one - xg
p = (anpr2 - e3)/(anpl*anpr) ! undef for anpr==0
exf = p*ezf
eyif = qq*exf
ezf = one/sqrt(one + p**2*(one + qq**2))
end if
elf = (anpl*ezf + anpr*exf)/sqrt(an2)
etf = sqrt(one - elf**2)
end if
end subroutine polarcold
end module polarization