doc: reorganize example input files

This commit is contained in:
Michele Guerini Rocco 2024-02-08 17:37:17 +01:00
parent 6a91eaa3a8
commit 38a8edd439
Signed by: rnhmjoj
GPG Key ID: BFBAF4C975F76450
12 changed files with 625 additions and 244 deletions

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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ GRAY = $(BINDIR)/gray
MANPAGES = $(addprefix $(SHAREDIR)/,gray.1 gray.ini.5 profiles.txt.5 beamdata.txt.5 magneticdata.txt.5)
## Git information (used in the version string)
@ -60,6 +61,13 @@ GIT_REV ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
# Whether the worktree and the latest commit differs
GIT_DIRTY ?= $(shell test -n "$$(git status --porcelain)" && echo "-dirty")
# Source date
# Use current date
SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(shell awk 'BEGIN {print srand(srand())}')
DATE=$(shell LC_TIME=C date -d @$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH) '+%B %Y')
## Fortran compiler and flags
@ -119,13 +127,14 @@ check: $(GRAY)
python -Bm tests --binary $^
# Install libraries, binaries and documentation
install: $(BINARIES) $(LIBRARIES) $(SHAREDIR)/doc $(SHAREDIR)/gray.1
mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/{bin,lib,share/{doc/res,man/man1}}
mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/{bin,lib,share/{doc/res,man/man{1,5}}}
install -m555 -t $(PREFIX)/bin $(BINDIR)/*
install -m555 -t $(PREFIX)/lib $(LIBDIR)/*
install -m644 -t $(PREFIX)/share/doc $(SHAREDIR)/doc/manual.*
install -m644 -t $(PREFIX)/share/doc/res $(SHAREDIR)/doc/res/*
install -m644 -t $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1 $(SHAREDIR)/gray.1
install -m644 -t $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1 $(SHAREDIR)/*.1
install -m644 -t $(PREFIX)/share/man/man5 $(SHAREDIR)/*.5
# dependencies
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(OBJDIR)/%.d
@ -149,15 +158,22 @@ $(JLIBDIR)/libgray.a: $(LIBDIR)/libgray.a
install -m755 '$<' '$@'
# All documentation
docs: $(SHAREDIR)/gray.1 $(SHAREDIR)/doc
docs: $(SHAREDIR)/doc $(MANPAGES)
+make -C doc
cp -r doc/build/* $(SHAREDIR)
# Generated man pages
$(SHAREDIR)/gray.1: $(GRAY) doc/gray.1 | $(SHAREDIR)
help2man '$<' -i doc/gray.1 -N -n 'beam-tracing code for EC waves' > '$@'
$(SHAREDIR)/gray.1: $(GRAY) doc/man/gray.1 | $(SHAREDIR)
help2man '$<' -i doc/man/gray.1 -N -n 'beam-tracing code for EC waves' > '$@'
$(SHAREDIR)/%: doc/man/ $(GRAY) | $(SHAREDIR)
pandoc -s '$<' -t man \
-V date='$(DATE)' \
-V footer='$(shell $(GRAY) --version | sed -n 1p)' \
-V author='$(shell $(GRAY) --version | sed -n "3 s/.$$//p")' \
-o '$@'
# Visualise the dependency graph
# Note: requires makefile2graph and graphviz

doc/man/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
title: BEAMDATA.txt
section: 5
beamdata.txt --- beam launcher data for **gray**(1)
The beam launcher data can be provided in three ways, each with a corresponding
file format.
## 0D format
The beam parameters are given as fixed numbers, independent of the values of
the launch angles α, β. In this case the format is as follows:
f ! comment
x₀ y₀ z₀
w₀₁ w₀₂ d₀₁ d₀₂ φ
- *f* is the frequency (GHz)
- *x₀, y₀, z₀* are the launcher position (cm)
- *w₀₁, w₀₂* are the beam waists in the two principal directions (cm)
- *d₀₁, d₀₂* are the distances of the beam waists from the launch point (cm)
- *φ* is the rotation angle from the horizontal direction to the first
principal direction (deg)
Note: this case implies simple astigmatism, i.e. the amplitude and phase
ellipses in the beam transverse plane are aligned.
## 1D format
The beam parameters, including the launch position and angles, are given as a
function of the launcher steering angle *θ* in tabular format. The data will be
interpolated by GRAY to obtain the actual beam parameters at a given pair of
launch angles.
The format is as follows:
f ! comment
θ α β x₀ y₀ z₀ w₁ w₂ k₁ k₂ φ_w φ_R
θ α β x₀ y₀ z₀ w₁ w₂ k₁ k₂ φ_w φ_R
The first two lines contain the frequency (GHz) and the number of table rows.
The rest of the file contains the whitespace-separated records, one row per
line, where:
- *θ* is the mechanical steering angle (unused)
- *α, β* are the poloidal and toroidal launch angles (deg)
- *x₀, y₀, z₀* are the launcher position (mm)
- *w₁, w₂* are the beam widths in the two principal directions (mm)
- *k₁, k₂* are the wavefront curvatures in the two principal directions (mm⁻¹)
- *φ_w, φ_R* are the rotation angles of the amplitude and phase
ellipses in the transverse plane at the launch point (deg)
## 2D format
The beam parameters, including the launch position, are given as a
function of the two launch angles α, β. The format is as follows:
id mode f na nb
α β x₀ y₀ z₀ w₁ w₂ k₁ k₂ φ_w φ_R
α β x₀ y₀ z₀ w₁ w₂ k₁ k₂ φ_w φ_R
id mode f na nb
α β x₀ y₀ z₀ w₁ w₂ k₁ k₂ φ_w φ_R
α β x₀ y₀ z₀ w₁ w₂ k₁ k₂ φ_w φ_R
The first line specifies the number of beams described by the file.
The rest of the files consists of *nbeams* 2D tables preceded by a header where:
- *id* is a string identifier of the beam
- *mode* indicates where the beam has O-mode (*1*) or X-mode (*2*)
- *f* is the frequency (GHz)
- *nα, nβ* are the numbers of rows and columns of the table
The 2D table is stored in row-major order over *nα×nβ* lines, that is, the
*i,j*-th record is stored on the l-th line, with *l = i + nα×j*.
The poloidal angle *α(i,j)* must be monotonic along *i* and the toroidal angle
*β(i, j)* must be monotonic along *j*.
Each line stores one record with the same fields as in the 1D format.
Note: even if this format allows to define multiple independent beams in the
same file, this feature is not used by **gray**(1), which always load the first
1. A valid 0D beamdata.txt file
170 ! f
950.0 0.0 62.0 ! x₀ y₉ z₀
2.1 2.1 162.0 162.0 0.0 ! w₀₁ w₀₂ d₀₁ d₀₂ φ
2. A valid 1D beamdata.txt file
170 ! f
27 ! nrows
-7.5 25.93 19.75 7067.6 -41.45 4233.6 42.70 43.99 -5.899E-4 -5.363E-4 -3.15 -3.15
-5.0 31.23 19.99 7067.8 -41.48 4233.6 42.70 43.99 -5.899E-4 -5.364E-4 -2.32 -2.32
-2.0 37.61 20.09 7068.1 -41.51 4233.5 42.69 43.98 -5.900E-4 -5.364E-4 -1.09 -1.09
3.5 49.29 19.77 7068.7 -41.58 4233.2 42.67 43.97 -5.902E-4 -5.366E-4 -2.11 -2.11
3. A valid 2D beamdata.txt file
1 ! nbeams
example 1 137.6 6 2 ! id mode f nα
-7.96 -12.99 4352 -161.2 907 16.46 28.67 -2.48E-05 -2.36E-03 -21.79 5.61
4.82 -13.18 4392 -149.4 976 15.80 26.29 -4.71E-05 -2.56E-03 -17.88 8.85
14.52 -13.40 4416 -138.6 1031 15.30 24.50 -1.72E-04 -2.80E-03 -14.87 11.95
24.86 -13.70 4438 -125.4 1091 14.92 22.66 -4.36E-04 -3.19E-03 -11.63 15.84
36.12 -14.12 4455 -109.2 1159 14.90 20.80 -8.64E-04 -3.81E-03 -8.29 20.21
48.76 -14.72 4466 -89.0 1235 15.74 18.91 -1.38E-03 -4.80E-03 -7.66 23.62
-9.80 -6.93 4353 -132.0 904 16.71 29.36 -1.71E-04 -2.28E-03 -10.02 8.52
2.84 -7.14 4392 -123.8 972 16.03 26.82 -1.85E-04 -2.46E-03 -7.62 10.46
12.39 -7.38 4416 -116.4 1025 15.53 24.95 -3.05E-04 -2.67E-03 -5.78 12.41
22.50 -7.72 4437 -107.4 1084 15.13 23.06 -5.55E-04 -2.99E-03 -3.79 14.90
33.42 -8.18 4454 -96.5 1149 14.57 21.17 -9.75E-04 -3.51E-03 -10.43 14.82
45.51 -8.80 4465 -83.0 1222 15.65 19.32 -1.48E-03 -4.35E-03 0.41 20.57

View File

@ -4,9 +4,13 @@ must be manually specified, except the parameters file.
The latter defaults to \\fR and is configured using the
\fB-p\fR option. All other filepaths are relative to its parent directory.
.I gray.ini
GRAY main configuration file
Parameters file
Legacy configuration file
This file allows configuring all the parameters of a GRAY simulation, including
all other input files.
@ -37,4 +41,4 @@ location can be changed with the \fB-o\fR option.
For a list of the unit numbers and their descriptions see the GRAY user manual.
\\fR(5), \fBbeamdata.txt\fR(5), \fBprofiles.txt\fR(5)
\fBgray.ini\fR(5), \\fR(5), \fBbeamdata.txt\fR(5), \fBprofiles.txt\fR(5)

doc/man/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
title: GRAY.INI
section: 5
gray.ini --- Configuration file for **gray**(1)
The configuration file is written in the INI format. The basic syntax
; comment
parameter = value
Group is one of: *raytracing*, *ecrh_cd*, *antenna*, *equilibrium*,
*profiles*, *misc*.
Values are valid Fortran values, including numbers (integers or floating
points), strings (enclosed in quotes), booleans (*.true.*, *.false.*)
and named constants (e.g. *MODE_X*).
Valid configuration parameters listed by group
Note: parameters with a default value are optional and can be omitted.
## raytracing
Raytracing parameters
: Number of rays in the radial direction
: Number of rays in the angular direction
**rwmax** (default: **1.0**)
: Normalized maximum radius of the beam power
**igrad** (default: **0**)
: Switch between simple raytracing (*0*) and beamtracing (*1*)
**ipass** (default: **1**)
: Max number of crossing (out, in, out) of the plasma. When positive
reflections occur on the plasma limiter provided by the G-EQDSK
file; when negative on a simple limiter at R=*rwall*, see below.
**ipol** (default: **.false.**)
: Whether to compute the wave polarisation from chi, psi (see below)
: Step size (cm) for the numerical integration
**nstep** (default: **12000**)
: Max number of integration steps
**idst** (default: **STEP_TIME**)
: Choice of the integration variable. One of:
- *STEP_ARCLEN*, arc length (s)
- *STEP_TIME*, time (actually c⋅t)
- *STEP_PHASE*, phase (actually the real part of the eikonal S_r=k₀⋅φ)
## ecrh_cd
ECRH and current drive parameters
**iwarm** (default: **ABSORP_FULL**)
: Choice of the power absorption model. One of:
- *ABSORP_OFF*, no absorption at all
- *ABSORP_WEAK*, weakly relativistic
- *ABSORP_FULL*, fully relativistic (faster variant)
- *ABSORP_FULL_ALT*, fully relativistic (slower variant)
Note: *iwarm /= ABSORP_OFF* is required for current drive.
**ilarm** (default: **5**)
: Order of the electron Larmor radius expansion (used by some
absorption models)
**imx** (default: **-20**)
: Max number of iterations for the solution of the dispersion relation
(used by some absorption models)
Note: if negative the result of the first iteration will be used in case
the result doesn\'t converge within \|imx\| iterations.
**ieccd** (default: **CD_NEOCLASSIC**)
: Current drive model. One of:
- *CD_OFF*, no current drive at all
- *CD_COHEN*, Cohen
- *CD_NO_TRAP*, no trapping
- *CD_NEOCLASSIC*, Neoclassical
## antenna
Antenna/beam launcher parameters
: Poloidal launch angle (deg). Positive is up
: Toroidal launch angle (deg). Positive is right
**power** (default: **1.0**)
: Injected power (MW)
: Polarisation mode. One of:
- *MODE_O*, ordinary (O)
- *MODE_X*, extraordinary (X)
**chi** (default: **0.0**)
: χ (deg), angle between the principal axes of the polarisation
ellipse and the (x,y) axes
Note: only used in alternative to *iox* if *ipol=.true.*.
**psi** (default: **0.0**)
: ψ=atan(ε) (deg), where ε is the ellipticity of the polarisation
Note: only used in alternative to *iox* if *ipol=.true.*.
**ibeam** (default: **BEAM_0D**)
: Beam parameters file format. One of:
- *BEAM_0D*, fixed beam parameters
- *BEAM_1D*, 1D steering angle table
- *BEAM_2D*, 2D steering angles table
: Filepath of the beam data (relative to the gray.ini file)
## equilibrium
MHD equilibrium parameters
**iequil** (default: **EQ_EQDSK_FULL**)
: MHD equilibrium kind. One of:
- *EQ_VACUUM*, vacuum (i.e. no plasma at all)
- *EQ_ANALYTICAL*, analytical model
- *EQ_EQDSK_FULL*, G-EQDSK format - data valid on the whole domain
- *EQ_EQDSK_PARTIAL*, G-EQDSK format - data valid only inside the LCFS
: Filepath of the equilibrium data (relative to the gray.ini file)
**icocos** (default: **3**)
: COCOS index of the equilibrium data (G-EQDSK only)
**ipsinorm** (default: **.false.**)
: Whether the poloidal function is normalised (G-EQDSK only)
Note: Normalised means ψ(axis)=0, ψ(boundary)=1
**idesc** (default: **.true.**)
: Whether the header starts with a description, a.k.a
identification string (G-EQDSK only)
**ifreefmt** (default: **.false.**)
: Whether the records have variable length (G-EQDSK only)
Note: some non-compliant programs output numbers formatted with variable
length instead of using the single (5e16.9) specifier.
**ixp** (default: **X_IS_MISSING**)
: Position of the X point. One of:
- *X_IS_MISSING*, No X point
- *X_AT_TOP*, At the top of the plasma
- *X_AT_BOTTOM*, At the bottom of the plasma
**ssplps** (default: **0.005**)
: Tension for the ψ_n(R,Z) spline, normalised poloidal flux
Note: 0 means perfect interpolation
**ssplf** (default: **0.01**)
: Tension for the F(ψ)=R⋅B_T spline, poloidal current function
Note: 0 means perfect interpolation
**sgnb** (default: **0**)
: Force the sign of the toroidal field. One of:
- *+1*, counter-clockwise (viewed from above)
- *-1*, clockwise
- *0*, use sign from COCOS
**sgni** (default: **0**)
: Force the sign of the plasma current. One of: *+1*,
- *+1*, counter-clockwise (viewed from above)
- *-1*, clockwise
- *0*, use sign from COCOS
**factb** (default: **1.0**)
: Rescaling factor for the magnetic field
## profiles
(input) plasma profiles parameters
: Plasma profiles kind. One of:
- *PROF_ANALYTIC*, analytical model
- *PROF_NUMERIC*, numerical data (ρ, n_e, T_e, table)
: Plasma profiles radial coordinate. One of:
- *RHO_TOR*, ρ_t = √Φ (where Φ is the normalised toroidal flux)
- *RHO_POL*, ρ_p = √ψ (where ψ is the normalised poloidal flux)
- *RHO_PSI*, normalised poloidal flux ψ
: Filepath of the plasma profiles data (relative to the gray.ini file)
**sspld** (default: **0.1**)
: Tension of the electron density spline
Note: 0 means perfect interpolation
**factte** (default: **1.0**)
: Rescaling factor for the electron temperature factte = 1
**factne** (default: **1.0**)
: Rescaling factor for the density temperature
**iscal** (default: **SCALE_OFF**)
: Choice of model for rescaling the temperature, density with the
magnetic field (if factb ≠ 0 only). One of:
- *SCALE_OFF*, don't rescale at all
- *SCALE_COLLISION*, scale while preserving collisionality
- *SCALE_GREENWALD*, scale while preserving the Greenwald fraction
## output
Output data parameters
**pec** (default: **SCALE_OFF**)
: ECRH&CD profiles grid: Radial coordinate of the uniform grid.
One of:
- *RHO_TOR*, ρ_t = √Φ (where Φ is the normalised toroidal flux)
- *RHO_POL*, ρ_p = √ψ (where ψ is the normalised poloidal flux)
**nrho** (default: **501**)
: Number of in the radial grid
**istpr** (default: **5**)
: Subsampling factors for the beam cross section (units 8, 12)
**istpl** (default: **5**)
: Subsampling factors for the outer rays data (unit 33)
## misc
Other parameters
: Radius of the inner wall (m). Used to build a simple limiter for
reflections (only when *ipass\<0*)
Below is an example of a gray.ini file
; beamtracing with 16×24 rays
nrayr = 16
nrayth = 24
igrad = 1
; integrate in the phase
dst = 0.05
nstep = 2400
; vertical launch
alpha = 89.45
beta = 0.0
iox = MODE_X
ibeam = BEAM_1D
filenm = "beamdata.txt"
filenm = "equilibrium.eqdsk"
icocos = 2
; analytical profiles
irho = RHO_TOR
filenm = "profiles.txt"
sspld = 0.01
ipec = RHO_POL
nrho = 1001
rwall = 0.6
**gray**(1), **beamdata.txt**(5), **profiles.txt**(5), **magneticdata.txt**(5)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
section: 5
magneticdata.txt --- MHD equilibrium data for **gray**(1)
The MHD equilibrium data can be specified in two ways: as the free parameters
of a simple analytical model, or as numerical data in the G-EQDSK format.
## analytical equilibrium
The format for the analytical magneticdata.txt file is as follows:
R₀ z₀ a
q₀ q₁ α
R₁ z₁
R₂ z₂
- *R₀, z₀* are the coordinates of the magnetic axis (m)
- *a* is the plasma boundary minor radius (m)
- *B₀* is the value of toroidal field on the magnetic axis (T)
- *q₀, q₁, α* are the parameters of the safety factors (see below)
- *npoints* is the number of points in the plasma limiter contour
that followsAa
- *R_i, z_i* are the coordinates of the points in contour (m)
Note: When viewing the torus from above, a positive B₀ results in a
counterclockwise toroidal field and the plasma current is
clockwise if q and B₀ have opposite signs.
### analytical model notes
The model used in GRAY describes a plsma with circular cross section centered
on the magnetic axis at a major radius *R₀* and extending up to the minor
radius *a*, where the density is exactly zero.
There is no X point nor separatrix.
The flux surfaces are circular and the normalised toroidal radius is exactly:
ρ_t(R, z) = √[(R - R₀)² + (z - z₀)²]/a
The toroidal field is given explicitly by *B_t(R) = B₀ R/R₀*; the poloidal
field is determined implicitly by the safety factor profile.
The latter is parametrised as:
q(ρ_p) = q₀ + (q₁ - q₀)ρ_p^α,
where *ρ_p* is the normalised poloidal flux.
## numerical equilibrium
The format of the numerical equilibrium is the G-EQDSK informal standard
(See the GRAY manual for the specification).
The data strictly necessary to perform a GRAY simulation are limited to:
poloidal flux, safety factor, poloidal current function, magnetic axis and
plasma boundary.
If a limiter contour is provided it will be used to compute reflections.
1. An analytical magneticdata.txt
2.96 0.0 1.25 ! R₀ z₀ a
6 ! B₀
3.5 10 2 ! q₀ q₁ α
4 ! npoints
1.61 -1.35 ! a simple square limiter
1.61 +1.35
4.31 +1.35
4.31 -1.35
2. An analytical magneticdata.txt without limiter
2.96 0.0 1.25 ! R₀ z₀ a
6 ! B₀
3.5 10 2 ! q₀ q₁ α
0 ! no limiter contour

doc/man/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
section: 5
profiles.txt --- Kinetic plasma profiles data for **gray**(1)
The plasma profiles can be specified in two ways: either as the free parameters
of a simple analytical model, or as numerical data in a tabular format.
## analytical profiles
The format for the analytical profiles is as follows:
n₀ a b ! comment
T₀ T₁ c d
The first line contains the parameters for the electron density as a function
of the normalised poloidal flux *n(ψ)*, which in units of 10¹⁹ m⁻³ is given as:
n(ψ) = n₀(1 - ψ^a)^b
Similarly, the second line contains the parameters for the electron temperature
*T(ψ)*, which is defined in units of keV as:
T(ψ) = (T₀ - T₁)(1 - ψ^c)^d + T₁
The last lines contains the (constant) value of the effective charge.
## numerical profiles
The format for the numerical consists of a table with the following columns:
*radial coordinate*, *temperature*, *density*, *effective charge*.
The first line is a header specifying the number of table rows and subsequent
lines contains the whitespace-separated records, one row per line:
nrows ! comment
ρ₁ T₁ n₁ Z₁
ρ₂ T₂ n₂ Z₂
1. A valid analytical profiles.txt file
10 0.3 3 ! n₀, a, b
14 0 2 8 ! T₀, T₁, c, d
1.0 ! Z_eff
2. A valid numerical profiles.txt file
100 ! ρ_t T_e n_e Z_eff
0.005025 17.9399 24.1717 1.64001
0.095477 17.4336 23.7527 1.56178
0.175879 16.9632 23.2699 1.65915
0.246231 13.7457 22.9230 1.72905
0.306533 10.4874 22.6312 1.76446
0.457286 6.59895 21.7133 1.74971
0.577889 4.74975 19.5653 1.60959

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
170 : f (GHz)
950 0 62 :x00 y00 z00 (cm) : mirror position
2.1 2.1 162. 162. 0 :w0xt w0yt d0xt d0yt phiwr (cm) [d0>0 towards plasma]

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
2.96 0.0 1.25 ! R₀,z₀,a, where ρ_p(R, z) = √[(R - R₀)² + (z - z₀)²]/a (m)
6 ! B₀, where B_φ(R) = B₀ R₀/R (T)
3.5 10 2 ! q₀,q₁,α, where q(ρ_p) = q₀ + (q₁-q₀)ρ_p^α
0 ! number of points in the limiter contourn, (R,z) pairs
! Notes:
! 1. use B₀>0 for clockwise B_φ
! 2. use q₀,q₁<0 for clockwise I_p,B_φ

View File

@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
; Number of rays in the radial/angular direction
nrayr = 1
nrayth = 16
; Normalized maximum radius of the beam power
rwmax = 1.0
; Switch between simple raytracing (0) and beamtracing (1)
igrad = 0
; Max number of passes inside the plasma [multipass module]
; When positive reflections occur on the plasma limiter provided by the
; G-EQDSK file; when negative on a simple limiter at R=`rwall`, see below.
ipass = 1
; Whether to compute the wave polarisation (from chi, psi)
ipol = .false.
; Step size (cm) for the numerical integration
dst = 0.1
; Max number of integration steps
nstep = 12000
; Choice of the integration variable
; STEP_ARCLEN: arc length (s)
; STEP_TIME: time (actually c⋅t)
; STEP_PHASE: phase (actually real part of eikonal S_r=k₀⋅φ)
; Choice of the power absorption model
; ABSORP_OFF: no absorption at all
; ABSORP_WEAK: weakly relativistic
; ABSORP_FULL: fully relativistic (faster variant)
; ABSORP_FULL_ALT: fully relativistic (slower variant)
; Note: iwarm /= ABSORP_OFF is required for current drive
; Order of the electron Larmor radius expansion
; (used by some absorption models)
ilarm = 5
; Max number of iterations for the solution of the dispersion relation.
; (used by some absorption models)
; Note: if negative the result of the first iteration will be used in
; case the result doesn't converge within |imx| iterations.
imx = -20
; Current drive model
; CD_OFF: no current drive at all
; CD_COHEN: Cohen
; CD_NO_TRAP: no trapping
; CD_NEOCLASSIC: Neoclassical
; Wave launch angles (deg)
alpha = 45 ; Poloidal angle (positive → up)
beta = 0 ; Toroidal angle (positive → right)
; Injected power (MW)
power = 1.0
; Polarisation mode
; MODE_O: ordinary (O)
; MODE_X: extraordinary (X)
iox = MODE_X
; Alternatively, parameters of the polarisation ellipse
; χ: angle between the principal axes and the (x,y) axes
; ψ: atan(ε), where ε is the ellipticity
chi = 0
psi = 0
; Beam parameters format
; BEAM_0D: fixed beam parameters
; BEAM_1D: 1D steering angle table
; BEAM_2D: 2D steering angles table
ibeam = 0
; Filepath of the beam data (relative to this file)
filenm = "beamdata.txt"
; MHD equilibrium kind
; EQ_VACUUM: vacuum (i.e. no plasma at all)
; EQ_ANALYTICAL: analytical model
; EQ_EQDSK_FULL: G-EQDSK format - data valid on the whole domain
; EQ_EQDSK_PARTIAL: G-EQDSK format - data valid only inside the LCFS
iequil = EQ_EQDSK_FULL
; Filepath of the equilibrium data (relative to this file)
filenm = "magneticdata.eqdsk"
; COCOS index of the EQDSK equilibrium
icocos = 7
; Whether the poloidal function is normalised (G-EQDSK)
; false: is not normalised, ψ → |ψ - ψ(edge)|/|ψ(axis) - ψ(edge)|
; true: is already normalised
ipsinorm = false
; G-EQDSK format parameters
; Whether header starts with a description, a.k.a identification string
idesc = true
; Whether the records have variable length
; Note: some non-compliant programs output numbers formatted with variable length
; instead of using the single (5e16.9) specifier.
ifreefmt = false
; Position of the X point
; X_IS_MISSING: No X point
; X_AT_TOP: At the top of the plasma
; X_AT_BOTTOM: At the bottom of the plasma
; Tension of splines
; Note: 0 means perfect interpolation
ssplps = 0.005 ; for ψ(R,Z), normalised poloidal flux
ssplf = 0.01 ; for F(ψ)=R⋅B_T, poloidal current function
; Force the sign of toroidal field/plasma current
; When viewing from above:
; +1 → counter-clockwise
; -1 → clockwise
; 0 → use sign from COCOS
sgnb = -1
sgni = +1
; Rescaling factor for the magnetic field
factb = 1
; (input) plasma profiles parameters
; Plasma profiles kind
; PROF_ANALYTIC: analytical model
; PROF_NUMERIC: numerical data (ρ, n_e, T_e, table)
; Plasma profiles radial coordinate
; RHO_TOR: ρ_t = √Φ (where Φ is the normalised toroidal flux)
; RHO_POL: ρ_p = √ψ (where ψ is the normalised poloidal flux)
; RHO_PSI: normalised poloidal flux ψ
irho = RHO_TOR
; Filepath of the equilibrium (relative to this file)
filenm = "profiles.txt"
; Tension of the density spline
; Note: 0 means perfect interpolation
sspld = 0.1
; Rescaling factor for electron temperature/density
factte = 1
factne = 1
; Choice of model for rescaling the temperature/density
; with the magnetic field (if factb ≠ 0)
; SCALE_OFF: don't rescale at all
; SCALE_COLLISION: scale while preserving collisionality
; SCALE_GREENWALD: scale while preserving the Greenwald fraction
iscal = SCALE_OFF
; Output data parameters
; ECRH&CD profiles grid:
; Radial coordinate
; RHO_TOR: ρ_t = √Φ (where Φ is the normalised toroidal flux)
; RHO_POL: ρ_p = √ψ (where ψ is the normalised poloidal flux)
ipec = 1
; Number of points
nrho = 501
; Subsampling factors:
istpr = 5 ; beam cross section (units 8, 12)
istpl = 5 ; outer rays data (unit 33)
; Other parameters
; Radius of the inner wall (m) [multipass module]
; (when ipass<0, used to build a simple limiter for reflections)
rwall = 1.36

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
10 0.3 3 ! n₀,a,b, where n(ψ) = n₀(1 - ψ^a)^b (10¹⁹ m⁻³)
14 0 2 8 ! T₀,T₁,a,b, where T(ψ) = (T₀ - T₁)(1 - ψ^a)^b + T₁ (keV)
1.0 ! Z_eff

View File

@ -216,41 +216,20 @@ contains
! where w(z, α, β) and 1/R(z, α, β) depend on the launcher angles α, β.
! Format notes:
! 1. The first line contains the number N of beams defined in the file
! 2. The following N lines contain the following data for each of the
! N beams:
! ID,iox,f,na,nb
! 3. The meaning of the data is
! - ID is a label to identify the beam
! - iox=1,2 is a flag to select O-mode (1) or X-mode (2) polarization
! - f is the wave frequency (GHz)
! - n*m is the number of rows of the corresponding table below with
! the beam parameters.
! * If the beam steering is fixed: na=nb=1
! * For a steering around a single axis:
! na>1 and nb=1, or na=1 and nb>1.
! * For a steering with two independent axes:
! n>1 and m>1.
! The row number l of the following table is mapped to two indexes
! i,j (1ina, 1jnb) via l=i+na*(j-1), i.e., the index i "runs
! faster".
! Index i is assumed to be associated to a steering mainly in the
! poloidal direction and the poloidal launch angle α(i,j) must be
! monotonous along its first dimension.
! Index j is assumed to be associated to a steering mainly in the
! toroidal direction and the toroidal launch angle β(i,j) must be
! monotonous along its second dimension.
! 4. The rest of file is a sequence of N tables with the following
! columns:
! α, β, x, y, z, w, w, k, k, φ_w, φ_R
! 5. The meaning of the columns is
! - α, β are the poloidal and toroidal launch angles (deg)
! - x, y, z are the launcher position (mm)
! - w,w are the beam widths in the two principal directions (mm)
! - k,k are the wavefront curvatures in the two principal
! directions (mm¹)
! - φ_w, φ_R are the rotation angles of the amplitude and phase
! ellipses in the transverse plane at the launch point (deg)
! 1. The first line specifies the number N of beams described by the file.
! 2. The rest of the files consists of N 2D tables preceded by a header
! id, mode, f, na, nb
! where
! - id is a string identifier of the beam
! - mode indicates where the beam has O-mode (1) or X-mode (2)
! polarisation
! - f is the frequency (GHz)
! - nα, are the numbers of rows and columns of the table.
! 3. The 2D table is stored in row-major order over *nα×* lines, that is, the
! i,j-th record is stored on the l-th line, with l = i + nα*j.
! 4. The poloidal angle *α(i,j)* must be monotonic along *i* and the toroidal angle
! *β(i, j)* must be monotonic along *j*.
! 5. Each line stores one record with the same fields as in the 1D format.
use gray_params, only : antenna_parameters
use utils, only : get_free_unit, intlin, locate, inside