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468 lines
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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2014-2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
"""Tests for the webelement utils."""
from unittest import mock
import collections.abc
import operator
from PyQt5.QtCore import QRect, QPoint
from PyQt5.QtWebKit import QWebElement
import pytest
from qutebrowser.browser import webelem
def get_webelem(geometry=None, frame=None, null=False, style=None,
display='', attributes=None, tagname=None, classes=None):
"""Factory for WebElementWrapper objects based on a mock.
geometry: The geometry of the QWebElement as QRect.
frame: The QWebFrame the element is in.
null: Whether the element is null or not.
style: A dict with the styleAttributes of the element.
attributes: Boolean HTML attributes to be added.
tagname: The tag name.
classes: HTML classes to be added.
elem = mock.Mock()
elem.isNull.return_value = null
elem.geometry.return_value = geometry
elem.webFrame.return_value = frame
elem.tagName.return_value = tagname
elem.toOuterXml.return_value = '<fakeelem/>'
elem.toPlainText.return_value = 'text'
attribute_dict = {}
if attributes is None:
elif not isinstance(attributes, collections.abc.Mapping):
attribute_dict.update({e: None for e in attributes})
elem.hasAttribute.side_effect = lambda k: k in attribute_dict
elem.attribute.side_effect = lambda k: attribute_dict.get(k, '')
elem.setAttribute.side_effect = (lambda k, v:
operator.setitem(attribute_dict, k, v))
elem.removeAttribute.side_effect = attribute_dict.pop
elem.attributeNames.return_value = list(attribute_dict)
if classes is not None:
elem.classes.return_value = classes.split(' ')
elem.classes.return_value = []
style_dict = {'visibility': '', 'display': ''}
if style is not None:
def _style_property(name, strategy):
"""Helper function to act as styleProperty method."""
if strategy != QWebElement.ComputedStyle:
raise ValueError("styleProperty called with strategy != "
"ComputedStyle ({})!".format(strategy))
return style_dict[name]
elem.styleProperty.side_effect = _style_property
wrapped = webelem.WebElementWrapper(elem)
return wrapped
class TestWebElementWrapper:
"""Test WebElementWrapper."""
def elem(self):
return get_webelem()
def test_nullelem(self):
"""Test __init__ with a null element."""
with pytest.raises(webelem.IsNullError):
def test_double_wrap(self, elem):
"""Test wrapping a WebElementWrapper."""
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == "Trying to wrap a wrapper!"
@pytest.mark.parametrize('code', [
lambda e: e[None],
lambda e: operator.setitem(e, None, None),
lambda e: operator.delitem(e, None),
lambda e: None in e,
lambda e: e.is_visible(None),
lambda e: e.rect_on_view(),
lambda e: e.is_writable(),
lambda e: e.is_content_editable(),
lambda e: e.is_editable(),
lambda e: e.is_text_input(),
lambda e: e.debug_text(),
list, # __iter__
def test_vanished(self, elem, code):
"""Make sure methods check if the element is vanished."""
elem._elem.isNull.return_value = True
with pytest.raises(webelem.IsNullError):
def test_str(self, elem):
assert str(elem) == 'text'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('is_null, expected', [
(False, "<qutebrowser.browser.webelem.WebElementWrapper "
(True, '<qutebrowser.browser.webelem.WebElementWrapper html=None>'),
def test_repr(self, elem, is_null, expected):
elem._elem.isNull.return_value = is_null
assert repr(elem) == expected
def test_getitem(self):
elem = get_webelem(attributes={'foo': 'bar'})
assert elem['foo'] == 'bar'
def test_getitem_keyerror(self, elem):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
elem['foo'] # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
def test_setitem(self, elem):
elem['foo'] = 'bar'
assert elem._elem.attribute('foo') == 'bar'
def test_delitem(self):
elem = get_webelem(attributes={'foo': 'bar'})
del elem['foo']
assert not elem._elem.hasAttribute('foo')
def test_setitem_keyerror(self, elem):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
del elem['foo']
def test_contains(self):
elem = get_webelem(attributes={'foo': 'bar'})
assert 'foo' in elem
assert 'bar' not in elem
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, expected', [
({'one': '1', 'two': '2'}, {'one', 'two'}),
({}, set()),
def test_iter(self, attributes, expected):
elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes)
assert set(elem) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, length', [
({'one': '1', 'two': '2'}, 2),
({}, 0),
def test_len(self, attributes, length):
elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes)
assert len(elem) == length
class TestIsVisible:
def frame(self, stubs):
return stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100))
def test_nullelem(self, frame):
"""Passing an element with isNull() == True.
geometry() and webFrame() should not be called, and ValueError should
be raised.
elem = get_webelem()
elem._elem.isNull.return_value = True
with pytest.raises(webelem.IsNullError):
def test_invalid_invisible(self, frame):
"""Test elements with an invalid geometry which are invisible."""
elem = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 0, 0), frame)
assert not elem.geometry().isValid()
assert elem.geometry().x() == 0
assert not elem.is_visible(frame)
def test_invalid_visible(self, frame):
"""Test elements with an invalid geometry which are visible.
This seems to happen sometimes in the real world, with real elements
which *are* visible, but don't have a valid geometry.
elem = get_webelem(QRect(10, 10, 0, 0), frame)
assert not elem.geometry().isValid()
assert elem.is_visible(frame)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('geometry, visible', [
(QRect(5, 5, 4, 4), False),
(QRect(10, 10, 1, 1), True),
def test_scrolled(self, geometry, visible, stubs):
scrolled_frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100),
scroll=QPoint(10, 10))
elem = get_webelem(geometry, scrolled_frame)
assert elem.is_visible(scrolled_frame) == visible
@pytest.mark.parametrize('style, visible', [
({'visibility': 'visible'}, True),
({'visibility': 'hidden'}, False),
({'display': 'inline'}, True),
({'display': 'none'}, False),
({'visibility': 'visible', 'display': 'none'}, False),
({'visibility': 'hidden', 'display': 'inline'}, False),
def test_css_attributes(self, frame, style, visible):
elem = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 10, 10), frame, style=style)
assert elem.is_visible(frame) == visible
class TestIsVisibleIframe:
"""Tests for is_visible with a child frame.
frame: The FakeWebFrame we're using to test.
iframe: The iframe inside frame.
elem1-elem4: FakeWebElements to test.
Objects = collections.namedtuple('Objects', ['frame', 'iframe', 'elems'])
def objects(self, stubs):
"""Set up the following base situation.
0, 0 300, 0
# #
0,10 # iframe 100,10 #
#********** #
#*e * elems[0]: 0, 0 in iframe (visible)
#* * #
#* e * elems[1]: 20,90 in iframe (visible)
#********** #
0,110 #. .100,110 #
#. . #
#. e . elems[2]: 20,150 in iframe (not visible)
#.......... #
# e elems[3]: 30, 180 in main frame (visible)
# #
# frame #
300, 0 300, 300
Returns an Objects namedtuple with frame/iframe/elems attributes.
frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 300, 300))
iframe = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 10, 100, 100), parent=frame)
assert frame.geometry().contains(iframe.geometry())
elems = [
get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 10, 10), iframe),
get_webelem(QRect(20, 90, 10, 10), iframe),
get_webelem(QRect(20, 150, 10, 10), iframe),
get_webelem(QRect(30, 180, 10, 10), frame),
assert elems[0].is_visible(frame)
assert elems[1].is_visible(frame)
assert not elems[2].is_visible(frame)
assert elems[3].is_visible(frame)
return self.Objects(frame=frame, iframe=iframe, elems=elems)
def test_iframe_scrolled(self, objects):
"""Scroll iframe down so elem3 gets visible and elem1/elem2 not."""
objects.iframe.scrollPosition.return_value = QPoint(0, 100)
assert not objects.elems[0].is_visible(objects.frame)
assert not objects.elems[1].is_visible(objects.frame)
assert objects.elems[2].is_visible(objects.frame)
assert objects.elems[3].is_visible(objects.frame)
def test_mainframe_scrolled_iframe_visible(self, objects):
"""Scroll mainframe down so iframe is partly visible but elem1 not."""
objects.frame.scrollPosition.return_value = QPoint(0, 50)
geom = objects.frame.geometry().translated(
assert not geom.contains(objects.iframe.geometry())
assert geom.intersects(objects.iframe.geometry())
assert not objects.elems[0].is_visible(objects.frame)
assert objects.elems[1].is_visible(objects.frame)
assert not objects.elems[2].is_visible(objects.frame)
assert objects.elems[3].is_visible(objects.frame)
def test_mainframe_scrolled_iframe_invisible(self, objects):
"""Scroll mainframe down so iframe is invisible."""
objects.frame.scrollPosition.return_value = QPoint(0, 110)
geom = objects.frame.geometry().translated(
assert not geom.contains(objects.iframe.geometry())
assert not geom.intersects(objects.iframe.geometry())
assert not objects.elems[0].is_visible(objects.frame)
assert not objects.elems[1].is_visible(objects.frame)
assert not objects.elems[2].is_visible(objects.frame)
assert objects.elems[3].is_visible(objects.frame)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, writable', [
([], True),
(['disabled'], False),
(['readonly'], False),
(['disabled', 'readonly'], False),
def test_is_writable(attributes, writable):
elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes)
assert elem.is_writable() == writable
@pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', [
('foo\\bar', r'foo\\bar'),
('foo\nbar', r'foo\nbar'),
("foo'bar", r"foo\'bar"),
('foo"bar', r'foo\"bar'),
def test_fake_escape(before, after):
"""Test javascript escaping."""
assert webelem.javascript_escape(before) == after
class TestGetChildFrames:
"""Check get_child_frames."""
def test_single_frame(self, stubs):
"""Test get_child_frames with a single frame without children."""
frame = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame()
children = webelem.get_child_frames(frame)
assert len(children) == 1
assert children[0] is frame
def test_one_level(self, stubs):
r"""Test get_child_frames with one level of children.
o parent
/ \
child1 o o child2
child1 = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame()
child2 = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame()
parent = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame([child1, child2])
children = webelem.get_child_frames(parent)
assert len(children) == 3
assert children[0] is parent
assert children[1] is child1
assert children[2] is child2
def test_multiple_levels(self, stubs):
r"""Test get_child_frames with multiple levels of children.
o root
/ \
o o first
/\ /\
o o o o second
second = [stubs.FakeChildrenFrame() for _ in range(4)]
first = [stubs.FakeChildrenFrame(second[0:2]),
root = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame(first)
children = webelem.get_child_frames(root)
assert len(children) == 7
assert children[0] is root
for frame in [root] + first + second:
class TestIsEditable:
"""Tests for is_editable."""
def stubbed_config(self, config_stub, monkeypatch):
"""Fixture to create a config stub with an input section."""
config_stub.data = {'input': {}}
monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.browser.webelem.config', config_stub)
return config_stub
@pytest.mark.parametrize('tagname, attributes, editable', [
('input', {}, True),
('input', {'type': 'text'}, True),
('INPUT', {'TYPE': 'TEXT'}, True), # caps attributes/name
('input', {'type': 'email'}, True),
('input', {'type': 'url'}, True),
('input', {'type': 'tel'}, True),
('input', {'type': 'number'}, True),
('input', {'type': 'password'}, True),
('input', {'type': 'search'}, True),
('textarea', {}, True),
('input', {'type': 'button'}, False),
('input', {'type': 'checkbox'}, False),
('select', {}, False),
('input', {'disabled': None}, False),
('input', {'readonly': None}, False),
('textarea', {'disabled': None}, False),
('textarea', {'readonly': None}, False),
('object', {}, False),
('object', {'type': 'image/gif'}, False),
def test_is_editable(self, tagname, attributes, editable):
elem = get_webelem(tagname=tagname, attributes=attributes)
assert elem.is_editable() == editable
@pytest.mark.parametrize('classes, editable', [
(None, False),
('foo-kix-bar', False),
('foo kix-foo', True),
('KIX-FOO', False),
('foo CodeMirror-foo', True),
def test_is_editable_div(self, classes, editable):
elem = get_webelem(tagname='div', classes=classes)
assert elem.is_editable() == editable
@pytest.mark.parametrize('setting, tagname, attributes, editable', [
(True, 'embed', {}, True),
(True, 'embed', {}, True),
(False, 'applet', {}, False),
(False, 'applet', {}, False),
(True, 'object', {'type': 'application/foo'}, True),
(False, 'object', {'type': 'application/foo'}, False),
(True, 'object', {'type': 'foo', 'classid': 'foo'}, True),
(False, 'object', {'type': 'foo', 'classid': 'foo'}, False),
def test_is_editable_plugin(self, stubbed_config, setting, tagname,
attributes, editable):
stubbed_config.data['input']['insert-mode-on-plugins'] = setting
elem = get_webelem(tagname=tagname, attributes=attributes)
assert elem.is_editable() == editable