Add more webelem tests.

This commit is contained in:
Florian Bruhin 2015-08-02 23:48:55 +02:00
parent c6a5731560
commit c0941ab19b

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
from unittest import mock
import operator
from PyQt5.QtCore import QRect, QPoint
from PyQt5.QtWebKit import QWebElement
@ -50,17 +51,22 @@ def get_webelem(geometry=None, frame=None, null=False, style=None,
elem.webFrame.return_value = frame
elem.tagName.return_value = tagname
elem.toOuterXml.return_value = '<fakeelem/>'
elem.toPlainText.return_value = 'text'
if attributes is not None:
if not isinstance(attributes,
attributes = {e: None for e in attributes}
elem.hasAttribute.side_effect = lambda k: k in attributes
elem.attribute.side_effect = lambda k: attributes.get(k, '')
elem.attributeNames.return_value = list(attributes)
attribute_dict = {}
if attributes is None:
elif not isinstance(attributes,
attribute_dict.update({e: None for e in attributes})
elem.hasAttribute.return_value = False
elem.attribute.return_value = ''
elem.attributeNames.return_value = []
elem.hasAttribute.side_effect = lambda k: k in attribute_dict
elem.attribute.side_effect = lambda k: attribute_dict.get(k, '')
elem.setAttribute.side_effect = (lambda k, v:
operator.setitem(attribute_dict, k, v))
elem.removeAttribute.side_effect = attribute_dict.pop
elem.attributeNames.return_value = list(attribute_dict)
if classes is not None:
elem.classes.return_value = classes.split(' ')
@ -80,8 +86,6 @@ def get_webelem(geometry=None, frame=None, null=False, style=None,
elem.styleProperty.side_effect = _style_property
wrapped = webelem.WebElementWrapper(elem)
if attributes is not None:
return wrapped
@ -89,11 +93,96 @@ class TestWebElementWrapper:
"""Test WebElementWrapper."""
def elem(self):
return get_webelem()
def test_nullelem(self):
"""Test __init__ with a null element."""
with pytest.raises(webelem.IsNullError):
def test_double_wrap(self, elem):
"""Test wrapping a WebElementWrapper."""
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
assert str(excinfo.value) == "Trying to wrap a wrapper!"
@pytest.mark.parametrize('code', [
lambda e: e[None],
lambda e: operator.setitem(e, None, None),
lambda e: operator.delitem(e, None),
lambda e: None in e,
lambda e: e.is_visible(None),
lambda e: e.rect_on_view(),
lambda e: e.is_writable(),
lambda e: e.is_content_editable(),
lambda e: e.is_editable(),
lambda e: e.is_text_input(),
lambda e: e.debug_text(),
list, # __iter__
def test_vanished(self, elem, code):
"""Make sure methods check if the element is vanished."""
elem._elem.isNull.return_value = True
with pytest.raises(webelem.IsNullError):
def test_str(self, elem):
assert str(elem) == 'text'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('is_null, expected', [
(False, "<qutebrowser.browser.webelem.WebElementWrapper "
(True, '<qutebrowser.browser.webelem.WebElementWrapper html=None>'),
def test_repr(self, elem, is_null, expected):
elem._elem.isNull.return_value = is_null
assert repr(elem) == expected
def test_getitem(self):
elem = get_webelem(attributes={'foo': 'bar'})
assert elem['foo'] == 'bar'
def test_getitem_keyerror(self, elem):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
elem['foo'] # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
def test_setitem(self, elem):
elem['foo'] = 'bar'
assert elem._elem.attribute('foo') == 'bar'
def test_delitem(self):
elem = get_webelem(attributes={'foo': 'bar'})
del elem['foo']
assert not elem._elem.hasAttribute('foo')
def test_setitem_keyerror(self, elem):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
del elem['foo']
def test_contains(self):
elem = get_webelem(attributes={'foo': 'bar'})
assert 'foo' in elem
assert 'bar' not in elem
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, expected', [
({'one': '1', 'two': '2'}, {'one', 'two'}),
({}, set()),
def test_iter(self, attributes, expected):
elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes)
assert set(elem) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, length', [
({'one': '1', 'two': '2'}, 2),
({}, 0),
def test_len(self, attributes, length):
elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes)
assert len(elem) == length
class TestIsVisible:
@ -357,7 +446,7 @@ class TestIsEditable:
('KIX-FOO', False),
('foo CodeMirror-foo', True),
def test_is_editable_div(self, tagname, classes, editable):
def test_is_editable_div(self, classes, editable):
elem = get_webelem(tagname='div', classes=classes)
assert elem.is_editable() == editable
@ -371,8 +460,8 @@ class TestIsEditable:
(True, 'object', {'type': 'foo', 'classid': 'foo'}, True),
(False, 'object', {'type': 'foo', 'classid': 'foo'}, False),
def test_is_editable_div(self, stubbed_config, setting, tagname,
attributes, editable):
def test_is_editable_plugin(self, stubbed_config, setting, tagname,
attributes, editable):['input']['insert-mode-on-plugins'] = setting
elem = get_webelem(tagname=tagname, attributes=attributes)
assert elem.is_editable() == editable