Override removeRows instead of removeRow.
> removeRow is not virtual in C++, so if this gets called by Qt
> internally for some reason, it wouldn't use the overloaded version -
> so I think it'd be better to implement removeRows and then use
> removeRow without overloading that
- The-Compiler
It doesn't make sense to have an active selection while you are
filtering by entering text. You should be in one of two states:
1. Tabbing through completions (valid selection)
2. Entering a filter pattern (invalid selection)
Fixes#2843, where a crash would occur after the following:
1. tab to an item other than the first
2. <backspace>
3. re-type last character
4. <ctrl-d>
This would try to delete an out of range index.
Even though no item was deleted, it was manipulating the completion
model because beginRemoveRows was called before the exception was
This fixes that problem by moving the removal logic (and delete_func
check) into the parent model, so it can check whether deletion is
possible before calling beginRemoveRows.
We get no last_atime limit at all otherwise:
qutebrowser.misc.sql.SqlException: Failed to prepare query "SELECT url, title,
strftime('%Y-%m-%d', last_atime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') FROM
CompletionHistory WHERE (url LIKE :pat escape '\' or title LIKE :pat escape '\')
AND last_atime >= ORDER BY last_atime DESC": "near "ORDER": syntax error Unable
to execute statement"
We need to tell sqlite to convert the timestamps to localtime during
formatting, otherwise it formats them as though you are in UTC.
Also fix up a few uses of mktime.
For some reason, calling search.clear() while no search is displayed causes the
backends to un-focus inputs, and with QtWebKit, even hinting can't focus them
again after that.
For performance, re-introduce web-history-max-items.
As the history query has now become a very specific multi-part query and
history completion was the only consumer of SqlCategory, SqlCategory is
now replaced by a HistoryCategory class.
The javascript history page was requesting the new start_time in ms, but
the python code was expecting seconds. This is fixed by removing all the
millisecond translations in the python code and only translating to
milliseconds in the javascript code that formats dates.
- Fix flake8
- history.clear should also clear completion table
- call _resize_columns in set_model, not set_pattern
- add more unit-testing for the history completion table
- Ignore invalid variable name in flake8 (pylint already checks this and
we don't want to have to double-ignore)
- Fix and test completion bug with `:set asdf `
- Remove unused import
- Use `assert not func.called` instead of `func.assert_not_called` for
backwards compatibility
- Fix comment and empty line check in _parse_entry
- connect layoutAboutToBeChanged signal
- assert sort_order is None if sort_by is None
- modify sql init failure message to ask about Qt sqlite support.