- Ignore invalid variable name in flake8 (pylint already checks this and
we don't want to have to double-ignore)
- Fix and test completion bug with `:set asdf `
- Remove unused import
- Use `assert not func.called` instead of `func.assert_not_called` for
backwards compatibility
We've had many checks disabled - these are the ones we actually lose:
Docstrings must use Napoleon, not reStructuredText fields.
__init__.py is not allowed to contain function or class definitions.
Implicit relative imports are not allowed.
Pokémon exception handling is always a mistake. If the intent is
really to catch and ignore exceptions, explicitly name which
exception types to silence.
return, del, raise, assert, print (in python 2, without
print_function) yield, and yield from are statements, not functions,
and as such, do not require parentheses.
Instead of intentionally relying on the side effects of map, filter,
or a comprehension, write an explicit for loop.
Using map or filter with a lambda as the first argument is always
better written as list comprehension or generator expression. An
expression is more readable and extensible, and less importantly,
doesn't incur as much function call overhead.
Using @staticmethod is always wrong.
Files must end with a trailing newline.
noqa is ignored, and as such, # noqa comments should be deleted to
reduce pointless noise.
However, most of those are also checked by pylint (and the rest I don't
really care about), and ebb-lint increases flake8's runtime a lot
(45s -> almost 2min).
flake8 2.6.0
- Switch to pycodestyle as all future pep8 releases will use that
package name
- Allow for Windows users on select versions of Python to use --jobs and
- Update bounds on McCabe
- Update bounds on PyFlakes and blacklist known broken versions
- Handle new PyFlakes warning with a new error code: F405
flake8-copyright 0.1.1
- Set line & column to 1,1 to avoid a flake8 error
- Support multi-year copyright notices
flake8-docstrings 0.2.8
- Try to import pydocstyle (not pycodestyle) as pep257
- Import either pycodestyle or pep8 to use stdin_get_value. This fixes
the problem for newer Flake8’s (2.6.0+) and older ones.
pycodestyle 2.0.0
- Repository renamed to `pycodestyle`
- Added joint Code of Conduct as member of PyCQA
- Added tox test support for Python 3.5 and pypy3
- Added check E275 for whitespace on `from ... import ...` lines
- Added W503 to the list of codes ignored by default ignore list
- Removed use of project level `.pep8` configuration file
- Fixed bug with treating `~` operator as binary
- Identify binary operators as unary
Other changes
- Unpin mccabe as the flake8 requirement got updated
- Pin pep8 as an older version gets installed otherwise
- DIsable D403 warning (false-positivies)
- Add two older future imports
- Issue an error when a future import does not exist
- Define which is the oldest Python version to be supported so that
already mandatory features can be ignored and not yet supported
features default to forbidden (ignoring the lower error code).
- Use return code of 1 if errors occurred
See #499.
See #11.
This adds PyYAML as a new dependency.
It adds the following new commands:
:session-delete <name>
Delete a session.
:session-load <name>
Load a session.
:session-save [<name>]
Save a session.
:wq [<name>]
Save open pages and quit.
And the following new settings:
general -> save-session:
Whether to always save the open pages.