while technically possible (on both machine and OS level), termination due
to SIGSEGV cannot be prevented
maybe the test could be rewritten to spawn a subprocess and check its exit
status (of 11)
The bugfix is backported in my qt5-webengine-debug package, and
QUTE_QTBUG54419_PATCHED can be set to force qutebrowser to use
unix_filename_rubout deletes to the previous slash or whitespace,
unlike the previously implemented backwards-kill-word which treats and
non-alphanumeric character as a boundary.
To illustrate, given the text 'foo/bar.baz', unix_filename_rubout will
delete 'bar.baz' while backwards-kill-word will delete only 'baz'.
See #1710.
This restores the previous behavior of `unix-word-rubout` as
`backward-kill-word`, which is closer to the naming used in readline.
It is bound to <Alt-Backspace> by default, though <Ctrl-Backspace> will
also work due to a builtin binding.
There'll be a refactoring to add a session API to WebTab later anyways,
so no point in fixing this now.
As many tests as possible here should probably also be changed to
end2end ones as there's a lot of mocking going on.
There were two different issues here:
- `\n` rather than `os.linesep` was used, which caused the "generated"
file to have less data in it than expected
- A final `os.linesep` (or `\n`) was missing, but that was cancelled out
by a off-by-one error when slicing, so wasn't an issue until we tried
with \r\n endings.
When using flake8-string-format on Python 3.5 with str.format(*group) it
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./.venv-flakes/bin/flake8", line 11, in <module>
File ".../site-packages/flake8/main.py", line 33, in main
report = flake8_style.check_files()
File ".../site-packages/flake8/engine.py", line 181, in check_files
return self._retry_serial(self._styleguide.check_files, paths=paths)
File ".../site-packages/flake8/engine.py", line 172, in _retry_serial
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File ".../site-packages/pep8.py", line 1842, in check_files
File ".../site-packages/flake8/engine.py", line 126, in input_file
return fchecker.check_all(expected=expected, line_offset=line_offset)
File ".../site-packages/pep8.py", line 1574, in check_all
File ".../site-packages/pep8.py", line 1521, in check_ast
for lineno, offset, text, check in checker.run():
File ".../site-packages/flake8_string_format.py", line 288, in run
assert isinstance(call.args, ast.Starred) is bool(has_starargs)
This works around that issue.
See https://github.com/xZise/flake8-string-format/issues/11
Replace the setting ui.show-keyhints with ui.keyhint-blacklist, which
is a list of globs for keychains that shouldn't be hinted. This allows
users to prevent showing keyhints for keychains they already know.
keyhint-blacklist='*' is equivalent to show-keyhints=False.