If we don't wait here, we might end up running the subsequent commands (like
:command-history-prev) on the old window while it's still closing, causing an
exception at least on AppVeyor:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\projects\qutebrowser\qutebrowser\app.py", line 110, in <lambda>
File "C:\projects\qutebrowser\qutebrowser\app.py", line 265, in process_pos_args
win_id = mainwindow.get_window(via_ipc, force_tab=True)
File "C:\projects\qutebrowser\qutebrowser\mainwindow\mainwindow.py", line 89, in get_window
window.setWindowState(window.windowState() & ~Qt.WindowMinimized)
RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type MainWindow has been deleted
This tried to assert that we never create a DiskCache object when private
browsing is turned on. However, when initializing, we still create a global
DiskCache, so this will hit when qutebrowser is started with private browsing
turned on via the config.
We could just not create the DiskCache at all when started in private browsing
mode, however we might still need it later when opening a non-private window.
There's only one global DownloadManager with its own NAM (for downloads not
associated with a page). We can't really decide whether that should be private
or not, so as a best-effort approximation we simply make it private if private
browsing was turned on when starting qutebrowser.
If we simply use sorted() on a dict, we define insert before private-command,
which means the statusbar isn't going to be green when in insert mode while
private browsing.
Apart from checking for buttons with an href attribute (which made no sense at
all and should never return any element) this was identical to
There's actually no good reason to filter javascript links as we might want to
click them (or copy their URL) just like any other link - this fixes#2404.
With that being gone, we don't need FILTERS at all anymore, as we can check for
existence of the href attribute in the CSS selector instead.