When a command has positional varargs, keep offering the configured
completion for each successive argument.
Right now this only influences `config-cycle`.
Previously, `config-cycle <option> ` would offer a value completion for
only the first argument after the option. Now it will keep offering
value completion for each successive argument.
This will be useful for passing multiple tags to the new bookmark
commands that will be added for #882.
`prefix` is a string and `seq` is a key sequence, so removing `len(prefix)`
items from `seq` will remove too many if `prefix` contains a special character
(ex "<Ctrl+x>"). Remove the number of characters from `str(seq)` instead.
- Initialize JavaScript in webenginesettings.py instead of webenginetab.py
- Move JavaScript snippet into a .js file
- Make sure scripts can be re-run and do nothing if already run.
- Run scripts on DocumentCreation *and* DocumentReady. Closes#3717.
- Give each script an unique name for debugging.
- Also make custom stylesheets work on chrome:// pages
When we reload because of a config change in _on_load_finished, we can't use
self.reload() as no URL is set yet. Instead, we call self.openurl with the
current URL.
However, we need to make sure we don't emit predicted_navigation again at that
This should (finally) fix#3718
When we reload a page because of a config change, we won't get another
titleChanged signal (at least sometimes).
Also, the predicted_navigation signal is worthless when reloading anyways, as
we're going to load the same URL and not something different.
In #3521, the injection point was changed to DocumentReady as a fix for
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-66011 / #3490.
However, that prevents e.g. using hints before a page is fully loaded, which can
be annoying on a mobile connection.
Instead, just run the scripts twice, which won't hurt and makes sure they're
- Use qutebrowser-editor-backup as the backup file prefix
- Consistently use message.error instead of cmdexc
- Improve test coverage for the backup function
- Fix lint errors in the unit test code
Currently the editor deletes its temp file whenever editing is finished.
With this patch, the file will not be deleted if the editor callback
encounters an exception.
One example is if the tab containing the edited element is closed. The
editor errors with "Edited element vanished", but with this patch it
will also print "Backup at ..." so the user does not lose their work.
Supersedes #3641, using the cleaner approach started in #1677.
1899e313fd as a fix for #3631 broke :unbind, as
the config system treats None and '' equally.
Instead, allow None/'' again, but just handle it as "no binding".
This mostly reverts 4ef5db1bc4 for #1966, but
fixes#3684 by allowing numbers to be bound again. If the user wants to bind
numbers instead of using them for a count, why not let them.
With QtWebKit it's probably okay to still use it (*cough* Hyperbola
GNU/Linux-libre^tm *cough*), and only blacklisting it with QtWebEngine would be
quite some effort.
This handles Qt.KeypadModifier (Num+...) correctly, adds tests for converting
modifiers to strings, and strips Qt.GroupSwitchModifier as QKeySequence doesn't
know about it.
When pressing a key which doesn't exist as Qt.Key, we don't get Qt.Key_unknown
like we'd expect, but we get 0x0 instead...
Let's add that as a new "nil" key (to not conflict with None/unknown/zero/...)
and handle it appropriately.
This can be reproduced by doing:
setxkbmap -layout us,gr -option grp:alt_shift_toggle
and pressing Alt-Shift/Shift-Alt.
Turns out when we press yY, we get three events:
Qt.Key_Y, Qt.NoModifier
Qt.Key_Shift, Qt.ShiftModifier
Qt.Key_Y, Qt.ShiftModifier
If we don't ignore the second one, our keychain will be interrupted by the Shift
Now that we don't rely on str(KeyInfo) being empty anywhere, there's no reason
to return an empty string for only-modifier keypresses anymore.
While those keys can't be bound (QKeySequence('Shift') == Qt.Key_unknown)
there's also no reason to explicitly ignore them.
Hopefully closes#3627
This feels like fixing the symptom instead of the problem but I am not
sure how such a situation would arise. Never the less, the crash logs
clearly show that `_inject_userjs()` is being called with a deleted
frame sometimes. It is being called from a closure that gets triggered
on frame.loadFinished so I am not sure how frame could be deleted at
that time unless:
* the error message is misleading and it is actually some reference to
the object that is no longer valid
* the frame gets deleted from some other handler of loadFinished.
Previously to add a greasemonkey script you had to write it to the
greasemonkey data directory and call load_scripts(). Now you can just
make a new GreasemonkeyScript and pass it to add_script(), yay.
There are no users of the method yet although I could have used it while
writing the tests.
When `@require`ing local files (with the `file://` scheme) the
greasemonkey manager was not catching the DownloadItem.finished signal
because it was being emitted before it had managed to connect.
I didn't see this happening while testing with files that should have
been in cache but I wouldn't be surprised.
I had to change the download mock to be able to give it the appearance
of asynchronicity. Now when using it one must set download.successful
appropriately before firing download.finished. I also added a list of
downloads to the stub so a test could enumerate them in case the
unit-under-test didn't have a reference to them.
This is for the case where a script uses `@require` to pull down another
greasemonkey script. Since QWebEngineScript doesn't support `@require`
we pass scripts to it with any required ones pre-pended. To avoid
QWebEngineScript parsing the first metadata block, the one from the
required script, we indent the whole lot. Because the greasemonkey spec
says that the //==UserScript== text must start in the first column.
Apparently the currently available QtWebkit's javascript engine doesn't
support Object.entries[1]. It was only using that because I had copied
it from the official gm4 polyfill (maybe I should open an issue there?).
Tested with libqt5webkit5 version 5.212.0~alpha2-5 (debian) and I was
getting the same type of failures as Travis so it looks like this is the
case in arch too.
[1]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/entries
This is to support the non-interactive use case of setting a
`FileDownloadTarget` and passing auto_remove and not caring if the target
file exists or not.
An alternative to adding the attribute to `FileDownloadTarget` and
having set_target pull it out would be to add a new param to `fetch()`
and `set_target()`. But it would only be used for one target type
Based on the gm4-polyfill.js script from the greasemonkey devs. But not
the same because that script doesn't work for us for a couple of
* It assumes all GM_* functions are attributes of `this` which in
this case is the global window object. Which breaks it out of our iife.
It is possible to change what `this` is within the iife but then we
would have to do something weird to ensure the functions were available
with the leading `this.`. And I don't think user javascripts tend to
call GM functions like that anyway, that polyfill script is just making
weird assumptions and then claiming it'll work for "any user script
* It tries to provide implementations of GM_registerMenuCommand and
GM_getResource text which do unexpected thins or implement a circular
dependency on the new version, respectively.
The greasemonkey spec states that user scripts should be able to put the URL
of a javascript source as the value of an `@require` key and expect to have
that script available in its scope. This commit supports deferring a user
script from being available until it's required scripts are downloaded,
downloading the scripts and prepending them onto the userscripts code before
placing it all in an iffe.
* should I be saving the scripts somewhere else? Maybe the cache dir?
The are just going to data/greasemonkey/requires/ atm.
When min_chars is nonzero, if the first command that opens the
completion has < min_chars on the word under the cursor, it triggers a
check for a condition where last_cursor_pos is None.
By setting last_cursor_pos=-1 we ensure that the completer always
updates the first time it is opened, and that there is never a check
against None.
This adds a test for the min_chars feature.
The --pygment argument allows to use the pygment version of view-source
over the qtwebengine internal one.
This version is slightly different in what's processed before the site
is generated, so some javascript created texts can be available.