2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< TS version = "2.1" language = "eo" >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< context >
< name > AliasEditingModel < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/AliasEditModel.cpp" line = "+128" / >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< location line = "+47" / >
< location line = "+60" / >
< location line = "+13" / >
< source > Failed to unpublish alias % 1 : % 2 < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis malpublikigi kromnomon % 1 : % 2 < / translation >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+84" / >
< source > Failed to update aliases : % 1 < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis ĝ isdatigi kromnomojn : % 1 < / translation >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
2022-01-01 04:40:43 +01:00
< context >
< name > Cache < / name >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/Cache.cpp" line = "+2968" / >
2022-01-01 04:40:43 +01:00
< source > % 1 and % n other ( s ) < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation >
< numerusform > % 1 kaj % n alia < / numerusform >
< numerusform > % 1 kaj % n aliaj < / numerusform >
2022-01-01 04:40:43 +01:00
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+175" / >
2022-01-01 04:40:43 +01:00
< source > Empty Room < / source >
2022-03-09 23:04:48 +01:00
< translation > Malplena ĉ ambro < / translation >
2022-01-01 04:40:43 +01:00
< / message >
< / context >
2021-01-15 13:57:19 +01:00
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > CallManager < / name >
2021-01-15 13:57:19 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/voip/CallManager.cpp" line = "+877" / >
< source > X11 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2021-01-15 13:57:19 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > PipeWire < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2021-01-15 13:57:19 +01:00
< / message >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+17" / >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< source > Entire screen < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Tuta ekrano < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
< / context >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< context >
< name > ChatPage < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/ChatPage.cpp" line = "+114" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Failed to invite user : % 1 < / source >
2021-06-06 03:03:47 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis inviti uzanton : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+878" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Invited user : % 1 < / source >
2021-09-13 22:24:23 +02:00
< translation > Invitita uzanto : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< message numerus = "yes" >
< location line = "-631" / >
< source > % n unread message ( s ) in room % 1
< / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" >
< numerusform > < / numerusform >
< numerusform > < / numerusform >
< / translation >
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+71" / >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< source > Confirm logout < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Konfirmi adiaŭon < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-28 18:42:23 +01:00
< location line = "+102" / >
2021-11-08 19:42:20 +01:00
< source > The cache on your disk is newer than this version of Nheko supports . Please update Nheko or clear your cache . < / source >
2021-11-12 22:08:05 +01:00
< translation > La kaŝmemoro sur via disko pli novas , ol tio , kion povas subteni ĉ i tiu versio de Nheko . Bonvolu ĝ isdatigi Nhekon aŭ vakigi vian kaŝmemoron . < / translation >
2021-11-08 19:42:20 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+41" / >
2021-11-08 19:42:20 +01:00
< source > Failed to open database , logging out ! < / source >
2021-11-12 22:08:05 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis malfermi datumbazon ; adiaŭas ! < / translation >
2021-11-08 19:42:20 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< location line = "+262" / >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< source > Knock on room < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Frapi al ĉ ambro < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< source > Do you really want to knock on % 1 ? You may optionally provide a reason for others to accept your knock : < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Ĉ u vi certe volas frapi al % 1 ? Vi povas aldoni noton pri kial oni devus akcepti vian frapadon : < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< location line = "+15" / >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< source > Failed to knock room : % 1 < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis frapi al ĉ ambro : % 1 < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< location line = "+59" / >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< source > Room creation failed : Bad Alias < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis kreado de ĉambro : malbona kromnomo < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+18" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Room % 1 created . < / source >
< translatorcomment > I believe that the - at ending is correct here . < / translatorcomment >
< translation > Ĉ ambro % 1 farit . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+43" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+477" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Confirm invite < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Konfirmu inviton < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-476" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Do you really want to invite % 1 ( % 2 ) ? < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Ĉ u vi certe volas inviti uzanton % 1 ( % 2 ) ? < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+12" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Failed to invite % 1 to % 2 : % 3 < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis inviti uzanton % 1 al % 2 : % 3 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+32" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Kicked user : % 1 < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Forpelis uzanton : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+26" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Failed to ban % 1 in % 2 : % 3 < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis forbari uzanton % 1 en % 2 : % 3 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-01-01 04:40:43 +01:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Banned user : % 1 < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Forbaris uzanton : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+8" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Confirm unban < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Konfirmu malforbaron < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > Do you really want to unban % 1 ( % 2 ) ? < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Ĉ u vi certe volas malforbari uzanton % 1 ( % 2 ) ? < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Failed to unban % 1 in % 2 : % 3 < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis malforbari uzanton % 1 en % 2 : % 3 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-01-01 04:40:43 +01:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Unbanned user : % 1 < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Malforbaris uzanton : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+382" / >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< source > Do you really want to start a private chat with % 1 ? < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Ĉ u vi certe volas komenci privatan babilon kun % 1 ? < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-934" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Cache migration failed ! < / source >
2021-06-15 23:33:41 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis migrado de kaŝmemoro ! < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-28 18:42:23 +01:00
< location line = "-87" / >
< source > Because of the following reason Nheko wants to drop you to the login page :
% 1
If you think this is a mistake , you can close Nheko instead to possibly recover your encryption keys . After you have been dropped to the login page , you can sign in again using your usual methods . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Pro la jena kialo , Nheko volas forpeli vin al la saluta paĝo :
% 1
Se vi opinias tion erara , vi povas anstataŭe fermi Nhekon , por eble reakiri viajn ĉ ifrajn ŝ losilojn . Forpelite al la saluta paĝo , vi povas resaluti per via kutima maniero . < / translation >
2022-12-28 18:42:23 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+88" / >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< source > Migrating the cache to the current version failed . This can have different reasons . Please open an issue at https : //github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko and try to use an older version in the meantime. Alternatively you can try deleting the cache manually.</source>
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis migrado de kaŝmemoro al la nuna versio . Tio povas havi diversajn kialojn . Bonvolu raporti la problemon ĉ e https : //github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko kaj provu uzi pli malnovan version dume. Alternative, vi povas provi forigi la kaŝmemoron permane.</translation>
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+12" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Incompatible cache version < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Neakorda versio de kaŝmemoro < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+60" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Failed to restore OLM account . Please login again . < / source >
2021-09-13 22:24:23 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis rehavi konton je OLM . Bonvolu resaluti . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-09-01 01:23:20 +02:00
< location line = "+4" / >
< location line = "+4" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > Failed to restore save data . Please login again . < / source >
2021-09-13 22:24:23 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis rehavi konservitajn datumojn . Bonvolu resaluti . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< location line = "+54" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Failed to setup encryption keys . Server response : % 1 % 2 . Please try again later . < / source >
2021-06-16 01:46:15 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis agordi ĉ ifrajn ŝ losilojn . Respondo de servilo : % 1 % 2 . Bonvolu reprovi poste . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+35" / >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< location line = "+112" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Please try to login again : % 1 < / source >
2021-06-06 17:28:55 +02:00
< translation > Bonvolu provi resaluti : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+34" / >
< source > You failed to join % 1 . You can try to knock so that others can invite you in . Do you want to do so ?
You may optionally provide a reason for others to accept your knock : < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Vi malsukcesis aliĝi al % 1 . Vi povas provi frapi , por ke aliuloj vin invitu enen . Ĉ u vi volas tion fari ?
Vi povas aldoni noton , pri kial oni akceptu vian frapadon : < / translation >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+52" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Failed to join room : % 1 < / source >
2021-06-06 17:28:55 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis aliĝi al ĉ ambro : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+9" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Failed to remove invite : % 1 < / source >
2021-06-06 17:28:55 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis forigi inviton : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+27" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Room creation failed : % 1 < / source >
2021-06-06 17:28:55 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis krei ĉ ambron : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+18" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Failed to leave room : % 1 < / source >
2021-06-06 17:28:55 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis eliri el ĉ ambro : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2021-01-18 13:25:27 +01:00
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+56" / >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< source > Reason for the kick < / source >
2022-03-09 23:04:48 +01:00
< translation > Kialo de forpelo < / translation >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > Enter reason for kicking % 1 ( % 2 ) or hit enter for no reason : < / source >
2022-03-09 23:04:48 +01:00
< translation > Enigu kialon de forpelo de % 1 ( % 2 ) aŭ premu enigan klavon por vaka kialo : < / translation >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+15" / >
2021-01-18 13:25:27 +01:00
< source > Failed to kick % 1 from % 2 : % 3 < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis forpeli uzanton % 1 de % 2 : % 3 < / translation >
2021-01-18 13:25:27 +01:00
< / message >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+13" / >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< source > Reason for the ban < / source >
2022-03-09 23:04:48 +01:00
< translation > Kialo de forpelo < / translation >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > Enter reason for banning % 1 ( % 2 ) or hit enter for no reason : < / source >
2022-03-09 23:04:48 +01:00
< translation > Enigu kialon de forbaro de % 1 ( % 2 ) aŭ premu enigan klavon por vaka kialo : < / translation >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / context >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< context >
< name > CommandCompleter < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/CommandCompleter.cpp" line = "+108" / >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< source > / me & lt ; message & gt ; < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > / me & lt ; mesaĝo & gt ; < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > / react & lt ; text & gt ; < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > / react & lt ; teksto & gt ; < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / join & lt ; ! roomid | # alias & gt ; [ reason ] < / source >
< translation > / join & lt ; ! identigilo | # kromnomo & gt ; [ kialo ] < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / knock & lt ; ! roomid | # alias & gt ; [ reason ] < / source >
< translation > / knock & lt ; ! identigilo ! # kromnomo & gt ; [ kialo ] < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > / part [ reason ] < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > / part [ kialo ] < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > / leave [ reason ] < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > / leave [ kialo ] < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / invite & lt ; @userid & gt ; [ reason ] < / source >
< translation > / invite & lt ; @identigilo & gt ; [ kialo ] < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / kick & lt ; @userid & gt ; [ reason ] < / source >
< translation > / kick & lt ; @identigilo & gt ; [ kialo ] < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / ban & lt ; @userid & gt ; [ reason ] < / source >
< translation > / ban & lt ; @identigilo & gt ; [ kialo ] < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / unban & lt ; @userid & gt ; [ reason ] < / source >
< translation > / unban & lt ; @identigilo & gt ; [ kialo ] < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / redact & lt ; $eventid | @userid & gt ; < / source >
< translation > / redact & lt ; $identigilo - de - okazo | @identigilo - de - uzanto & gt ; < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > / roomnick & lt ; displayname & gt ; < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > / roomnick & lt ; prezenta - nomo & gt ; < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > / shrug [ message ] < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > / shrug [ mesaĝo ] < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-02-11 12:33:23 +01:00
< location line = "+14" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / md & lt ; message & gt ; < / source >
< translation > / md & lt ; mesaĝo & gt ; < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< message >
2023-02-11 12:02:58 +01:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / plain & lt ; message & gt ; < / source >
< translation > / plain & lt ; mesaĝo & gt ; < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / rainbow & lt ; message & gt ; < / source >
< translation > / rainbow & lt ; mesaĝo & gt ; < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / rainbowme & lt ; message & gt ; < / source >
< translation > / rainbowme & lt ; mesaĝo & gt ; < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / notice & lt ; message & gt ; < / source >
< translation > / notice & lt ; mesaĝo & gt ; < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-10 20:56:05 +01:00
< source > / rainbownotice & lt ; message & gt ; < / source >
< translation > / rainbownotice & lt ; mesaĝo & gt ; < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > / confetti [ message ] < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > / confetti [ mesaĝo ] < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > / rainbowconfetti [ message ] < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > / rainbowconfetti [ mesaĝo ] < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-02-11 12:02:58 +01:00
< location line = "-14" / >
< source > / cmark & lt ; message & gt ; < / source >
2023-02-12 05:36:56 +01:00
< translation > / cmark & lt ; mesaĝo & gt ; < / translation >
2023-02-11 12:02:58 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+16" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > / rainfall [ message ] < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > / msgtype & lt ; msgtype & gt ; [ message ] < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-11 12:02:58 +01:00
< source > / goto & lt ; message reference & gt ; < / source >
2023-02-12 05:36:56 +01:00
< translation > / goto & lt ; indiko de mesaĝo & gt ; < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-02-11 12:33:23 +01:00
< location line = "+12" / >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< source > Send a message expressing an action . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sendi mesaĝon , kiu esprimas agon . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send & lt ; text & gt ; as a reaction when you ’ re replying to a message . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sendi tekston kiel reagon , kiam oni respondas al mesaĝo . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Join a room . Reason is optional . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Aliĝi al ĉ ambro . Kialo estas malnepra . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Ask to join a room . Reason is optional . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Peti aliĝon al ĉ ambro . Kialo estas malnepra . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Leave a room . Reason is optional . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Eliri el ĉ ambro . Kialo estas malnepra . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Invite a user into the current room . Reason is optional . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Inviti uzanton al nuna ĉ ambro . Kialo estas malnepra . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Kick a user from the current room . Reason is optional . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Forpeli uzanton de nuna ĉ ambro . Kialo estas malnepra . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Ban a user from the current room . Reason is optional . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Forbari uzanton de nuna ĉ ambro . Kialo estas malnepra . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Unban a user in the current room . Reason is optional . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malforbari uzanton de nuna ĉ ambro . Kialo estas malnepra . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Redact an event or all locally cached messages of a user . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Forigi okazon aŭ ĉ iujn kaŝmemoritajn mesaĝojn de uzanto . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Change your displayname in this room . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Ŝ anĝi vian prezentan nomon en ĉ i tiu ĉ ambro . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > ¯ \ _ ( ツ ) _ / ¯ with an optional message . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > ¯ \ _ ( ツ ) _ / ¯ kun malnepra mesaĝo . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > ( ╯ ° □ ° ) ╯ ︵ ┻ ━ ┻ < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > ( ╯ ° □ ° ) ╯ ︵ ┻ ━ ┻ < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > ┯ ━ ┯ ╭ ( º _ º ╭ ) < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > ┯ ━ ┯ ╭ ( º _ º ╭ ) < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > ノ ┬ ─ ┬ ノ ︵ ( \ o ° o ) \ < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > ノ ┬ ─ ┬ ノ ︵ ( \ o ° o ) \ < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Clear the currently cached messages in this room . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Vakigi nune kaŝmemoratajn mesaĝojn en ĉ i tiu ĉ ambro . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Refetch the state in this room . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Reakiri la staton en ĉ i tiu ĉ ambro . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Rotate the current symmetric encryption key . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Rotacii la nunan simetrie ĉ ifran ŝ losilon . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send a markdown formatted message ( ignoring the global setting ) . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sendi mesaĝon en la markdaŭna formo ( sendepende de la tutprograma agordo ) . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< source > Send a commonmark formatted message disabling most extensions compared to / md . < / source >
2023-02-10 17:03:58 +01:00
< translation > Sendi mesaĝon en la formo CommonMark , sen ekstraj kapabloj , kiujn havas la ordono / md . < / translation >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< source > Send an unformatted message ( ignoring the global setting ) . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sendi senforman mesaĝon ( sendepende de la tutprograma agordo ) . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send a message in rainbow colors . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sendi mesaĝon en koloroj de ĉ ielarko . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send / me in rainbow colors . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sendi esprimon de ago ( / m e ) e n k o l o r o j d e ĉ i e l a r k o . < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send a bot message . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sendi robotan mesaĝon . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send a bot message in rainbow colors . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sendi robotan mesaĝon en koloroj de ĉ ielarko . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send a message with confetti . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sendi mesaĝon kun konfetoj . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send a message in rainbow colors with confetti . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sendi mesaĝon en koloroj de ĉ ielarko kun konfetoj . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send a message with rain . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send a message with a custom message type . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-02-11 12:02:58 +01:00
< source > Go to a specific message using an event id , index or matrix : link < / source >
2023-02-12 05:36:56 +01:00
< translation > Iri al specifa mesaĝo per identigilo de okazo , indico , aŭ ligilo de la speco « matrix : » < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Convert this room to a direct chat . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Individuigi ĉ i tiun ĉ ambron . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Convert this direct chat into a room . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malindividuigi ĉ i tiun ĉ ambron . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< / context >
2021-07-02 09:47:43 +02:00
< context >
< name > CommunitiesModel < / name >
2021-01-27 14:49:25 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/timeline/CommunitiesModel.cpp" line = "+77" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > All rooms < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Ĉ iuj ĉ ambroj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-07-02 09:47:43 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Shows all rooms without filtering . < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Montras ĉ iujn ĉ ambrojn sen filtrado . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2021-11-29 01:59:57 +01:00
< message >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< location line = "+23" / >
2021-11-29 01:59:57 +01:00
< source > Direct Chats < / source >
2021-12-03 02:02:34 +01:00
< translation > Individuaj ĉ ambroj < / translation >
2021-11-29 01:59:57 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Show direct chats . < / source >
2021-12-03 02:02:34 +01:00
< translation > Montri individuajn ĉ ambrojn . < / translation >
2021-11-29 01:59:57 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< location line = "+67" / >
2021-07-02 09:47:43 +02:00
< source > Favourites < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Elstaraj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2021-07-02 09:47:43 +02:00
< source > Rooms you have favourited . < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Ĉ ambroj , kiujn vi elstarigis . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2021-07-02 09:47:43 +02:00
< message >
< location line = "+7" / >
< source > Low Priority < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Malalta prioritato < / translation >
2021-07-02 09:47:43 +02:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2021-07-02 09:47:43 +02:00
< source > Rooms with low priority . < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Ĉ ambroj kun malalta prioritato . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-07-02 09:47:43 +02:00
< location line = "+7" / >
< source > Server Notices < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Avizoj de servilo < / translation >
2021-07-02 09:47:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Messages from your server or administrator . < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Mesaĝoj de via servilo aŭ administranto . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+667" / >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< source > Failed to update community : % 1 < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis ĝ isdatigi komunumon : % 1 < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+18" / >
< source > Failed to delete room from community : % 1 < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis forigi ĉ ambron de komunumo : % 1 < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+23" / >
< source > Failed to update community for room : % 1 < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis ĝ isdatigi komunumon por ĉ ambro : % 1 < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+18" / >
< source > Failed to remove community from room : % 1 < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis forigi komunumon de ĉ ambro : % 1 < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > CrossSigningSecrets < / name >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/ChatPage.cpp" line = "+291" / >
< source > Decrypt secrets < / source >
< translation > Malĉifri sekretojn < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Enter your recovery key or passphrase to decrypt your secrets : < / source >
< translation > Enigu vian rehavan ŝ losilon aŭ pasfrazon por malĉifri viajn sekretojn : < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Enter your recovery key or passphrase called % 1 to decrypt your secrets : < / source >
< translation > Enigu vian rehavan ŝ losilon aŭ pasfrazon kun nomo % 1 por malĉifri viajn sekretojn : < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+28" / >
< source > Decryption failed < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis malĉifrado < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > Failed to decrypt secrets with the provided recovery key or passphrase < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis malĉifri sekretojn per la donitaj rehava ŝ losilo aŭ pasfrazo < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > EventExpiry < / name >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/ui/EventExpiry.cpp" line = "+49" / >
< location line = "+10" / >
< source > Failed to set hidden events : % 1 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > Malsukcesis agordi kaŝitajn okazojn : % 1 < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > GridImagePackModel < / name >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/GridImagePackModel.cpp" line = "+311" / >
< source > Account Pack < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / context >
2021-01-15 13:57:19 +01:00
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > HiddenEvents < / name >
2021-01-15 13:57:19 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/ui/HiddenEvents.cpp" line = "+91" / >
< location line = "+10" / >
< source > Failed to set hidden events : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis agordi kaŝitajn okazojn : % 1 < / translation >
2021-01-15 13:57:19 +01:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > InputBar < / name >
2021-01-15 13:57:19 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/timeline/InputBar.cpp" line = "+374" / >
< source > All Files ( * ) < / source >
< translation > Ĉ iuj dosieroj ( * ) < / translation >
2021-01-15 13:57:19 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+0" / >
< source > Select file ( s ) < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+901" / >
< source > Upload of & apos ; % 1 & apos ; failed < / source >
< translation > Alŝuto de « % 1 » malsukcesis < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > LoginPage < / name >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/LoginPage.cpp" line = "+79" / >
< location line = "+6" / >
< location line = "+64" / >
< location line = "+127" / >
< source > You have entered an invalid Matrix ID e . g @joe : matrix . org < / source >
< translation > Vi enigis nevalidan identigilon de Matrikso ekz . @tacuo : matrix . org < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-157" / >
< source > Autodiscovery failed . Received malformed response . < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis memaga trovado . Ricevis misformitan respondon . < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > Autodiscovery failed . Unknown error when requesting . well - known . < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis memaga trovado . Okazis nekonata eraro dum petado . . well - known . < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+33" / >
< source > The required endpoints were not found . Possibly not a Matrix server . < / source >
< translation > La bezonataj konektaj lokoj ne troviĝis . Eble tio ne estas Matriksa servilo . < / translation >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > Received malformed response . Make sure the homeserver domain is valid . < / source >
< translation > Ricevis misformitan respondon . Certiĝu , ke retnomo de la hejmservilo estas valida . < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+8" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > An unknown error occured . Make sure the homeserver domain is valid . < / source >
< translation > Okazis nekonata eraro . Certiĝu , ke retnomo de la hejmservilo estas valida . < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+16" / >
< source > The selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol , that this client understands ( v1 . 1 to v1 . 5 ) . You can & apos ; t sign in . < / source >
< translation > La elektita servilo ne subtenas la version de la Matriksa protokolo , kiun komprenas ĉ i tiu kliento ( v1 . 1 ĝ is v1 . 5 ) . Vi ne povas saluti . < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+20" / >
< source > Sign in with Apple < / source >
< translation > Saluti per Apple < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Continue with Facebook < / source >
< translation > Pluiĝi per Facebook < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Sign in with Google < / source >
< translation > Saluti per Google < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Sign in with Twitter < / source >
< translation > Saluti per Twitter < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Login using % 1 < / source >
< translation > Saluti per % 1 < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+9" / >
< source > SSO LOGIN < / source >
< translation > UNUNURA SALUTO < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+58" / >
< source > Empty password < / source >
< translation > Malplena pasvorto < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+55" / >
< source > SSO login failed < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis ununura saluto < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > MediaUpload < / name >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/timeline/InputBar.cpp" line = "-154" / >
< location line = "+35" / >
< source > Failed to upload media . Please try again . < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis alŝuti vidaŭdaĵojn . Bonvolu reprovi . < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > NotificationsManager < / name >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/notifications/Manager.cpp" line = "+23" / >
< location filename = "../../src/notifications/ManagerMac.cpp" line = "+83" / >
< source > % 1 sent an encrypted message < / source >
< translation > % 1 sendis ĉ ifritan mesaĝon < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > % 1 replied : % 2 < / source >
< comment > Format a reply in a notification . % 1 is the sender , % 2 the message < / comment >
< translation > % 1 respondis : % 2 < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/notifications/ManagerMac.cpp" line = "-1" / >
< source > % 1 replied with an encrypted message < / source >
< translation > % 1 respondis per ĉ ifrita mesaĝo < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > % 1 replied to a message < / source >
< translation > % 1 respondis al mesaĝo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+0" / >
< source > % 1 sent a message < / source >
< translation > % 1 sendis mesaĝon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > PowerLevels < / name >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/PowerlevelsEditModels.cpp" line = "+741" / >
< source > Failed to update powerlevel : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis ŝ anĝi povnivelon : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > PowerlevelEditingModels < / name >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-119" / >
< source > Failed to update powerlevel : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis ŝ anĝi povnivelon : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > PowerlevelsTypeListModel < / name >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-467" / >
< source > Other events < / source >
< translation > Aliaj okazoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Other state events < / source >
< translation > Aliaj statokazoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Remove other users < / source >
< translation > Forigi aliajn uzantojn < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Ban other users < / source >
< translation > Forbari aliajn uzantojn < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Invite other users < / source >
< translation > Inviti aliajn uzantojn < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Redact events sent by others < / source >
< translation > Forigi okazojn senditajn de aliuloj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Reactions < / source >
< translation > Reagoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Deprecated aliases events < / source >
< translation > Okazoj pri forlasitaj kromnomoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Change the room avatar < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi bildon de la ĉ ambro < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Change the room addresses < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi adresojn de la ĉ ambro < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send encrypted messages < / source >
< translation > Sendi ĉ ifritajn mesaĝojn < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Enable encryption < / source >
< translation > Ŝ alti ĉ ifradon < / translation >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Change guest access < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi aliron de gastoj < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Change history visibility < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi videblecon de historio < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Change who can join < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi enireblecon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Send messages < / source >
< translation > Sendi mesaĝojn < / translation >
2021-05-09 16:53:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Change the room name < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi nomon de ĉ ambro < / translation >
2021-05-09 16:53:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Change the room permissions < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi permesojn de ĉ ambro < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Change the rooms topic < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi temon de ĉ ambro < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2021-01-27 14:49:25 +01:00
< message >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Change the widgets < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi la fenestraĵojn < / translation >
2021-01-27 14:49:25 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Change the widgets ( experimental ) < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi la fenestraĵojn ( eksperimenta ) < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Redact own events < / source >
< translation > Forigi proprajn okazojn < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2023-02-14 18:58:29 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Change the pinned events < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi la fiksitajn okazojn < / translation >
2023-02-14 18:58:29 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Upgrade the room < / source >
< translation > Gradaltigi la ĉ ambron < / translation >
2023-02-14 18:58:29 +01:00
< / message >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Send stickers < / source >
< translation > Sendi glumarkojn < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > Ban users using policy rules < / source >
< translation > Forbari uzantojn per politikaj reguloj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Ban rooms using policy rules < / source >
< translation > Forbari ĉ ambrojn per politikaj reguloj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Ban servers using policy rules < / source >
< translation > Forbari servilojn per politikaj reguloj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > Edit child communities and rooms < / source >
< translation > Redakti idajn komunumojn kaj ĉ ambrojn < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Change parent communities < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi patrajn komunumojn < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > Start a call < / source >
< translation > Komenci vokon < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Negotiate a call < / source >
< translation > Trakti vokon < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Answer a call < / source >
< translation > Respondi vokon < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Hang up a call < / source >
< translation > Fini vokon < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Reject a call < / source >
< translation > Malakcepti vokon < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Change the room emotes < / source >
< translation > Ŝ anĝi mienetojn de la ĉ ambro < / translation >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
2021-05-09 16:53:58 +02:00
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > PowerlevelsUserListModel < / name >
2021-05-09 16:53:58 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+217" / >
< source > Other users < / source >
< translation > Aliaj uzantoj < / translation >
2021-05-09 16:53:58 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > QCoreApplication < / name >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/main.cpp" line = "+235" / >
< source > Create a unique profile which allows you to log into several accounts at the same time and start multiple instances of nheko . < / source >
< translation > Krei unikan profilon , kiu ebligos saluton al pluraj kontoj samtempe , kaj starton de pluraj nhekoj . < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > profile < / source >
< translation > profilo < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > profile name < / source >
< translation > nomo de profilo < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > QObject < / name >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-26" / >
< source > Alias for & apos ; -- log - level trace & apos ; . < / source >
< translation > Kromnomo de « -- log - level trace » . < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > Set the global log level , or a comma - separated list of & lt ; component & gt ; = & lt ; level & gt ; pairs , or both . For example , to set the default log level to & apos ; warn & apos ; but disable logging for the & apos ; ui & apos ; component , pass & apos ; warn , ui = off & apos ; . levels : { trace , debug , info , warning , error , critical , off } components : { crypto , db , mtx , net , qml , ui } < / source >
< translation > Agordi la tutprograman nivelon de protokolado , aŭ diskomitan liston de paroj & lt ; parto & gt ; = & lt ; nivelo & gt ; , aŭ ambaŭ . Ekzemple , por implici la protokolan nivelon » warn « , sed malŝalti protokoladon por la parto » ui « , metu » warn , ui = off « . Disponeblaj niveloj : { trace , debug , info , warning , error , critical , off } , partoj : { crypto , db , mtx , net , qml , ui } . < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+5" / >
< source > level < / source >
< translation > nivelo < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > Set the log output type . A comma - separated list is allowed . The default is & apos ; file , stderr & apos ; . types : { file , stderr , none } < / source >
< translation > Agordi la specon de protokola eligo . Diskomita listo estas permesita . La implicita estas » file , stderr « . Specoj : { file , stderr , none } . < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > type < / source >
< translation > speco < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../../src/notifications/ManagerMac.cpp" line = "-58" / >
< source > Respond < / source >
< translation > Respondi < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+1" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Send < / source >
< translation > Sendi < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > Write a message . . . < / source >
< translation > Skribu mesaĝon … < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< / context >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > ReadReceiptsModel < / name >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/ReadReceiptsModel.cpp" line = "+111" / >
< source > Yesterday , % 1 < / source >
< translation > Hieraŭ , % 1 < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > RegisterPage < / name >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/RegisterPage.cpp" line = "+82" / >
< source > Autodiscovery failed . Received malformed response . < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis memaga trovado . Ricevis misformitan respondon . < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+7" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Autodiscovery failed . Unknown error when requesting . well - known . < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis memaga trovado . Okazis nekonata eraro dum petado . . well - known . < / translation >
2021-12-16 23:31:42 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+25" / >
< source > The required endpoints were not found . Possibly not a Matrix server . < / source >
< translation > La bezonataj konektaj lokoj ne troviĝis . Eble tio ne estas Matriksa servilo . < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+7" / >
< source > Received malformed response . Make sure the homeserver domain is valid . < / source >
< translation > Ricevis misformitan respondon . Certiĝu , ke retnomo de la hejmservilo estas valida . < / translation >
2021-12-16 23:31:42 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+5" / >
< source > An unknown error occured . Make sure the homeserver domain is valid . < / source >
< translation > Okazis nekonata eraro . Certiĝu , ke retnomo de la hejmservilo estas valida . < / translation >
2021-12-16 23:31:42 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+17" / >
< source > The selected server does not support a version of the Matrix protocol that this client understands ( v1 . 1 to v1 . 5 ) . You can & apos ; t register . < / source >
< translation > La elektita servilo ne subtenas version de la Matriksa protokolo , kiun komprenas ĉ i tiu kilento ( v1 . 1 ĝ is v1 . 5 ) . Vi ne povas registriĝi . < / translation >
2021-12-16 23:31:42 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+11" / >
< source > Server does not support querying registration flows ! < / source >
< translation > Servilo ne subtenas esploradon de registriĝaj metodoj ! < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+5" / >
< source > Server does not support registration . < / source >
< translation > Servilo ne subtenas registriĝon . < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+28" / >
< source > Invalid username . < / source >
< translation > Nevalida uzantonomo . < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Name already in use . < / source >
< translation > La nomo jam estas uzata . < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > Part of the reserved namespace . < / source >
< translation > Parto de la rezervita nomspaco . < / translation >
2021-07-21 19:13:34 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > RoomInfo < / name >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/Cache.cpp" line = "+2064" / >
< source > no version stored < / source >
< translation > neniu versio konservita < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< / context >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > RoomSettings < / name >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/ui/RoomSettings.cpp" line = "+236" / >
< source > Failed to enable encryption : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis ŝ alti ĉ ifradon : % 1 < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+404" / >
< source > Select an avatar < / source >
< translation > Elektu bildon de ĉ ambro < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+0" / >
< source > All Files ( * ) < / source >
< translation > Ĉ iuj dosieroj ( * ) < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+12" / >
< source > The selected file is not an image < / source >
< translation > La elektita dosiero ne estas bildo < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+5" / >
< source > Error while reading file : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Eraris legado de dosiero : % 1 < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+32" / >
< location line = "+19" / >
< source > Failed to upload image : % s < / source >
< translation > Malsukcesis alŝuti bildon : % s < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > RoomlistModel < / name >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/timeline/RoomlistModel.cpp" line = "+159" / >
< source > Pending invite . < / source >
< translation > Atendanta invito . < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+29" / >
< source > Previewing this room < / source >
< translation > Antaŭrigardante ĉ i tiun ĉ ambron < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+33" / >
< source > No preview available < / source >
< translation > Neniu antaŭrigardo disponeblas < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > This room is possibly inaccessible < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2021-03-05 15:04:47 +01:00
< / message >
< / context >
2021-09-01 01:23:20 +02:00
< context >
< name > SecretStorage < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/Cache.cpp" line = "-4856" / >
2021-09-01 01:23:20 +02:00
< source > Failed to connect to secret storage < / source >
2021-09-13 22:24:23 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis konektiĝi al sekreta deponejo < / translation >
2021-09-01 01:23:20 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+1" / >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< source > Nheko could not connect to the secure storage to save encryption secrets to . This can have multiple reasons . Check if your D - Bus service is running and you have configured a service like KWallet , Gnome Keyring , KeePassXC or the equivalent for your platform . If you are having trouble , feel free to open an issue here : https : //github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko/issues</source>
2021-11-12 22:08:05 +01:00
< translation > Nheko ne povis konektiĝi al la sekura deponejo por deponi sekretojn . Tio povas okazi diverskiale . Kontrolu , ke via servo D - Bus funkcias , kaj ke vi havas agorditan servon kiel KWallet , GNOME Keyring , KeePassXC , aŭ similan por via platformo . Se vi tamen havas problemojn , vi povas raporti ilin tie ĉi : https : //github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko/issues</translation>
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > SelfVerificationStatus < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/encryption/SelfVerificationStatus.cpp" line = "+50" / >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< source > Failed to create keys for cross - signing ! < / source >
2021-11-10 18:59:15 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis krei delege subskribajn ŝ losilojn ! < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+16" / >
< source > Failed to create keys for online key backup ! < / source >
2021-11-10 18:59:15 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis krei ŝ losilojn por enreta savkopiado de ŝ losiloj ! < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+29" / >
2021-11-04 22:14:42 +01:00
< source > Failed to create keys for secure server side secret storage ! < / source >
2021-11-10 18:59:15 +01:00
< translation > Malsukcesis krei ŝ losilojn por sekura servilflanka sekreta deponejo ! < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+44" / >
< source > Encryption Setup < / source >
2021-11-10 18:59:15 +01:00
< translation > Starigo de ĉ ifrado < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > Encryption setup failed : % 1 < / source >
2021-11-10 18:59:15 +01:00
< translation > Starigo de ĉ ifrado malsukcesis : % 1 < / translation >
2021-09-01 01:23:20 +02:00
< / message >
2021-11-08 19:42:20 +01:00
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+156" / >
2021-11-08 19:42:20 +01:00
< source > Identity key changed . This breaks E2EE , so logging out . < / source >
2021-11-12 22:08:05 +01:00
< translation > Identiga ŝ losilo ŝ anĝiĝis . Tio rompas tutvojan ĉ ifradon , kaj tial la programo nun adiaŭas . < / translation >
2021-11-08 19:42:20 +01:00
< / message >
2021-09-01 01:23:20 +02:00
< / context >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< context >
< name > SingleImagePackModel < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/SingleImagePackModel.cpp" line = "+281" / >
< location line = "+26" / >
2021-08-17 23:51:15 +02:00
< source > Failed to update image pack : % 1 < / source >
2021-09-13 22:24:23 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis ĝ isdatigi bildopakon : % 1 < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-13" / >
2021-08-17 23:51:15 +02:00
< source > Failed to delete old image pack : % 1 < / source >
2021-09-13 22:24:23 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis forigi malnovan bildopakon : % 1 < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+28" / >
< location line = "+45" / >
2021-08-17 23:51:15 +02:00
< source > Failed to open image : % 1 < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis malfermi bildon : % 1 < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-12-16 23:31:42 +01:00
< location line = "-15" / >
2022-01-01 04:40:43 +01:00
< location line = "+29" / >
2021-08-17 23:51:15 +02:00
< source > Failed to upload image : % 1 < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis alŝuti bildon : % 1 < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< context >
< name > TimelineModel < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/timeline/TimelineModel.cpp" line = "+1501" / >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< location line = "+17" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Message redaction failed : % 1 < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis redaktado de mesaĝo : % 1 < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< location line = "+115" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< location line = "+5" / >
< source > Failed to encrypt event , sending aborted ! < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Malsukcesis ĉ ifri okazon ; sendado nuliĝis ! < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< location line = "+196" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Save image < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > Konservi bildon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Save video < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Konservi filmon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Save audio < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > Konservi sonon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Save file < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > Konservi dosieron < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+340" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 and % 2 are typing . < / source >
< comment > Multiple users are typing . First argument is a comma separated list of potentially multiple users . Second argument is the last user of that list . ( If only one user is typing , % 1 is empty . You should still use it in your string though to silence Qt warnings . ) < / comment >
< translation >
< numerusform > % 1 % 2 tajpas . < / numerusform >
< numerusform > % 1 kaj % 2 tajpas . < / numerusform >
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-01-01 04:40:43 +01:00
< location line = "+67" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 opened the room to the public . < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > % 1 malfermis la ĉ ambron al publiko . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2021-08-17 23:51:15 +02:00
< source > % 1 allowed to join this room by knocking . < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > % 1 permesis aliĝi al ĉ i tiu ĉ ambro per frapado . < / translation >
2021-08-17 23:51:15 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+7" / >
< source > % 1 allowed members of the following rooms to automatically join this room : % 2 < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > % 1 permesis al anoj de la jenaj ĉ ambroj memage aliĝi al ĉ i tiu ĉ ambro : % 2 < / translation >
2021-08-17 23:51:15 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-01-01 04:40:43 +01:00
< location line = "+26" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 made the room open to guests . < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > % 1 malfermis la ĉ ambron al gastoj . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > % 1 has closed the room to guest access . < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > % 1 fermis la ĉ ambron al gastoj . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+23" / >
< source > % 1 made the room history world readable . Events may be now read by non - joined people . < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > % 1 legebligis historion de la ĉ ambro al ĉ iu ajn . Okazoj nun legeblos al nealiĝintoj . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > % 1 set the room history visible to members from this point on . < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > % 1 videbligis historion de la ĉ ambro al ĉ iuj ĉ ambranoj ekde nun . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 set the room history visible to members since they were invited . < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > % 1 videbligis historion de la ĉ ambro al ĉ ambranoj ekde ties invito . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 set the room history visible to members since they joined the room . < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > % 1 videbligis historion de la ĉ ambro al ĉ ambranoj ekde ties aliĝo . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+35" / >
< location line = "+244" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 has changed the room & apos ; s permissions . < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis permesojn de la ĉ ambro . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "-221" / >
< source > % 1 has changed the room & apos ; s kick powerlevel from % 2 to % 3 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la povnivelon por forpelado en la ĉ ambro de % 2 al % 3 . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
< location line = "+15" / >
< source > % n member ( s ) can now kick room members . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation >
< numerusform > % n ĉ ambrano nun povas forpeli ĉ ambranojn . < / numerusform >
< numerusform > % n ĉ ambranoj nun povas forpeli ĉ à mbranojn . < / numerusform >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > % 1 can now kick room members . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 nun povas forpeli ĉ ambranojn . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+12" / >
< source > % 1 has changed the room & apos ; s redact powerlevel from % 2 to % 3 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la povnivelon por forigado en la ĉ ambro de % 2 al % 3 . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
< location line = "+14" / >
< source > % n member ( s ) can now redact room messages . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation >
< numerusform > % n ĉ ambrano nun povas forigi mesaĝojn en la ĉ ambro . < / numerusform >
< numerusform > % n ĉ ambranoj nun povas forigi mesaĝojn en la ĉ ambro . < / numerusform >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > % 1 can now redact room messages . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 nun povas forigi mesaĝojn en la ĉ ambro . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+12" / >
< source > % 1 has changed the room & apos ; s ban powerlevel from % 2 to % 3 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la povnivelon por forbarado en la ĉ ambro de % 2 al % 3 . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
< location line = "+15" / >
< source > % n member ( s ) can now ban room members . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation >
< numerusform > % n ĉ ambrano nun povas forbari ĉ ambranojn . < / numerusform >
< numerusform > % n ĉ ambranoj nun povas forbari ĉ ambranojn . < / numerusform >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > % 1 can now ban room members . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 nun povas forbari ĉ ambranojn . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+13" / >
< source > % 1 has changed the room & apos ; s state_default powerlevel from % 2 to % 3 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la povnivelon de « state_default » en la ĉ ambro de % 2 al % 3 . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
< location line = "+15" / >
< source > % n member ( s ) can now send state events . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation >
< numerusform > % n ĉ ambrano nun povas sendi statokazojn . < / numerusform >
< numerusform > % n ĉ ambranoj nun povas sendi statokazojn . < / numerusform >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > % 1 can now send state events . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 nun povas sendi statokazojn . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+14" / >
< source > % 1 has changed the room & apos ; s invite powerlevel from % 2 to % 3 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la povnivelon por invitado en la ĉ ambro de % 2 al % 3 . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+10" / >
< source > % 1 has changed the room & apos ; s events_default powerlevel from % 2 to % 3 . New users can now not send any events . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la povnivelon de « events_default » en la ĉ ambro de % 2 al % 3 . Ordinaraj uzantoj nun ne povas sendi okazojn . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+9" / >
< source > % 1 has changed the room & apos ; s events_default powerlevel from % 2 to % 3 . New users can now send events that are not otherwise restricted . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la povnivelon de « events_default » en la ĉ ambro de % 2 al % 3 . Ordinaraj uzantoj nun povas sendi okazojn , kiuj ne estas alimaniere limigitaj . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+7" / >
< source > % 1 has changed the room & apos ; s events_default powerlevel from % 2 to % 3 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la povnivelon de « events_default » en la ĉ ambro de % 2 al % 3 . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+12" / >
< source > % 1 has made % 2 an administrator of this room . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 igis uzanton % 2 administranto de ĉ i tiu ĉ ambro . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > % 1 has made % 2 a moderator of this room . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 igis uzanton % 2 reguligisto de ĉ i tiu ĉ ambro . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > % 1 has downgraded % 2 to moderator of this room . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 malaltigis uzanton % 2 al reguligisto de ĉ i tiu ĉ ambro . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > % 1 has changed the powerlevel of % 2 from % 3 to % 4 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la povnivelon de % 2 de % 3 al % 4 . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+16" / >
< source > % 1 allowed only administrators to send & quot ; % 2 & quot ; . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 permesis nur al administrantoj sendi okazojn de speco « % 2 » . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > % 1 allowed only moderators to send & quot ; % 2 & quot ; . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 permesis nur al reguligistoj sendi okazojn de speco « % 2 » . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > % 1 allowed everyone to send & quot ; % 2 & quot ; . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 permesis al ĉ iu sendi okazojn de speco « % 2 » . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > % 1 has changed the powerlevel of event type & quot ; % 2 & quot ; from the default to % 3 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la povnivelon de la speco de okazo « % 2 » de la implicita nivelo al % 3 . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > % 1 has changed the powerlevel of event type & quot ; % 2 & quot ; from % 3 to % 4 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la povnivelon de okazo de speco « % 2 » de % 3 al % 4 . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+66" / >
< source > ( empty ) < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > ( malplena ) < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > % 1 removed the following images from the pack % 2 : & lt ; br & gt ; % 3 < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 forigis la jenajn bildojn de la pako % 2 : & lt ; br & gt ; % 3 < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > % 1 added the following images to the pack % 2 : & lt ; br & gt ; % 3 < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 aldonis la jenajn bildojn al la pako % 2 : & lt ; br & gt ; % 3 < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+5" / >
< source > % 1 changed the sticker and emotes in this room . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis la glumarkojn kaj mienetojn en ĉ i tiu ĉ ambro . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< location line = "+35" / >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< source > % 1 disabled the rule to ban users matching % 2 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 malŝaltis la regulon forbari uzantojn akordajn kun % 2 . < / translation >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > % 1 added a rule to ban users matching % 2 for & apos ; % 3 & apos ; . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 aldonis regulon forbari uzantojn akordajn kun % 2 por « % 3 » . < / translation >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< location line = "+22" / >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< source > % 1 disabled the rule to ban rooms matching % 2 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 malŝaltis la regulon forbari ĉ ambrojn akordajn kun % 2 . < / translation >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > % 1 added a rule to ban rooms matching % 2 for & apos ; % 3 & apos ; . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 aldonis regulon forbari ĉ ambrojn akordajn kun % 2 por « % 3 » . < / translation >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-09-07 10:40:43 +02:00
< location line = "+22" / >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< source > % 1 disabled the rule to ban servers matching % 2 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 malŝaltis regulon forbari servilojn akordajn kun % 2 . < / translation >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > % 1 added a rule to ban servers matching % 2 for & apos ; % 3 & apos ; . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 aldonis regulon forbari servilojn akordajn kun % 2 por « % 3 » . < / translation >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+34" / >
2021-11-29 01:59:57 +01:00
< source > Removed by % 1 < / source >
2021-12-03 02:02:34 +01:00
< translation > Forigita de % 1 < / translation >
2021-11-29 01:59:57 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > % 1 ( % 2 ) removed this message at % 3 < / source >
2021-12-03 02:02:34 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ( % 2 ) forigis ĉ i tiun mesaĝon je % 3 < / translation >
2021-11-29 01:59:57 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Removed by % 1 because : % 2 < / source >
2021-12-03 02:02:34 +01:00
< translation > Forigita de % 1 ĉ ar : % 2 < / translation >
2021-11-29 01:59:57 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > % 1 ( % 2 ) removed this message at % 3
Reason : % 4 < / source >
2021-12-03 02:02:34 +01:00
< translation > % 1 ( % 2 ) forigis ĉ i tiun mesaĝon je % 3
Kialo : % 4 < / translation >
2021-11-29 01:59:57 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< location line = "+152" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > % 2 revoked the invite to % 1 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 2 nuligis la inviton por % 1 . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "-5" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > % 2 kicked % 1 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 2 forpelis uzanton % 1 . < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+7" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > % 2 unbanned % 1 . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 2 malforbaris uzanton % 1 . < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+5" / >
< source > % 2 rejected the knock from % 1 . < / source >
< translation > % 2 malakceptis la frapadon de % 1 . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-32" / >
< source > % 1 changed their avatar . < / source >
< translatorcomment > % 1 ŝ anĝis sian avataron . < / translatorcomment >
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis sian profilbildon . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > % 1 changed some profile info . < / source >
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis iujn informojn en profilo . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+5" / >
< source > % 1 joined . < / source >
< translation > % 1 aliĝis . < / translation >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > % 1 joined via authorisation from % 2 & apos ; s server . < / source >
< translation > % 1 aliĝis per rajtigo de servilo de % 2 . < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+13" / >
< source > % 1 rejected their invite . < / source >
< translation > % 1 rifuzis sian inviton . < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-5" / >
< source > % 1 left the room . < / source >
< translation > % 1 eliris el la ĉ ambro . < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+31" / >
< source > Reason : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Kialo : % 1 < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-19" / >
< source > % 1 redacted their knock . < / source >
< translation > % 1 forigis sian frapon . < / translation >
2021-12-16 23:31:42 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-1700" / >
< source > You joined this room . < / source >
< translation > Vi aliĝis ĉ i tiun ĉ ambron . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+998" / >
< source > % 1 made this room require an invitation to join . < / source >
< translation > % 1 necesigis inviton por aliĝo al ĉ i tiu ĉ ambro . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+654" / >
< source > % 1 invited % 2 . < / source >
< translation > % 1 invitis uzanton % 2 . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+12" / >
< source > % 1 has changed their avatar and changed their display name to % 2 . < / source >
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis sian profilbildon kaj sian prezentan nomon al % 2 . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > % 1 has changed their display name to % 2 . < / source >
< translation > % 1 ŝ anĝis sian prezentan nomon al % 2 . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+36" / >
< source > % 1 left after having already left ! < / source >
< comment > This is a leave event after the user already left and shouldn & apos ; t happen apart from state resets < / comment >
< translation > % 1 eliris jam elirinte ! < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2021-12-16 23:31:42 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+7" / >
< source > % 1 banned % 2 < / source >
< translation > % 1 forbaris uzanton % 2 < / translation >
2021-12-16 23:31:42 +01:00
< / message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > % 1 knocked . < / source >
< translation > % 1 frapis . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / context >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< context >
< name > TrayIcon < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/TrayIcon.cpp" line = "+111" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Show < / source >
2021-06-04 19:47:10 +02:00
< translation > Montri < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > Quit < / source >
2021-09-13 22:24:23 +02:00
< translation > Ĉ esigi < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< context >
< name > UIA < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/ui/UIA.cpp" line = "+59" / >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< source > No available registration flows ! < / source >
2021-11-12 22:08:05 +01:00
< translation > Neniuj disponeblaj manieroj de registriĝo ! < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+50" / >
< location line = "+22" / >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+17" / >
< source > Registration aborted < / source >
2021-11-10 18:59:15 +01:00
< translation > Registriĝo nuliĝis < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "-27" / >
< source > Please enter a valid registration token . < / source >
2021-11-12 22:08:05 +01:00
< translation > Bonvolu enigi validan registran pecon . < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+165" / >
< source > Invalid token < / source >
2021-11-10 18:59:15 +01:00
< translation > Nevalida peco < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< / context >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< context >
< name > UserProfile < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/ui/UserProfile.cpp" line = "+204" / >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< source > Sign out device % 1 < / source >
2021-11-10 18:59:15 +01:00
< translation > Adiaŭigi aparaton % 1 < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+10" / >
< source > You signed out this device . < / source >
2021-11-10 18:59:15 +01:00
< translation > Vi adiaŭigis ĉ i tiun aparaton . < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-01-10 05:54:58 +01:00
< location line = "+222" / >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< source > Select an avatar < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > Elektu profilbildon < / translation >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+0" / >
< source > All Files ( * ) < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Ĉ iuj dosieroj ( * ) < / translation >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+12" / >
< source > The selected file is not an image < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > La elektita dosiero ne estas bildo < / translation >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+5" / >
< source > Error while reading file : % 1 < / source >
2021-06-10 04:10:38 +02:00
< translation > Eraris legado de dosiero : % 1 < / translation >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > UserSettings < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/UserSettingsPage.cpp" line = "+599" / >
< location filename = "../../src/UserSettingsPage.h" line = "+276" / >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< source > Default < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Implicita < / translation >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-11 00:09:47 +02:00
< / context >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< context >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< name > UserSettingsModel < / name >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+408" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Theme < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Haŭto < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Scale factor < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Skala obligo < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Highlight message on hover < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Emfazi mesaĝojn sub musmontrilo < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Large Emoji in timeline < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Grandaj bildosignoj en historio < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Minimize to tray < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Etigi al plato < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Start in tray < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Komenci ete sur pleto < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2023-02-14 22:00:05 +01:00
< source > Scrollbars in room list < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Send messages as Markdown < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Sendi mesaĝojn Markdaŭne < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Use shift + enter to send and enter to start a new line < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Premu enigan kaj majuskligan klavon samtempe por sendi la mesaĝon , kaj enigan klavon solan por komenci novan linion < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Enable message bubbles < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Ŝ alti vezikojn ĉ irkaŭ mesaĝoj < / translation >
2020-10-26 21:37:03 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Enable small Avatars < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Ŝ alti malgrandajn profilbildojn < / translation >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Play animated images only on hover < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ludi movbildojn nur sub musmontrilo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Typing notifications < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Sciigoj pri tajpado < / translation >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Sort rooms by unreads < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ordigi ĉ ambrojn laŭ nelegiteco < / translation >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< / message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Sort rooms alphabetically < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Show buttons in timeline < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Montri butonojn en historio < / translation >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Limit width of timeline < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Limigi larĝecon de historio < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Read receipts < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Kvitancoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Desktop notifications < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Labortablaj sciigoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Alert on notification < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Atentigi pri sciigoj < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Circular Avatars < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Rondaj profilbildoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Use identicons < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Uzi identigajn bildojn < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Open images with external program < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malfermi bildojn per alia programo < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Open videos with external program < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malfermi filmojn per alia programo < / translation >
2022-03-20 04:42:50 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Decrypt messages in sidebar < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Malĉifri mesaĝojn en flanka breto < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Decrypt notifications < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malĉifri sciigojn < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< source > Display fancy effects such as confetti < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Montri pavilojn ( ekzemple konfetojn ) < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Reduce or disable animations < / source >
2023-02-10 17:03:58 +01:00
< translation > Malpliigi aŭ malŝalti movbildojn < / translation >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< / message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< source > Privacy Screen < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Privateca ŝ irmilo < / translation >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Privacy screen timeout ( in seconds [ 0 - 3600 ] ) < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Atendo ĝ is privateca ŝ irmilo ( 0 – 3600 sekundoj ) < / translation >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Touchscreen mode < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Tuŝekrana reĝimo < / translation >
2021-02-10 15:31:33 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Font size < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Tipara grando < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Font Family < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Tipara familio < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Emoji Font Family < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Bildosigna tiparo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Ringtone < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Sonoro < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Microphone < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Mikrofono < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Camera < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Filmilo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Camera resolution < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Distingumo de filmilo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Camera frame rate < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Filmerrapido de filmilo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Allow fallback call assist server < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Permesi repaŝan asistan servilon por vokoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Send encrypted messages to verified users only < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Sendi ĉ ifritajn mesaĝojn nur al kontrolitaj uzantoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Share keys with verified users and devices < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Havigi ŝ losilojn al kontrolitaj uzantoj kaj aparatoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Online Key Backup < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Enreta savkopiado de ŝ losiloj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Profile < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Profilo < / translation >
2021-09-01 01:23:20 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > User ID < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Identigilo de uzanto < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Accesstoken < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Alira datumo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Device ID < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Identigilo de aparato < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Device Fingerprint < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Fingrospuro de aparato < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Homeserver < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Hejmservilo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Version < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Versio < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Platform < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Platformo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > GENERAL < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ĝ ENERALAJ < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > ACCESSIBILITY < / source >
2023-02-10 17:03:58 +01:00
< translation > FACILUZEBLECO < / translation >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > TIMELINE < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > HISTORIO < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > SIDEBAR < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > FLANKA BRETO < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > TRAY < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > PLETO < / translation >
2020-10-26 21:37:03 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > NOTIFICATIONS < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > SCIIGOJ < / translation >
2021-08-16 23:30:01 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-08-17 23:51:15 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > CALLS < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > VOKOJ < / translation >
2021-08-17 23:51:15 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > ENCRYPTION < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ĉ IFRADO < / translation >
2021-08-17 23:51:15 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > INFO < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > INFORMOJ < / translation >
2021-09-01 01:23:20 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Session Keys < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ŝ losiloj de salutaĵo < / translation >
2021-09-01 01:23:20 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Cross Signing Secrets < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sekretoj por delegaj subskriboj < / translation >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Online backup key < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Ŝ losilo por reta savkopiado < / translation >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Self signing key < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Mem - subskriba ŝ losilo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > User signing key < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Uzanto - subskriba ŝ losilo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Master signing key < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ĉ efa subskriba ŝ losilo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Expose room information via D - Bus < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malkaŝi informojn pri ĉ ambro per D - Bus < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Periodically update community routing information < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Periodically delete expired events < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+109" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Default < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Implicita < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+39" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Set the notification sound to play when a call invite arrives < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Agordi sciigan sonon , kiu aŭdiĝos je invito al voko < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Set timeout ( in seconds ) for how long after window loses
focus before the screen will be blurred .
Set to 0 to blur immediately after focus loss . Max value of 1 hour ( 3600 seconds ) < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Tempo de atendo ( en sekundoj ) ekde senfokusiĝo
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
de la fenestro , post kiu la enhavo malklariĝos .
Agordu al 0 por malklarigi enhavon tuj post senfokusiĝo .
Maksimuma valoro estas 1 horo ( 3600 sekundoj ) < / translation >
2020-11-22 15:23:41 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+7" / >
< source > Change the background color of messages when you hover over them . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ŝ anĝi fonkoloron de mesaĝoj sub musmontrilo . < / translation >
2020-11-22 15:23:41 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Make font size larger if messages with only a few emojis are displayed . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Grandigi tiparon se montriĝas mesaĝoj kun nur kelkaj bildosignoj . < / translation >
2020-11-22 15:23:41 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Keep the application running in the background after closing the client window . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Daŭrigi la aplikaĵon fone post fermo de la klienta fenestro . < / translation >
2020-11-22 15:23:41 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > Start the application in the background without showing the client window . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ekigi la aplikaĵon fone sen montro de la klienta fenestro . < / translation >
2020-11-22 15:23:41 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2023-02-14 22:00:05 +01:00
< source > Shows scrollbars in the room list and communities list . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Allow using markdown in messages .
When disabled , all messages are sent as a plain text . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Permesas uzon de Markdaŭno en mesaĝoj .
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
Kun ĉ i tio malŝaltita , ĉ iuj mesaĝoj sendiĝas en plata teksto . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > Invert the behavior of the enter key in the text input , making it send the message when shift + enter is pressed and starting a new line when enter is pressed . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Maligi la konduton de la eniga klavo en teksta enigo , t . e . sendi mesaĝon per eniga kaj majuskliga klavo kune , kaj komenci novan linion per eniga klavo sola . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Messages get a bubble background . This also triggers some layout changes ( WIP ) . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Mesaĝoj aperas sur fona veziko . Tio ankaŭ iomete ŝ anĝas ilian aranĝon ( kiu ankoraŭ estas prilaborata ) . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > Avatars are resized to fit above the message . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Profilbildoj malgrandiĝas por esti super la mesaĝo . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Plays media like GIFs or WEBPs only when explicitly hovering over them . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ludas vidaŭdaĵojn kiel GIF - ojn aŭ WEBP - ojn nur sub musmontrilo . < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Show who is typing in a room .
This will also enable or disable sending typing notifications to others . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Montri , kiu tajpas en ĉ ambro .
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
Ĉ i tio ankaŭ ŝ altos sciigadon pri via tajpado al aliaj . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > Display rooms with new messages first .
If this is off , the list of rooms will only be sorted by the preferred sorting order .
If this is on , rooms which have active notifications ( the small circle with a number in it ) will be sorted on top . Rooms that you have muted will still be sorted by the preferred sorting order , since you don & apos ; t seem to consider them as important as the other rooms . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+9" / >
< source > Sort rooms alphabetically .
If this is off , the list of rooms will be sorted by the timestamp of the last message in a room .
If this is on , rooms that come first alphabetically will be sorted earlier than ones that come later . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+6" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Show buttons to quickly reply , react or access additional options next to each message . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Montras butonojn apud ĉ iu mesaĝo , por rapide respondi , reagi ,
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
aŭ meti aliajn elekteblojn . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< location line = "+8" / >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< source > Notify about received messages when the client is not currently focused . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Sciigi pri ricevitaj mesaĝoj kiam la kliento ne estas en fokuso . < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > Change the appearance of user avatars in chats .
OFF - square , ON - circle . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Ŝ anĝi la aspekton de profilbildoj en babiloj .
NE – kvadrato , JES – cirklo . < / translation >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+16" / >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< source > Decrypt messages shown in notifications for encrypted chats . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malĉifri mesaĝojn montrotajn en sciigoj pri ĉ ifritaj babiloj . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< source > Choose where to show the total number of notifications contained within a community or tag . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Elekti kie montriĝos plena nombro de sciigoj en komunumo aŭ etikedo . < / translation >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< / message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > Some messages can be sent with fancy effects . For example , messages sent with & apos ; / c o n f e t t i & a p o s ; w i l l s h o w c o n f e t t i o n s c r e e n . < / s o u r c e >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Iuj mesaĝoj povas sendiĝi kun vantaj vidaj efektoj . Ekzemple , mesaĝoj senditaj per la ordono « / confetti » montros konfetojn sur la ekrano . < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > Nheko uses animations in several places to make stuff pretty . This allows you to turn those off if they make you feel unwell . < / source >
2023-02-10 17:03:58 +01:00
< translation > Nheko uzas movbildojn kelkloke por plibeligi sin . Per ĉ i tio vi povas ilin malŝalti , se ili malplaĉas al vi . < / translation >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< / message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< message >
< location line = "+16" / >
< source > Automatically replies to key requests from other users if they are verified , even if that device shouldn & apos ; t have access to those keys otherwise . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Memage respondas al petoj pri ŝ losiloj de aliaj uzantoj , se ili estas kontrolitaj , eĉ se alie tiu aparato maldevus aliri tiujn ŝ losilojn . < / translation >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< location line = "+32" / >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< source > The key to verify your own devices . If it is cached , verifying one of your devices will mark it verified for all your other devices and for users that have verified you . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > La ŝ losilo , per kiu vi kontrolos viajn proprajn aparatojn . Se ĝ i estas kaŝmemorata , kontrolo de unu el viaj aparatoj devus marki ĝ in kontrolita por ĉ iuj aliaj viaj aparatoj , kaj ankaŭ por uzantoj , kiuj kontrolis vin . < / translation >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< location line = "-76" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Show an alert when a message is received .
This usually causes the application icon in the task bar to animate in some fashion . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Atentigas je ricevo de mesaĝo .
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
Ĉ i tio kutime movbildigas la simbolbildon sur la pleto iumaniere . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-350" / >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< source > Communities sidebar < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Komunuma breto < / translation >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+42" / >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< source > Show message counts for communities and tags < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Montri nombron de mesaĝoj por komunumoj kaj etikedoj < / translation >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+241" / >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< source > Set the max width of messages in the timeline ( in pixels ) . This can help readability on wide screen when Nheko is maximized < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Agordi la maksimuman larĝecon de mesaĝoj en la historio ( en bilderoj ) . Tio povas plibonigi legeblecon sur larĝa ekrano , kiam la fenestro de Nheko grandas . < / translation >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+19" / >
< source > Show a column containing communities and tags next to the room list . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Montri kolonon kun komunumoj kaj etikedoj , flanke de la listo de ĉ ambroj . < / translation >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+42" / >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< source > Show if your message was read .
Status is displayed next to timestamps .
Warning : If your homeserver does not support this , your rooms will never be marked as read ! < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Montri , ĉ u via mesaĝo estas legita .
Stato aperas flanke de tempomarkoj .
Averto : Se via hejmservilo ne subtenas tion ĉ i , viaj ĉ ambroj neniam markiĝos legitaj ! < / translation >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+13" / >
2021-11-04 22:14:42 +01:00
< source > Display an identicon instead of a letter when no avatar is set . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Montras identigan bildon anstataŭ litero , kiam ne disponeblas profilbildo . < / translation >
2021-11-04 22:14:42 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-03-22 04:06:49 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Opens images with an external program when tapping the image .
Note that when this option is ON , opened files are left unencrypted on disk and must be manually deleted . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malfermas bildojn per aparta programo , kiam oni klakas aŭ tuŝetas la bildon .
Sciu , ke se ĉ i tio estas ŝ altita , malfermitaj dosieroj restas sur disko malĉifritaj , kaj oni devas permane ilin forigi . < / translation >
2022-03-22 04:06:49 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > Opens videos with an external program when tapping the video .
Note that when this option is ON , opened files are left unencrypted on disk and must be manually deleted . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Malfermas filmojn per aparta programo , kiam oni klakas aŭ tuŝetas la filmon .
Sciu , ke se ĉ i tio estas ŝ altita , malfermitaj dosieroj restas sur disko malĉifritaj , kaj oni devas permane ilin forigi . < / translation >
2022-03-22 04:06:49 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Decrypt the messages shown in the sidebar .
Only affects messages in encrypted chats . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Malĉifras mesaĝojn montratajn en la flanka breto .
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
Influas nur sur mesaĝoj en ĉ ifritaj babiloj . < / translation >
2021-09-01 01:23:20 +02:00
< / message >
2022-07-16 13:04:35 +02:00
< message >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< location line = "+14" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > When the window loses focus , the timeline will
be blurred . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Kiam la fenestro ne estos fokusata , la historio
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
malklariĝos . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2020-11-22 15:23:41 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Will prevent text selection in the timeline to make touch scrolling easier . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Malhelpos elkton de teksto en historio por faciligi rulumadon per tuŝoj . < / translation >
2020-10-26 21:37:03 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > Change the scale factor of the whole user interface . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ŝ anĝas skalan obligon de la tuta fasado . < / translation >
2020-11-22 15:23:41 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Will use turn . matrix . org as assist when your home server does not offer one . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Uzos la servilon turn . matrix . org kiel asistanton , kiam via hejma servilo ne disponigos propran . < / translation >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > Requires a user to be verified to send encrypted messages to them . This improves safety but makes E2EE more tedious . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Postulas , ke uzanto estu kontrolita , por ke ĝ i povu ricevi mesaĝojn . Ĉ i tio plibonigas sekurecon , sed iom maloportunigas tutvojan ĉ ifradon . < / translation >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< location line = "+7" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > Download message encryption keys from and upload to the encrypted online key backup . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Elŝutu ĉ ifrajn ŝ losilojn por mesaĝoj de la ĉ ifrita enreta deponejo de ŝ losiloj , aŭ alŝutu ilin tien . < / translation >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-02-08 22:45:09 +01:00
< location line = "+24" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > The key to decrypt online key backups . If it is cached , you can enable online key backup to store encryption keys securely encrypted on the server . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > La ŝ losilo por malĉifrado de enretaj savkopioj de ŝ losiloj . Se ĝ i estas kaŝmemorata , vi povas ŝ alti enretan savkopiadon de ŝ losiloj por deponi ŝ losilojn sekure ĉ ifritajn al la servilo . < / translation >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-03-07 01:23:13 +01:00
< location line = "+9" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< source > The key to verify other users . If it is cached , verifying a user will verify all their devices . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ŝ losilo por kontrolado de aliaj uzantoj . Se ĝ i estas kaŝmemorata , kontrolo de uzanto kontrolos ankaŭ ĉ iujn ĝ iajn aparatojn . < / translation >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > Your most important key . You don & apos ; t need to have it cached , since not caching it makes it less likely it can be stolen and it is only needed to rotate your other signing keys . < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Via plej grava ŝ losilo . Vi ne bezonas kaŝmemori ĝ in , ĉ ar de kaŝmemoro ĝ i povus esti pli facile ŝ telebla , kaj vi bezonas ĝ in nur por ŝ anĝado de aliaj viaj subskribaj ŝ losiloj . < / translation >
2021-01-19 00:29:49 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-26 21:37:03 +01:00
< message >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< location line = "+5" / >
< source > Allow third - party plugins and applications to load information about rooms you are in via D - Bus . This can have useful applications , but it also could be used for nefarious purposes . Enable at your own risk .
This setting will take effect upon restart . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Permesi al apartaj kromprogramoj kaj programoj enlegi informojn pri viaj ĉ ambroj per D - Bus . Tio povas esti utila , sed ĝ i ankaŭ povus esti misuzita per programoj malicaj . Ŝ altu ĝ in je via propra danĝero .
Ĉ i tiu agordo efektiviĝos post restarto . < / translation >
2022-05-27 17:16:38 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > To allow new users to join a community , the community needs to expose some information about what servers participate in a room to community members . Since the room participants can change over time , this needs to be updated from time to time . This setting enables a background job to do that automatically . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > Regularly redact expired events as specified in the event expiration configuration . Since this is currently not executed server side , you need to have one client running this regularly . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+463" / >
2020-11-22 15:23:41 +01:00
< source > Select a file < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Elektu dosieron < / translation >
2020-11-22 15:23:41 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+0" / >
< source > All Files ( * ) < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Ĉ iuj dosieroj ( * ) < / translation >
2020-11-22 15:23:41 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+103" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Open Sessions File < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Malfermi dosieron kun salutaĵoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< location line = "+18" / >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+8" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+18" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< location line = "+11" / >
< location line = "+18" / >
< source > Error < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Eraro < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "-64" / >
< location line = "+26" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > File Password < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Pasvorto de dosiero < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "-25" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Enter the passphrase to decrypt the file : < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Enigu pasfrazon por malĉifri la dosieron : < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+8" / >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< location line = "+26" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > The password cannot be empty < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > La pasvorto ne povas esti malplena < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "-8" / >
< source > Enter passphrase to encrypt your session keys : < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Enigu pasfrazon por ĉ ifri ŝ losilojn de via salutaĵo : < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+15" / >
< source > File to save the exported session keys < / source >
2022-09-30 06:00:54 +02:00
< translation > Dosiero , kien konserviĝos la elportitaj ŝ loslioj de salutaĵo < / translation >
2022-02-26 02:38:04 +01:00
< / message >
< / context >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< context >
< name > VerificationManager < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/encryption/VerificationManager.cpp" line = "+140" / >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< source > No encrypted private chat found with this user . Create an encrypted private chat with this user and try again . < / source >
2021-11-16 20:06:54 +01:00
< translation > Neniu ĉ ifrita privata babilo kun ĉ i tiu uzanto troviĝis . Kreu ĉ ifritan privatan babilon kun ĉ i tiu uzanto kaj reprovu . < / translation >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< / message >
< / context >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< context >
< name > descriptiveTime < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/Utils.cpp" line = "+208" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Yesterday < / source >
< translation > Hieraŭ < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > dialogs : : FallbackAuth < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/dialogs/FallbackAuth.cpp" line = "+37" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Open Fallback in Browser < / source >
2021-09-13 22:24:23 +02:00
< translation > Iri al foliumilo por la alternativa metodo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > Cancel < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Nuligi < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > Confirm < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Konfirmi < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+12" / >
2022-10-04 01:19:47 +02:00
< source > Open the fallback , follow the steps , and confirm after completing them . < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Repaŝu , sekvu la paŝojn , kaj konfirmu ilin fininte . < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< name > emoji - catagory < / name >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/GridImagePackModel.cpp" line = "-290" / >
< source > People < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > Homoj < / translation >
2022-01-01 04:40:43 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Nature < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > Naturo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Food < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > Manĝaĵo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Activity < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > Aktiveco < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Travel < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > Vojaĝoj < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Objects < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > Objektoj < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Symbols < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > Simboloj < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > Flags < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > Flagoj < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > message - description sent : < / name >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location filename = "../../src/Utils.h" line = "+115" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > You sent an audio clip < / source >
2021-09-13 22:24:23 +02:00
< translation > Vi sendis sonmesaĝon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > % 1 sent an audio clip < / source >
2021-09-13 22:24:23 +02:00
< translation > % 1 sendis sonmesaĝon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > You sent an image < / source >
< translation > Vi sendis bildon < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 sent an image < / source >
< translation > % 1 sendis bildon < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > You sent a file < / source >
< translation > Vi sendis dosieron < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 sent a file < / source >
< translation > % 1 sendis dosieron < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > You sent a video < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > Vi sendis filmon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 sent a video < / source >
2021-06-09 01:15:09 +02:00
< translation > % 1 sendis filmon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > You sent a sticker < / source >
2021-06-04 19:47:10 +02:00
< translation > Vi sendis glumarkon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 sent a sticker < / source >
2021-06-04 19:47:10 +02:00
< translation > % 1 sendis glumarkon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > You sent a notification < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Vi sendis sciigon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > % 1 sent a notification < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > % 1 sendis sciigon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+5" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "+16" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > You : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Vi : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< location line = "-14" / >
< location line = "+17" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 : % 2 < / source >
< translation > % 1 : % 2 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< location line = "-11" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > You sent a chat effect < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
2023-07-12 10:26:04 +02:00
< source > % 1 sent a chat effect < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+15" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > You sent an encrypted message < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Vi sendis ĉ ifritan mesaĝon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > % 1 sent an encrypted message < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > % 1 sendis ĉ ifritan mesaĝon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+5" / >
< source > You placed a call < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Vi vokis < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 placed a call < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > % 1 vokis < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > You answered a call < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Vi respondis vokon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 answered a call < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > % 1 respondis vokon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > You ended a call < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > Vi finis vokon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > % 1 ended a call < / source >
2021-09-13 21:08:01 +02:00
< translation > % 1 finis vokon < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > You rejected a call < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > Vi malakceptis vokon < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > % 1 rejected a call < / source >
2022-12-28 23:46:43 +01:00
< translation > % 1 malakceptis vokon < / translation >
2022-12-26 22:20:17 +01:00
< / message >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > utils < / name >
< message >
2021-11-03 23:44:55 +01:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< source > Unknown Message Type < / source >
2021-09-13 22:24:23 +02:00
< translation > Nekonata tipo de mesaĝo < / translation >
2020-10-07 22:52:14 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< / TS >