Michele Guerini Rocco c55e866ba6
src/gray_plasma.f90: use mollifier to interpolate density
This methods ensures n_e(ψ) is everywhere positive and C²-continuous.

The density boundary is now dependent on the width w of the mollifier,
which also controls the smoothness of the curve, specifically:
  ψ_bnd = ψ_last + w
where ψ_last = 1.01 currently is an extra point added to improve the
convergence of the mollified density to the original data as w→0.
2025-03-17 16:32:36 +01:00

525 lines
20 KiB
Raw Blame History

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module gray_params
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
use types, only : table, contour
implicit none
integer, parameter :: lenfnm = 256
! Polarisation mode
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: polar_enum = -1
enumerator :: MODE_O = 1 ! ordinary mode (O)
enumerator :: MODE_X = 2 ! extraordinary mode (X)
end enum
! Beam parameters format
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: beam_enum = -1
enumerator :: BEAM_0D = 0 ! fixed beam parameters
enumerator :: BEAM_1D = 1 ! 1D steering angle table
enumerator :: BEAM_2D = 2 ! 2D steering angles table
end enum
! Position of the X point
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: x_point_enum = -1
enumerator :: X_IS_MISSING = 0 ! no X point
enumerator :: X_AT_TOP = +1 ! at the top of the plasma
enumerator :: X_AT_BOTTOM = -1 ! at the bottom of the plasma
end enum
! MHD equilibrium kind
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: equil_enum = -1
enumerator :: EQ_VACUUM = 0 ! vacuum (i.e. no plasma at all)
enumerator :: EQ_ANALYTICAL = 1 ! analytical model
enumerator :: EQ_EQDSK_FULL = 2 ! G-EQDSK format - data valid on the whole domain
enumerator :: EQ_EQDSK_PARTIAL = 3 ! G-EQDSK format - data valid only inside the LCFS
end enum
! Temperature/density scaling model
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: scaling_enum = -1
enumerator :: SCALE_COLLISION = 0 ! preserve collisionality
enumerator :: SCALE_GREENWALD = 1 ! preserve Greenwald fraction
enumerator :: SCALE_OFF = 2 ! don't rescale at all
end enum
! Radial profile coordinate
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: rho_enum = -1
enumerator :: RHO_TOR = 0 ! ρ_t = √Φ (where Φ is the normalised toroidal flux)
enumerator :: RHO_POL = 1 ! ρ_p = √ψ (where ψ is the normalised poloidal flux)
enumerator :: RHO_PSI = 2 ! normalised poloidal flux ψ
end enum
! Plasma profiles kind
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: profiles_enum = -1
enumerator :: PROF_ANALYTIC = 0 ! analytical model
enumerator :: PROF_NUMERIC = 1 ! numerical data (ρ, n_e, T_e, table)
end enum
! Choice of the integration variable
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: step_enum = -1
enumerator :: STEP_ARCLEN = 0 ! arc length (s)
enumerator :: STEP_TIME = 1 ! time (actually c⋅t)
enumerator :: STEP_PHASE = 2 ! phase (actually real part of eikonal S_r=k₀⋅φ)
end enum
! Absorption model
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: absorption_enum = -1
enumerator :: ABSORP_OFF = 0 ! no absorption at all
enumerator :: ABSORP_WEAK = 1 ! weakly relativistic
enumerator :: ABSORP_FULL = 2 ! fully relativistic (faster variant)
enumerator :: ABSORP_FULL_ALT = 3 ! fully relativistic (slower variant)
end enum
! Current drive model
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: current_drive_enum = -1
enumerator :: CD_OFF = 0 ! no current drive at all
enumerator :: CD_COHEN = 1 ! Cohen
enumerator :: CD_NO_TRAP = 2 ! no trapping
enumerator :: CD_NEOCLASSIC = 3 ! Neoclassical
end enum
! Antenna/wave launcher parameters
type antenna_parameters
! From
real(wp_) :: alpha, beta ! Launching angles
real(wp_) :: power = 1.0_wp_ ! Initial power
real(wp_) :: psi = 0, chi = 0 ! Initial polarisation ellipse parameters
integer(kind(polar_enum)) :: iox ! Initial wave mode
integer(kind(beam_enum)) :: ibeam ! Beam parameters format
character(len=lenfnm) :: filenm ! beamdata.txt filename
! From beamdata.txt:
real(wp_) :: fghz ! EC frequency
real(wp_) :: pos(3) ! Launcher position (tokamak frame)
real(wp_) :: w(2) ! Beam waists w(z) for the amplitude (local frame)
real(wp_) :: ri(2) ! Beam inverse radii 1/R(z) for the phase (local frame)
real(wp_) :: phi(2) ! Axes orientation angles for amplitude, phase (local frame)
end type
! MHD equilibrium parameters
type equilibrium_parameters
real(wp_) :: ssplps = 0.005_wp_ ! Spline tension for ψ(R,Z)
real(wp_) :: ssplf = 0.01_wp_ ! Spline tension for F(ψ)
real(wp_) :: factb = 1.0_wp_ ! Rescaling factor for B
integer :: sgnb = 0, sgni = 0 ! Sign of B, I
integer(kind(x_point_enum)) :: ixp = X_IS_MISSING ! Position of X point
integer(kind(equil_enum)) :: iequil = EQ_EQDSK_FULL ! Equilibrium kind
integer :: icocos = 3 ! COCOS index
logical :: ipsinorm = .false. ! Whether ψ is normalised
logical :: idesc = .true. ! G-EQDSK quirks
logical :: ifreefmt = .false. !
character(len=lenfnm) :: filenm ! Equilibrium data filepath
end type
! Kinetic plasma profiles
type profiles_parameters
real(wp_) :: psnbnd = 1.0_wp_ ! Plasma boundary (ψ: ne(ψ)=0)
real(wp_) :: sspld = 0.020_wp_ ! Density mollifier width
real(wp_) :: factne = 1.0_wp_ ! Rescale factor for n_e
real(wp_) :: factte = 1.0_wp_ ! Rescale factor for T_e
integer(kind(scaling_enum)) :: iscal = SCALE_OFF ! Rescaling model for n_e,T_e
integer(kind(rho_enum)) :: irho ! Radial coordinate
integer(kind(profiles_enum)) :: iprof ! Profile kind
character(len=lenfnm) :: filenm ! Profiles data filepath
end type
! Raytracing parameters
type raytracing_parameters
real(wp_) :: dst ! Integration step size
real(wp_) :: rwmax = 1 ! Normalized maximum radius of beam power
integer :: nray, nrayr, nrayth ! Total/radial/angular number of rays
integer :: igrad = 0 ! Complex eikonal switch
integer :: nstep = 12000 ! Max number of integration steps
integer(kind(step_enum)) :: idst = STEP_TIME ! Choice of the integration variable
integer :: ipass = 1 ! Number of plasma passes
logical :: ipol = .false. ! Whether to compute wave polarisation (from chi, psi)
end type
! EC resonant heating & Current Drive parameters
type ecrh_cd_parameters
integer(kind(absorption_enum)) :: iwarm = ABSORP_FULL ! Choice of power absorption model
integer(kind(current_drive_enum)) :: ieccd = CD_NEOCLASSIC ! Choice of current drive model
integer :: ilarm = 5 ! Larmor-radius expansion order
integer :: imx = -20 ! Max iterations for solving the dispersion relation
end type
! Output data parameters
type output_parameters
real(wp_), allocatable :: grid(:) ! Radial grid, defaults to uniform ρ ∈ [0, 1]
integer :: ipec = RHO_TOR ! Radial coordinate of the EC profiles
integer :: nrho = 501 ! Number of grid steps for EC profiles + 1
integer :: istpr = 5 ! Subsampling factor for beam cross-section (tables 8, 12)
integer :: istpl = 5 ! Subsampling factor for outer rays (table 33)
end type
! Other parameters
type misc_parameters
real(wp_) :: rwall ! R of the limiter (fallback)
integer, allocatable :: active_tables(:) ! IDs of output tables to fill in
end type
! All GRAY parameters
type gray_parameters
type(antenna_parameters) :: antenna
type(equilibrium_parameters) :: equilibrium
type(profiles_parameters) :: profiles
type(raytracing_parameters) :: raytracing
type(ecrh_cd_parameters) :: ecrh_cd
type(output_parameters) :: output
type(misc_parameters) :: misc
end type
! List of mandatory GRAY parameters
integer, parameter :: max_name_size = 40
character(len=*), parameter :: mandatory(*) = [ &
character(len=max_name_size) :: &
"antenna.alpha", &
"antenna.beta", &
"antenna.iox", &
"antenna.ibeam", &
"antenna.filenm", &
"equilibrium.filenm", &
"profiles.irho", &
"profiles.iprof", &
"profiles.filenm", &
"raytracing.dst", &
"raytracing.nrayr", &
"raytracing.nrayth", &
"misc.rwall" &
! Wrapper type for array of pointers
type table_ptr
type(table), pointer :: ptr => null()
end type
! Extra outputs tables
type gray_tables
type(table) :: flux_averages, flux_surfaces
type(table) :: summary, ec_profiles
type(table) :: central_ray, outer_rays, dispersion
type(table) :: beam_shape, beam_final, beam_size
type(table) :: kinetic_profiles, ec_resonance, inputs_maps
! for iterating over the tables
type(table_ptr) :: iter(13)
end type
! GRAY final results
type gray_results
real(wp_) :: pabs ! Total absorbed power
real(wp_) :: icd ! Total driven current
real(wp_), allocatable :: dpdv(:) ! Absorbed power density
real(wp_), allocatable :: jcd(:) ! Driven current density
type(gray_tables) :: tables ! Extra outputs
end type
function make_gray_header(params) result(header)
! Writes the Gray output header to a file
! function arguments
type(gray_parameters), intent(in) :: params
! local variables
character(len=200) :: line
character(len=21*len(line)) :: header
character(len=8) :: date
character(len=10) :: time
#ifndef REVISION
character(len=*), parameter :: REVISION="unknown"
header = ""
! Date and time
call date_and_time(date, time)
write(line, '("# Run date/time: ",a4,2("/",a2),1x,2(a2,":"),a6)') &
date(1:4), date(5:6), date(7:8), &
time(1:2), time(3:4), time(5:10)
call append(header, line)
! Git revision
write(line, '("# GRAY Git revision: ",a)') REVISION
call append(header, line)
! MHD equilibrium parameters
if (params%equilibrium%iequil > 0) then
write(line, '("# EQL input: ",a)') trim(params%equilibrium%filenm)
call append(header, line)
! TODO add missing values
write(line, '("# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax:",5(1x,g0.5))') &
0, 0, 0, 0, 0
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# EQL input: N/A (vacuum)")')
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# EQL B0 R0 aminor Rax zax: N/A (vacuum)")')
call append(header, line)
end if
write(line, '("# EQL iequil sgnb sgni factb:",3(1x,g0),1x,g0.3)') &
params%equilibrium%iequil, params%equilibrium%sgnb, &
params%equilibrium%sgni, params%equilibrium%factb
call append(header, line)
if (params%equilibrium%iequil > 1) then
write(line, '("# EQL icocos ipsinorm idesc ifreefmt:",4(1x,g0))') &
params%equilibrium%icocos, params%equilibrium%ipsinorm, &
params%equilibrium%idesc, params%equilibrium%ifreefmt
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# EQL ssplps ssplf ixp:",2(1x,g8.3e1),1x,g0)') &
params%equilibrium%ssplps, params%equilibrium%ssplf, &
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# EQL icocos ipsinorm idesc ifreefmt: N/A (analytical)")')
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# EQL ssplps ssplf ixp: N/A (analytical)")')
call append(header, line)
end if
! Profiles parameters
if (params%equilibrium%iequil > 0) then
write(line, '("# PRF input: ",a)') trim(params%profiles%filenm)
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# PRF iprof iscal factne factte:",4(1x,g0.4))') &
params%profiles%iprof, params%profiles%iscal, &
params%profiles%factne, params%profiles%factte
call append(header, line)
if (params%profiles%iprof > 0) then
write(line, '("# PRF irho psnbnd sspld:",3(1x,g0.3))') &
params%profiles%irho, params%profiles%psnbnd, params%profiles%sspld
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# PRF irho psnbnd sspld: N/A (analytical)")')
call append(header, line)
end if
! TODO: add missing values
write(line, '("# PRF Te0 ne0 Zeff0:",3(1x,g0.4))') 0, 0, 0
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# PRF input: N/A (vacuum)")')
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# PRF iprof iscal factne factte: N/A (vacuum)")')
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# PRF irho psnbnd sspld: N/A (vacuum)")')
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# PRF Te0 ne0 Zeff0: N/A (vacuum)")')
call append(header, line)
end if
! Antenna parameters
write(line, '("# ANT input: ",a)') trim(params%antenna%filenm)
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# ANT ibeam iox psi chi:",4(1x,g0.4))') &
params%antenna%ibeam, params%antenna%iox, &
params%antenna%psi, params%antenna%chi
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# ANT alpha beta power fghz:",4(1x,g0.3))') &
params%antenna%alpha, params%antenna%beta, &
params%antenna%power, params%antenna%fghz
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# ANT x0 y0 z0:",3(1x,g0.3))') params%antenna%pos
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# ANT wx wy Rcix Rciy psiw psir:",6(1x,g15.5e1))') &
params%antenna%w, params%antenna%ri, params%antenna%phi
call append(header, line)
! Other parameters
write(line, '("# RFL rwall:",1x,e12.5)') params%misc%rwall
call append(header, line)
! code parameters
write(line, '("# COD igrad idst ipass ipol:",3(1x,i4),1x,l4)') &
params%raytracing%igrad, params%raytracing%idst, &
params%raytracing%ipass, params%raytracing%ipol
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# COD nrayr nrayth nstep rwmax dst:",5(1x,g0.4))') &
params%raytracing%nrayr, params%raytracing%nrayth, &
params%raytracing%nstep, params%raytracing%rwmax, &
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# COD iwarm ilarm imx ieccd:",4(1x,i4))') &
params%ecrh_cd%iwarm, params%ecrh_cd%ilarm, &
params%ecrh_cd%imx, params%ecrh_cd%ieccd
call append(header, line)
write(line, '("# COD ipec nrho istpr istpl:",4(1x,i4))') &
params%output%ipec, params%output%nrho, &
params%output%istpr, params%output%istpl
header = trim(header) // trim(line)
subroutine append(header, line)
! Appends a line to the header
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: header
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
header = trim(header) // trim(line) // new_line('a')
end subroutine
end function make_gray_header
function update_parameter(params, name, value) result(err)
! Updates the value of a parameter, addressed by a string
! The return error is:
! ERR_SUCCESS on success;
! ERR_VALUE on invalid parameter value;
! ERR_UNKNOWN on unknown parameter name.
! Ex. update_parameter(params, 'raytracing.nrayr', '10')
use ini_parser, only : ini_error, ERR_SUCCESS, ERR_VALUE, ERR_UNKNOWN
! function arguments
type(gray_parameters), intent(inout) :: params
character(*), intent(in) :: name, value
integer(kind(ini_error)) :: err
character(len=:), allocatable :: temp
! hope for the best...
#include ""
end function update_parameter
subroutine read_gray_config(filename, params, err)
! Reads the GRAY parameters from the gray.ini configuration file
use ini_parser, only : parse_ini, property_handler, ini_error, ERR_SUCCESS
use logger, only : log_error
! subroutine arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
type(gray_parameters), intent(out) :: params
integer(kind(ini_error)), intent(out) :: err
integer, parameter :: max_lines = 100
integer :: count, i
character(len=max_name_size) :: provided(max_lines), name
! parse the configuration
count = 0
call parse_ini(filename, ini_handler, err)
if (err /= ERR_SUCCESS) return
! check if all mandatory parameters were given
do i = 1, size(mandatory)
name = mandatory(i)
if (any(provided(1:count)==trim(name))) cycle
call log_error('mandatory parameter `'//trim(name)//'` is missing!', &
mod='gray_params', proc='read_gray_config')
err = 1
end do
! set computed values
params%raytracing%nray = 1 + (params%raytracing%nrayr-1) * params%raytracing%nrayth
function ini_handler(section, name, value) result(err)
! This function handles a single INI property and updates
! the `params` structure
! function arguments
character(*), intent(in) :: section, name, value
integer(kind(ini_error)) :: err
err = update_parameter(params, section // "." // name, value)
! store the parameter name
count = count + 1
provided(count) = section // "." // name
end function ini_handler
end subroutine read_gray_config
subroutine read_gray_params(filename, params, err)
! Reads the GRAY parameters from the legacy file
use logger, only : log_error
! subrouting arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
type(gray_parameters), intent(out) :: params
integer, intent(out) :: err
! local variables
integer :: u, temp(3)
open(newunit=u, file=filename, status='old', action='read', iostat=err)
if (err /= 0) then
call log_error('opening gray_params file ('//filename//') failed!', &
mod='gray_params', proc='read_gray_params')
end if
read(u, *) params%raytracing%nrayr, params%raytracing%nrayth, &
read(u, *) params%raytracing%igrad, params%raytracing%ipass, temp(1)
! convert integers to logicals
params%raytracing%ipol = temp(1) > 0
read(u, *) params%raytracing%dst, params%raytracing%nstep, &
read(u, *) params%ecrh_cd%iwarm, params%ecrh_cd%ilarm, params%ecrh_cd%imx
read(u, *) params%ecrh_cd%ieccd
! restrict to 0-3
params%ecrh_cd%ieccd = min(params%ecrh_cd%ieccd, 3)
read(u, *) params%antenna%alpha, params%antenna%beta
read(u, *) params%antenna%power
read(u, *) params%antenna%iox, params%antenna%psi, params%antenna%chi
read(u, *) params%antenna%ibeam
read(u, *) params%antenna%filenm
read(u, *) params%equilibrium%iequil
read(u, *) params%equilibrium%filenm
read(u, *) params%equilibrium%icocos, temp(1:3)
! convert integers to logicals
params%equilibrium%ipsinorm = temp(1) > 0
params%equilibrium%idesc = temp(2) > 0
params%equilibrium%ifreefmt = temp(3) > 0
read(u, *) params%equilibrium%ixp, params%equilibrium%ssplps, &
read(u, *) params%equilibrium%sgnb, params%equilibrium%sgni, &
read(u, *) params%misc%rwall
read(u, *) params%profiles%iprof, params%profiles%irho
read(u, *) params%profiles%filenm
read(u, *) params%profiles%psnbnd, params%profiles%sspld
read(u, *) params%profiles%factte, params%profiles%factne, &
read(u, *) params%output%ipec, params%output%nrho
read(u, *) params%output%istpr, params%output%istpl
! remap to 0,1 (as in irho)
params%output%ipec = mod(params%output%ipec, 2)
! set computed values
params%raytracing%nray = 1 + (params%raytracing%nrayr-1) * params%raytracing%nrayth
end subroutine read_gray_params
end module gray_params