This methods ensures n_e(ψ) is everywhere positive and C²-continuous. The density boundary is now dependent on the width w of the mollifier, which also controls the smoothness of the curve, specifically: ψ_bnd = ψ_last + w where ψ_last = 1.01 currently is an extra point added to improve the convergence of the mollified density to the original data as w→0.
8.4 KiB
title | section |
GRAY.INI | 5 |
gray.ini --- Configuration file for gray(1)
The configuration file is written in the INI format. The basic syntax is:
; comment
parameter = value
Group is one of: raytracing, ecrh_cd, antenna, equilibrium, profiles, misc.
Values are valid Fortran values, including numbers (integers or floating points), strings (enclosed in quotes), booleans (.true., .false.) and named constants (e.g. MODE_X).
Valid configuration parameters listed by group
Note: parameters with a default value are optional and can be omitted.
Raytracing parameters
- nrayr
- Number of rays in the radial direction
- nrayth
- Number of rays in the angular direction
- rwmax (default: 1.0)
- Normalized maximum radius of the beam power
- igrad (default: 0)
- Switch between simple raytracing (0) and beamtracing (1)
- ipass (default: 1)
- Max number of crossing (out, in, out) of the plasma. When positive reflections occur on the plasma limiter provided by the G-EQDSK file; when negative on a simple limiter at R=rwall, see below.
- ipol (default: .false.)
- Whether to compute the wave polarisation from chi, psi (see below)
- dst
- Step size (cm) for the numerical integration
- nstep (default: 12000)
- Max number of integration steps
- idst (default: STEP_TIME)
- Choice of the integration variable. One of:
- STEP_ARCLEN, arc length (s)
- STEP_TIME, time (actually c⋅t)
- STEP_PHASE, phase (actually the real part of the eikonal S_r=k₀⋅φ)
ECRH and current drive parameters
- iwarm (default: ABSORP_FULL)
- Choice of the power absorption model. One of:
- ABSORP_OFF, no absorption at all
- ABSORP_WEAK, weakly relativistic
- ABSORP_FULL, fully relativistic (faster variant)
- ABSORP_FULL_ALT, fully relativistic (slower variant)
Note: iwarm /= ABSORP_OFF is required for current drive.
- ilarm (default: 5)
- Order of the electron Larmor radius expansion (used by some absorption models)
- imx (default: -20)
- Max number of iterations for the solution of the dispersion relation
(used by some absorption models)
Note: if negative the result of the first iteration will be used in case the result doesn't converge within |imx| iterations.
- ieccd (default: CD_NEOCLASSIC)
- Current drive model. One of:
- CD_OFF, no current drive at all
- CD_COHEN, Cohen
- CD_NO_TRAP, no trapping
- CD_NEOCLASSIC, Neoclassical
Antenna/beam launcher parameters
- alpha
- Poloidal launch angle (deg). Positive is down
- beta
- Toroidal launch angle (deg). Positive is right
- power (default: 1.0)
- Injected power (MW)
- iox
- Polarisation mode. One of:
- MODE_O, ordinary (O)
- MODE_X, extraordinary (X)
- psi (default: 0.0)
- ψ (deg), angle between the x and the major axis of the
polarisation ellipse. ψ∈[-90, 90] and is positive for
rotating counterclockwise.
Note: only used in alternative to iox if ipol=.true..
- chi (default: 0.0)
- χ (deg), angle between the principal axes of the polarisation
ellipse. χ∈[-45, 45] and is defined by tan(χ) = b/a, where
a,b are the major,minor semi-axis, respective.
χ>0 means the ellipse is traced clockwise in the x∧y plane with the z axis in the direction of the wave propagation. In other words: negative helicity (projection of spin angular momentum unto wavevector) or left handed wave (IEEE convention).
Note: only used in alternative to iox if ipol=.true..
- ibeam (default: BEAM_0D)
- Beam parameters file format. One of:
- BEAM_0D, fixed beam parameters
- BEAM_1D, 1D steering angle table
- BEAM_2D, 2D steering angles table
- filenm
- Filepath of the beam data (relative to the gray.ini file)
MHD equilibrium parameters
- iequil (default: EQ_EQDSK_FULL)
- MHD equilibrium kind. One of:
- EQ_VACUUM, vacuum (i.e. no plasma at all)
- EQ_ANALYTICAL, analytical model
- EQ_EQDSK_FULL, G-EQDSK format - data valid on the whole domain
- EQ_EQDSK_PARTIAL, G-EQDSK format - data valid only inside the LCFS
- filenm
- Filepath of the equilibrium data (relative to the gray.ini file)
- icocos (default: 3)
- COCOS index of the equilibrium data (G-EQDSK only)
- ipsinorm (default: .false.)
- Whether the poloidal function is normalised (G-EQDSK only)
Note: Normalised means ψ(axis)=0, ψ(boundary)=1
- idesc (default: .true.)
- Whether the header starts with a description, a.k.a identification string (G-EQDSK only)
- ifreefmt (default: .false.)
- Whether the records have variable length (G-EQDSK only)
Note: some non-compliant programs output numbers formatted with variable length instead of using the single (5e16.9) specifier.
- ixp (default: X_IS_MISSING)
- Position of the X point. One of:
- X_IS_MISSING, No X point
- X_AT_TOP, At the top of the plasma
- X_AT_BOTTOM, At the bottom of the plasma
- ssplps (default: 0.005)
- Tension for the ψ_n(R,Z) spline, normalised poloidal flux
Note: 0 means perfect interpolation
- ssplf (default: 0.01)
- Tension for the F(ψ)=R⋅B_T spline, poloidal current function
Note: 0 means perfect interpolation
- sgnb (default: 0)
- Force the sign of the toroidal field. One of:
- +1, counter-clockwise (viewed from above)
- -1, clockwise
- 0, use sign from COCOS
- sgni (default: 0)
- Force the sign of the plasma current. One of:
- +1, counter-clockwise (viewed from above)
- -1, clockwise
- 0, use sign from COCOS
- factb (default: 1.0)
- Rescaling factor for the magnetic field
(input) plasma profiles parameters
- iprof
- Plasma profiles kind. One of:
- PROF_ANALYTIC, analytical model
- PROF_NUMERIC, numerical data (ρ, n_e, T_e, table)
- irho
- Plasma profiles radial coordinate. One of:
- RHO_TOR, ρ_t = √Φ (where Φ is the normalised toroidal flux)
- RHO_POL, ρ_p = √ψ (where ψ is the normalised poloidal flux)
- RHO_PSI, normalised poloidal flux ψ
- filenm
- Filepath of the plasma profiles data (relative to the gray.ini file)
- sspld (default: 0.020)
- Width of the the electron density mollifier (>0)
Large values produce smoother profiles but also increase the density boundary (
psnbnd = 1.01 + sspld
). - factte (default: 1.0)
- Rescaling factor for the electron temperature factte = 1
- factne (default: 1.0)
- Rescaling factor for the density temperature
- iscal (default: SCALE_OFF)
- Choice of model for rescaling the temperature, density with the
magnetic field (if factb ≠ 0 only). One of:
- SCALE_OFF, don't rescale at all
- SCALE_COLLISION, scale while preserving collisionality
- SCALE_GREENWALD, scale while preserving the Greenwald fraction
Output data parameters
- ipec (default: RHO_TOR)
- ECRH&CD profiles grid: Radial coordinate of the uniform grid.
One of:
- RHO_TOR, ρ_t = √Φ (where Φ is the normalised toroidal flux)
- RHO_POL, ρ_p = √ψ (where ψ is the normalised poloidal flux)
- nrho (default: 501)
- Number of in the radial grid
- istpr (default: 5)
- Subsampling factors for the beam cross section (units 8, 12)
- istpl (default: 5)
- Subsampling factors for the outer rays data (unit 33)
Other parameters
- rwall
Radius of the inner wall (m). Used to build a simple limiter for reflections (only when ipass<0)
Below is an example of a gray.ini file
; beamtracing with 16×24 rays
nrayr = 16
nrayth = 24
igrad = 1
; integrate in the phase
dst = 0.05
nstep = 2400
; vertical launch
alpha = 89.45
beta = 0.0
iox = MODE_X
ibeam = BEAM_1D
filenm = "beamdata.txt"
filenm = "equilibrium.eqdsk"
icocos = 2
; analytical profiles
irho = RHO_TOR
filenm = "profiles.txt"
ipec = RHO_POL
nrho = 1001
rwall = 0.6
gray(1), beamdata.txt(5), profiles.txt(5), magneticdata.txt(5)