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@ -26,6 +26,31 @@ nstep = 12000
; 2: real part of the eikonal (S_r)
idst = 0
; Choice of the integration method
; 0: Explicit Euler (1⁰ order)
; 1: Semi-implicit Euler (1⁰ order, symplectic)
; 2: Velocity Verlet (2⁰ order, symplectic)
; 3: 2-stage Runge-Kutta (2⁰ order)
; 4: 4-stage Runge-Kutta (4⁰ order)
integrator = 4
; Whether to automatically adjust the integration step
; size based on the local error. If true `dst` will set
; the initial step size.
adaptive_step = false
; Enable the realtime mode
; In realtime a single ray is traced until absorption reaches ≈50% of the
; total. The simulation is stopped immediately after returning only the
; position (as ρ_p=√ψ) of the peak. So, no post-processing is
; performed at all. In addition:
; - all outputs units are inactivated (equivalent to passing --units 0);
; - current drive computation is disabled (ecrh_cd.ieccd=0);
; - absorption is computed in weakly relativistic approximation
; (ecrh_cd.iwarm=1);
; - reflections and multiple plasma passes are disabled;
realtime = false
; Choice of the power absorption model
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
! This modules implements a simplified formula for the plasma absorption
! coefficient close to the harmonics valid for low temperature (< 10keV)
! and low harmonic numbers (<6).
! Reference: 1983 Nuclear Fusion 23 1153 (
module absorption
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
implicit none
public :: alpha_fast
pure function line_shape(Y, Npl2, theta) result(phi)
! The line shape function of the first harmonic,
! with exception of the X mode in the tenuous plasma regime:
! φ(ζ) = Im(-1/Z(ζ))
! From the same considerations as in `line_shape_harmonics`, we have:
! φ(ζ) = 1/√π exp(ζ²)/[1 + erfi(ζ)²]
! Note: Since we already have an implementation of Z(ζ) we
! use that and write Φ(ζ) = Im(Z)/[Re(Z)² + Im(Z)²].
use const_and_precisions, only: zero
use dispersion, only: zetac
implicit none
! function arguments
! CMA Y variable: Y=ω_c/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Y
! squared parallel refractive index: N∥²=N²cos²θ
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl2
! adimensional temperature: Θ = kT/mc²
real(wp_), intent(in) :: theta
! line shape Φ(ζ)
real(wp_) :: phi
! local variables
real(wp_) :: a, b, z
integer :: err
z = (1 - Y)/sqrt(2 * theta * Npl2) ! ζ
call zetac(z, zero, a, b, err) ! a=Re(Z(ζ)), b=Im(Z(ζ))
phi = b/(a**2 + b**2) ! Im(-1/Z)
end function line_shape
pure function line_shape_harmonics(Y, Npl2, theta, n) result(phi)
! The line shape function of all modes at higher harmonics (n>1)
! and the X mode at the first harmonic:
! φ(ζ) = Im(Z(ζ))
! where Z(ζ) = 1/√π ∫dz exp(-z²)/(z-ζ);
! ζ = (ω - nω_c)/(√2 k∥ v_t)
! = (1 - nY)/(√(2Θ)⋅N∥).
! Since the plasma is weakly dissipative, the wavenumber has a small
! positive imaginary part, so Im(ζ)<0. By the Sokhotski–Plemelj
! theorem we have that:
! lim_Im(ζ)→0 Z(ζ) = 1/√π P ∫dz exp(-z²)/(z-ζ) + i√π exp(-ζ²)
! = -√π exp(-ζ²) erfi(ζ) + i√π exp(-ζ²)
! where erfi(ζ) = -i⋅erf(iζ). So, Φ(ζ) = √π exp(-ζ²).
use const_and_precisions, only : sqrt_pi
implicit none
! function arguments
! CMA Y variable: Y=ω_c/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Y
! squared parallel refractive index: N∥²=N²cos²θ
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl2
! adimensional temperature: Θ = kT/mc²
real(wp_), intent(in) :: theta
! harmonic number
integer, intent(in) :: n
! line shape Φ(ζ)
real(wp_) :: phi
! local variables
real(wp_) :: z2
z2 = (1 - n*Y)**2/(2 * theta * Npl2)
phi = sqrt_pi * exp(-z2)
end function line_shape_harmonics
pure function warm_index(d, Npl2, Npr2, sox) result(M2)
! The real part of the warm plasma refractive index
! in the finite density regime near the first harmonic:
! M² = (1 - δ + ½ N⊥²/N² ∓ ½ √Δ) ⋅ N²/N⊥²
! where Δ = N⊥⁴/N⁴ + 4n²(1-δ)²N∥²/N²;
! δ = X/Y².
! Reference: 1983 Nuclear Fusion 23 1153 - table VII
implicit none
! function arguments
! parameter δ=(ω_pe/ω_ce)²
real(wp_), intent(in) :: d
! squared refractive index: N∥², N⊥² (cold dispersion)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl2, Npr2
! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
integer, intent(in) :: sox
! warm refactive indexL M²
real(wp_) :: M2
! local variables
real(wp_) :: N2, delta
! total refractive index N²
N2 = Npl2 + Npr2
delta = (Npr2/N2)**2 + 4*(1-d)**2 * (Npl2/N2)
M2 = (1 - d + Npr2/N2/2 + sox*sqrt(delta)/2) * N2/Npr2
end function warm_index
pure function warm_index_harmonics(d, Npl2, Npr2, sox, n) result(M2)
! The real part of the warm plasma refractive index
! in the finite density regime near the harmonics (n>2)
! M² = 1 - δ⋅f
! where f = (1 - δ) / [(1 - δ) - (N⊥²/N² ∓ ρ) / (2n²)];
! ρ² = N⊥⁴/N⁴ + 4n²⋅(1 - δ)²⋅ N∥²/N²;
! δ = X/(nY)².
! Reference: 1983 Nuclear Fusion 23 1153 - table VIII
implicit none
! function arguments
! parameter δ=(ω_p/nω_c)²
real(wp_), intent(in) :: d
! squared refractive index: N∥², N⊥² (cold dispersion)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl2, Npr2
! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
integer, intent(in) :: sox
! harmonic number
integer, intent(in) :: n
! warm refactive index
real(wp_) :: M2
! local variables
real(wp_) :: N2, f, r2
! total refractive index N²
N2 = Npl2 + Npr2
r2 = (Npr2/N2)**2 + 4*n**2 * (1 - d)**2 * Npl2/N2
f = (1 - d) / ((1 - d) - (Npr2/N2 + sox * sqrt(r2)) / (2*n**2))
M2 = 1 - d*f
end function warm_index_harmonics
pure function polarisation(X, Y, N2, Npl2, Npr2, sox) result(R)
! The polarisation function R(θ,O/X) in the finite density regime
! for the first harmonic:
! R(N∥, N⊥, O/X) = [(1 - δ)⋅(1 - δ/2 - M∥²) - M⊥²]²
! ⋅ 1/√(a² + b²) ⋅ M∥ ⋅ 1/d
! where δ = X/Y²
! a² = [(1 - δ - M⊥²)² + (1 - d)⋅M∥²]² ⋅ M⊥²
! b² = (2 - 2δ - M⊥²)² ⋅ (1 - d - M⊥²)² ⋅ M∥²
! M is the real part of the warm refractive index
! Reference: 1983 Nuclear Fusion 23 1153 - formula (3.1.68)
implicit none
! function arguments
! CMA diagram variables: X=(ω_pe/ω)², Y=ω_ce/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: X, Y
! squared refractive index: N², N∥², N⊥² (cold dispersion)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: N2, Npl2, Npr2
! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
integer, intent(in) :: sox
! polarisation function
real(wp_) :: R
! local variables
real(wp_) :: a2, b2, d
real(wp_) :: M2, Mpl2, Mpr2
d = X/Y**2 ! δ=(ω_pe/ω_ce)²
M2 = warm_index(d, Npl2, Npr2, sox)
Mpl2 = M2 * Npl2/N2 ! M∥² = M²cos²θ
Mpr2 = M2 * Npr2/N2 ! M⊥² = M²sin²θ
a2 = ((1 - d - Mpr2)**2 + (1 - d)*Mpl2)**2 * Mpr2
b2 = (2 - 2*d - Mpr2)**2 * (1 - d - Mpr2)**2 * Mpl2
R = ((1 - d)*(1 - d/2 - Mpl2) - Mpr2)**2 / sqrt(a2 + b2) &
* sqrt(Mpl2) / d
end function polarisation
pure function polarisation_harmonics(X, Y, N2, Npl2, Npr2, sox, n) result(mu)
! The polarisation function μ(n,θ,O/X) times 2(1+cos²θ)
! in the finite-density plasma regime for harmonics (n>1):
! μ⋅2(1+cos²θ) = M^(2n-3) (n-1)² (1 - (1+1/n)⋅f) / √(a²+b²)
! where f as in `warm_index_harmonics`;
! a = (N⊥/N) (1 + c/e² M∥²);
! b = (N∥/N) (1 + c/e);
! c = (1-δ) n²[1 - (1-1/n²)⋅f]²;
! e = 1-δ-M⊥²
! M∥ = M/N N∥ = M cosθ;
! M⊥ = M/N N⊥ = M sinθ;
! M is the real part of the warm refractive index.
! Reference: 1983 Nuclear Fusion 23 1153 - formula (3.1.77)
implicit none
! function arguments
! CMA diagram variables: X=(ω_pe/ω)², Y=ω_ce/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: X, Y
! squared refractive index: N², N∥², N⊥² (cold dispersion)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: N2, Npl2, Npr2
! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
integer, intent(in) :: sox
! harmonic number
integer, intent(in) :: n
! polarisation function
real(wp_) :: mu
! local variables
real(wp_) :: d, f, a2, b2, c, e
real(wp_) :: M2, Mpl2, Mpr2
! δ=(ω_pe/nω_ce)²
d = X/(n*Y)**2
M2 = warm_index_harmonics(d, Npl2, Npr2, sox, n)
Mpl2 = M2 * Npl2/N2 ! M∥ = Mcosθ
Mpr2 = M2 * Npr2/N2 ! M⊥ = Msinθ
f = (1 - M2)/d
c = (1 - d) * n**2 * (1 - (1 - 1/n**2) * f)**2
e = 1 - d - Mpr2
a2 = Npr2/N2 * (1 + c/e**2 * Mpl2)**2 ! a²
b2 = Npl2/N2 * (1 + c/e)**2 ! b²
mu = M2**(n-3.0_wp_/2) * (n-1)**2 &
* (1 - (1 + 1/n) * f)**2 &
/ sqrt(a2 + b2)
end function polarisation_harmonics
function alpha_fast(X, Y, theta, k0, Npl, Npr, sox, &
nhmin, nhmax) result(alpha)
! The absorption coefficient around ω=nω_c in the low
! temperature (< 10keV), low harmonic number limit (< 6),
! and oblique propagation:
! α(n,ω,θ,O/X) = α(n,θ)⋅μ(n,θ,O/X)⋅Φ(n,ω)
! where α(n,θ) is the nth-harmonic absorption coeff.;
! μ(n,θ,O/X) is the polarisation part;
! Φ(n,ω) is the line shape function.
! Finally, for the X1 mode:
! Notes:
! 1. The approximation is decent for
! δ = (ω_pe/nω_ce)² / (2 √Θ N∥) << 1 (tenuous plasma)
! >> 1 (finite density);
! 2. In the implementation the angular dependencies
! have been replaced by cosθ=N∥/N, sinθ=N⊥/N;
! 3. The special cases for n=1 have been recast
! from the original form (tbl. XI, eq. 3.1.67)
! to match with eq. 3.1.73.
implicit none
! function arguments
! CMA diagram variables: X=(ω_pe/ω)², Y=ω_ce/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: X, Y
! adimensional temperature: Θ = kT/mc²
real(wp_), intent(in) :: theta
! vacuum wavenumber k₀=ω/c
real(wp_), intent(in) :: k0
! refractive index: N∥, N⊥ (cold dispersion)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl, Npr
! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
integer, intent(in) :: sox
! min/max harmonic number
integer, intent(in) :: nhmin, nhmax
! absorption coefficient
real(wp_) :: alpha
! local variables
integer :: n ! harmonic number
real(wp_) :: N2, Npr2, Npl2
real(wp_) :: delta
real(wp_) :: shape, polar, absorp
Npr2 = Npr**2 ! N⊥² refractive index
Npl2 = Npl**2 ! N∥²
N2 = Npr2 + Npl2 ! N²
! tenuous/finite density parameter:
! δ = (ω_p/ω_c)²/(2√Θ N∥)
delta = X/Y**2 / (2*abs(Npl)*sqrt(theta))
! First harmonic
if (delta < 1) then
! Tenuous plasma
if (sox < 0) then
! O mode
! absorption coeff: k₀⋅X
absorp = k0 * X
! polarisation part: N⊥⁴/N² ⋅ (N²+2N∥²)²/(N²+ N∥²)³
polar = Npr2**2/N2 * (N2 + 2*Npl2)**2/(N2 + Npl2)**3
! line shape part: Φ(ζ) = Im(-1/Z(ζ)) / (√(2/Θ)⋅Y⋅|N∥|)
shape = line_shape(Y, Npl2, theta) &
/ (sqrt(2/theta) * Y * abs(Npl))
! X mode
! polarisation part: (N² + N∥²)/N
polar = (N2 + Npl2) / sqrt(N2)
! line shape part: Φ(ζ) = Im(Z(ζ)) / (2√(2θ)⋅Y⋅|N∥|)
shape = line_shape_harmonics(Y, Npl2, theta, n) &
/ (2 * sqrt(2*theta) * Y * abs(Npl))
end if
! Finite density (δ > 1)
! absorption coeff: k₀⋅Y
absorp = k0 * Y
! polarisation part: R(N∥, N⊥, O/X)
polar = polarisation(X, Y, N2, Npl2, Npr2, sox)
! line shape part: Φ(ζ) = Im(-1/Z(ζ)) ⋅ 2√(2Θ)
shape = line_shape(Y, Npl2, theta) &
* 2 * sqrt(2*theta)
end if
alpha = absorp * polar * shape
if (nhmax == 1) return
! n-independent part of α: k₀⋅X
absorp = k0 * X
! Higher harmonics
! note: the loop starts from n=1 to compute
! the powers/factorials of n, even when nhmin>1.
do n=1,nhmax
! absorption part: α(n,θ)/[(1+cos²θ)⋅n^(2n)⋅(πω)]
absorp = absorp / (2*n) ! computes (2n)!!
if (n >= nhmin) then
! polarisation part: (1+cos²θ)⋅μ(n,θ)
polar = polarisation_harmonics(X, Y, N2, Npl2, Npr2, sox, n)
! line shape part: Φ(n,ω)⋅(πω)
shape = line_shape_harmonics(Y, Npl2, theta, n) &
/ (sqrt(2*theta) * n*Y * abs(Npl))
! full absorption coefficient: α(n,ω,θ)
alpha = alpha + absorp*n**(2*n) * polar * shape
end if
! computes * (Θ N⊥²/N²)^(n-1)
absorp = absorp * (theta * Npr2/N2)
end do
end function alpha_fast
end module absorption
@ -3,31 +3,27 @@ module beamdata
implicit none
integer, save :: nray,nrayr,nrayth,nstep,jkray1
real(wp_), save :: dst,h,hh,h6,rwmax,twodr2
real(wp_), save :: dst,rwmax,twodr2
subroutine init_btr(rtrparam,ywork,ypwork,xc,du1,gri,ggri,psjki,ppabs,ccci, &
use gray_params, only : raytracing_parameters
use const_and_precisions, only : half,two
use const_and_precisions, only : two
implicit none
type(raytracing_parameters), intent(inout) :: rtrparam
real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: ywork,ypwork, &
real(wp_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out), pointer :: xc,du1,ggri
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: tau0,alphaabs0, &
complex(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: ext, eyt
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iiv
integer :: jray1
dst = rtrparam%dst
h = dst
hh = h*half
h6 = h/6.0_wp_
nrayr = rtrparam%nrayr
nrayth = rtrparam%nrayth
rwmax = rtrparam%rwmax
@ -56,7 +52,7 @@ contains
! yp = dy/dt,
! etc.
call alloc_beam(ywork,ypwork,xc,du1,gri,ggri,psjki,ppabs,ccci, &
end subroutine init_btr
@ -170,36 +166,36 @@ contains
subroutine alloc_beam(ywork,ypwork,xc,du1,gri,ggri,psjki,ppabs,ccci, &
implicit none
real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: ywork,ypwork, &
real(wp_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out), pointer :: xc,du1,ggri
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: tau0,alphaabs0, &
complex(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: ext, eyt
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iiv
call dealloc_beam(ywork,ypwork,xc,du1,gri,ggri,psjki,ppabs,ccci, &
allocate(ywork(6,nray), ypwork(6,nray), gri(3,nray), ggri(3,3,nray), &
xc(3,nrayth,nrayr), du1(3,nrayth,nrayr), &
psjki(nray,nstep), ppabs(nray,nstep), ccci(nray,nstep), &
tau0(nray), alphaabs0(nray), dids0(nray), ccci0(nray), &
p0jk(nray), ext(nray), eyt(nray), iiv(nray))
tau0(nray), alphaabs0(nray), dpds(nstep), dids0(nray), &
ccci0(nray), p0jk(nray), ext(nray), eyt(nray), iiv(nray))
end subroutine alloc_beam
subroutine dealloc_beam(ywork,ypwork,xc,du1,gri,ggri,psjki,ppabs,ccci, &
implicit none
real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: ywork,ypwork, &
real(wp_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out), pointer :: xc,du1,ggri
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: tau0,alphaabs0, &
complex(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: ext, eyt
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iiv
@ -214,6 +210,7 @@ contains
if (associated(ccci)) deallocate(ccci)
if (associated(tau0)) deallocate(tau0)
if (associated(alphaabs0)) deallocate(alphaabs0)
if (associated(dpds)) deallocate(dpds)
if (associated(dids0)) deallocate(dids0)
if (associated(ccci0)) deallocate(ccci0)
if (associated(p0jk)) deallocate(p0jk)
@ -22,12 +22,16 @@ module dispersion
real(wp_), parameter :: tmax = 5.0_wp_
real(wp_), parameter :: dtex = 2*tmax/dble(npts)
! Maximum value for the argument of the electron distribution,
! μ⋅(γ-1), above which the function is considered to be 0.
real(wp_), parameter :: expcr = 16.0_wp_
! global variables
real(wp_), dimension(npts+1), save :: ttv, extv
public expinit, colddisp, warmdisp
public zetac, harmnumber
public zetac, harmnumber, resonance_width
@ -131,10 +135,6 @@ pure subroutine harmnumber(Y, mu, Npl2, weakly, nhmin, nhmax)
! local constants
! Maximum value for μ⋅(γ-1) above which the
! distribution function is considered to be 0.
real(wp_), parameter :: expcr = 16.0_wp_
nhmin = 0
nhmax = 0
@ -218,6 +218,79 @@ pure subroutine harmnumber(Y, mu, Npl2, weakly, nhmin, nhmax)
end subroutine harmnumber
function resonance_width(Y, mu, Npl2, R)
! Estimates the width, as the extent in major radius, of the
! resonating plasma layer at the smallest possible harmonic
! This computes, following the same logic of `harmnumber`, the
! smallest possible harmonic, then estimates the width as the
! value ΔR of major radius that causes a change Δγ ≈ dγ/dR ΔR
! in the argument of the electron distribution equals to 1/μ.
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
! CMA Y variable: Y=ω_c/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Y
! squared parallel refractive index: N∥²=N²cos²θ
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Npl2
! reciprocal of adimensional temperature: μ=mc²/kT
real(wp_), intent(in) :: mu
! major radius R=√(x² + y²)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: R
! width of the resonance
real(wp_) :: resonance_width
! local variables
integer :: nh, nhc, nhmin
real(wp_) :: Yc, Yn, gamma, rdu2, argexp
! Derivatives of the argument A ≡ μ⋅γ(Y, N∥, n)
real(wp_) :: dAdR, dAdY
! local constants
nhmin = 0 ! Minimum harmonic number
resonance_width = 0 ! The result, ΔR
Yc = sqrt(max(1 - npl2, zero)) ! Critical Y value
nhc = ceiling(Yc/Y) ! Critical harmonic number
! Check a few numbers starting with nhc
do nh = nhc, nhc + 10
Yn = Y*nh
! γ = [Yn - √(N∥²(Yn²-Yc²))]/Yc²
rdu2 = Yn**2 - Yc**2
gamma = (Yn - sqrt(Npl2*rdu2))/(1 - Npl2)
argexp = mu*(gamma - one)
if (argexp <= expcr) then
! The are enough electrons with this energy
nhmin = nh
end if
end do
! No harmonics possible
if (nhmin == 0) return
! The derivative of the minimum γ = γ(N∥, Y, n) is
! dγ/dY = n (Yn - γ)/(Yn - γ⋅Yc²)
dAdY = mu * nhmin * (Yn - gamma)/(Yn - gamma*Yc**2)
! dAdR = dAdY⋅dY/dR, assuming the magnetic field varies
! solely as B(R) ≈ B₀⋅R₀/R, then dY/dR = -Y/R
dAdR = dAdY * (-Y/R)
! Take ΔR = |ΔA / A/dR|, where ΔA = μΔγ = 1
resonance_width = 1 / abs(dAdR)
end function resonance_width
subroutine warmdisp(X, Y, mu, Npl, Npr_cold, sox, &
error, Npr, e, &
model, nlarmor, max_iters, fallback)
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module gray_cli
type cli_options
! Switches
logical :: quiet
logical :: server
! Files
character(len=:), allocatable :: output_dir
character(len=:), allocatable :: params_file
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ contains
print '(a)', ' -v, --verbose print more information messages;'
print '(a)', ' repeating -v increase the log verbosity'
print '(a)', ' -q, --quiet suppress all non-critical messages'
print '(a)', ' -S, --server run in server mode: handle requests from stdin'
print '(a)', ' -o, --output-dir DIR specify where to write the output files'
print '(a)', ' (default: current directory)'
print '(a)', ' -p, --params-file FILE set the (legacy) parameters file'
@ -90,6 +92,7 @@ contains
print '(a)' , 'switches:'
print '(a,l)' , ' - quiet: ' , opts%quiet
print '(a,l)' , ' - server: ' , opts%server
print '(a)' , 'files:'
print '(a,a)' , ' output-dir: ' , opts%output_dir
print '(a,a)' , ' param-file: ' , opts%params_file
@ -119,6 +122,7 @@ contains
! Default option values
opts%verbose = WARNING
opts%quiet = .false.
opts%server = .false.
opts%params_file = ''
opts%units = [ucenr, usumm]
@ -147,6 +151,9 @@ contains
case ('-q', '--quiet')
opts%quiet = .true.
case ('-S', '--server')
opts%server = .true.
case ('-o', '--output-dir')
call get_next_command(i, opts%output_dir)
@ -5,12 +5,24 @@ module gray_core
implicit none
abstract interface
function rhs_function(y, e) result(f)
! Function passed to the integrator subroutine
! This represent the right-hand side of the ODE: dy/ds = f(y)
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
real(wp_), intent(in) :: y(6) ! variable y
real(wp_), intent(inout), optional :: e ! error estimator
real(wp_) :: f(6) ! f(y)
end function
end interface
subroutine gray_main(params, data, results, error, rhout)
use const_and_precisions, only : zero, one, degree, comp_tiny
use coreprofiles, only : temp, fzeff
use dispersion, only : expinit
use polarization, only : ellipse_to_field
use gray_params, only : gray_parameters, gray_data, gray_results, &
use beams, only : xgygcoeff, launchangles2n
@ -41,6 +53,7 @@ contains
integer, intent(out) :: error
! local variables
! taucr: max τ before considering a ray fully absorbed
real(wp_), parameter :: taucr = 12._wp_, etaucr = exp(-taucr)
character, dimension(2), parameter :: mode=['O','X']
@ -52,7 +65,7 @@ contains
real(wp_) :: rhotp,drhotp,rhotj,drhotj,dpdvmx,jphimx,ratjamx,ratjbmx
real(wp_) :: pabs_beam,icd_beam,cpl_beam1,cpl_beam2,cpl_cbeam1,cpl_cbeam2
real(wp_), dimension(2) :: pabs_pass,icd_pass,cpl,cpl0
real(wp_), dimension(2) :: pabs_pass,icd_pass,cpl
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xv,anv0,anv,bv,derxg
! Ray variables
@ -62,8 +75,8 @@ contains
! i: integration step, jk: global ray index
integer :: i, jk
integer :: iox,nharm,nhf,nnd,iokhawa,ierrn,ierrhcd,index_rt
integer :: ip,ib,iopmin,ipar,iO
integer :: iox,nharm,nhf,nnd,iokhawa,ierrn,ierrhcd, index_rt, parent_index_rt
integer :: ip,ib,iopmin,ipar,child_index_rt
integer :: igrad_b,istop_pass,nbeam_pass,nlim
logical :: ins_pl,ins_wl,ent_pl,ext_pl,ent_wl,ext_wl,iboff
@ -71,12 +84,14 @@ contains
real(wp_), dimension(:,:), pointer :: psjki=>null(),ppabs=>null(),ccci=>null()
real(wp_), dimension(:,:), pointer :: taus=>null(),stnext=>null(), &
! Note: dpds is only used in realtime mode to compute the power absorption peak
real(wp_), dimension(:), pointer :: p0ray=>null(),tau0=>null(),alphaabs0=>null(), &
dpds=>null(), dids0=>null(),ccci0=>null(),tau1=>null(),etau1=>null(),cpl1=>null(), &
real(wp_), dimension(:), pointer :: p0jk=>null()
real(wp_), dimension(:), pointer :: jphi_beam=>null(),pins_beam=>null(), &
currins_beam=>null(), dpdv_beam=>null(),jcd_beam=>null(),stv=>null(), &
complex(wp_), dimension(:), pointer :: ext=>null(), eyt=>null()
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: iiv=>null(),iop=>null(),iow=>null()
logical, dimension(:), pointer :: iwait=>null()
@ -98,54 +113,67 @@ contains
! Initialise the ray variables (beamtracing)
call init_btr(params%raytracing, yw, ypw, xc, du1, gri, ggri, psjki, ppabs, ccci, &
tau0, alphaabs0, dids0, ccci0, p0jk, ext, eyt, iiv)
tau0, alphaabs0, dpds, dids0, ccci0, p0jk, ext, eyt, iiv)
! Initialise the dispersion module
if(params%ecrh_cd%iwarm > 1) call expinit
if (params%ecrh_cd%iwarm > 1) call expinit
! Initialise the magsurf_data module
call flux_average ! requires frhotor for dadrhot,dvdrhot
! In realtime mode the raytracing is stopped as soon as
! possible and all these extra features are unnecessary
if (params%raytracing%realtime) then
nnd = 0
! Initialise the magsurf_data module
! Note: 1. needed for computing flux surface averages (dP/dV, etc.)
! 2. requires frhotor for dadrhot, dvdrhot
call flux_average
! Initialise the output profiles
call pec_init(params%output%ipec, rhout)
nnd = size(rhop_tab) ! number of radial profile points
! Initialise output profiles module
call pec_init(params%output%ipec, rhout)
nnd = size(rhop_tab) ! number of radial profile points
call alloc_multipass(nnd, iwait, iroff, iop, iow, yynext, yypnext, yw0, ypw0, stnext, &
stv, p0ray, taus, tau1, etau1, cpls, cpl1, lgcpl1, jphi_beam, &
pins_beam, currins_beam, dpdv_beam, jcd_beam, psipv, chipv)
! Allocate memory for the results...
! Allocate memory for the results...
! ...and initialise them
results%pabs = zero
results%icd = zero
results%dpdv = zero
results%jcd = zero
end if
! Initialise multipass module
call alloc_multipass(nnd, iwait, iroff, iop, iow, yynext, yypnext, &
yw0, ypw0, stnext, stv, dst, p0ray, taus, tau1, &
etau1, cpls, cpl1, lgcpl1, jphi_beam, pins_beam, &
currins_beam, dpdv_beam, jcd_beam, psipv, chipv)
! ...and initialise them
results%pabs = zero
results%icd = zero
results%dpdv = zero
results%jcd = zero
! ========= set environment END =========
! ======== pre-proc prints BEGIN ========
call print_headers(params)
if (.not. params%raytracing%realtime) then
call print_headers(params)
! print ψ surface for q=1.5 and q=2 on file and log psi,rhot,rhop
call print_surfq([1.5_wp_, 2.0_wp_])
! print ψ surface for q=1.5 and q=2 on file and log psi,rhot,rhop
call print_surfq([1.5_wp_, 2.0_wp_])
! print initial position
write (msg, '("initial position:",3(x,g0.3))') params%antenna%pos
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
! print initial position
write (msg, '("initial position:",3(x,g0.3))') params%antenna%pos
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
write (msg, '("initial direction:",2(x,a,"=",g0.2))') &
'α', params%antenna%alpha, 'β', params%antenna%beta
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
write (msg, '("initial direction:",2(x,a,"=",g0.2))') &
'α', params%antenna%alpha, 'β', params%antenna%beta
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
! print Btot=Bres
! print ne, Te, q, Jphi versus psi, rhop, rhot
call print_bres(bres)
call print_prof(params%profiles)
call print_maps(bres, xgcn, &
norm2(params%antenna%pos(1:2)) * 0.01_wp_, &
! print Btot=Bres
! print ne, Te, q, Jphi versus psi, rhop, rhot
call print_bres(bres)
call print_prof(params%profiles)
call print_maps(bres, xgcn, &
norm2(params%antenna%pos(1:2)) * 0.01_wp_, &
end if
! ========= pre-proc prints END =========
! =========== main loop BEGIN ===========
@ -153,21 +181,15 @@ contains
iroff,yynext,yypnext,yw0,ypw0, &
if(params%raytracing%ipol == 0) then
if(params%antenna%iox == 2) then ! only X mode on 1st pass
cpl0 = [zero, one]
else ! only O mode on 1st pass
cpl0 = [one, zero]
end if
end if
sox=1 ! mode inverted for each beam
iox=2 ! start with O: sox=-1, iox=1
psipol = params%antenna%psi
chipol = params%antenna%chi
call pweight(params%antenna%power, p0jk)
! Set original polarisation
psipv(0) = params%antenna%psi
chipv(0) = params%antenna%chi
nbeam_pass=1 ! max n of beam per pass
index_rt=0 ! global beam index: 1,O 2,X 1st pass
! | | | |
@ -195,12 +217,12 @@ contains
sox = -sox ! invert mode
iox = 3-iox ! O-mode at ip=1,ib=1
index_rt = index_rt +1
iO = 2*index_rt +1 ! * index_rt of O-mode derived ray (iX=iO+1)
child_index_rt = 2*index_rt + 1 ! * index_rt of O-mode child beam
parent_index_rt = ceiling(index_rt / 2.0_wp_) - 1 ! * index_rt of parent beam
call initbeam(index_rt,iroff,iboff,iwait,stv,jphi_beam, &
call initbeam(params, index_rt, iroff, iboff, iwait, stv, dst, &
jphi_beam, pins_beam, currins_beam, dpdv_beam, jcd_beam)
write(msg, '(" beam: ",g0," (",a1," mode)")') index_rt, mode(iox)
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
@ -211,7 +233,7 @@ contains
end if
call vectinit(psjki,ppabs,ccci,tau0,alphaabs0,dids0,ccci0,iiv)
call vectinit(psjki,ppabs,ccci,tau0,alphaabs0,dpds,dids0,ccci0,iiv)
if(ip == 1) then ! 1st pass
igrad_b = params%raytracing%igrad ! * input value, igrad_b=0 from 2nd pass
@ -222,17 +244,17 @@ contains
lgcpl1 = zero
p0ray = p0jk ! * initial beam power
call ic_gb(params, anv0, ak0, yw, ypw, & ! * initial conditions
xc, du1, gri, ggri, index_rt)
call set_pol(yw, bres, sox, params%raytracing%ipol, & ! * initial polarization
psipol, chipol, ext, eyt)
call ic_gb(params, anv0, ak0, yw, ypw, xc, du1, gri, ggri, index_rt) ! * initial conditions
do jk=1,params%raytracing%nray
zzm = yw(3,jk)*0.01_wp_
rrm = sqrt(yw(1,jk)*yw(1,jk)+yw(2,jk)*yw(2,jk))*0.01_wp_
if(inside(data%equilibrium%rlim, data%equilibrium%zlim, &
nlim, rrm, zzm)) then ! * start propagation in/outside vessel?
! Note: `inside` call is expensive and can be skipped in realtime
if (params%raytracing%realtime) then
iow(jk) = 1
else if (inside(data%equilibrium%rlim, data%equilibrium%zlim, & ! * start propagation in/outside vessel?
nlim, rrm, zzm)) then
iow(jk) = 1 ! + inside
iow(jk) = 0 ! + outside
@ -264,8 +286,11 @@ contains
! advance one step with "frozen" grad(S_I)
do jk=1,params%raytracing%nray
if(iwait(jk)) cycle ! jk ray is waiting for next pass
stv(jk) = stv(jk) + params%raytracing%dst ! current ray step
call rkstep(sox,bres,xgcn,yw(:,jk),ypw(:,jk),gri(:,jk),ggri(:,:,jk),igrad_b)
call step_controller( &
y=yw(:, jk), yp=ypw(:, jk), f=rhs, &
h=dst(jk), method=params%raytracing%integrator, &
adaptive=params%raytracing%adaptive_step, Bres=Bres)
stv(jk) = stv(jk) + dst(jk) ! current ray step
end do
! update position and grad
if(igrad_b == 1) call gradi_upd(yw,ak0,xc,du1,gri,ggri)
@ -293,9 +318,13 @@ contains
zzm = xv(3)*0.01_wp_
rrm = sqrt(xv(1)*xv(1)+xv(2)*xv(2))*0.01_wp_
! Note: `inside` call is expensive and can be skipped in realtime
if (params%raytracing%realtime) then
ins_wl = .true.
ins_wl = inside(data%equilibrium%rlim, data%equilibrium%zlim, nlim,rrm,zzm) ! in/out vessel?
end if
ins_pl = (psinv>=zero .and. psinv<params%profiles%psnbnd) ! in/out plasma?
ins_wl = inside(data%equilibrium%rlim, data%equilibrium%zlim, &
nlim,rrm,zzm) ! in/out vessel?
ent_pl = (mod(iop(jk),2) == 0 .and. ins_pl) ! enter plasma
ext_pl = (mod(iop(jk),2) == 1 .and. .not.ins_pl) ! exit plasma
ent_wl = (mod(iow(jk),2) == 0 .and. ins_wl) ! enter vessel
@ -304,14 +333,14 @@ contains
if(ent_pl) then ! ray enters plasma
write (msg, '(" ray ",g0," entered plasma (",g0," steps)")') jk, i
call log_debug(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
call plasma_in(jk,xv,anv,bres,sox,cpl,psipol,chipol,iop,ext,eyt)
call ellipse_to_field(psipv(parent_index_rt), chipv(parent_index_rt), & ! compute polarisation and couplings
ext, eyt)
call plasma_in(jk, xv, anv, bres, sox, cpl, psipol, chipol, iop, ext, eyt, &
perfect=params%raytracing%ipol == 0 .and. params%antenna%iox == iox .and. ip == 1)
if(iop(jk) == 1 .and. ip==1) then ! * 1st entrance on 1st pass (ray hasn't entered in plasma yet) => continue current pass
if(params%raytracing%ipol == 0) then ! + IF single mode propagation
cpl = cpl0
p0ray(jk) = p0ray(jk)*cpl(iox)
else if(cpl(iox) < etaucr) then ! + ELSE IF low coupled power for current mode => de-activate derived rays
if(cpl(iox) < etaucr) then ! + IF low coupled power for current mode => de-activate derived rays
call turnoffray(jk,ip+1,2*ib+2-iox,iroff)
iwait(jk) = .true. ! . stop advancement and H&CD computation for current ray
if(cpl(iox).le.comp_tiny) cpl(iox)=etaucr
@ -324,6 +353,9 @@ contains
write (msg,'(" 1st pass - central ray (",a1,"-mode) c=",g0.4)') &
mode(iox), cpl(iox)
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
write (msg,'(" polarisation: ψ=",g0.5,"°, χ=",g0.5,"°")') &
psipol, chipol
call log_debug(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
psipv(index_rt) = psipol ! + polarization angles at plasma boundary for central ray
chipv(index_rt) = chipol
end if
@ -335,7 +367,7 @@ contains
if(ip < params%raytracing%ipass) then ! + not last pass
yynext(:,jk,index_rt) = yw0(:,jk) ! . copy starting coordinates
yypnext(:,jk,index_rt) = ypw0(:,jk) ! for next pass from last step
stnext(jk,index_rt) = stv(jk) - params%raytracing%dst ! . starting step for next pass = last step
stnext(jk,index_rt) = stv(jk) - dst(jk) ! . starting step for next pass = last step
if(cpl(1) < etaucr) then ! . low coupled power for O-mode => de-activate derived rays
call turnoffray(jk,ip+1,2*ib-1,iroff)
@ -346,13 +378,13 @@ contains
if(cpl(2).le.comp_tiny) cpl(2)=etaucr
end if
taus(jk,iO:iO+1) = tau1(jk) + tau0(jk) ! . starting tau for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,iO) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(1) ! . cumulative coupling for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,iO+1) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(2) ! . cumulative coupling for next X-mode pass
taus(jk,child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = tau1(jk) + tau0(jk) ! . starting tau for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,child_index_rt) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(1) ! . cumulative coupling for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,child_index_rt+1) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(2) ! . cumulative coupling for next X-mode pass
if(jk == 1) then ! . polarization angles at plasma boundary for central ray
psipv(iO:iO+1) = psipol
chipv(iO:iO+1) = chipol
psipv(child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = psipol
chipv(child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = chipol
end if
else ! * 1st entrance on 2nd+ pass (ray hasn't entered in plasma since end of previous pass) => continue current pass
cpl = [zero, zero]
@ -394,7 +426,8 @@ contains
yypnext(:,jk,index_rt) = ypw(:,jk) ! for next pass = reflection point
stnext(jk,index_rt) = stv(jk) ! . starting step for next pass = step after reflection
call plasma_in(jk,xv,anv,bres,sox,cpl,psipol,chipol,iop,ext,eyt) ! . ray re-enters plasma after reflection
call plasma_in(jk, xv, anv, bres, sox, cpl, psipol, chipol, & ! . ray re-enters plasma after reflection
iop, ext, eyt, perfect=.false.)
if(cpl(1) < etaucr) then ! . low coupled power for O-mode? => de-activate derived rays
call turnoffray(jk,ip+1,2*ib-1,iroff)
@ -405,13 +438,13 @@ contains
if(cpl(2).le.comp_tiny) cpl(2)=etaucr
end if
taus(jk,iO:iO+1) = tau1(jk) + tau0(jk) ! . starting tau for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,iO) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(1) ! . cumulative coupling for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,iO+1) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(2) ! . cumulative coupling for next X-mode pass
taus(jk,child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = tau1(jk) + tau0(jk) ! . starting tau for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,child_index_rt) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(1) ! . cumulative coupling for next O-mode pass
cpls(jk,child_index_rt+1) = cpl1(jk) * cpl(2) ! . cumulative coupling for next X-mode pass
if(jk == 1) then ! + polarization angles at plasma boundary for central ray
psipv(iO:iO+1) = psipol
chipv(iO:iO+1) = chipol
psipv(child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = psipol
chipv(child_index_rt:child_index_rt+1) = chipol
end if
end if
end if
@ -457,15 +490,16 @@ contains
! Computation of the ray τ, dP/ds, P(s), dI/ds, I(s)
! optical depth: τ = ∫α(s)ds using the trapezoid rule
tau = tau0(jk) + 0.5_wp_*(alphaabs0(jk) + alpha) * dersdst * params%raytracing%dst
! optical depth: τ = ∫α(s)ds using the trapezoidal rule
tau = tau0(jk) + 0.5_wp_*(alphaabs0(jk) + alpha) * dersdst * dst(jk)
pow = p0ray(jk) * exp(-tau) ! residual power: P = P₀exp(-τ)
ppabs(jk,i) = p0ray(jk) - pow ! absorbed power: P_abs = P₀ - P
dids = didp * pow * alpha ! current driven: dI/ds = dI/dP⋅dP/ds = dI/dP⋅P⋅α
dpds(i) = pow * alpha ! power density: dP/ds = P⋅α
dids = didp * dpds(i) ! current driven: dI/ds = dI/dP⋅dP/ds
! current: I = ∫dI/ds⋅ds using the trapezoid rule
ccci(jk,i) = ccci0(jk) + 0.5_wp_*(dids0(jk) + dids) * dersdst * params%raytracing%dst
! current: I = ∫dI/ds⋅ds using the trapezoidal rule
ccci(jk,i) = ccci0(jk) + 0.5_wp_*(dids0(jk) + dids) * dersdst * dst(jk)
tau0(jk) = tau
alphaabs0(jk) = alpha
@ -491,6 +525,38 @@ contains
end do
end if
if (params%raytracing%realtime) then
! Check whether we are past the absorption peak
logical :: past_peak
integer :: tail
! We assume so if dP/ds has been decreasing in the last 8 steps
tail = max(2, i-8)
past_peak = i > 8 .and. all(dpds(tail:i) - dpds(tail-1:i-1) < 0)
if (past_peak .or. pow <= 0.1_wp_*p0ray(1)) then
! Compute the approximate position of the absorption peak
use utils, only : vmax, parabola_vertex
real(wp_) :: power, peak(2)
integer :: index
! Find maximum in dP/ds
call vmax(dpds, i, power, index)
! Interpolate the peak with a parabola
peak = parabola_vertex(psjki(1, index - 1:index + 1), &
dpds(index - 1:index + 1))
results%rho_peak = sqrt(peak(1))
end block
! Stop propagation loop
end if
end block
end if
! print ray positions for j=nrayr in local reference system
if(mod(i,params%output%istpr) == 0) then
if(params%raytracing%nray > 1 .and. all(.not.iwait)) &
@ -521,20 +587,23 @@ contains
icd_beam = sum(ccci(:,i))
call vmaxmin(tau0,params%raytracing%nray,taumn,taumx) ! taumn,taumx for print
! compute power and current density profiles for all rays
call spec(psjki,ppabs,ccci,iiv,pabs_beam,icd_beam,dpdv_beam,jphi_beam,jcd_beam, &
if (.not. params%raytracing%realtime) then
! Compute power and current density profiles for all rays
call spec(psjki, ppabs, ccci, iiv, pabs_beam, icd_beam, &
dpdv_beam, jphi_beam, jcd_beam, pins_beam, currins_beam)
end if
pabs_pass(iox) = pabs_pass(iox) + pabs_beam ! 0D results for current pass, sum on O/X mode beams
icd_pass(iox) = icd_pass(iox) + icd_beam
if(ip < params%raytracing%ipass .and. iopmin > 2) then ! not last pass AND at least one ray re-entered plasma
cpl_beam1 = sum(p0ray * exp(-tau0) * cpls(:,iO)/cpl1, MASK=iop > 2) / &
sum(p0ray * exp(-tau0), MASK=iop > 2) ! * average O-mode coupling for next beam (on active rays)
cpl_beam1 = sum(&
p0ray * exp(-tau0) * cpls(:,child_index_rt)/cpl1, MASK=iop > 2) / &
sum(p0ray * exp(-tau0), MASK=iop > 2) ! * average O-mode coupling for next beam (on active rays)
cpl_beam2 = one - cpl_beam1 ! * average X-mode coupling for next beam
if(iop(1) > 2) then ! * central ray O/X-mode coupling for next beam
cpl_cbeam1 = cpls(1,iO)/cpl1(1)
cpl_cbeam1 = cpls(1,child_index_rt)/cpl1(1)
cpl_cbeam2 = one - cpl_cbeam1
end if
else ! last pass OR no ray re-entered plasma
@ -563,22 +632,36 @@ contains
if(iop(1) > 2) then
write(msg, '(3x,a,(g0.4,", ",g0.4))') &
'coupling [ctr ray, O/X]:', cpl_cbeam1, cpl_cbeam2 ! central ray coupling for next O/X beams
call log_info(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
end if
end if
call print_pec(rhop_tab,rhot_tab,jphi_beam,jcd_beam,dpdv_beam,currins_beam, &
pins_beam,ip) ! *print power and current density profiles for current beam
if (.not. params%raytracing%realtime) then
call print_pec(rhop_tab, rhot_tab, jphi_beam, jcd_beam, &
dpdv_beam, currins_beam, pins_beam, ip) ! *print power and current density profiles for current beam
call postproc_profiles(pabs_beam,icd_beam,rhot_tab,dpdv_beam,jphi_beam, &
rhotpav,drhotpav,rhotjava,drhotjava,dpdvp,jphip,rhotp,drhotp,rhotj, &
drhotj,dpdvmx,jphimx,ratjamx,ratjbmx) ! *compute profiles width for current beam
call postproc_profiles(pabs_beam, icd_beam, rhot_tab, dpdv_beam, &
jphi_beam, rhotpav, drhotpav, rhotjava, &
drhotjava, dpdvp, jphip, rhotp, drhotp, &
rhotj, drhotj, dpdvmx, jphimx, ratjamx, ratjbmx) ! *compute profiles width for current beam
call print_finals(pabs_beam,icd_beam,dpdvp,jphip,rhotpav,rhotjava, &
drhotpav,drhotjava,dpdvmx,jphimx,rhotp,rhotj,drhotp,drhotj,ratjamx, &
ratjbmx,stv(1),psipv(index_rt),chipv(index_rt),index_rt,sum(p0ray), &
cpl_beam1,cpl_beam2) ! *print 0D results for current beam
call print_finals(pabs_beam, icd_beam, dpdvp, jphip, rhotpav, &
rhotjava, drhotpav, drhotjava, dpdvmx, jphimx, &
rhotp, rhotj, drhotp, drhotj, ratjamx, ratjbmx, &
stv(1), psipv(index_rt), chipv(index_rt), &
index_rt, sum(p0ray), cpl_beam1, cpl_beam2) ! *print 0D results for current beam
end if
! ============ post-proc END ============
! Store the accurate position of the absorption peak
if (.not. params%raytracing%realtime .and. ip == 1 .and. rhotpav /= 0) then
! Note: rho_peak is poloidal, we covert ρ_t to ρ_p
use equilibrium, only: frhopol
results%rho_peak = frhopol(rhotpav)
end block
end if
end do beam_loop
call log_debug('beam loop end', mod='gray_core', proc='gray_main')
! ============ beam loop END ============
@ -607,23 +690,64 @@ contains
! ========== free memory BEGIN ==========
call dealloc_surfvec
call dealloc_beam(yw,ypw,xc,du1,gri,ggri,psjki,ppabs,ccci,tau0, &
call dealloc_pec
call dealloc_multipass(iwait,iroff,iop,iow,yynext,yypnext,yw0,ypw0, &
stnext,stv,p0ray,taus,tau1,etau1,cpls,cpl1,lgcpl1,jphi_beam, &
stnext,stv,dst,p0ray,taus,tau1,etau1,cpls,cpl1,lgcpl1,jphi_beam, &
! =========== free memory END ===========
! Functions that needs the scope of gray_main
function rhs(y, e) result(f)
! Computes the right-hand side terms of the ray equations
! To be passed to the integrator subroutine
implicit none
! function arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: y(6) ! (x̅, N̅)
real(wp_), intent(inout), optional :: e ! |Λ(x̅, N̅)| as an error
! result
real(wp_) :: f(6) ! (dx̅/ds, dN̅/ds)
! local variables
real(wp_) :: xg, yg
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xv, anv, bv, derxg, deryg
real(wp_), dimension(3, 3) :: derbv
xv = y(1:3) ! x̅ position
anv = y(4:6) ! N̅ refractive index
! computes derivatives of plasma quantities: B̅, ∇X, ∇Y, ∇B̅
! (these are needed for the next part)
call plas_deriv(xv, bres, xgcn, dens, btot, bv, derbv, &
xg, yg, derxg, deryg)
! computes derivatives of dispersion relation: ∂Λ/∂x̅, ∂Λ/∂N̅
call disp_deriv(anv, sox, xg, yg, derxg, deryg, bv, derbv, &
gri(:, jk), ggri(:, :, jk), igrad_b, dery=f, &
! make the error positive and correct it for an unknown bias:
! on the correct trajectory |Λ(x̅, N̅)| ≈ -kX, instead of zero.
if (present(e)) then
e = abs(e + 4.15e-4 * xg)
end if
end function rhs
end subroutine gray_main
subroutine vectinit(psjki,ppabs,ccci,tau0,alphaabs0,dids0,ccci0,iiv)
subroutine vectinit(psjki,ppabs,ccci,tau0,alphaabs0,dpds,dids0,ccci0,iiv)
use const_and_precisions, only : zero
implicit none
! arguments
real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: psjki,ppabs,ccci
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out) :: tau0,alphaabs0,dids0,ccci0
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out) :: tau0,alphaabs0,dpds,dids0,ccci0
integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: iiv
!! common/external functions/variables
! integer :: jclosest
@ -640,6 +764,7 @@ contains
ccci = zero
tau0 = zero
alphaabs0 = zero
dpds = zero
dids0 = zero
ccci0 = zero
iiv = 1
@ -965,56 +1090,209 @@ contains
end subroutine ic_gb
function integrator(y, yp, f, h, method) result(y1)
! Integrator of the raytracing equations
subroutine rkstep(sox,bres,xgcn,y,yp,dgr,ddgr,igrad)
! Runge-Kutta integrator
! use gray_params, only : igrad
use beamdata, only : h,hh,h6
implicit none
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres,xgcn
real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(inout) :: y
real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(in) :: yp
real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: dgr
real(wp_), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: ddgr
integer, intent(in) :: igrad,sox
real(wp_), dimension(6) :: yy,fk1,fk2,fk3,fk4
real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(in) :: y ! y̅ = (x̅, N̅)
real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(in) :: yp ! y̅˙ = f(y̅)
procedure(rhs_function) :: f ! dy̅/dσ = f̅(y̅)
real(wp_), intent(in) :: h ! step size
integer, intent(in) :: method ! kind of integrator
real(wp_), dimension(6) :: y1 ! the new y̅
fk1 = yp
yy = y + fk1*hh
call rhs(sox,bres,xgcn,yy,dgr,ddgr,fk2,igrad)
yy = y + fk2*hh
call rhs(sox,bres,xgcn,yy,dgr,ddgr,fk3,igrad)
yy = y + fk3*h
call rhs(sox,bres,xgcn,yy,dgr,ddgr,fk4,igrad)
! local variables
real(wp_), dimension(6) :: k1, k2, k3, k4
y = y + h6*(fk1 + 2*fk2 + 2*fk3 + fk4)
end subroutine rkstep
select case (method)
case (0)
! Explicit Euler (1⁰ order)
y1 = y + yp*h
case (1)
! Semi-implicit Euler (1⁰ order, symplectic)
! P = p - ∂H/∂q(q, p)⋅h
! Q = q + ∂H/∂p(q, P)⋅h
k1 = h*yp
y1(1:3) = y(1:3)
y1(4:6) = y(4:6) + k1(4:6)
k2 = h*f(y1)
y1(1:3) = y1(1:3) + k2(1:3)
case (2)
! Velocity Verlet (2⁰ order, symplectic)
! p(n+½) = p(n) - ∂H/∂q(q(n), p(n))⋅h/2
! q(n+1) = q(n) + ∂H/∂p(q(n), p(n+½))⋅h
! p(n+1) = p(n+½) - ∂H/∂q(q(n+1), p(n+½))⋅h/2
k1 = h*yp
y1(1:3) = y(1:3)
y1(4:6) = y(4:6) + k1(4:6)/2
k2 = h*f(y1)
y1(1:3) = y(1:3) + k2(1:3)
k3 = h*f(y1)
y1(4:6) = y1(4:6) + k3(4:6)/2
case (3)
! 2-stage Runge-Kutta (2⁰ order)
k1 = h*yp
k2 = h*f(y + k1/2)
y1 = y + k2
case default
! 4-stage Runge-Kutta (4⁰ order)
k1 = h*yp
k2 = h*f(y + k1/2)
k3 = h*f(y + k2/2)
k4 = h*f(y + k3)
y1 = y + k1/6 + k2/3 + k3/3 + k4/6
end select
end function integrator
subroutine step_controller(y, yp, f, h, method, adaptive, Bres)
! Advances the integration of dy/dσ = f(y) by one step while
! controlling the error, the latter estimated by the dispersion relation:
! |Λ(x̅, N̅)| ≠ 0.
use logger, only : log_debug, log_warning
subroutine rhs(sox,bres,xgcn,y,dgr,ddgr,dery,igrad)
! Compute right-hand side terms of the ray equations (dery)
! used in R-K integrator
implicit none
! arguments
real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(in) :: y
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres,xgcn
real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: dgr
real(wp_), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: ddgr
real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(out) :: dery
integer, intent(in) :: igrad,sox
! local variables
real(wp_) :: dens,btot,xg,yg
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xv,anv,bv,derxg,deryg
real(wp_), dimension(3,3) :: derbv
xv = y(1:3)
call plas_deriv(xv,bres,xgcn,dens,btot,bv,derbv,xg,yg,derxg,deryg)
anv = y(4:6)
call disp_deriv(anv,sox,xg,yg,derxg,deryg,bv,derbv,dgr,ddgr,igrad,dery)
end subroutine rhs
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(inout) :: y ! y̅ = (x̅, N̅)
real(wp_), dimension(6), intent(in) :: yp ! y̅˙ = (dx̅/dσ, dN̅/dσ)
procedure(rhs_function) :: f ! dy̅/dσ = f̅(y̅)
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: h ! step size
integer, intent(in) :: method ! kind of integrator
logical, intent(in) :: adaptive ! whether to change the step
! arguments for adaptive control
real(wp_), optional, intent(in) :: Bres ! resonant magnetic field
! local variables
real(wp_), dimension(6) :: y1, dummy ! new position, dummy variable
real(wp_) :: e ! error at new position
real(wp_) :: h_max ! max step size
character(256) :: msg
! local constants
real(wp_), parameter :: h_min = 1e-2_wp_ ! min step size (cm)
real(wp_), parameter :: e_min = 1e-4_wp_ ! min error
real(wp_), parameter :: e_max = 1e-3_wp_ ! max error
! Compute the max step size: this is 1/10 the width of the
! resonating plasma layer or 5cm otherwise
h_max = max_plasma_step(y(1:3), y(4:6), Bres)
! Check if the step could miss the resonance
if (h > h_max) then
if (.not. adaptive) then
write(msg, '("step size is too large: h=", g0.2, " h_max=", g0.2)') h, h_max
call log_warning(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='step_controller')
h = h_max
end if
end if
! Advance by one step
y1 = integrator(y, yp, f, h, method)
if (.not. adaptive) exit
! Compute the error
dummy = f(y1, e)
! Try to keep the error bounded to e_max
if (e > e_max .and. h/2 > h_min) then
h = h/2
write(msg, '("e=", 1pe8.2, ": decreasing step to h=", g0.2)') e, h
call log_debug(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='step_controller')
end if
if (e < e_min .and. h*2 < h_max) then
h = h*2
write(msg, '("e=", 1pe8.2, ": increasing step to h=", g0.2)') e, h
call log_debug(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='step_controller')
end if
end do
! Update the position
y = y1
end subroutine step_controller
function max_plasma_step(x, N, Bres) result(ds)
! Takes the position x̅, refractive index N̅, resonant magnetic field
! Bres and returns the maximum integration step `ds` that can be
! taken inside the plasma such that it's still possible to resolve
! the resonance profile well enough.
use equilibrium, only : bfield, equinum_psi
use dispersion, only : resonance_width
use coreprofiles, only : temp
use const_and_precisions, only : mc2=>mc2_
implicit none
! function arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(3), N(3) ! position, refractive index
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Bres ! resonant magnetic field
real(wp_) :: ds ! maximum step size
! local variables
real(wp_) :: R, dR, z ! cylindrical coordinates
real(wp_) :: B(3), BR, Bphi ! magnetic field components
real(wp_) :: Te, psi ! temperature, poloidal flux
real(wp_) :: Npl ! parallel component of N̅
! To convert from CGS (internal) to SI (equilibrium data)
real(wp_), parameter :: cm = 1e-2_wp_
! Initially assume we are in a vacuum outside the plasma
! and return ds=5cm as a fallback value
ds = 5
! Compute the local flux and temperature to check
! whether we are inside the plasma
R = norm2(x(1:2))
z = x(3)
call equinum_psi(R*cm, z*cm, psi)
! No flux data ⇒ outside plasma
if (psi <= 0) return
! No temperature data ⇒ outside plasma
Te = temp(psi)
if (Te <= 0) return
! Inside the plasma, check for possible harmonics
! Compute magnetic field in Cartesian coordinates
call bfield(R*cm, z*cm, Bphi=Bphi, BR=BR, Bz=B(3))
B(1) = (BR*x(1) - Bphi*x(2)) / R
B(2) = (BR*x(2) + Bphi*x(1)) / R
Npl = dot_product(N, B)/norm2(B) ! N∥ = N̅⋅b̅
! Compute the extent ΔR of the resonating plasma
! layer in the major radius R
dR = resonance_width(Y=norm2(B)/Bres, mu=mc2/Te, Npl2=Npl**2, R=R)
! No resonance, return the vacuum step
if (dR == 0) return
! Compute the extent in the ray direction:
! ΔR = Δs⋅sinθ ⇒ Δs = ΔR/sinθ = ΔR/√[1 - (N∥/N)²]
! and divide by a safety factor of 10:
ds = dR / sqrt(1 - (Npl/norm2(N))**2) / 10
end function max_plasma_step
subroutine ywppla_upd(xv,anv,dgr,ddgr,sox,bres,xgcn,dery,psinv,dens,btot, &
@ -1718,7 +1996,7 @@ contains
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psinv
! CMA diagram variables: X=(ω_pe/ω)², Y=ω_ce/ω
real(wp_), intent(in) :: X, Y
! densityity [10¹⁹ m⁻³], temperature [keV]
! density [10¹⁹ m⁻³], temperature [keV]
real(wp_), intent(in) :: density, temperature
! vacuum wavenumber k₀=ω/c, resonant B field
real(wp_), intent(in) :: k0, Bres
@ -1782,28 +2060,48 @@ contains
end if
end if
! Compute α from the solution of the dispersion relation
! The absoption coefficient is defined as
! α = 2 Im(k̅)⋅s̅
! where s̅ = v̅_g/|v_g|, the direction of the energy flow.
! Since v̅_g = - ∂Λ/∂N̅ / ∂Λ/∂ω, using the cold dispersion
! relation, we have that
! s̅ = ∂Λ/∂N̅ / |∂Λ/∂N̅|
! = [2N̅ - ∂(N²s)/∂N∥ b̅
! + ½(b̅⋅∇S_I)² ∂³(N²s)/∂N∥³ b̅] / |∂Λ/∂N̅|
! Assuming Im(k∥)=0:
! α = 4 Im(k⊥)⋅N⊥ / |∂Λ/∂N̅|
real(wp_) :: k_im
k_im = k0 * Npr%im ! imaginary part of k⊥
alpha = 4 * k_im*Npr_cold / derdnm
end block
if (params%iwarm < 4) then
! Compute α from the solution of the dispersion relation
accurate: block
! Compute α from the solution of the dispersion relation
! The absoption coefficient is defined as
! α = 2 Im(k̅)⋅s̅
! where s̅ = v̅_g/|v_g|, the direction of the energy flow.
! Since v̅_g = - ∂Λ/∂N̅ / ∂Λ/∂ω, using the cold dispersion
! relation, we have that
! s̅ = ∂Λ/∂N̅ / |∂Λ/∂N̅|
! = [2N̅ - ∂(N²s)/∂N∥ b̅
! + ½(b̅⋅∇S_I)² ∂³(N²s)/∂N∥³ b̅] / |∂Λ/∂N̅|
! Assuming Im(k∥)=0:
! α = 4 Im(k⊥)⋅N⊥ / |∂Λ/∂N̅|
real(wp_) :: k_im
k_im = k0 * Npr%im ! imaginary part of k⊥
alpha = 4 * k_im*Npr_cold / derdnm
end block accurate
! Compute a fast and approximate α
fast: block
use logger, only: log_warning
use absorption, only: alpha_fast
character(256) :: msg
! the absorption coefficient in the tenuous plasma limit
alpha = alpha_fast(X, Y, 1/mu, k0, Npl, Npr_cold, sox, nhmin, nhmax)
if (temperature > 10 .or. nhmax > 5) then
write (msg, '(a,g0.3,a,g0)') &
'iwarm=4 is inaccurate: Te=', temperature, ' nhmax=', nhmax
call log_warning(msg, mod='gray_core', proc='alpha_effj')
end if
end block fast
end if
if (alpha < 0) then
error = raise_error(error, negative_absorption)
@ -1849,71 +2147,6 @@ contains
end subroutine alpha_effj
subroutine set_pol(ywrk0, bres, sox, ipol, psipol0, chipol0, ext0, eyt0)
use const_and_precisions, only : degree, zero, one, half, im
use beamdata, only : nray,nrayth
use equilibrium, only : bfield
use polarization, only : pol_limit, polellipse, &
stokes_ce, stokes_ell
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), dimension(6, nray), intent(in) :: ywrk0
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres
integer, intent(in) :: sox, ipol
real(wp_), intent(inout) :: psipol0, chipol0
complex(wp_), dimension(nray), intent(out) :: ext0, eyt0
! local variables
integer :: j,k,jk
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xmv, anv, bv
real(wp_) :: rm, csphi, snphi, bphi, br, bz, qq, uu, vv, deltapol
do jk=1,nray
if(jk == 2 .or. k > nrayth) then
end if
if(ipol == 0) then
xmv=ywrk0(1:3,jk)*0.01_wp_ ! convert from cm to m
call bfield(rm,xmv(3),bphi,br,bz)
! bv(i) = B_i in cartesian coordinates
call pol_limit(anv,bv,bres,sox,ext0(jk),eyt0(jk))
if (jk == 1) then
call stokes_ce(ext0(jk),eyt0(jk),qq,uu,vv)
call polellipse(qq,uu,vv,psipol0,chipol0)
psipol0=psipol0/degree ! convert from rad to degree
end if
call stokes_ell(chipol0*degree,psipol0*degree,qq,uu,vv)
if(qq**2 < one) then
deltapol=asin(vv/sqrt(one - qq**2))
ext0(jk)= sqrt(half*(one + qq))
eyt0(jk)= sqrt(half*(one - qq))*exp(-im*deltapol)
ext0(jk)= one
eyt0(jk)= zero
end if
end do
end subroutine set_pol
subroutine cniteq(rqgrid,zqgrid,matr2dgrid,nr,nz,h,ncon,npts,icount,rcon,zcon)
! v2.01 12/07/95 -- written by d v bartlett, jet joint undertaking.
! (based on an older code)
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ module gray_params
integer, parameter :: lenfnm = 256
integer, parameter :: headw = 132, headl = 21
! Note: when adding/removing a parameter remember to keep
! the script in sync with this file
! Antenna/wave launcher parameters
type antenna_parameters
! From
@ -55,8 +58,11 @@ module gray_params
integer :: igrad ! Complex eikonal switch
integer :: nstep ! Max number of integration steps
integer :: idst ! Choice of the integration variable
integer :: integrator ! Choice of the integration method
logical :: adaptive_step ! Allow variable step sizes
integer :: ipass ! Number of plasma passes
integer :: ipol ! Whether to compute wave polarisation
logical :: realtime ! Enable the realtime mode
end type
! EC resonant heating & Current Drive parameters
@ -127,6 +133,7 @@ module gray_params
type gray_results
real(wp_) :: pabs ! Total absorbed power
real(wp_) :: icd ! Total driven current
real(wp_) :: rho_peak ! Position of the absoprtion peak
real(wp_), allocatable :: dpdv(:) ! Absorbed power density
real(wp_), allocatable :: jcd(:) ! Driven current density
end type
@ -365,6 +372,13 @@ contains
read(u, *) params%output%istpr, params%output%istpl
! Default values of parameters introduced after
! has been deprecated
params%raytracing%integrator = 4
params%raytracing%adaptive_step = .false.
params%raytracing%realtime = .false.
end subroutine read_gray_params
@ -386,7 +400,8 @@ contains
istpr0 = params%output%istpr
istpl0 = params%output%istpl
if (params%raytracing%nrayr < 5) then
if (.not. params%raytracing%realtime &
.and. params%raytracing%nrayr < 5) then
params%raytracing%igrad = 0
call log_warning('nrayr < 5 ⇒ optical case only', &
mod="gray_params", proc="set_globals")
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ sets='antenna equilibrium profiles raytracing ecrh_cd output misc'
antenna='alpha beta power psi chi iox ibeam filenm fghz pos w ri phi'
equilibrium='ssplps ssplf factb sgnb sgni ixp iequil icocos ipsinorm idesc ifreefmt filenm'
profiles='psnbnd sspld factne factte iscal irho iprof filenm'
raytracing='rwmax dst nrayr nrayth nstep igrad idst ipass ipol'
raytracing='rwmax dst nrayr nrayth nstep igrad idst ipass ipol integrator adaptive_step realtime'
ecrh_cd='iwarm ilarm imx ieccd'
output='ipec nrho istpr istpl'
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
module ini_parser
use logger, only : log_error
use utils, only : getline
! INI syntax constants
character, parameter :: comment_sign = ';'
@ -148,29 +149,4 @@ contains
end subroutine parse_ini
subroutine getline(unit, line, error)
! Reads a line into a deferred length string
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: unit
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: line
integer, intent(out) :: error
integer, parameter :: bufsize = 512
character(len=bufsize) :: buffer
integer :: chunk
allocate(character(len=0) :: line)
read(unit, '(a)', advance='no', iostat=error, size=chunk) buffer
if (error > 0) exit
line = line // buffer(:chunk)
if (error < 0) then
if (is_iostat_eor(error)) error = 0
end if
end do
end subroutine getline
end module ini_parser
@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ program main
if (opts%quiet) opts%verbose = ERROR
call set_log_level(opts%verbose)
! Activate the given output units
call set_active_units(opts%units)
! Load the parameters from file and move to its directory
! (all other filepaths are assumed relative to it)
if (allocated(opts%config_file)) then
@ -65,10 +62,23 @@ program main
! Apply CLI overrides to the parameters
call parse_param_overrides(params)
! Realtime mode
if (params%raytracing%realtime) then
params%ecrh_cd%ieccd = 0 ! Disable current drive compuration
params%ecrh_cd%iwarm = 1 ! Use the weakly relativistic dispersion
params%raytracing%nrayr = 1 ! One ray
params%raytracing%ipass = 1 ! Single pass only
opts%units = [0] ! Disable all output files
call log_message(level=INFO, mod='main', msg='running in realtime mode')
end if
! Copy the parameters into global variables
! exported by the gray_params module
call params_set_globals(params)
! Activate the given output units
call set_active_units(opts%units)
! Read the input data and set the global variables
! of the respective module. Note: order matters.
call init_equilibrium(params, data, err)
@ -93,6 +103,7 @@ program main
end if
if (allocated(opts%sum_filelist)) then
! Combine the output profiles from many individual simulations
call log_message(level=INFO, mod='main', msg='summing profiles')
sum: block
@ -181,25 +192,48 @@ program main
end block sum
elseif (opts%server) then
! Handle requests from stdin
logical :: done
call handle_one_request(done)
if (done) exit
end do
end block
! Run the main GRAY routine
call gray_main(params, data, results, err)
end if
print_res: block
print_results: block
character(256) :: msg
write(msg, '(a,g0.3," MW")') 'total absoption: P=', results%pabs
write(msg, '(a,g0.5)') 'absorption peak: ρ=', results%rho_peak
call log_message(msg, level=INFO, mod='main')
write(msg, '(a,g0.3," kA")') 'total current drive: I=', results%icd * 1.0e3_wp_
call log_message(msg, level=INFO, mod='main')
end block print_res
if (.not. params%raytracing%realtime) then
if (params%ecrh_cd%iwarm > 0) then
write(msg, '(a,g0.3," MW")') 'total absoption: P=', results%pabs
call log_message(msg, level=INFO, mod='main')
end if
if (params%ecrh_cd%ieccd > 0) then
write(msg, '(a,g0.3," kA")') 'total current drive: I=', results%icd * 1000
call log_message(msg, level=INFO, mod='main')
end if
end if
end block print_results
! Free memory
call deinit_equilibrium(data%equilibrium)
call deinit_profiles(data%profiles)
call deinit_misc
call deinit_cli_options(opts)
deallocate(results%dpdv, results%jcd)
call close_units
cleanup: block
call deinit_equilibrium(data%equilibrium)
call deinit_profiles(data%profiles)
call deinit_misc
call deinit_cli_options(opts)
if (allocated(results%dpdv)) deallocate(results%dpdv, results%jcd)
call close_units
end block cleanup
@ -496,7 +530,7 @@ contains
real(wp_), dimension(:, :), pointer :: psjki=>null(), ppabs=>null(), ccci=>null()
real(wp_), dimension(:), pointer :: tau0=>null(), alphaabs0=>null(), &
dids0=>null(), ccci0=>null()
dpds=>null(), dids0=>null(), ccci0=>null()
real(wp_), dimension(:), pointer :: p0jk=>null()
complex(wp_), dimension(:), pointer :: ext=>null(), eyt=>null()
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: iiv=>null()
@ -511,8 +545,8 @@ contains
! Initialise the ray variables (beamtracing)
call init_btr(params%raytracing, yw, ypw, xc, du1, &
gri, ggri, psjki, ppabs, ccci, &
tau0, alphaabs0, dids0, ccci0, &
p0jk, ext, eyt, iiv)
tau0, alphaabs0, dpds, dids0, &
ccci0, p0jk, ext, eyt, iiv)
! Initialise the dispersion module
if (params%ecrh_cd%iwarm > 1) call expinit
@ -554,9 +588,128 @@ contains
! Free memory
call dealloc_surfvec ! for fluxval
call dealloc_beam(yw, ypw, xc, du1, gri, ggri, psjki, ppabs, ccci, &
tau0, alphaabs0, dids0, ccci0, p0jk, ext, eyt, iiv)
call dealloc_beam(yw, ypw, xc, du1, gri, ggri, psjki, ppabs, ccci, tau0, &
alphaabs0, dpds, dids0, ccci0, p0jk, ext, eyt, iiv)
call dealloc_pec
end subroutine sum_profiles
subroutine handle_one_request(done)
! Handles a user request from the stdin
! Available commands:
! - run run a simulation
! - set ID=VAL update the value of a GRAY parameter
! - reload (profiles|equilibrium) reload the input files
! - quit stop the program
! All replies are JSON encoded, include a boolean `error` to
! indicate a failure and, optionally, contain an explanation
! in the `msg` string.
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : input_unit
use ini_parser, only : ERR_SUCCESS, ERR_VALUE, ERR_UNKNOWN
use gray_params, only : update_parameter
use utils, only : getline
! subroutine arguments
logical, intent(out) :: done ! user requested to stop
! local variables
integer :: sep, err
character(len=:), target, allocatable :: line
character(len=:), pointer :: cmd, args
! read one command from stdin
call getline(input_unit, line, err)
if (err /= 0) return
sep = index(line, ' ')
if (sep /= 0) then
! command has arguments
cmd => line(1:sep - 1)
args => line(sep + 1:)
! no arguments
cmd => line
end if
done = .false.
select case (cmd)
! run the simulation
case ('run')
call gray_main(params, data, results, err)
if (err /= 0) then
print '(a, g0, a)', '{"error": true, "error_code": ', &
err, ', "msg": "simulation failed"}'
else if (params%raytracing%realtime) then
print '(a, 3(a,g0), a)', &
'{"error": false, "error_code": 0, "result": ', &
'{"rho_peak": ', results%rho_peak, &
', "power": null', &
', "current": null}}'
print '(a, 3(a,g0), a)', &
'{"error": false, "error_code": 0, "result": ', &
'{"rho_peak": ', results%rho_peak, &
', "power": ', results%pabs, &
', "current": ', results%icd, '}}'
end if
! stop the program
case ('quit')
print '(a)', '{"error": false, "msg": "quitting"}'
done = .true.
! set a GRAY parameter
case ('set')
! args split at "=" (id=value)
character(len=:), pointer :: id, val
sep = index(args, '=')
id => args(1:sep - 1)
val => args(sep + 1:)
select case (update_parameter(params, id, val))
case (ERR_VALUE)
print '(a)', '{"error": true, "msg": "invalid value"}'
print '(a)', '{"error": true, "msg": "unknown parameter"}'
print '(a)', '{"error": false, "msg": "done"}'
end select
end block
! reload inputs
case ('reload')
select case (args)
case ('equilibrium')
call init_equilibrium(params, data, err)
if (err /= 0) then
print '(a)', '{"error": true, "msg": "equilibrium initialisation failed"}'
print '(a)', '{"error": false, "msg": "equilibrium reloaded"}'
end if
case ('profiles')
call init_profiles(params%profiles, params%equilibrium%factb, &
params%antenna%pos, data%profiles, err)
if (err /= 0) then
print '(a)', '{"error": true, "msg": "profiles initialisation failed"}'
print '(a)', '{"error": false, "msg": "profiles reloaded"}'
end if
case default
print '(a)', '{"error": true, "msg": "invalid type"}'
end select
case default
print '(a)', '{"error": true, msg: "invalid command"}'
end select
end subroutine handle_one_request
end program main
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module multipass
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, zero, half, one, degree, czero
use beamdata, only : dst, nray
use gray_params, only : ipass
use polarization, only : pol_limit, stokes_ce, polellipse
use polarization, only : pol_limit, field_to_ellipse
use reflections, only : wall_refl
use equilibrium, only : bfield
@ -13,56 +13,68 @@ module multipass
! ------------------------------
subroutine plasma_in(i,xv,anv,bres,sox,cpl,psipol1,chipol1,iop,ext,eyt) ! ray enters plasma
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: i ! ray index
real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: xv,anv
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres
integer, intent(in) :: sox
real(wp_), dimension(2), intent(out) :: cpl ! coupling (O/X)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: psipol1,chipol1
integer, dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer :: iop ! in/out plasma flag
complex(wp_), dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer :: ext,eyt
! local variables
real(wp_) :: rm,csphi,snphi,bphi,br,bz
real(wp_) :: qq1,uu1,vv1,qq,uu,vv,powcpl
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: bv,xmv
complex(wp_) :: ext1,eyt1
iop(i)=iop(i)+1 ! out->in
xmv=xv*0.01_wp_ ! convert from cm to m
call bfield(rm,xmv(3),bphi,br,bz)
call pol_limit(anv,bv,bres,sox,ext1,eyt1)
call stokes_ce(ext1,eyt1,qq1,uu1,vv1) ! stokes parameter at plasma entrance
call stokes_ce(ext(i),eyt(i),qq,uu,vv) ! stokes parameter at plasma exit/wall reflection
powcpl = half*(one + vv*vv1+uu*uu1+qq*qq1) ! coupling for incoming mode
if(sox.eq.-one) then ! incoming mode = O
else ! incoming mode = X
end if
if(i.eq.1) then ! polarization angles at plasma entrace for central ray
call polellipse(qq1,uu1,vv1,psipol1,chipol1)
psipol1=psipol1/degree ! convert from rad to degree
subroutine plasma_in(i, x, N, Bres, sox, cpl, psi, chi, iop, ext, eyt, perfect)
! Computes the ray polarisation and power couplings when it enteres the plasma
use const_and_precisions, only: cm
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: i ! ray index
real(wp_), intent(in) :: x(3), N(3) ! position, refactive index
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Bres ! resonant B field
integer, intent(in) :: sox ! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
real(wp_), intent(out) :: cpl(2) ! power coupling vector (O, X)
real(wp_), intent(out) :: psi, chi ! polarisation ellipse angles
integer, intent(inout), pointer :: iop(:) ! inside/outside plasma flag
complex(wp_), intent(inout), pointer :: ext(:), eyt(:) ! ray polarisation vector (e_x, e_y)
logical, intent(in) :: perfect ! whether to assume perfect coupling
! local variables
real(wp_) :: R, z, cosphi, sinphi, B_phi, B_R, B_z
real(wp_) :: B(3)
real(wp_) :: c
complex(wp_) :: e_mode(2), e_ray(2)
! Update the inside/outside flag
iop(i) = iop(i) + 1
! Compute B in cartesian coordinates
R = norm2(x(1:2)) * cm
z = x(3) * cm
cosphi = x(1)/R * cm
sinphi = x(2)/R * cm
call bfield(R, z, B_phi, B_R, B_z)
B(1) = B_R*cosphi - B_phi*sinphi
B(2) = B_R*sinphi + B_phi*cosphi
B(3) = B_z
! Get the polarisation vector of the given mode
call pol_limit(N, B, Bres, sox, e_mode(1), e_mode(2))
if(i == 1) then
! For the central ray, compute the polarization ellipse
call field_to_ellipse(e_mode(1), e_mode(2), psi, chi)
psipol1 = zero
chipol1 = zero
psi = 0
chi = 0
end if
if (perfect) then
! Ignore the given vector and use the expected one
! Note: this will give 100% coupling to the current mode
ext(i) = e_mode(1)
eyt(i) = e_mode(2)
end if
! Compute the power coupling with the current mode
e_ray = [ext(i), eyt(i)]
c = abs(dot_product(e_mode, e_ray))**2
! Store both O and X couplings, in this order
c = merge(c, 1-c, sox == -1)
cpl = [c, 1-c]
end subroutine plasma_in
! ------------------------------
subroutine plasma_out(i,xv,anv,bres,sox,iop,ext,eyt) ! ray exits plasma
implicit none
! arguments
@ -110,7 +122,6 @@ contains
complex(wp_), dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer :: ext,eyt
! local variables
integer :: irfl
real(wp_) :: qq1,uu1,vv1
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: xvrfl,anvrfl,walln
complex(wp_) :: ext1,eyt1
@ -122,35 +133,42 @@ contains
xv = xvrfl
anv = anvrfl
if(i.eq.1) then ! polarization angles at wall reflection for central ray
call stokes_ce(ext1,eyt1,qq1,uu1,vv1)
call polellipse(qq1,uu1,vv1,psipol1,chipol1)
psipol1=psipol1/degree ! convert from rad to degree
if(i == 1) then ! polarization angles at wall reflection for central ray
call field_to_ellipse(ext1, eyt1, psipol1, chipol1)
psipol1 = zero
chipol1 = zero
end if
end subroutine wall_out
! ------------------------------
subroutine initbeam(i,iroff,iboff,iwait,stv,jphi_beam,pins_beam,currins_beam, &
dpdv_beam,jcd_beam) ! initialization at beam propagation start
use logger, only : log_info, log_warning
subroutine initbeam(params, i, iroff, iboff, iwait, stv, dst, jphi_beam, &
pins_beam, currins_beam, dpdv_beam, jcd_beam)
! Initialises the beam variables at the start of the beam propagation
use gray_params, only : gray_parameters
use logger, only : log_warning
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: i ! beam index
logical, dimension(:,:), intent(in), pointer :: iroff ! global ray status (F = active, T = inactive)
logical, intent(out) :: iboff
logical, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iwait
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: jphi_beam,pins_beam, &
character(256) :: msg ! buffer for formatting log messages
iboff = .false. ! beam status (F = active, T = inactive)
iwait = iroff(:,i) ! copy ray status for current beam from global ray status
if(all(iwait)) then ! no rays active => stop beam
! subroutine arguments
type(gray_parameters), intent(in) :: params
integer, intent(in) :: i ! beam index
logical, pointer, intent(in) :: iroff(:,:) ! global ray status (F = active, T = inactive)
logical, intent(out) :: iboff ! beam status (F = active, T = inactive)
logical, pointer, intent(out) :: iwait(:)
real(wp_), pointer, intent(out), dimension(:) :: &
jphi_beam, pins_beam, currins_beam, dpdv_beam, jcd_beam, stv, dst
! local variables
character(256) :: msg ! buffer for formatting log messages
iboff = .false.
iwait = iroff(:,i) ! copy current beam status from the global one
if (all(iwait)) then
! no rays active => stop beam
iboff = .true.
else if (any(iwait)) then
! only some rays active
@ -158,15 +176,18 @@ contains
call log_warning(msg, mod='multipass', proc='initbeam')
end if
stv = zero ! starting step
jphi_beam = zero ! 1D beam profiles
stv = zero ! starting ray parameter (s, c⋅t, S_R)
dst = params%raytracing%dst ! starting step size (ds, c⋅dt, dS_R)
! 1D beam profiles
jphi_beam = zero
pins_beam = zero
currins_beam = zero
dpdv_beam = zero
jcd_beam = zero
end subroutine initbeam
! ------------------------------
subroutine initmultipass(i,iox,iroff,yynext,yypnext,yw0,ypw0,stnext,p0ray, &
taus,tau1,etau1,cpls,cpl1,lgcpl1,psipv,chipv) ! initialization before pass loop
implicit none
@ -219,71 +240,121 @@ contains
end if
end subroutine turnoffray
! ------------------------------
subroutine alloc_multipass(dim,iwait,iroff,iop,iow,yynext,yypnext,yw0,ypw0,stnext, &
stv,p0ray,taus,tau1,etau1,cpls,cpl1,lgcpl1,jphi_beam, &
subroutine alloc_multipass(&
dim, iwait, iroff, iop, iow, yynext, yypnext, yw0, ypw0, stnext, &
stv, dst, p0ray, taus, tau1, etau1, cpls, cpl1, lgcpl1, jphi_beam, &
pins_beam, currins_beam, dpdv_beam, jcd_beam, psipv, chipv)
implicit none
integer :: dim
logical, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iwait
logical, dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: iroff
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iop,iow
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: jphi_beam,pins_beam,currins_beam, &
real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: taus,cpls,stnext,yw0,ypw0
real(wp_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out), pointer :: yynext,yypnext
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: dim
logical, pointer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: iwait
logical, pointer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: iroff
integer, pointer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: iop, iow
real(wp_), pointer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: &
jphi_beam, pins_beam, currins_beam, dpdv_beam, &
jcd_beam, stv, dst, tau1, etau1, cpl1, lgcpl1, &
p0ray, psipv, chipv
real(wp_), pointer, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: taus, cpls, stnext
real(wp_), pointer, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: yw0, ypw0
real(wp_), pointer, dimension(:, :, :), intent(out) :: yynext, yypnext
call dealloc_multipass(iwait,iroff,iop,iow,yynext,yypnext,yw0,ypw0,stnext,stv, &
p0ray,taus,tau1,etau1,cpls,cpl1,lgcpl1,jphi_beam,pins_beam,currins_beam, &
call dealloc_multipass(&
iwait, iroff, iop, iow, yynext, yypnext, yw0, ypw0, stnext, &
stv, dst, p0ray, taus, tau1, etau1, cpls, cpl1, lgcpl1, jphi_beam, &
pins_beam, currins_beam, dpdv_beam, jcd_beam, psipv, chipv)
nbeam_max = 2**ipass ! max n of beams active at a time
nbeam_tot = 2**(ipass+1)-2 ! total n of beams
nbeam_max = 2**ipass ! max n of beams active at a time
nbeam_tot = 2**(ipass+1)-2 ! total n of beams
allocate(iwait(nray),iroff(nray,nbeam_tot),iop(nray),iow(nray), &
yynext(6,nray,nbeam_max-2),yypnext(6,nray,nbeam_max-2), &
yw0(6,nray),ypw0(6,nray),stnext(nray,nbeam_tot),stv(nray), &
p0ray(nray),taus(nray,nbeam_tot),tau1(nray),etau1(nray), &
cpls(nray,nbeam_tot),cpl1(nray),lgcpl1(nray),jphi_beam(dim), &
pins_beam(dim),currins_beam(dim),dpdv_beam(dim),jcd_beam(dim), &
allocate(iroff(nray, nbeam_tot))
allocate(yynext(6, nray, nbeam_max-2))
allocate(yypnext(6, nray, nbeam_max-2))
allocate(yw0(6, nray))
allocate(ypw0(6, nray))
allocate(stnext(nray, nbeam_tot))
allocate(taus(nray, nbeam_tot))
allocate(cpls(nray, nbeam_tot))
end subroutine alloc_multipass
! ------------------------------
subroutine dealloc_multipass(iwait,iroff,iop,iow,yynext,yypnext,yw0,ypw0,stnext, &
stv,p0ray,taus,tau1,etau1,cpls,cpl1,lgcpl1,jphi_beam, &
subroutine dealloc_multipass(&
iwait, iroff, iop, iow, yynext, yypnext, yw0, ypw0, stnext, &
stv, dst, p0ray, taus, tau1, etau1, cpls, cpl1, lgcpl1, jphi_beam, &
pins_beam, currins_beam, dpdv_beam, jcd_beam, psipv, chipv)
implicit none
logical, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iwait
logical, dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: iroff
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: iop,iow
real(wp_), dimension(:), intent(out), pointer :: stv,p0ray,tau1,etau1,cpl1,lgcpl1, &
real(wp_), dimension(:,:), intent(out), pointer :: yw0,ypw0,stnext,taus,cpls
real(wp_), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out), pointer :: yynext,yypnext
logical, pointer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: iwait
logical, pointer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: iroff
integer, pointer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: iop, iow
real(wp_), pointer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: &
jphi_beam, pins_beam, currins_beam, dpdv_beam, &
jcd_beam, stv, dst, tau1, etau1, cpl1, lgcpl1, &
p0ray, psipv, chipv
real(wp_), pointer, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: taus, cpls, stnext
real(wp_), pointer, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: yw0, ypw0
real(wp_), pointer, dimension(:, :, :), intent(out) :: yynext, yypnext
if (associated(iwait)) deallocate(iwait)
if (associated(iroff)) deallocate(iroff)
if (associated(iop)) deallocate(iop)
if (associated(iow)) deallocate(iow)
if (associated(yynext)) deallocate(yynext)
if (associated(yypnext)) deallocate(yypnext)
if (associated(yw0)) deallocate(yw0)
if (associated(ypw0)) deallocate(ypw0)
if (associated(stnext)) deallocate(stnext)
if (associated(stv)) deallocate(stv)
if (associated(dst)) deallocate(dst)
if (associated(p0ray)) deallocate(p0ray)
if (associated(taus)) deallocate(taus)
if (associated(tau1)) deallocate(tau1)
if (associated(etau1)) deallocate(etau1)
if (associated(cpls)) deallocate(cpls)
if (associated(cpl1)) deallocate(cpl1)
if (associated(lgcpl1)) deallocate(lgcpl1)
if (associated(jphi_beam)) deallocate(jphi_beam)
if (associated(pins_beam)) deallocate(pins_beam)
if (associated(currins_beam)) deallocate(currins_beam)
if (associated(dpdv_beam)) deallocate(dpdv_beam)
if (associated(jcd_beam)) deallocate(jcd_beam)
if (associated(psipv)) deallocate(psipv)
if (associated(chipv)) deallocate(chipv)
end subroutine dealloc_multipass
@ -1,156 +1,292 @@
! This module contains subroutines to convert between different descriptions
! of the wave polarisation and to compute the polarisation of the plasma modes
module polarization
interface stokes
module procedure stokes_ce,stokes_ell
end interface
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_, pi, im
implicit none
public ellipse_to_field, field_to_ellipse ! Converting between descriptions
public pol_limit ! Plasma modes polarisations
subroutine stokes_ce(ext,eyt,qq,uu,vv)
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_
implicit none
! arguments
complex(wp_), intent(in) :: ext,eyt
real(wp_), intent(out) :: qq,uu,vv
qq = abs(ext)**2 - abs(eyt)**2
uu = 2*real(ext*conjg(eyt))
vv = 2*imag(ext*conjg(eyt))
end subroutine stokes_ce
pure subroutine ellipse_to_field(psi, chi, e_x, e_y)
! Computes the normalised Jones vector from the
! polarisation ellipse angles ψ, χ
! Notes:
! - ψ∈[-π/2, π/2] is the angle between the x and the major axis
! - χ∈[-π/4, π/4] is defined by tan(χ) = b/a, where a,b are the
! major,minor semi-axis, respectively; χ>0 for positive helicity
! (left-handed wave), χ<0 for negative helicity (right-handed wave).
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: psi, chi
complex(wp_), intent(out) :: e_x(:), e_y(:)
! The Eikonal ansatz is:
! E̅(r̅, t) = Re e̅(r̅) exp(-ik₀S(r̅) + iωt)
! where e̅(r̅) = [|e₁|exp(iφ₁), |e₂|exp(iφ₂), 0], since the wave
! is transversal in vacuum. At a fixed position r̅=0, ignoring
! the third component, we have:
! E̅(0, t) = [|e₁|cos(φ₁ + ωt), |e₂|cos(φ₂ + ωt)]
! = [|e₁|cos(φ₁)cos(ωt) - |e₁|sin(φ₁)sin(ωt),
! |e₂|cos(φ₂)cos(ωt) - |e₂|sin(φ₂)sin(ωt)]
! Then, we compare this to the parametric equation of
! an ellipse rotated by ψ through the origin,
! P̅(t) = R(ψ) [acos(ωt), bsin(ωt)]
! = [cos(ψ)a⋅cos(ωt), -sin(ψ)b⋅sin(ωt),
! sin(ψ)a⋅cos(ωt), cos(ψ)b⋅sin(ωt)]
! at ωt=0 and ωt=π/2, so:
! 1. |e₁|cos(φ₁) = a⋅cos(ψ)
! 2. |e₂|cos(φ₂) = a⋅sin(ψ)
! 3. |e₁|sin(φ₁) = b⋅sin(ψ)
! 4. |e₂|sin(φ₂) = -b⋅cos(ψ)
! From 1²+3² and 2²+4² we have
! |e₁|² = a²cos(ψ)²+b²sin(ψ)²
! |e₂|² = a²sin(ψ)²+b²cos(ψ)²
! ⇒ |e₁|² + |e₂|² = a² + b²
! Assuming e̅ is normalised, that is e̅⋅e̅*=|e₁|²+|e₂|²=1,
! we have a²+b²=1, so we can define a=cos(χ), b=sin(χ).
! We can then rewrite:
! 1. Re e₁ = cos(χ)cos(ψ)
! 2. Re e₂ = cos(χ)sin(ψ)
! 3. Im e₁ = +sin(χ)sin(ψ)
! 4. Im e₂ = -sin(χ)cos(ψ)
! from which:
! e₁ = cos(χ)cos(ψ) + i⋅sin(χ)sin(ψ)
! e₂ = cos(χ)sin(ψ) - i⋅sin(χ)cos(ψ)
e_x = cosd(chi)*cosd(psi) + im * sind(chi)*sind(psi)
e_y = cosd(chi)*sind(psi) - im * sind(chi)*cosd(psi)
end subroutine ellipse_to_field
subroutine stokes_ell(chi,psi,qq,uu,vv)
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,two
implicit none
! arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: chi,psi
real(wp_), intent(out) :: qq,uu,vv
pure subroutine field_to_ellipse(e_x, e_y, psi, chi)
! Computes the polarisation ellipse angles ψ, χ
! from the normalised Jones vector
end subroutine stokes_ell
! subroutine arguments
complex(wp_), intent(in) :: e_x, e_y
real(wp_), intent(out) :: psi, chi
! First, to make the map (ψ, χ) → unit ellipse
! unique we restricted its domain to
! [-π/2, π/2]×[-π/4, π/4]. Then, starting from
! e₁ = cos(χ)cos(ψ) + i⋅sin(χ)sin(ψ)
! e₂ = cos(χ)sin(ψ) - i⋅sin(χ)cos(ψ)
! (see `ellipse_to_field`), we obtain χ doing
! 2e₁e₂* = cos(2χ)sin(2ψ) + i sin(2χ)
! ⇒ χ = ½ asin(Im(2e₁e₂*))
! This gives the angle χ in the correct interval since
! the range of asin is [-π/2, π/2] by definition.
! For ψ notice that:
! e⋅e = e₁²-e₂² = cos(χ)²cos(2ψ) - sin(χ)²cos(2ψ)
! = cos(2χ)cos(2ψ)
! Combining this to the previous expression:
! tan(2ψ) = Re(2e₁e₂*)/(e⋅e)
! Finally, since atan2 gives the principal branch
! (-π, π], ψ is given within the correct interval as:
! ψ = ½ atan2(Re(2e₁e₂*), (e⋅e))
chi = asind(imag(2 * e_x * conjg(e_y))) / 2
psi = atan2d(real(2 * e_x * conjg(e_y)), abs(e_x)**2 - abs(e_y)**2) / 2
end subroutine field_to_ellipse
subroutine polellipse(qq,uu,vv,psi,chi)
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,half
implicit none
! arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: qq,uu,vv
real(wp_), intent(out) :: psi,chi
! real(wp_) :: ll,aa,bb,ell
pure subroutine pol_limit(N, B, Bres, sox, e_x, e_y)
! Computes the Jones vectors of the cold plasma dispersion
! relation in the limit of vanishing electron density
! Note: the Jones vectors are given in the local beam frame,
! that is, the z axis is aligned with the wave vector and x axis
! lies in the tokamak equatorial plane.
! This allows to directly compare the beam polarisation with
! the plasma modes Jones vectors to obtain the power couplings.
! ll = sqrt(qq**2 + uu**2)
! aa = sqrt(half*(1 + ll))
! bb = sqrt(half*(1 - ll))
! ell = bb/aa
psi = half*atan2(uu,qq)
chi = half*asin(vv)
end subroutine polellipse
! subroutine arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: N(3) ! N̅ refractive index
real(wp_), intent(in) :: B(3) ! B̅ magnetic field
real(wp_), intent(in) :: Bres ! resonant magnetic field
! sign of polarisation mode: -1 ⇒ O, +1 ⇒ X
integer, intent(in) :: sox
! Components of the Jones vector
complex(wp_), intent(out) :: e_x, e_y
subroutine pol_limit(anv,bv,bres,sox,ext,eyt) !,gam)
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,ui=>im,zero,one
implicit none
! arguments
real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: anv,bv
real(wp_), intent(in) :: bres
integer, intent(in) :: sox
complex(wp_), intent(out) :: ext,eyt
! real(wp_), optional, intent(out) :: gam
! local variables
real(wp_), dimension(3) :: bnv
real(wp_) :: anx,any,anz,an2,an,anpl2,anpl,anpr,anxy, &
btot = sqrt(bv(1)**2+bv(2)**2+bv(3)**2)
bnv = bv/btot
yg = btot/bres
! local variables
real(wp_) :: Y, Npl, delta
real(wp_) :: z(3), R(2,2), gamma
complex(wp_) :: f, e(2)
anx = anv(1)
any = anv(2)
anz = anv(3)
an2 = anx**2 + any**2 + anz**2
an = sqrt(an2)
anxy = sqrt(anx**2 + any**2)
Y = norm2(B) / Bres ! Y = ω_ce/ω
Npl = dot_product(N, B) / norm2(B) ! N∥ = N̅⋅B̅/B
anpl = (anv(1)*bnv(1) + anv(2)*bnv(2) + anv(3)*bnv(3))
anpl2= anpl**2
anpr = sqrt(an2 - anpl2)
! Coordinate systems in use
! 1. plasma basis, definition of dielectric tensor
! x̅ = N̅⊥/N⊥
! y̅ = B̅/B×N̅/N
! z̅ = B̅/B
! 2. polarisation basis, definition of Ẽ₁/Ẽ₂
! x̅ = -N̅/N×(B̅/B×N̅/N)= -B̅⊥/B⊥
! y̅ = B̅/B×N̅/N
! z̅ = N̅/N
! 3. beam basis, definition of rays initial conditions
! x̅ = N̅/N×e̅₃
! y̅ = N̅/N×(N̅/N×e̅₃)
! z̅ = N̅/N
dnl = one - anpl2
del0 = sqrt(dnl**2 + 4.0_wp_*anpl2/yg**2)
sngam = (anz*anpl - an2*bnv(3))/(an*anxy*anpr)
csgam = -(any*bnv(1) - anx*bnv(2))/ (anxy*anpr)
ff = 0.5_wp_*yg*(dnl - sox*del0)
ff2 = ff**2
den = ff2 + anpl2
if (den>zero) then
ext = (ff*csgam - ui*anpl*sngam)/sqrt(den)
eyt = (-ff*sngam - ui*anpl*csgam)/sqrt(den)
den = sqrt(abs(ext)**2+abs(eyt)**2)
ext = ext/den
eyt = eyt/den
else ! only for XM (sox=+1) when N//=0
ext = -ui*sngam
eyt = -ui*csgam
! The cold plasma dispersion relation tensor in the plasma
! basis (the usual one) is:
! [ (R+L)/2 - N∥² -i(R-L)/2 N∥N⊥ ]
! Λ = [i(R-L)/2 (R+L)/2 - N² 0 ]
! [N∥N⊥ 0 P - N⊥²]
! where P = 1 - X
! L = 1 - X/(1+Y)
! R = 1 - X/(1-Y)
! X = (ω_p/ω)²
! Y = ω_c/ω
! To compute the polarisation (the ratio Ẽ₁/Ẽ₂ in the wave
! transverse plane) we switch to the polarisation basis.
! The relations between the new and old unit vectors are:
! y̅' = y̅
! z̅' = N̅/N = (N̅∥ + N̅⊥)/N = (N∥/N)z̅ + (N⊥/N)x̅
! x̅' = y̅'×z̅' = y̅×z̅' = (N∥/N)x̅ - (N⊥/N)z̅
! so the change of basis matrix is:
! [ N∥/N 0 N⊥/N]
! M = [ 0 1 0 ]
! [-N⊥/N 0 N∥/N]
! which is equivalent to a clockwise rotation of the
! x̅∧z̅ plane around y̅ by the pitch angle θ: N̅∥ = Ncosθ.
! Consequently the tensor Λ in this basis is given by:
! Λ' = M⁻¹ Λ M
! Substituting the solution of the dispersion relation
! N⊥=N⊥(X, Y, N∥, ±) into Λ' and taking lim X→0 yields:
! [ ½XY²(N∥²-1∓Δ) -iXYN∥ XY²N∥√(1-N∥²)]
! Λ' = [ iXYN∥ ½XY²(1-N∥²∓Δ) iXY√(1-N∥²)] + o(X²)
! [XY²N∥√(1-N∥²) -iXY√(1-N∥²) -XY²N∥²+X+Y²-1]
! where Δ = √[4N∥²/Y² + (1 - N∥²)²]
! At exactly X=0, Λ' reduces to diag(0,0,1), so for Λ'E=0 we must
! have E₃=0, meaning we can effectively ignore the third column.
! The polarisation is determined by the ratio
! Ẽ₁/Ẽ₂ = -Λ₁₂/Λ₁₁ = -i Y[N∥² -1 ∓ Δ(X=0)]/(2N∥)
! = i [Y(N∥²-1) ± Δ']/(2N∥)
! ≡ i f±
! where Δ' = YΔ(X=0) = √[4N∥² + Y²(1 - N∥²)²]
if (sox == -1 .and. Npl == 0) then
! If Ẽ₂=0, the direction of the electric field is e̅ = (1, 0).
! This happens for O mode at N∥=0, the polarisation here is
! linear with Ẽ ∥ x̅ ∥ B̅.
! This case is handled separately to avoid a division by zero.
e = [1, 0]
! In general, if Ẽ₂≠0, the direction of the electric field is
! (Ẽ₁, Ẽ₂) ~ (Ẽ₁/Ẽ₂, 1) ~ (iẼ₁/Ẽ₂, i) = (f±, i)
! so, the polarisation is elliptical and the Jones vector is:
! e̅ = (f±, i) / √(1 + f±²)
delta = sqrt(4*Npl**2 + Y**2*(1 - Npl**2)**2)
f = (Y*(Npl**2 - 1) + sox * delta) / (2*Npl)
e = [f, im] / sqrt(1 + f**2)
end if
! gam = atan2(sngam,csgam)/degree
! To obtain the polarisation in the beam basis we must compute the
! angle γ such that a rotation of γ around z̅=N̅/N aligns the x̅ axis
! of the wave transverse plane to the equatorial plane of the
! tokamak, that is:
! R(γ,z̅)(x̅) ⋅ e̅₃ = 0
! where R(γ,n̅) is given by Rodrigues' rotation formula;
! x̅ = -B̅⊥/B⊥ (x axis in polarisation basis);
! z̅ = N̅/N is (z axis in polarization basis)
! e̅₃ is the vertical direction (standard basis).
! Since the rotation is a linear operation,
! R(γ,z̅)(-B̅⊥/B⊥) ⋅ e̅₃ = 0 ⇒ R(γ,z̅)B̅⊥ ⋅ e̅₃ = 0
! and the condition simplifies to:
! R(γ,z̅)B̅⊥ ⋅ e̅₃
! = [B̅⊥cosγ + z̅×B̅⊥sinγ + z̅(z̅⋅B̅⊥)(1-cosγ)] ⋅ e̅₃
! = (B̅⊥cosγ + z̅×B̅⊥sinγ) ⋅ e̅₃
! = B⊥₃cosγ + (z̅×B̅⊥)₃sinγ
! = 0
! By definition B̅⊥ = z̅×(B̅×z̅)=B̅-(z̅⋅B̅)z̅, so:
! B⊥₃ = B̅₃ - (z̅⋅B̅)z̅₃
! (z̅×B̅⊥) = [z̅×(z̅×(B̅×z̅))]₃
! = [-(z̅×(B̅×z̅))×z̅]₃
! = -(B̅×z̅)₃
! = (z₁B₂-z₂B₁)
! Substituting, we obtain:
! [B̅₃ - (z̅⋅B̅)z̅₃]cosγ + (z₁B₂-z₂B₁)sinγ = 0
! ⇒ γ = atan2((z̅⋅B̅)z̅₃-B̅₃, z₁B₂-z₂B₁)
z = N / norm2(N)
gamma = atan2(dot_product(B, z) * z(3) - B(3), z(1)*B(2) - z(2)*B(1))
! Apply the rotation R(γ,z̅) to the Jones vector
! Note: Jones vectors transform as normal vectors under rotations
! in physical space (SO(3) group); but as spinors on the Poincaré
! sphere (SU(2) group). For example, a rotation by γ around z̅
! changes the longitude φ=2ψ by 2γ.
R = reshape([cos(gamma), -sin(gamma), sin(gamma), cos(gamma)], [2, 2])
e = matmul(R, e)
e_x = e(1)
e_y = e(2)
end subroutine pol_limit
subroutine polarcold(anpl,anpr,xg,yg,sox,exf,eyif,ezf,elf,etf)
use const_and_precisions, only : wp_,zero,one
implicit none
! arguments
real(wp_), intent(in) :: anpl,anpr,xg,yg,sox
real(wp_), intent(out) :: exf,eyif,ezf,elf,etf
! local variables
real(wp_) :: anpl2,anpr2,an2,yg2,dy2,aa,e3,qq,p
if(xg <= zero) then
exf = zero
if(sox < zero) then
ezf = one
eyif = zero
ezf = zero
eyif = one
end if
elf = zero
etf = one
anpl2 = anpl**2
anpr2 = anpr**2
an2 = anpl2 + anpr2
dy2 = one - yg2
qq = xg*yg/(an2*dy2 - aa)
if (anpl == zero) then
if(sox < zero) then
exf = zero
eyif = zero
ezf = one
qq = -aa/(xg*yg)
exf = one/sqrt(one + qq**2)
eyif = qq*exf
ezf = zero
end if
e3 = one - xg
p = (anpr2 - e3)/(anpl*anpr) ! undef for anpr==0
exf = p*ezf
eyif = qq*exf
ezf = one/sqrt(one + p**2*(one + qq**2))
end if
elf = (anpl*ezf + anpr*exf)/sqrt(an2)
etf = sqrt(one - elf**2)
end if
end subroutine polarcold
end module polarization
@ -129,6 +129,47 @@ contains
end subroutine intlin
pure function parabola_vertex(x, y) result(v)
! Computes the vertex of a parabola passing by three points
! (x₁, y₁), (x₂, y₂), (x₃, y₃)
! The solution is obtained by solving the system
! p(x₁) = y₁
! p(x₂) = y₂
! p(x₃) = y₃
! where p(x) = ax² + bx + c. The vertex is then
! given by the usual formula (-b/2a, c - b²/4a).
implicit none
! function arguments
real(wp_), dimension(3), intent(in) :: x, y ! x,y of the three points
real(wp_), dimension(2) :: v ! vertex
! local variables
real(wp_) :: denom, a, b, c
denom = (x(1) - x(2))*(x(1) - x(3))*(x(2) - x(3))
a = ( x(3)*(y(2) - y(1)) &
+ x(2)*(y(1) - y(3)) &
+ x(1)*(y(3) - y(2))) / denom
b = ( x(3)**2 * (y(1) - y(2)) &
+ x(2)**2 * (y(3) - y(1)) &
+ x(1)**2 * (y(2) - y(3))) / denom
c = ( x(2)*x(3)*(x(2) - x(3))*y(1) &
+ x(3)*x(1)*(x(3) - x(1))*y(2) &
+ x(1)*x(2)*(x(1) - x(2))*y(3)) / denom
v = [-b/(2*a), c - b**2/(4*a)]
end function
subroutine vmax(x,n,xmax,imx)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
@ -299,6 +340,7 @@ contains
end if
end function dirname
function isrelative(filepath)
! Check if `filepath` is a relative or an absolute path
@ -309,4 +351,30 @@ contains
isrelative = (filepath(1:1) /= '/')
end function isrelative
subroutine getline(unit, line, error)
! Reads a line into a deferred length string
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: unit
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: line
integer, intent(out) :: error
integer, parameter :: bufsize = 512
character(len=bufsize) :: buffer
integer :: chunk
allocate(character(len=0) :: line)
read(unit, '(a)', advance='no', iostat=error, size=chunk) buffer
if (error > 0) exit
line = line // buffer(:chunk)
if (error < 0) then
if (is_iostat_eor(error)) error = 0
end if
end do
end subroutine getline
end module utils
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