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#include "lib.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_min.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_deriv.h>
/* Process CLI arguments and print usage */
int parser(size_t *N, size_t *n, double *p_max,
size_t argc, char **argv, size_t *go) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-n")) *N = atol(argv[++i]);
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-b")) *n = atol(argv[++i]);
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-p")) *p_max = atof(argv[++i]);
else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-o")) *go = 1;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s -[hnbpo]\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "\t-h\tShow this message.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-n N\tThe number of particles to generate. (default: 50000)\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-b N\tThe number of bins of the histogram. (default: 50)\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-p PMAX\tThe maximum value of momentum. (default: 10)\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t-o\tPrint histogram to stdout.\n");
return 0;
return 1;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Set default options.
size_t N = 50000;
size_t n = 50;
double p_max = 10;
size_t go = 0;
// Get eventual CLI arguments.
int res = parser(&N, &n, &p_max, argc, argv, &go);
if (go == 0 && res == 1) {
printf("Generating histogram with:\n"
"%ld points\n"
"%ld bins\n"
"p_max = %.3f\n\n", N, n, p_max);
else if (res == 0)
// Initialize an RNG.
gsl_rng *r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default);
/* Generate the angle θ uniformly distributed on a sphere using the
* inverse transform:
* θ = acos(1 - 2X)
* where X is a random uniform variable in [0,1), and the module p of
* the vector:
* p² = p_v² + p_h²
* uniformly distributed between 0 and p_max. The two components are
* then computed as:
* p_v = p⋅cos(θ)
* p_h = p⋅sin(θ)
* The histogram is updated this way.
* The j-th bin where p_h goes in is given by:
* step = p_max / n
* j = floor(p_h / step)
* Thus an histogram was created and a structure containing the number of
* entries in each bin and the sum of |p_v| in each of them is created and
* filled while generating the events (struct bin).
struct bin *histo = calloc(n, sizeof(struct bin));
// Some useful variables.
double step = p_max / n;
struct bin *b;
double theta;
double p;
double p_v;
double p_h;
size_t j;
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
// Generate the event
theta = acos(1 - 2*gsl_rng_uniform(r));
p = p_max * gsl_rng_uniform(r);
// Compute the components
p_v = p * cos(theta);
p_h = p * sin(theta);
// Update the histogram
j = floor(p_h / step);
b = &histo[j];
b -> amo++;
b -> sum += fabs(p_v);
/* Compute the mean value of each bin and print it to stodut
* together with other useful things to make the histogram.
if (go == 1) {
printf("bins: \t%ld\n", n);
printf("step: \t%.5f\n", step);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
histo[i].sum = histo[i].sum / histo[i].amo; // Average P_v
if (go == 1) printf("\n%.5f", histo[i].sum);
/* Compare the histigram with the expected function:
* x * log(p_max/x)/arctan(sqrt(p_max^2/x^2 - 1))
* using the χ² test.
struct parameters params;
params.histo = histo;
params.n = n;
params.step = step;
gsl_function func;
func.function = &chi2;
func.params = &params;
double min_p = p_max - 5;
double max_p = p_max + 5;
// Initialize minimization
double x = p_max;
int max_iter = 100;
double prec = 1e-7;
int status = GSL_CONTINUE;
const gsl_min_fminimizer_type *T = gsl_min_fminimizer_brent;
gsl_min_fminimizer *s = gsl_min_fminimizer_alloc(T);
gsl_min_fminimizer_set(s, &func, x, min_p, max_p);
// Minimization
for (int iter = 0; status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < max_iter; iter++) {
status = gsl_min_fminimizer_iterate(s);
x = gsl_min_fminimizer_x_minimum(s);
min_p = gsl_min_fminimizer_x_lower(s);
max_p = gsl_min_fminimizer_x_upper(s);
status = gsl_min_test_interval(min_p, max_p, 0, prec);
double result = x;
double res_chi = chi2(result, &params);
if (go == 0) {
printf("χ² = %.3f\n", res_chi);
printf("p_max = %.3f\n", result);
/* Compute the second derivative of χ² in its minimum for the result error.
* p_max = α
* 2
* (Eᵢ - Oᵢ)
* χ² = Σi ──────────
* Eᵢ
* ⎛ 2⎞
* ⎜ Oᵢ ⎟
* ∂αχ² = Σi Eᵢ⋅⎜1 - ───⎟⋅∂αE
* ⎜ 2⎟
* ⎝ Eᵢ ⎠
* ⎛ 2 ⎛ 2⎞ ⎞
* ⎜ Oᵢ ⎜ Oᵢ ⎟ ⎟
* ∂²αχ² = Σi ⎜(∂αE)²⋅2⋅─── + ∂²αE ⋅⎜1 - ───⎟ ⎟
* ⎜ 2 ⎜ 2⎟ ⎟
* ⎝ Eᵢ ⎝ Eᵢ ⎠ ⎠
double expecto, A, B;
double error = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
x = (i + 0.5) * step;
expecto = expected(x, result);
A = 2 * pow(exp1d(x, result) * histo[i].sum / expecto, 2);
B = exp2d(x, result) * (1 - pow((histo[i].sum / expecto), 2));
error = error + A + B;
error = 1/error;
if (go == 0)
printf("ΔP_max = %.3f\n", error);
// Check compatibility
double t = fabs(result - p_max)/error;
double alpha = 1 - erf(t/sqrt(2));
if (go == 0) {
printf("t = %.3f\n", t);
printf("α = %.3f\n\n", alpha);
// Free memory