Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
rnhmjoj 2015-07-07 14:55:02 +02:00
commit 2366471f11
4 changed files with 281 additions and 0 deletions

Main.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import Types
import Pretty
import Parser
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import System.FilePath (takeBaseName)
import System.Process (readProcess, callCommand)
-- Search functions --
byServer :: String -> Keychain -> [Item]
byServer s = byAttrib (Left "srv", Str s)
byAccount :: String -> Keychain -> [Item]
byAccount a = byAttrib (Left "acct", Str a)
byAttrib :: Attrib -> Keychain -> [Item]
byAttrib a = filter (elem a . attrs)
attrib :: Name -> Item -> Maybe Value
attrib a = lookup a . attrs
fuzzy :: String -> Keychain -> [Item]
fuzzy x = filter (any (isInfixOf x) . strings)
strings = map unvalue . attrs
unvalue (_, Str s) = s
unvalue _ = ""
-- Keychain access --
keychainList :: IO [FilePath]
keychainList =
runParser parseKeychainList <$>
readProcess "security" ["list-keychains"] ""
getKeychain :: IO Keychain
getKeychain = do
paths <- filter ((/="System") . takeBaseName) <$> keychainList
dump <- readProcess "security" ("dump-keychain" : "-d" : paths) ""
return (runParser parseKeychain dump)
sendClipboard :: String -> IO ()
sendClipboard text =
callCommand $ "echo " ++ (show text) ++ " | pbcopy"
main :: IO ()
main = do
res <- fuzzy "" <$> getKeychain
sendClipboard (content (head res))
pprint res

Parser.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Parser
( parseKeychain
, parseKeychainList
, runParser
) where
import Types
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
import Data.Hex (unhex)
import Data.Time
runParser :: Monoid a => Parser a -> String -> a
runParser parser = handle . parseOnly parser . pack
handle (Left _) = mempty
handle (Right x) = x
-- Parsers --
parseKeychain :: Parser Keychain
parseKeychain = many item
parseKeychainList :: Parser [FilePath]
parseKeychainList = many $
between (many space >> quote) quote anyChar
item :: Parser Item
item = do
string "keychain: "
path <- quoted
string "class: "
class_ <- iclass <|> sclass
string "attributes:"
attrs <- many entry
string "data:"
raw <- raw <|> hex' <|>
raw' <|> pure "" <* endOfLine
return Item { keychain = path
, itemClass = class_
, attrs = attrs
, content = raw }
entry :: Parser Attrib
entry = do
many space
name <- eitherP quoted hex
between (char '<') (char '>') anyChar
char '='
val <- value
return (name, val)
value :: Parser Value
value =
pure Null <$> string "<NULL>" <|>
Date <$> date <|>
Str <$> quoted <|>
Str <$> quoted' <|>
Num <$> hex
sclass :: Parser ItemClass
sclass = do
name <- str
return name
str = pure Inet <* string "inet" <|>
pure Genp <* string "genp"
iclass :: Parser ItemClass
iclass = Id <$> hex
-- Parser helpers --
between :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c -> Parser [c]
between p q x = p >> manyTill x q
hex :: Parser Integer
hex = do
string "0x"
num <- hexadecimal
return num
-- decoded hex string
hex' :: Parser String
hex' =
between (string "0x") (space >> endOfLine) anyChar >>= unhex
quote :: Parser Char
quote = char '"'
-- literal string
quoted :: Parser String
quoted = between quote quote anyChar
-- hex followed by string version
quoted' :: Parser String
quoted' = hex >> space >> quoted
-- unescaped string
raw :: Parser String
raw = between quote (quote >> endOfLine) anyChar
-- hex followed by unescaped string
raw' :: Parser String
raw' = hex >> space >> raw
digits :: Read a => Int -> Parser a
digits n = read <$> count n digit
date :: Parser LocalTime
date = do
hex >> space >> quote
year <- digits 4
month <- digits 2
day <- digits 2
hour <- digits 2
min <- digits 2
sec <- digits 2
string "Z\\" >> decimal >> quote
return LocalTime { localDay = fromGregorian year month day
, localTimeOfDay = TimeOfDay hour min sec }

Pretty.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Pretty
( Pretty
, pretty
, pprint
) where
import Types
import Data.List (intercalate)
import System.FilePath (takeBaseName)
class Pretty a where
pretty :: a -> String
pprint :: Pretty a => a -> IO ()
pprint = putStrLn . pretty
names :: [(Name, String)]
names =
[ (Left "acct", "username" )
, (Left "srvr", "url" )
, (Left "cdat", "created" )
, (Left "mdat", "last change")
, (Left "desc", "description")
instance Pretty Keychain where
pretty = intercalate spacer . map pretty
where spacer = '\n' : replicate 57 '~' ++ "\n\n"
instance Pretty Item where
pretty Item {..} = unlines $
[ "name: " ++ pretty title
, "content: " ++ password
, "keychain: " ++ takeBaseName keychain
, "class: " ++ show itemClass
, "info: "
] ++ map pretty entries
title = maybe (Str "") id (lookup (Right 7) attrs)
entries = filter ((`elem` keys) . fst) attrs
keys = map fst names
password = if length content < 45
then content
else take 45 content ++ "..."
instance Pretty Attrib where
pretty (n,v) = " " ++ pretty n ++ ": "++ pretty v
instance Pretty Name where
pretty (flip lookup names -> Just x) = x
pretty (Left x) = x
pretty (Right x) = show x
instance Pretty Value where
pretty (Date x) = show x
pretty (Num x) = show x
pretty (Str x) = x
pretty Null = ""

Types.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module Types where
import Data.Time (LocalTime)
data Item =
Item { keychain :: FilePath
, itemClass :: ItemClass
, attrs :: [Attrib]
, content :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data ItemClass =
Id Integer |
Inet |
Genp deriving (Eq, Show)
data Value =
Date LocalTime |
Str String |
Num Integer |
Null deriving (Eq, Show)
type Keychain = [Item]
type Attrib = (Name, Value)
type Name = Either String Integer