289 lines
7.3 KiB
Executable File
289 lines
7.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import subprocess
import logging
import json
from io import BytesIO
from struct import pack, unpack
from time import gmtime, strftime
from collections import defaultdict
# Logger setup
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
def flag_type(raw_flag):
'''Solve cookie flags'''
types = {0: None, 1: 'secure', 4: 'http only', 5: 'Secure, http only'}
return types[raw_flag]
def date(raw_date):
'''Mac epoch to date string'''
return strftime("%a, %d %b %Y ", gmtime(raw_date + 978307200))[:-1]
def save(file, cookies):
'''Write a list of cookies into a binary file'''
file.seek(0, 0)
# File Magic String: cook
# Divide cookies into pages
pages = defaultdict(list)
for cookie in cookies:
log.debug('Domains: %s', ', '.join(pages.keys()))
log.debug('Cookies: %d', len(cookies))
# Number of pages
# There is a page for each domain
file.write(pack('>i', len(pages)))
log.info('Writing %d pages', len(pages))
# Write page sizes
# 4byte offset each cookie + cookies size + fixed header size
for i, page in enumerate(pages.values()):
cookies_size = sum([cookie['size'] for cookie in page])
offsets_size = 4 * len(page)
file.write(pack('>i', cookies_size + offsets_size + 12))
log.debug('Page: %i size: %iB', i, cookies_size + offsets_size + 12)
for i, page in enumerate(pages.values()):
log.info('Writing page %d...', i + 1)
# Write page header/offsets
# Page header
file.write(pack('>i', 0x00000100))
log.debug('cookies: %d', len(page))
# Number of cookies little-endian from here on
file.write(pack('<i', len(page)))
# Cookie offsets
# Each is header + #cookies + offsets + size or previous ones
for k, cookie in enumerate(page):
previous_size = sum(i['size'] for i in page[:k])
file.write(pack('<i', previous_size + len(page) * 4 + 8))
log.info('Wrote offsets')
# Finally write cookies
for k, cookie in enumerate(page):
log.info('Writing cookie: %d...', k + 1)
# cookie size
file.write(pack('<i', cookie['size']))
# unknown
file.write(pack('B', 0) * 4)
# flags
file.write(pack('<i', cookie['flags']))
# unknown
file.write(pack('B', 0) * 4)
# Content offsets
for key in ['domain', 'name', 'path', 'value']:
file.write(pack('<i', cookie[key + '_offset']))
log.debug('offset for: %s', key)
# End of cookie
file.write(pack('B', 0) * 8)
log.debug('Wrote EOC')
# Dates
file.write(pack('<d', cookie['expiry_date']))
file.write(pack('<d', cookie['creation_date']))
log.debug('Wrote Dates')
# Write strings
for key in ['domain', 'name', 'path', 'value']:
for c in cookie[key]:
file.write(pack('<b', ord(c)))
# null
file.write(pack('B', 0))
log.debug('Wrote strings')
# End of page
file.write(pack('B', 0) * 4)
log.debug('Wrote EOP')
# Unknown 8bytes tail
file.write(pack('B', 0) * 7 + pack('B', 0x22))
log.debug('Wrote tail')
def parse(file):
Given a binary file return a list of cookies.
Each one is dictionary containing values and offsets.
cookies = []
log.info('Parsing %s', file.name)
# File Magic String:cook
magic = file.read(4)
if magic != b'cook':
log.exception('File is not a binary cookie valid format')
return cookies
# Number of pages in the binary file: 4 bytes
num_pages = unpack('>i', file.read(4))[0]
# Each page size: 4 bytes * number of pages
page_sizes = []
for _ in range(num_pages):
page_sizes.append(unpack('>i', file.read(4))[0])
# Grab individual pages and each page will contain >= one cookie
pages = []
for ps in page_sizes:
# page header: 4 bytes: Always 00000100.
# Number of cookies in each page,
# first 4 bytes after the page header in every page.
for page in pages:
page = BytesIO(page)
num_cookies = unpack('<i', page.read(4))[0]
# Every page contains >= one cookie.
# Fetch cookie starting point from page starting byte
cookie_offsets = []
for _ in range(num_cookies):
cookie_offsets.append(unpack('<i', page.read(4))[0])
# end of page header: Always 00000000
for offset in cookie_offsets:
content = {}
# Move the page pointer to the cookie starting point
# fetch cookie size
# read the complete cookie
content['size'] = unpack('<i', page.read(4))[0]
cookie = BytesIO(page.read(content['size']))
# Unknown 4 null bytes
# Flags
content['flags'] = unpack('<i', cookie.read(4))[0]
# Unknown 4 null bytes
# Offsets
for key in ['domain', 'name', 'path', 'value']:
content[key + '_offset'] = unpack('<i', cookie.read(4))[0]
# End of cookie
# Date is in Mac epoch format: starts from 1/Jan/2001
content['expiry_date'] = unpack('<d', cookie.read(8))[0]
content['creation_date'] = unpack('<d', cookie.read(8))[0]
# fetch values
for i in ['domain', 'name', 'path', 'value']:
n = cookie.read(1)
value = []
while unpack('<b', n)[0] != 0:
n = cookie.read(1)
content[i] = ''.join(value)
return cookies
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Safari cookies tool")
mode = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
mode.add_argument('-d', '--dump',
help='Parse and print cookies')
mode.add_argument('-b', '--blacklist',
type=str, nargs='+', metavar='domain',
help='Remove cookies of given domains')
mode.add_argument('-w', '--whitelist',
type=str, nargs='+', metavar='domain',
help='Keep only cookies of given domains')
mode.add_argument('-e', '--export', metavar='file',
help='Export cookies in JSON format')
parser.add_argument('file', type=argparse.FileType('r+b'),
help='Binary cookies file')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
help='Increase verbosity')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose == 1:
elif args.verbose == 2:
cookies = parse(args.file)
if args.dump:
log.info('Dumping data...')
for i in cookies:
if args.verbose == 2:
for key, value in i.items():
print(' {}: {}'.format(key, value))
print('* domain: {}\n name: {}'.format(i['domain'], i['name']),
'\n flags: {}\n created: {}, expires: {}\n'.format(
elif args.export:
log.info('Exporting data...')
json.dump(cookies, args.export)
log.info('Wrote %d cookies into: %s', len(cookies), args.export.name)
log.info('Filtering data...')
if args.whitelist:
cookies = [i for i in cookies if i['domain'] in args.whitelist]
elif args.blacklist:
cookies = [i for i in cookies if i['domain'] not in args.blacklist]
log.debug('Killing cookie daemon...')
code = subprocess.call('killall cookied'.split())
log.debug('Killed with code: %s', code)
log.info('Writing data...')
save(args.file, cookies)
log.warning('You have to restart Safari to load changes')
if __name__ == '__main__':