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Writing qutebrowser userscripts
The Compiler <mail@qutebrowser.org>
qutebrowser is extensible by writing userscripts which can be called via the
`:spawn --userscript` command, or via a key binding.
These userscripts are similiar to the (non-javascript) dwb userscripts. They
can be written in any language which can read environment variables and write
to a FIFO. Note they are *not* related to Greasemonkey userscripts.
Note for simple things such as opening the current page with another browser or
mpv, a simple key binding to something like `:spawn mpv {url}` should suffice.
Also note userscripts need to have the executable bit set (`chmod +x`) for
qutebrowser to run them.
Getting information
The following environment variables will be set when an userscript is launched:
- `QUTE_MODE`: Either `hints` (started via hints) or `command` (started via
command or key binding).
- `QUTE_USER_AGENT`: The currently set user agent.
- `QUTE_FIFO`: The FIFO or file to write commands to.
- `QUTE_HTML`: The HTML source of the current page.
- `QUTE_TEXT`: The plaintext of the current page.
In `command` mode:
- `QUTE_URL`: The current URL.
- `QUTE_TITLE`: The title of the current page.
- `QUTE_SELECTED_TEXT`: The text currently selected on the page.
- `QUTE_SELECTED_HTML` The HTML currently selected on the page.
In `hints` mode:
- `QUTE_URL`: The URL selected via hints.
- `QUTE_SELECTED_TEXT`: The plain text of the element selected via hints.
- `QUTE_SELECTED_HTML` The HTML of the element selected via hints.
Sending commands
Normal qutebrowser commands can be written to `$QUTE_FIFO` and will be
On Unix/OS X, this is a named pipe and commands written to it will get executed
On Windows, this is a regular file, and the commands in it will be executed as
soon as your userscript terminates. This means when writing multiple commands,
you should append to the file (`>>` in bash) rather than overwrite it (`>`).
Opening the currently selected word on http://www.dict.cc/[dict.cc]:
echo "open -t http://www.dict.cc/?s=$QUTE_SELECTED_TEXT" >> "$QUTE_FIFO"