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Installing qutebrowser
NOTE: qutebrowser recently had some bigger dependency changes for v1.0.0, which
means those instructions might be out of date in some places.
https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/blob/master/doc/contributing.asciidoc[Please help]
updating them if you notice something being broken!
On Debian / Ubuntu
How to install qutebrowser depends a lot on the version of Debian/Ubuntu you're
Debian Jessie / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS / Linux Mint < 18
Those distributions only have Python 3.4 and a too old Qt version available,
while qutebrowser requires Python 3.5 and Qt 5.7.1 or newer.
It should be possible to install Python 3.5 e.g. from the
https://launchpad.net/~deadsnakes/+archive/ubuntu/ppa[deadsnakes PPA] or via_ipca
https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv[pyenv], but nobody tried that yet.
If you get qutebrowser running on those distributions, please
to update this documentation!
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / Linux Mint 18
Ubuntu 16.04 doesn't come with an up-to-date engine (a new enough QtWebKit, or
QtWebEngine). However, it comes with Python 3.5, so you can
<<tox,install qutebrowser via tox>>.
Debian Stretch / Ubuntu 17.04 and newer
Those versions come with QtWebEngine in the repositories. This makes it possible
to install qutebrowser via the Debian package.
Get the qutebrowser package from the
https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/releases[release page] and download
the https://qutebrowser.org/python3-pypeg2_2.15.2-1_all.deb[PyPEG2 package].
(If you are using debian testing you can just use the python3-pypeg2 package from the repos)
Install the packages:
# apt install ./python3-pypeg2_*_all.deb
# apt install ./qutebrowser_*_all.deb
Some additional hints:
- Alternatively, you can <<tox,install qutebrowser via tox>> to get a newer
QtWebEngine version.
- If running from git, run the following to generate the documentation for the
`:help` command:
# apt install --no-install-recommends asciidoc source-highlight
$ python3 scripts/asciidoc2html.py
- If you prefer using QtWebKit, there's an up-to-date version available in
Debian experimental, or from http://repo.paretje.be/unstable/[this repository]
for Debian Stretch.
- If video or sound don't work with QtWebKit, try installing the gstreamer plugins:
# apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-{bad,base,good,ugly}
On Fedora
The Fedora packages are lagging behind a lot and are currently effectively
unmaintained. It's recommended to <<tox,install qutebrowser via tox>> instead.
Related Fedora bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1467748[1467748]
On Archlinux
qutebrowser is available in the official [community] repository.
# pacman -S qutebrowser
There is also a -git version available in the AUR:
You can install it using `makepkg` like this:
$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/qutebrowser-git.git
$ cd qutebrowser-git
$ makepkg -si
$ cd ..
$ rm -r qutebrowser-git
or you could use an AUR helper, e.g. `yaourt -S qutebrowser-git`.
If video or sound don't work with QtWebKit, try installing the gstreamer plugins:
# pacman -S gst-plugins-{base,good,bad,ugly} gst-libav
On Gentoo
The Gentoo packages (even the live version) are lagging behind a lot and are
effectively unmaintained. Efforts to fix this (via
https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Proxy_Maintainers[proxy maintainers]) are
currently underway. In the meantime, it's recommended to <<tox,install
qutebrowser via tox>> instead.
Related Gentoo bugs with patches: https://bugs.gentoo.org/628000[-9999],
To get an up-to-date QtWebKit, you can use
https://gist.github.com/annulen/309569fb61e5d64a703c055c1e726f71[this ebuild].
If video or sound don't work with QtWebKit, try installing the gstreamer
# emerge -av gst-plugins-{base,good,bad,ugly,libav}
To be able to play videos with proprietary codecs with QtWebEngine, you will
need to turn off the `bindist` flag for `dev-qt/qtwebengine`.
See the https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Qutebrowser#USE_flags[Gentoo Wiki] for
more information.
On Void Linux
qutebrowser is available in the official repositories and can be installed
# xbps-install qutebrowser
It's currently recommended to install `python3-PyQt5-webengine` and
`python3-PyQt5-opengl`, then start with `--backend webengine` to use the new
Since the v1.0 release, qutebrowser uses QtWebEngine by default.
On NixOS
Nixpkgs collection contains `pkgs.qutebrowser` since June 2015. You can install
it with:
$ nix-env -i qutebrowser
It's recommended to install `qt5.qtwebengine` and start with
`--backend webengine` to use the new backend.
Since the v1.0 release, qutebrowser uses QtWebEngine by default.
On openSUSE
There are prebuilt RPMs available at https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=network&package=qutebrowser[OBS].
To use the QtWebEngine backend, install `libqt5-qtwebengine`.
On OpenBSD
qutebrowser is in http://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/ports/www/qutebrowser/[OpenBSD ports].
Install the package:
# pkg_add qutebrowser
Or alternatively, use the ports system :
# cd /usr/ports/www/qutebrowser
# make install
On Windows
There are different ways to install qutebrowser on Windows:
Prebuilt binaries
Prebuilt standalone packages and installers
https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/releases[are built] for every
Note that you'll need to upgrade to new versions manually (subscribe to the
mailinglist] to get notified on new releases). You can install a newer version
without uninstalling the older one.
The binary release ships with a QtWebEngine built without proprietary codec
support. To get support for e.g. h264/h265 videos, you'll need to build
QtWebEngine from source yourself with support for that enabled.
https://chocolatey.org/packages/qutebrowser[Chocolatey package]
* PackageManagement PowerShell module
PS C:\> Install-Package qutebrowser
* Chocolatey's client
C:\> choco install qutebrowser
Manual install
* Use the installer from http://www.python.org/downloads[python.org] to get
Python 3 (be sure to install pip).
* Install https://testrun.org/tox/latest/index.html[tox] via
$ pip install tox
Then <<tox,install qutebrowser via tox>>.
On macOS
Prebuilt binary
The easiest way to install qutebrowser on macOS is to use the prebuilt `.app`
files from the
https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/releases[release page].
Note that you'll need to upgrade to new versions manually (subscribe to the
mailinglist] to get notified on new releases).
The binary release ships with a QtWebEngine built without proprietary codec
support. To get support for e.g. h264/h265 videos, you'll need to build
QtWebEngine from source yourself with support for that enabled.
This binary is also available through the
https://caskroom.github.io/[Homebrew Cask] package manager:
$ brew cask install qutebrowser
Manual Install
Alternatively, you can install the dependencies via a package manager (like
http://brew.sh/[Homebrew] or https://www.macports.org/[MacPorts]) and run
qutebrowser from source.
==== Homebrew
$ brew install qt5
$ pip3 install qutebrowser
Since the v1.0 release, qutebrowser uses QtWebEngine by default.
Homebrew's builds of Qt and PyQt don't come with QtWebKit (and `--with-qtwebkit`
uses an old version of QtWebKit which qutebrowser doesn't support anymore). If
you want QtWebKit support, you'll need to build an up-to-date QtWebKit
There are example .desktop and icon files provided. They would go in the
standard location for your distro (`/usr/share/applications` and
`/usr/share/pixmaps` for example).
The normal `setup.py install` doesn't install these files, so you'll have to do
it as part of the packaging process.
Installing qutebrowser with tox
Getting the repository
First of all, clone the repository using http://git-scm.org/[git] and switch
into the repository folder:
$ git clone https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser.git
$ cd qutebrowser
Installing depdendencies (including Qt)
Then run tox inside the qutebrowser repository to set up a
https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html[virtual environment]:
$ tox -e mkvenv-pypi
This installs all needed Python dependencies in a `.venv` subfolder.
This comes with an up-to-date Qt/PyQt including QtWebEngine, but has a few
- Make sure your `python3` is Python 3.5 or newer, otherwise you'll get a "No
matching distribution found" error. Note that qutebrowser itself also requires
- It only works on 64-bit x86 systems, with other architectures you'll get the
same error.
- If your distribution uses OpenSSL 1.1 (like Debian Stretch or Archlinux),
you'll need to set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to the OpenSSL 1.0 directory
(`export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/openssl-1.0` on Archlinux) before starting
qutebrowser if you want SSL to work in certain downloads (e.g. for
`:adblock-update` or `:download`).
- It comes with a QtWebEngine compiled without proprietary codec support (such
as h.264).
See the next section for an alternative.
Installing dependencies (system-wide Qt)
Alternatively, you can use `tox -e mkvenv` (without `-pypi`) to symlink your
local Qt install instead of installing PyQt in the virtualenv. However, unless
you have a new QtWebKit or QtWebEngine available, qutebrowser will not work. It
also typically means you'll be using an older release of QtWebEngine.
On Windows, run `tox -e 'mkvenv-win' instead, however make sure that ONLY
Python3 is in your PATH before running tox.
Building the docs
To build the documentation, install `asciidoc` (note that LaTeX which comes as
optional/recommended dependency with some distributions is not required).
Then, run:
$ python3 scripts/asciidoc2html.py
Creating a wrapper script
You can then create a simple wrapper script to start qutebrowser somewhere in
your `$PATH` (e.g. `/usr/local/bin/qutebrowser` or `~/bin/qutebrowser`):
~/path/to/qutebrowser/.venv/bin/python3 -m qutebrowser "$@"
When you updated your local copy of the code (e.g. by pulling the git repo, or
extracting a new version), the virtualenv should automatically use the updated
code. However, if dependencies got added, this won't be reflected in the
virtualenv. Thus it's recommended to run the following command to recreate the
$ tox -r -e mkvenv-pypi