Trying to read from the sql database from another process was flaky. This adds a debug-dump-history command which is used by the history BDD tests to validate the history contents. It outputs history in the old pre-SQL text format, so it might be useful for those who want to manipulate their history as text.
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# vim: ft=cucumber fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
Feature: Page history
Make sure the global page history is saved correctly.
Given I open about:blank
And I run :history-clear --force
Scenario: Simple history saving
When I open data/numbers/1.txt
And I open data/numbers/2.txt
Then the history should contain:
Scenario: History item with title
When I open data/title.html
Then the history should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html Test title
Scenario: History item with redirect
When I open redirect-to?url=data/title.html without waiting
And I wait until data/title.html is loaded
Then the history should contain:
r http://localhost:(port)/redirect-to?url=data/title.html Test title
http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html Test title
Scenario: History item with spaces in URL
When I open data/title with spaces.html
Then the history should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/title%20with%20spaces.html Test title
Scenario: History item with umlauts
When I open data/äöü.html
Then the history should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/%C3%A4%C3%B6%C3%BC.html Chäschüechli
@flaky @qtwebengine_todo: Error page message is not implemented
Scenario: History with an error
When I run :open file:///does/not/exist
And I wait for "Error while loading file:///does/not/exist: Error opening /does/not/exist: *" in the log
Then the history should contain:
file:///does/not/exist Error loading page: file:///does/not/exist
@qtwebengine_todo: Error page message is not implemented
Scenario: History with a 404
When I open status/404 without waiting
And I wait for "Error while loading http://localhost:*/status/404: NOT FOUND" in the log
Then the history should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/status/404 Error loading page: http://localhost:(port)/status/404
Scenario: History with invalid URL
When I run :tab-only
And I open data/javascript/window_open.html
And I run :click-element id open-invalid
Then "Changing title for idx 1 to 'about:blank'" should be logged
Scenario: History with data URL
When I open data/data_link.html
And I run :click-element id link
And I wait until data:;base64,cXV0ZWJyb3dzZXI= is loaded
Then the history file should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/data_link.html data: link
Scenario: History with view-source URL
When I open data/title.html
And I run :view-source
And I wait for "Changing title for idx * to 'Source for http://localhost:*/data/title.html'" in the log
Then the history file should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html Test title
Scenario: Clearing history
When I open data/title.html
And I run :history-clear --force
Then the history should be empty
Scenario: Clearing history with confirmation
When I open data/title.html
And I run :history-clear
And I wait for "Asking question <* title='Clear all browsing history?'>, *" in the log
And I run :prompt-accept yes
Then the history should be empty
Scenario: History with yanked URL and 'add to history' flag
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "--add-history links yank" and follow a
Then the history should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/hints/html/simple.html Simple link
Scenario: Listing history
When I open data/numbers/3.txt
And I open data/numbers/4.txt
And I open qute://history
Then the page should contain the plaintext "3.txt"
Then the page should contain the plaintext "4.txt"
Scenario: Listing history with qute:history redirect
When I open data/numbers/3.txt
And I open data/numbers/4.txt
And I open qute:history without waiting
And I wait until qute://history is loaded
Then the page should contain the plaintext "3.txt"
Then the page should contain the plaintext "4.txt"
## Bugs
@qtwebengine_skip @qtwebkit_ng_skip
Scenario: Opening a valid URL which turns out invalid
When I set general -> auto-search to true
And I run :open http://foo%40bar@baz
Then "QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified" should be logged
And "Error while loading : Host not found" should be logged