Allow categories to specify a WHERE clause that applies in addition to the pattern filter. This allows the url completion model to filter out redirect entries. This also fixed the usage of ESCAPE so it applies to all the LIKE statements.
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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2016 Ryan Roden-Corrent (rcorre) <ryan@rcorre.net>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Tests for the base sql completion model."""
import pytest
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from qutebrowser.misc import sql
from qutebrowser.completion.models import sqlmodel
pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures('init_sql')
def _check_model(model, expected):
"""Check that a model contains the expected items in the given order.
expected: A list of form
(cat, [(name, desc, misc), (name, desc, misc), ...]),
(cat, [(name, desc, misc), (name, desc, misc), ...]),
assert model.rowCount() == len(expected)
for i, (expected_title, expected_items) in enumerate(expected):
catidx = model.index(i, 0)
assert model.data(catidx) == expected_title
assert model.rowCount(catidx) == len(expected_items)
for j, (name, desc, misc) in enumerate(expected_items):
assert model.data(model.index(j, 0, catidx)) == name
assert model.data(model.index(j, 1, catidx)) == desc
assert model.data(model.index(j, 2, catidx)) == misc
@pytest.mark.parametrize('rowcounts, expected', [
([0], 0),
([1], 1),
([2], 2),
([0, 0], 0),
([0, 0, 0], 0),
([1, 1], 2),
([3, 2, 1], 6),
([0, 2, 0], 2),
def test_count(rowcounts, expected):
model = sqlmodel.SqlCompletionModel()
for i, rowcount in enumerate(rowcounts):
name = 'Foo' + str(i)
table = sql.SqlTable(name, ['a'], primary_key='a')
for rownum in range(rowcount):
assert model.count() == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('sort_by, sort_order, data, expected', [
(None, Qt.AscendingOrder,
[('B', 'C', 'D'), ('A', 'F', 'C'), ('C', 'A', 'G')],
[('B', 'C', 'D'), ('A', 'F', 'C'), ('C', 'A', 'G')]),
('a', Qt.AscendingOrder,
[('B', 'C', 'D'), ('A', 'F', 'C'), ('C', 'A', 'G')],
[('A', 'F', 'C'), ('B', 'C', 'D'), ('C', 'A', 'G')]),
('a', Qt.DescendingOrder,
[('B', 'C', 'D'), ('A', 'F', 'C'), ('C', 'A', 'G')],
[('C', 'A', 'G'), ('B', 'C', 'D'), ('A', 'F', 'C')]),
('b', Qt.AscendingOrder,
[('B', 'C', 'D'), ('A', 'F', 'C'), ('C', 'A', 'G')],
[('C', 'A', 'G'), ('B', 'C', 'D'), ('A', 'F', 'C')]),
('b', Qt.DescendingOrder,
[('B', 'C', 'D'), ('A', 'F', 'C'), ('C', 'A', 'G')],
[('A', 'F', 'C'), ('B', 'C', 'D'), ('C', 'A', 'G')]),
('c', Qt.AscendingOrder,
[('B', 'C', 2), ('A', 'F', 0), ('C', 'A', 1)],
[('A', 'F', 0), ('C', 'A', 1), ('B', 'C', 2)]),
('c', Qt.DescendingOrder,
[('B', 'C', 2), ('A', 'F', 0), ('C', 'A', 1)],
[('B', 'C', 2), ('C', 'A', 1), ('A', 'F', 0)]),
def test_sorting(sort_by, sort_order, data, expected):
table = sql.SqlTable('Foo', ['a', 'b', 'c'], primary_key='a')
for row in data:
model = sqlmodel.SqlCompletionModel()
model.new_category('Foo', sort_by=sort_by, sort_order=sort_order)
_check_model(model, [('Foo', expected)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('pattern, filter_cols, before, after', [
('foo', [0],
[('A', [('foo', '', ''), ('bar', '', ''), ('aafobbb', '', '')])],
[('A', [('foo', '', '')])]),
('foo', [0],
[('A', [('baz', 'bar', 'foo'), ('foo', '', ''), ('bar', 'foo', '')])],
[('A', [('foo', '', '')])]),
('foo', [0],
[('A', [('foo', '', ''), ('bar', '', '')]),
('B', [('foo', '', ''), ('bar', '', '')])],
[('A', [('foo', '', '')]), ('B', [('foo', '', '')])]),
('foo', [0],
[('A', [('fooa', '', ''), ('foob', '', ''), ('fooc', '', '')])],
[('A', [('fooa', '', ''), ('foob', '', ''), ('fooc', '', '')])]),
('foo', [0],
[('A', [('foo', '', '')]), ('B', [('bar', '', '')])],
[('A', [('foo', '', '')]), ('B', [])]),
('foo', [1],
[('A', [('foo', 'bar', ''), ('bar', 'foo', '')])],
[('A', [('bar', 'foo', '')])]),
('foo', [0, 1],
[('A', [('foo', 'bar', ''), ('bar', 'foo', '')])],
[('A', [('foo', 'bar', ''), ('bar', 'foo', '')])]),
('foo', [0, 1, 2],
[('A', [('foo', '', ''), ('bar', '', '')])],
[('A', [('foo', '', '')])]),
('foo bar', [0],
[('A', [('foo', '', ''), ('bar foo', '', ''), ('xfooyybarz', '', '')])],
[('A', [('xfooyybarz', '', '')])]),
('foo%bar', [0],
[('A', [('foo%bar', '', ''), ('foo bar', '', ''), ('foobar', '', '')])],
[('A', [('foo%bar', '', '')])]),
('_', [0],
[('A', [('a_b', '', ''), ('__a', '', ''), ('abc', '', '')])],
[('A', [('a_b', '', ''), ('__a', '', '')])]),
('%', [0, 1],
[('A', [('\\foo', '\\bar', '')])],
[('A', [])]),
("can't", [0],
[('A', [("can't touch this", '', ''), ('a', '', '')])],
[('A', [("can't touch this", '', '')])]),
def test_set_pattern(pattern, filter_cols, before, after):
"""Validate the filtering and sorting results of set_pattern."""
model = sqlmodel.SqlCompletionModel(columns_to_filter=filter_cols)
for name, rows in before:
table = sql.SqlTable(name, ['a', 'b', 'c'], primary_key='a')
for row in rows:
_check_model(model, after)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('data, first, last', [
([('A', ['Aa'])], 'Aa', 'Aa'),
([('A', ['Aa', 'Ba'])], 'Aa', 'Ba'),
([('A', ['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac']), ('B', ['Ba', 'Bb']),
('C', ['Ca'])], 'Aa', 'Ca'),
([('A', []), ('B', ['Ba'])], 'Ba', 'Ba'),
([('A', []), ('B', []), ('C', ['Ca'])], 'Ca', 'Ca'),
([('A', []), ('B', []), ('C', ['Ca', 'Cb'])], 'Ca', 'Cb'),
([('A', ['Aa']), ('B', [])], 'Aa', 'Aa'),
([('A', ['Aa']), ('B', []), ('C', [])], 'Aa', 'Aa'),
([('A', ['Aa']), ('B', []), ('C', ['Ca'])], 'Aa', 'Ca'),
([('A', []), ('B', [])], None, None),
def test_first_last_item(data, first, last):
"""Test that first() and last() return indexes to the first and last items.
data: Input to _make_model
first: text of the first item
last: text of the last item
model = sqlmodel.SqlCompletionModel()
for name, rows in data:
table = sql.SqlTable(name, ['a'], primary_key='a')
for row in rows:
assert model.data(model.first_item()) == first
assert model.data(model.last_item()) == last
def test_limit():
table = sql.SqlTable('test_limit', ['a'], primary_key='a')
for i in range(5):
model = sqlmodel.SqlCompletionModel()
model.new_category('test_limit', limit=3)
assert model.count() == 3
def test_select():
table = sql.SqlTable('test_select', ['a', 'b', 'c'], primary_key='a')
table.insert(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
model = sqlmodel.SqlCompletionModel()
model.new_category('test_select', select='b, c, a')
_check_model(model, [('test_select', [('bar', 'baz', 'foo')])])
def test_where():
table = sql.SqlTable('test_where', ['a', 'b', 'c'], primary_key='a')
table.insert(['foo', 'bar', False])
table.insert(['baz', 'biz', True])
model = sqlmodel.SqlCompletionModel()
model.new_category('test_where', where='not c')
_check_model(model, [('test_where', [('foo', 'bar', False)])])