When a command has positional varargs, keep offering the configured completion for each successive argument. Right now this only influences `config-cycle`. Previously, `config-cycle <option> ` would offer a value completion for only the first argument after the option. Now it will keep offering value completion for each successive argument. This will be useful for passing multiple tags to the new bookmark commands that will be added for #882.
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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2014-2018 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Contains the Command class, a skeleton for a command."""
import inspect
import collections
import traceback
import typing
import attr
from qutebrowser.commands import cmdexc, argparser
from qutebrowser.utils import log, message, docutils, objreg, usertypes
from qutebrowser.utils import debug as debug_utils
from qutebrowser.misc import objects
class ArgInfo:
"""Information about an argument."""
win_id = attr.ib(False)
count = attr.ib(False)
hide = attr.ib(False)
metavar = attr.ib(None)
flag = attr.ib(None)
completion = attr.ib(None)
choices = attr.ib(None)
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
if self.win_id and self.count:
raise TypeError("Argument marked as both count/win_id!")
class Command:
"""Base skeleton for a command.
name: The main name of the command.
maxsplit: The maximum amount of splits to do for the commandline, or
deprecated: False, or a string to describe why a command is deprecated.
desc: The description of the command.
handler: The handler function to call.
debug: Whether this is a debugging command (only shown with --debug).
parser: The ArgumentParser to use to parse this command.
flags_with_args: A list of flags which take an argument.
no_cmd_split: If true, ';;' to split sub-commands is ignored.
backend: Which backend the command works with (or None if it works with
no_replace_variables: Don't replace variables like {url}
modes: The modes the command can be executed in.
_qute_args: The saved data from @cmdutils.argument
_count: The count set for the command.
_instance: The object to bind 'self' to.
_scope: The scope to get _instance for in the object registry.
def __init__(self, *, handler, name, instance=None, maxsplit=None,
modes=None, not_modes=None, debug=False, deprecated=False,
no_cmd_split=False, star_args_optional=False, scope='global',
backend=None, no_replace_variables=False):
if modes is not None and not_modes is not None:
raise ValueError("Only modes or not_modes can be given!")
if modes is not None:
for m in modes:
if not isinstance(m, usertypes.KeyMode):
raise TypeError("Mode {} is no KeyMode member!".format(m))
self.modes = set(modes)
elif not_modes is not None:
for m in not_modes:
if not isinstance(m, usertypes.KeyMode):
raise TypeError("Mode {} is no KeyMode member!".format(m))
self.modes = set(usertypes.KeyMode).difference(not_modes)
self.modes = set(usertypes.KeyMode)
if scope != 'global' and instance is None:
raise ValueError("Setting scope without setting instance makes "
"no sense!")
self.name = name
self.maxsplit = maxsplit
self.deprecated = deprecated
self._instance = instance
self._scope = scope
self._star_args_optional = star_args_optional
self.debug = debug
self.handler = handler
self.no_cmd_split = no_cmd_split
self.backend = backend
self.no_replace_variables = no_replace_variables
self.docparser = docutils.DocstringParser(handler)
self.parser = argparser.ArgumentParser(
name, description=self.docparser.short_desc,
self.parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action=argparser.HelpAction,
default=argparser.SUPPRESS, nargs=0,
self.opt_args = collections.OrderedDict()
self.namespace = None
self._count = None
self.pos_args = []
self.desc = None
self.flags_with_args = []
self._has_vararg = False
# This is checked by future @cmdutils.argument calls so they fail
# (as they'd be silently ignored otherwise)
self._qute_args = getattr(self.handler, 'qute_args', {})
self.handler.qute_args = None
def _check_prerequisites(self, win_id):
"""Check if the command is permitted to run currently.
win_id: The window ID the command is run in.
mode_manager = objreg.get('mode-manager', scope='window',
if self.backend is not None and objects.backend != self.backend:
raise cmdexc.PrerequisitesError(
"{}: Only available with {} "
"backend.".format(self.name, self.backend.name))
if self.deprecated:
message.warning('{} is deprecated - {}'.format(self.name,
def _check_func(self):
"""Make sure the function parameters don't violate any rules."""
signature = inspect.signature(self.handler)
if 'self' in signature.parameters and self._instance is None:
raise TypeError("{} is a class method, but instance was not "
elif 'self' not in signature.parameters and self._instance is not None:
raise TypeError("{} is not a class method, but instance was "
elif any(param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD
for param in signature.parameters.values()):
raise TypeError("{}: functions with varkw arguments are not "
def get_arg_info(self, param):
"""Get an ArgInfo tuple for the given inspect.Parameter."""
return self._qute_args.get(param.name, ArgInfo())
def get_pos_arg_info(self, pos):
"""Get an ArgInfo tuple for the given positional parameter."""
if pos >= len(self.pos_args) and self._has_vararg:
pos = len(self.pos_args) - 1
name = self.pos_args[pos][0]
return self._qute_args.get(name, ArgInfo())
def _inspect_special_param(self, param):
"""Check if the given parameter is a special one.
param: The inspect.Parameter to handle.
True if the parameter is special, False otherwise.
arg_info = self.get_arg_info(param)
if arg_info.count:
if param.default is inspect.Parameter.empty:
raise TypeError("{}: handler has count parameter "
"without default!".format(self.name))
return True
elif arg_info.win_id:
return True
return False
def _inspect_func(self):
"""Inspect the function to get useful information from it.
Sets instance attributes (desc, type_conv, name_conv) based on the
How many user-visible arguments the command has.
signature = inspect.signature(self.handler)
doc = inspect.getdoc(self.handler)
if doc is not None:
self.desc = doc.splitlines()[0].strip()
self.desc = ""
for param in signature.parameters.values():
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/inspect.html#inspect.Parameter.kind
# "Python has no explicit syntax for defining positional-only
# parameters, but many built-in and extension module functions
# (especially those that accept only one or two parameters) accept
# them."
assert param.kind != inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY
if param.name == 'self':
if self._inspect_special_param(param):
if (param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY and
param.default is inspect.Parameter.empty):
raise TypeError("{}: handler has keyword only argument {!r} "
"without default!".format(
self.name, param.name))
typ = self._get_type(param)
is_bool = typ is bool
kwargs = self._param_to_argparse_kwargs(param, is_bool)
args = self._param_to_argparse_args(param, is_bool)
callsig = debug_utils.format_call(self.parser.add_argument, args,
kwargs, full=False)
log.commands.vdebug('Adding arg {} of type {} -> {}'.format(
param.name, typ, callsig))
self.parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
self._has_vararg = True
return signature.parameters.values()
def _param_to_argparse_kwargs(self, param, is_bool):
"""Get argparse keyword arguments for a parameter.
param: The inspect.Parameter object to get the args for.
is_bool: Whether the parameter is a boolean.
A kwargs dict.
kwargs = {}
kwargs['help'] = self.docparser.arg_descs[param.name]
except KeyError:
kwargs['dest'] = param.name
arg_info = self.get_arg_info(param)
if is_bool:
kwargs['action'] = 'store_true'
if arg_info.metavar is not None:
kwargs['metavar'] = arg_info.metavar
kwargs['metavar'] = argparser.arg_name(param.name)
if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
kwargs['nargs'] = '*' if self._star_args_optional else '+'
elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
kwargs['default'] = param.default
elif not is_bool and param.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty:
kwargs['default'] = param.default
kwargs['nargs'] = '?'
return kwargs
def _param_to_argparse_args(self, param, is_bool):
"""Get argparse positional arguments for a parameter.
param: The inspect.Parameter object to get the args for.
is_bool: Whether the parameter is a boolean.
A list of args.
args = []
name = argparser.arg_name(param.name)
arg_info = self.get_arg_info(param)
if arg_info.flag is not None:
shortname = arg_info.flag
shortname = name[0]
if len(shortname) != 1:
raise ValueError("Flag '{}' of parameter {} (command {}) must be "
"exactly 1 char!".format(shortname, name,
if is_bool or param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
long_flag = '--{}'.format(name)
short_flag = '-{}'.format(shortname)
self.opt_args[param.name] = long_flag, short_flag
if not is_bool:
self.flags_with_args += [short_flag, long_flag]
if not arg_info.hide:
self.pos_args.append((param.name, name))
return args
def _get_type(self, param):
"""Get the type of an argument from its default value or annotation.
param: The inspect.Parameter to look at.
arginfo = self.get_arg_info(param)
if param.annotation is not inspect.Parameter.empty:
return param.annotation
elif param.default not in [None, inspect.Parameter.empty]:
return type(param.default)
elif arginfo.count or arginfo.win_id or param.kind in [
return None
return str
def _get_self_arg(self, win_id, param, args):
"""Get the self argument for a function call.
win_id: The window id this command should be executed in.
param: The count parameter.
args: The positional argument list. Gets modified directly.
assert param.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
if self._scope == 'global':
tab_id = None
win_id = None
elif self._scope == 'tab':
tab_id = 'current'
elif self._scope == 'window':
tab_id = None
raise ValueError("Invalid scope {}!".format(self._scope))
obj = objreg.get(self._instance, scope=self._scope, window=win_id,
def _get_count_arg(self, param, args, kwargs):
"""Add the count argument to a function call.
param: The count parameter.
args: The positional argument list. Gets modified directly.
kwargs: The keyword argument dict. Gets modified directly.
if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
if self._count is not None:
elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
if self._count is not None:
kwargs[param.name] = self._count
raise TypeError("{}: invalid parameter type {} for argument "
"{!r}!".format(self.name, param.kind, param.name))
def _get_win_id_arg(self, win_id, param, args, kwargs):
"""Add the win_id argument to a function call.
win_id: The window ID to add.
param: The count parameter.
args: The positional argument list. Gets modified directly.
kwargs: The keyword argument dict. Gets modified directly.
if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
kwargs[param.name] = win_id
raise TypeError("{}: invalid parameter type {} for argument "
"{!r}!".format(self.name, param.kind, param.name))
def _get_param_value(self, param):
"""Get the converted value for an inspect.Parameter."""
value = getattr(self.namespace, param.name)
typ = self._get_type(param)
if isinstance(typ, tuple):
raise TypeError("{}: Legacy tuple type annotation!".format(
elif getattr(typ, '__origin__', None) is typing.Union or (
# Older Python 3.5 patch versions
# pylint: disable=no-member,useless-suppression
hasattr(typing, 'UnionMeta') and
isinstance(typ, typing.UnionMeta)):
# this is... slightly evil, I know
types = list(typ.__args__)
except AttributeError:
# Older Python 3.5 patch versions
types = list(typ.__union_params__)
# pylint: enable=no-member,useless-suppression
if param.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty:
choices = self.get_arg_info(param).choices
value = argparser.multitype_conv(param, types, value,
elif typ is str:
choices = self.get_arg_info(param).choices
value = argparser.type_conv(param, typ, value, str_choices=choices)
elif typ is bool: # no type conversion for flags
assert isinstance(value, bool)
elif typ is None:
value = argparser.type_conv(param, typ, value)
return value
def _get_call_args(self, win_id):
"""Get arguments for a function call.
win_id: The window id this command should be executed in.
An (args, kwargs) tuple.
args = []
kwargs = {}
signature = inspect.signature(self.handler)
for i, param in enumerate(signature.parameters.values()):
arg_info = self.get_arg_info(param)
if i == 0 and self._instance is not None:
# Special case for 'self'.
self._get_self_arg(win_id, param, args)
elif arg_info.count:
# Special case for count parameter.
self._get_count_arg(param, args, kwargs)
# elif arg_info.win_id:
elif arg_info.win_id:
# Special case for win_id parameter.
self._get_win_id_arg(win_id, param, args, kwargs)
value = self._get_param_value(param)
if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
if value is not None:
args += value
elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
kwargs[param.name] = value
raise TypeError("{}: Invalid parameter type {} for argument "
self.name, param.kind, param.name))
return args, kwargs
def run(self, win_id, args=None, count=None):
"""Run the command.
Note we don't catch CommandError here as it might happen async.
win_id: The window ID the command is run in.
args: Arguments to the command.
count: Command repetition count.
dbgout = ["command called:", self.name]
if args:
elif args is None:
args = []
if count is not None:
log.commands.debug(' '.join(dbgout))
self.namespace = self.parser.parse_args(args)
except argparser.ArgumentParserError as e:
message.error('{}: {}'.format(self.name, e),
except argparser.ArgumentParserExit as e:
log.commands.debug("argparser exited with status {}: {}".format(
e.status, e))
self._count = count
posargs, kwargs = self._get_call_args(win_id)
log.commands.debug('Calling {}'.format(
debug_utils.format_call(self.handler, posargs, kwargs)))
self.handler(*posargs, **kwargs)
def validate_mode(self, mode):
"""Raise cmdexc.PrerequisitesError unless allowed in the given mode.
mode: The usertypes.KeyMode to check.
if mode not in self.modes:
mode_names = '/'.join(sorted(m.name for m in self.modes))
raise cmdexc.PrerequisitesError(
"{}: This command is only allowed in {} mode, not {}.".format(
self.name, mode_names, mode.name))
def takes_count(self):
"""Return true iff this command can take a count argument."""
return any(arg.count for arg in self._qute_args)