2018-02-10 16:54:45 +01:00

324 lines
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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2014-2018 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Module containing command managers (SearchRunner and CommandRunner)."""
import traceback
import re
import attr
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, QUrl, QObject
from qutebrowser.config import config
from qutebrowser.commands import cmdexc, cmdutils
from qutebrowser.utils import message, objreg, qtutils, usertypes, utils
from qutebrowser.misc import split
last_command = {}
class ParseResult:
"""The result of parsing a commandline."""
cmd = attr.ib()
args = attr.ib()
cmdline = attr.ib()
def _current_url(tabbed_browser):
"""Convenience method to get the current url."""
return tabbed_browser.current_url()
except qtutils.QtValueError as e:
msg = "Current URL is invalid"
if e.reason:
msg += " ({})".format(e.reason)
msg += "!"
raise cmdexc.CommandError(msg)
def replace_variables(win_id, arglist):
"""Utility function to replace variables like {url} in a list of args."""
variables = {
'url': lambda: _current_url(tabbed_browser).toString(
QUrl.FullyEncoded | QUrl.RemovePassword),
'url:pretty': lambda: _current_url(tabbed_browser).toString(
QUrl.DecodeReserved | QUrl.RemovePassword),
'clipboard': utils.get_clipboard,
'primary': lambda: utils.get_clipboard(selection=True),
values = {}
args = []
tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window',
def repl_cb(matchobj):
"""Return replacement for given match."""
var = matchobj.group("var")
if var not in values:
values[var] = variables[var]()
return values[var]
repl_pattern = re.compile("{(?P<var>" + "|".join(variables.keys()) + ")}")
for arg in arglist:
# using re.sub with callback function replaces all variables in a
# single pass and avoids expansion of nested variables (e.g.
# "{url}" from clipboard is not expanded)
args.append(repl_pattern.sub(repl_cb, arg))
except utils.ClipboardError as e:
raise cmdexc.CommandError(e)
return args
class CommandParser:
"""Parse qutebrowser commandline commands.
_partial_match: Whether to allow partial command matches.
def __init__(self, partial_match=False):
self._partial_match = partial_match
def _get_alias(self, text, default=None):
"""Get an alias from the config.
text: The text to parse.
default : Default value to return when alias was not found.
The new command string if an alias was found. Default value
parts = text.strip().split(maxsplit=1)
alias = config.val.aliases[parts[0]]
except KeyError:
return default
new_cmd = '{} {}'.format(alias, parts[1])
except IndexError:
new_cmd = alias
if text.endswith(' '):
new_cmd += ' '
return new_cmd
def _parse_all_gen(self, text, *args, aliases=True, **kwargs):
"""Split a command on ;; and parse all parts.
If the first command in the commandline is a non-split one, it only
returns that.
text: Text to parse.
aliases: Whether to handle aliases.
*args/**kwargs: Passed to parse().
ParseResult tuples.
text = text.strip().lstrip(':').strip()
if not text:
raise cmdexc.NoSuchCommandError("No command given")
if aliases:
text = self._get_alias(text, text)
if ';;' in text:
# Get the first command and check if it doesn't want to have ;;
# split.
first = text.split(';;')[0]
result = self.parse(first, *args, **kwargs)
if result.cmd.no_cmd_split:
sub_texts = [text]
sub_texts = [e.strip() for e in text.split(';;')]
sub_texts = [text]
for sub in sub_texts:
yield self.parse(sub, *args, **kwargs)
def parse_all(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper over _parse_all_gen."""
return list(self._parse_all_gen(*args, **kwargs))
def parse(self, text, *, fallback=False, keep=False):
"""Split the commandline text into command and arguments.
text: Text to parse.
fallback: Whether to do a fallback splitting when the command was
keep: Whether to keep special chars and whitespace
A ParseResult tuple.
cmdstr, sep, argstr = text.partition(' ')
if not cmdstr and not fallback:
raise cmdexc.NoSuchCommandError("No command given")
if self._partial_match:
cmdstr = self._completion_match(cmdstr)
cmd = cmdutils.cmd_dict[cmdstr]
except KeyError:
if not fallback:
raise cmdexc.NoSuchCommandError(
'{}: no such command'.format(cmdstr))
cmdline = split.split(text, keep=keep)
return ParseResult(cmd=None, args=None, cmdline=cmdline)
args = self._split_args(cmd, argstr, keep)
if keep and args:
cmdline = [cmdstr, sep + args[0]] + args[1:]
elif keep:
cmdline = [cmdstr, sep]
cmdline = [cmdstr] + args[:]
return ParseResult(cmd=cmd, args=args, cmdline=cmdline)
def _completion_match(self, cmdstr):
"""Replace cmdstr with a matching completion if there's only one match.
cmdstr: The string representing the entered command so far
cmdstr modified to the matching completion or unmodified
matches = [cmd for cmd in sorted(cmdutils.cmd_dict, key=len)
if cmdstr in cmd]
if len(matches) == 1:
cmdstr = matches[0]
elif len(matches) > 1 and config.val.completion.use_best_match:
cmdstr = matches[0]
return cmdstr
def _split_args(self, cmd, argstr, keep):
"""Split the arguments from an arg string.
cmd: The command we're currently handling.
argstr: An argument string.
keep: Whether to keep special chars and whitespace
A list containing the split strings.
if not argstr:
return []
elif cmd.maxsplit is None:
return split.split(argstr, keep=keep)
# If split=False, we still want to split the flags, but not
# everything after that.
# We first split the arg string and check the index of the first
# non-flag args, then we re-split again properly.
# example:
# input: "--foo -v bar baz"
# first split: ['--foo', '-v', 'bar', 'baz']
# 0 1 2 3
# second split: ['--foo', '-v', 'bar baz']
# (maxsplit=2)
split_args = split.simple_split(argstr, keep=keep)
flag_arg_count = 0
for i, arg in enumerate(split_args):
arg = arg.strip()
if arg.startswith('-'):
if arg in cmd.flags_with_args:
flag_arg_count += 1
maxsplit = i + cmd.maxsplit + flag_arg_count
return split.simple_split(argstr, keep=keep,
# If there are only flags, we got it right on the first try
# already.
return split_args
class CommandRunner(QObject):
"""Parse and run qutebrowser commandline commands.
_win_id: The window this CommandRunner is associated with.
def __init__(self, win_id, partial_match=False, parent=None):
self._parser = CommandParser(partial_match=partial_match)
self._win_id = win_id
def run(self, text, count=None):
"""Parse a command from a line of text and run it.
text: The text to parse.
count: The count to pass to the command.
record_last_command = True
record_macro = True
mode_manager = objreg.get('mode-manager', scope='window',
cur_mode = mode_manager.mode
for result in self._parser.parse_all(text):
if result.cmd.no_replace_variables:
args = result.args
args = replace_variables(self._win_id, result.args)
result.cmd.run(self._win_id, args, count=count)
if result.cmdline[0] == 'repeat-command':
record_last_command = False
if result.cmdline[0] in ['record-macro', 'run-macro',
record_macro = False
if record_last_command:
last_command[cur_mode] = (text, count)
if record_macro and cur_mode == usertypes.KeyMode.normal:
macro_recorder = objreg.get('macro-recorder')
macro_recorder.record_command(text, count)
@pyqtSlot(str, int)
def run_safely(self, text, count=None):
"""Run a command and display exceptions in the statusbar."""
self.run(text, count)
except cmdexc.Error as e:
message.error(str(e), stack=traceback.format_exc())