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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2014-2017 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,abstract-method
"""Fake objects/stubs."""
import collections
from unittest import mock
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QPoint, QProcess, QObject
from PyQt5.QtNetwork import (QNetworkRequest, QAbstractNetworkCache,
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QCommonStyle, QLineEdit, QWidget, QTabBar
from qutebrowser.browser import browsertab
from qutebrowser.config import configexc
from qutebrowser.utils import usertypes, utils
from qutebrowser.mainwindow import mainwindow
class FakeNetworkCache(QAbstractNetworkCache):
"""Fake cache with no data."""
def cacheSize(self):
return 0
def data(self, _url):
return None
def insert(self, _dev):
def metaData(self, _url):
return QNetworkCacheMetaData()
def prepare(self, _metadata):
return None
def remove(self, _url):
return False
def updateMetaData(self, _url):
class FakeKeyEvent:
"""Fake QKeyPressEvent stub."""
def __init__(self, key, modifiers=0, text=''):
self.key = mock.Mock(return_value=key)
self.text = mock.Mock(return_value=text)
self.modifiers = mock.Mock(return_value=modifiers)
class FakeWebFrame:
"""A stub for QWebFrame."""
def __init__(self, geometry=None, *, scroll=None, plaintext=None,
html=None, parent=None, zoom=1.0):
geometry: The geometry of the frame as QRect.
scroll: The scroll position as QPoint.
plaintext: Return value of toPlainText
html: Return value of tohtml.
zoom: The zoom factor.
parent: The parent frame.
if scroll is None:
scroll = QPoint(0, 0)
self.geometry = mock.Mock(return_value=geometry)
self.scrollPosition = mock.Mock(return_value=scroll)
self.parentFrame = mock.Mock(return_value=parent)
self.toPlainText = mock.Mock(return_value=plaintext)
self.toHtml = mock.Mock(return_value=html)
self.zoomFactor = mock.Mock(return_value=zoom)
class FakeChildrenFrame:
"""A stub for QWebFrame to test get_child_frames."""
def __init__(self, children=None):
if children is None:
children = []
self.childFrames = mock.Mock(return_value=children)
class FakeQApplication:
"""Stub to insert as QApplication module."""
UNSET = object()
def __init__(self, style=None, all_widgets=None, active_window=None,
if instance is self.UNSET:
self.instance = mock.Mock(return_value=self)
self.instance = mock.Mock(return_value=instance)
self.style = mock.Mock(spec=QCommonStyle)
self.style().metaObject().className.return_value = style
self.allWidgets = lambda: all_widgets
self.activeWindow = lambda: active_window
class FakeUrl:
"""QUrl stub which provides .path(), isValid() and host()."""
def __init__(self, path=None, valid=True, host=None):
self.path = mock.Mock(return_value=path)
self.isValid = mock.Mock(returl_value=valid)
self.host = mock.Mock(returl_value=host)
class FakeNetworkReply:
"""QNetworkReply stub which provides a Content-Disposition header."""
QNetworkRequest.ContentTypeHeader: 'Content-Type',
def __init__(self, headers=None, url=None):
if url is None:
url = FakeUrl()
if headers is None:
self.headers = {}
self.headers = headers
self.url = mock.Mock(return_value=url)
def hasRawHeader(self, name):
"""Check if the reply has a certain header.
name: The name of the header as ISO-8859-1 encoded bytes object.
True if the header is present, False if not.
return name.decode('iso-8859-1') in self.headers
def rawHeader(self, name):
"""Get the raw header data of a header.
name: The name of the header as ISO-8859-1 encoded bytes object.
The header data, as ISO-8859-1 encoded bytes() object.
name = name.decode('iso-8859-1')
return self.headers[name].encode('iso-8859-1')
def header(self, known_header):
"""Get a known header.
known_header: A QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders member.
key = self.KNOWN_HEADERS[known_header]
return self.headers[key]
except KeyError:
return None
def setHeader(self, known_header, value):
"""Set a known header.
known_header: A QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders member.
value: The value to set.
key = self.KNOWN_HEADERS[known_header]
self.headers[key] = value
def fake_qprocess():
"""Factory for a QProcess mock which has the QProcess enum values."""
m = mock.Mock(spec=QProcess)
for attr in ['NormalExit', 'CrashExit', 'FailedToStart', 'Crashed',
'Timedout', 'WriteError', 'ReadError', 'UnknownError']:
setattr(m, attr, getattr(QProcess, attr))
return m
class FakeWebTabScroller(browsertab.AbstractScroller):
"""Fake AbstractScroller to use in tests."""
def __init__(self, tab, pos_perc):
self._pos_perc = pos_perc
def pos_perc(self):
return self._pos_perc
class FakeWebTabHistory(browsertab.AbstractHistory):
"""Fake for Web{Kit,Engine}History."""
def __init__(self, tab, *, can_go_back, can_go_forward):
self._can_go_back = can_go_back
self._can_go_forward = can_go_forward
def can_go_back(self):
assert self._can_go_back is not None
return self._can_go_back
def can_go_forward(self):
assert self._can_go_forward is not None
return self._can_go_forward
class FakeWebTab(browsertab.AbstractTab):
"""Fake AbstractTab to use in tests."""
def __init__(self, url=FakeUrl(), title='', tab_id=0, *,
scroll_pos_perc=(0, 0),
progress=0, can_go_back=None, can_go_forward=None):
super().__init__(win_id=0, mode_manager=None, private=False)
self._load_status = load_status
self._title = title
self._url = url
self._progress = progress
self.history = FakeWebTabHistory(self, can_go_back=can_go_back,
self.scroller = FakeWebTabScroller(self, scroll_pos_perc)
wrapped = QWidget()
self._layout.wrap(self, wrapped)
def url(self, requested=False):
assert not requested
return self._url
def title(self):
return self._title
def progress(self):
return self._progress
def load_status(self):
return self._load_status
class FakeSignal:
"""Fake pyqtSignal stub which does nothing.
signal: The name of the signal, like pyqtSignal.
_func: The function to be invoked when the signal gets called.
def __init__(self, name='fake', func=None):
self.signal = '2{}(int, int)'.format(name)
self._func = func
def __call__(self):
if self._func is None:
raise TypeError("'FakeSignal' object is not callable")
return self._func()
def connect(self, slot):
"""Connect the signal to a slot.
Currently does nothing, but could be improved to do some sanity
checking on the slot.
def disconnect(self, slot=None):
"""Disconnect the signal from a slot.
Currently does nothing, but could be improved to do some sanity
checking on the slot and see if it actually got connected.
def emit(self, *args):
"""Emit the signal.
Currently does nothing, but could be improved to do type checking based
on a signature given to __init__.
class FakeCmdUtils:
"""Stub for cmdutils which provides a cmd_dict."""
def __init__(self, commands):
self.cmd_dict = commands
class FakeCommand:
"""A simple command stub which has a description."""
def __init__(self, name='', desc='', hide=False, debug=False,
deprecated=False, completion=None):
self.desc = desc
self.name = name
self.hide = hide
self.debug = debug
self.deprecated = deprecated
self.completion = completion
class FakeTimer(QObject):
"""Stub for a usertypes.Timer."""
timeout_signal = pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None):
self.timeout = mock.Mock(spec=['connect', 'disconnect', 'emit'])
self.timeout.connect.side_effect = self.timeout_signal.connect
self.timeout.disconnect.side_effect = self.timeout_signal.disconnect
self.timeout.emit.side_effect = self._emit
self._started = False
self._singleshot = False
self._interval = 0
self._name = name
def __repr__(self):
return '<{} name={!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._name)
def _emit(self):
"""Called when the timeout "signal" gets emitted."""
if self._singleshot:
self._started = False
def setInterval(self, interval):
self._interval = interval
def interval(self):
return self._interval
def setSingleShot(self, singleshot):
self._singleshot = singleshot
def isSingleShot(self):
return self._singleshot
def start(self):
self._started = True
def stop(self):
self._started = False
def isActive(self):
return self._started
class InstaTimer(QObject):
"""Stub for a QTimer that fires instantly on start().
Useful to test a time-based event without inserting an artificial delay.
timeout = pyqtSignal()
def start(self):
def setSingleShot(self, yes):
def setInterval(self, interval):
def singleShot(_interval, fun):
class FakeConfigType:
"""A stub to provide valid_values for typ attribute of a SettingValue."""
def __init__(self, *valid_values):
# normally valid_values would be a ValidValues, but for simplicity of
# testing this can be a simple list: [(val, desc), (val, desc), ...]
self.complete = lambda: [(val, '') for val in valid_values]
class StatusBarCommandStub(QLineEdit):
"""Stub for the statusbar command prompt."""
got_cmd = pyqtSignal(str)
clear_completion_selection = pyqtSignal()
hide_completion = pyqtSignal()
update_completion = pyqtSignal()
show_cmd = pyqtSignal()
hide_cmd = pyqtSignal()
def prefix(self):
return self.text()[0]
class ConfigStub(QObject):
"""Stub for the config module.
data: The config data to return.
changed = pyqtSignal(str, str)
def __init__(self, parent=None):
signal: The signal to use for self.changed.
self.data = {}
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.section(name)
def section(self, name):
"""Get a section from the config.
name: The section name to get.
The section as dict.
return self.data[name]
def get(self, sect, opt, raw=True):
"""Get a value from the config."""
data = self.data[sect]
return data[opt]
except KeyError:
raise configexc.NoOptionError(opt, sect)
def set(self, sect, opt, value):
"""Set a value in the config."""
data = self.data[sect]
data[opt] = value
self.changed.emit(sect, opt)
except KeyError:
raise configexc.NoOptionError(opt, sect)
class KeyConfigStub:
"""Stub for the key-config object."""
def __init__(self):
self.bindings = {}
def get_bindings_for(self, section):
return self.bindings.get(section)
def set_bindings_for(self, section, bindings):
self.bindings[section] = bindings
def get_reverse_bindings_for(self, section):
"""Get a dict of commands to a list of bindings for the section."""
cmd_to_keys = collections.defaultdict(list)
for key, cmd in self.bindings[section].items():
# put special bindings last
if utils.is_special_key(key):
cmd_to_keys[cmd].insert(0, key)
return cmd_to_keys
class UrlMarkManagerStub(QObject):
"""Stub for the quickmark-manager or bookmark-manager object."""
added = pyqtSignal(str, str)
removed = pyqtSignal(str)
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.marks = {}
def delete(self, key):
del self.marks[key]
class BookmarkManagerStub(UrlMarkManagerStub):
"""Stub for the bookmark-manager object."""
class QuickmarkManagerStub(UrlMarkManagerStub):
"""Stub for the quickmark-manager object."""
def quickmark_del(self, key):
class HostBlockerStub:
"""Stub for the host-blocker object."""
def __init__(self):
self.blocked_hosts = set()
class SessionManagerStub:
"""Stub for the session-manager object."""
def __init__(self):
self.sessions = []
def list_sessions(self):
return self.sessions
class TabbedBrowserStub(QObject):
"""Stub for the tabbed-browser object."""
new_tab = pyqtSignal(browsertab.AbstractTab, int)
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.tabs = []
self.shutting_down = False
self._qtabbar = QTabBar()
self.index_of = None
self.current_index = None
self.opened_url = None
def count(self):
return len(self.tabs)
def widget(self, i):
return self.tabs[i]
def page_title(self, i):
return self.tabs[i].title()
def on_tab_close_requested(self, idx):
del self.tabs[idx]
def tabBar(self):
return self._qtabbar
def indexOf(self, _tab):
if self.index_of is None:
raise ValueError("indexOf got called with index_of None!")
elif self.index_of is RuntimeError:
raise RuntimeError
return self.index_of
def currentIndex(self):
if self.current_index is None:
raise ValueError("currentIndex got called with current_index "
return self.current_index
def currentWidget(self):
idx = self.currentIndex()
if idx == -1:
return None
return self.tabs[idx - 1]
def tabopen(self, url):
self.opened_url = url
class ApplicationStub(QObject):
"""Stub to insert as the app object in objreg."""
new_window = pyqtSignal(mainwindow.MainWindow)