Taking the completion widget as an argument was overly complex. The process now looks like: 1. CompletionView gets deletion request 2. CompletionView passes selected index to CompletionModel 3. CompletionModel passes the row data to the owning category 4. The category runs its custom completion function. This also fixes a bug. With the switch to the hybrid (list/sql) completion model, the view was no longer updating when items were deleted. This fixes that by ensuring the correct signals are emitted. The SQL model must be refreshed by running the query. We could try using a SqlTableModel so we can call removeRows instead. The test for deleting a url fails because qmodeltester claims the length of the query model is still 3.
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494 lines
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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2014-2017 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""pytest fixtures used by the whole testsuite.
See https://pytest.org/latest/fixture.html
import sys
import collections
import tempfile
import itertools
import textwrap
import unittest.mock
import types
import os
import pytest
import py.path # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
import helpers.stubs as stubsmod
from qutebrowser.config import config
from qutebrowser.utils import objreg, standarddir
from qutebrowser.browser.webkit import cookies
from qutebrowser.misc import savemanager, sql
from qutebrowser.keyinput import modeman
from PyQt5.QtCore import PYQT_VERSION, pyqtSignal, QEvent, QSize, Qt, QObject
from PyQt5.QtGui import QKeyEvent
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout
from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkCookieJar
class WinRegistryHelper:
"""Helper class for win_registry."""
FakeWindow = collections.namedtuple('FakeWindow', ['registry'])
def __init__(self):
self._ids = []
def add_window(self, win_id):
assert win_id not in objreg.window_registry
registry = objreg.ObjectRegistry()
window = self.FakeWindow(registry)
objreg.window_registry[win_id] = window
def cleanup(self):
for win_id in self._ids:
del objreg.window_registry[win_id]
class CallbackChecker(QObject):
"""Check if a value provided by a callback is the expected one."""
got_result = pyqtSignal(object)
UNSET = object()
def __init__(self, qtbot, parent=None):
self._qtbot = qtbot
self._result = self.UNSET
def callback(self, result):
"""Callback which can be passed to runJavaScript."""
self._result = result
def check(self, expected):
"""Wait until the JS result arrived and compare it."""
if self._result is self.UNSET:
with self._qtbot.waitSignal(self.got_result):
assert self._result == expected
def callback_checker(qtbot):
return CallbackChecker(qtbot)
class FakeStatusBar(QWidget):
"""Fake statusbar to test progressbar sizing."""
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.hbox = QHBoxLayout(self)
self.hbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground, True)
self.setStyleSheet('background-color: red;')
def minimumSizeHint(self):
return QSize(1, self.fontMetrics().height())
def fake_statusbar(qtbot):
"""Fixture providing a statusbar in a container window."""
container = QWidget()
vbox = QVBoxLayout(container)
statusbar = FakeStatusBar(container)
# to make sure container isn't GCed
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
statusbar.container = container
with qtbot.waitExposed(container):
return statusbar
def win_registry():
"""Fixture providing a window registry for win_id 0 and 1."""
helper = WinRegistryHelper()
yield helper
def tab_registry(win_registry):
"""Fixture providing a tab registry for win_id 0."""
registry = objreg.ObjectRegistry()
objreg.register('tab-registry', registry, scope='window', window=0)
yield registry
objreg.delete('tab-registry', scope='window', window=0)
def fake_web_tab(stubs, tab_registry, mode_manager, qapp):
"""Fixture providing the FakeWebTab *class*."""
if PYQT_VERSION < 0x050600:
pytest.skip('Causes segfaults, see #1638')
return stubs.FakeWebTab
def _generate_cmdline_tests():
"""Generate testcases for test_split_binding."""
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
TestCase = collections.namedtuple('TestCase', 'cmd, valid')
separators = [';;', ' ;; ', ';; ', ' ;;']
invalid = ['foo', '']
valid = ['leave-mode', 'hint all']
# Valid command only -> valid
for item in valid:
yield TestCase(''.join(item), True)
# Invalid command only -> invalid
for item in invalid:
yield TestCase(''.join(item), False)
# Invalid command combined with invalid command -> invalid
for item in itertools.product(invalid, separators, invalid):
yield TestCase(''.join(item), False)
# Valid command combined with valid command -> valid
for item in itertools.product(valid, separators, valid):
yield TestCase(''.join(item), True)
# Valid command combined with invalid command -> invalid
for item in itertools.product(valid, separators, invalid):
yield TestCase(''.join(item), False)
# Invalid command combined with valid command -> invalid
for item in itertools.product(invalid, separators, valid):
yield TestCase(''.join(item), False)
# Command with no_cmd_split combined with an "invalid" command -> valid
for item in itertools.product(['bind x open'], separators, invalid):
yield TestCase(''.join(item), True)
# Partial command
yield TestCase('message-i', False)
@pytest.fixture(params=_generate_cmdline_tests(), ids=lambda e: e.cmd)
def cmdline_test(request):
"""Fixture which generates tests for things validating commandlines."""
# Import qutebrowser.app so all cmdutils.register decorators get run.
import qutebrowser.app # pylint: disable=unused-variable
return request.param
def config_stub(stubs):
"""Fixture which provides a fake config object."""
stub = stubs.ConfigStub()
objreg.register('config', stub)
yield stub
def default_config():
"""Fixture that provides and registers an empty default config object."""
config_obj = config.ConfigManager()
config_obj.read(configdir=None, fname=None, relaxed=True)
objreg.register('config', config_obj)
yield config_obj
def key_config_stub(stubs):
"""Fixture which provides a fake key config object."""
stub = stubs.KeyConfigStub()
objreg.register('key-config', stub)
yield stub
def host_blocker_stub(stubs):
"""Fixture which provides a fake host blocker object."""
stub = stubs.HostBlockerStub()
objreg.register('host-blocker', stub)
yield stub
def quickmark_manager_stub(stubs):
"""Fixture which provides a fake quickmark manager object."""
stub = stubs.QuickmarkManagerStub()
objreg.register('quickmark-manager', stub)
yield stub
def bookmark_manager_stub(stubs):
"""Fixture which provides a fake bookmark manager object."""
stub = stubs.BookmarkManagerStub()
objreg.register('bookmark-manager', stub)
yield stub
def web_history_stub(init_sql, stubs):
"""Fixture which provides a fake web-history object."""
stub = stubs.WebHistoryStub()
objreg.register('web-history', stub)
yield stub
def session_manager_stub(stubs):
"""Fixture which provides a fake session-manager object."""
stub = stubs.SessionManagerStub()
objreg.register('session-manager', stub)
yield stub
def tabbed_browser_stubs(stubs, win_registry):
"""Fixture providing a fake tabbed-browser object on win_id 0 and 1."""
stubs = [stubs.TabbedBrowserStub(), stubs.TabbedBrowserStub()]
objreg.register('tabbed-browser', stubs[0], scope='window', window=0)
objreg.register('tabbed-browser', stubs[1], scope='window', window=1)
yield stubs
objreg.delete('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=0)
objreg.delete('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=1)
def app_stub(stubs):
"""Fixture which provides a fake app object."""
stub = stubs.ApplicationStub()
objreg.register('app', stub)
yield stub
def status_command_stub(stubs, qtbot, win_registry):
"""Fixture which provides a fake status-command object."""
cmd = stubs.StatusBarCommandStub()
objreg.register('status-command', cmd, scope='window', window=0)
yield cmd
objreg.delete('status-command', scope='window', window=0)
def stubs():
"""Provide access to stub objects useful for testing."""
return stubsmod
def unicode_encode_err():
"""Provide a fake UnicodeEncodeError exception."""
return UnicodeEncodeError('ascii', # codec
'', # object
0, # start
2, # end
'fake exception') # reason
def qnam(qapp):
"""Session-wide QNetworkAccessManager."""
from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkAccessManager
nam = QNetworkAccessManager()
return nam
def webengineview():
"""Get a QWebEngineView if QtWebEngine is available."""
QtWebEngineWidgets = pytest.importorskip('PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets')
return QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView()
def webpage(qnam):
"""Get a new QWebPage object."""
QtWebKitWidgets = pytest.importorskip('PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets')
page = QtWebKitWidgets.QWebPage()
return page
def webview(qtbot, webpage):
"""Get a new QWebView object."""
QtWebKitWidgets = pytest.importorskip('PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets')
view = QtWebKitWidgets.QWebView()
view.resize(640, 480)
return view
def webframe(webpage):
"""Convenience fixture to get a mainFrame of a QWebPage."""
return webpage.mainFrame()
def fake_keyevent_factory():
"""Fixture that when called will return a mock instance of a QKeyEvent."""
def fake_keyevent(key, modifiers=0, text='', typ=QEvent.KeyPress):
"""Generate a new fake QKeyPressEvent."""
evtmock = unittest.mock.create_autospec(QKeyEvent, instance=True)
evtmock.key.return_value = key
evtmock.modifiers.return_value = modifiers
evtmock.text.return_value = text
evtmock.type.return_value = typ
return evtmock
return fake_keyevent
def cookiejar_and_cache(stubs):
"""Fixture providing a fake cookie jar and cache."""
jar = QNetworkCookieJar()
ram_jar = cookies.RAMCookieJar()
cache = stubs.FakeNetworkCache()
objreg.register('cookie-jar', jar)
objreg.register('ram-cookie-jar', ram_jar)
objreg.register('cache', cache)
def py_proc():
"""Get a python executable and args list which executes the given code."""
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
pytest.skip("Can't be run when frozen")
def func(code):
return (sys.executable, ['-c', textwrap.dedent(code.strip('\n'))])
return func
def fake_save_manager():
"""Create a mock of save-manager and register it into objreg."""
fake_save_manager = unittest.mock.Mock(spec=savemanager.SaveManager)
objreg.register('save-manager', fake_save_manager)
yield fake_save_manager
def fake_args():
ns = types.SimpleNamespace()
objreg.register('args', ns)
yield ns
def mode_manager(win_registry, config_stub, qapp):
config_stub.data.update({'input': {'forward-unbound-keys': 'auto'}})
mm = modeman.ModeManager(0)
objreg.register('mode-manager', mm, scope='window', window=0)
yield mm
objreg.delete('mode-manager', scope='window', window=0)
def config_tmpdir(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
"""Set tmpdir/config as the configdir.
Use this to avoid creating a 'real' config dir (~/.config/qute_test).
confdir = tmpdir / 'config'
path = str(confdir)
monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir, 'config', lambda: path)
return confdir
def data_tmpdir(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
"""Set tmpdir/data as the datadir.
Use this to avoid creating a 'real' data dir (~/.local/share/qute_test).
datadir = tmpdir / 'data'
path = str(datadir)
monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir, 'data', lambda: path)
return datadir
def redirect_webengine_data(data_tmpdir, monkeypatch):
"""Set XDG_DATA_HOME and HOME to a temp location.
While data_tmpdir covers most cases by redirecting standarddir.data(), this
is not enough for places QtWebEngine references the data dir internally.
For these, we need to set the environment variable to redirect data access.
We also set HOME as in some places, the home directory is used directly...
monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_DATA_HOME', str(data_tmpdir))
monkeypatch.setenv('HOME', str(data_tmpdir))
def short_tmpdir():
"""A short temporary directory for a XDG_RUNTIME_DIR."""
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir:
yield py.path.local(tdir) # pylint: disable=no-member
def init_sql(data_tmpdir):
"""Initialize the SQL module, and shut it down after the test."""
path = str(data_tmpdir / 'test.db')