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Feature: Downloading things from a website.
Given I set storage -> prompt-download-directory to false
And I run :download-clear
Scenario: Downloading which redirects with closed tab (issue 889)
When I set tabs -> last-close to blank
And I open data/downloads/issue889.html
And I run :hint links download
And I run :follow-hint a
And I run :tab-close
And I wait for "* Handling redirect" in the log
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Downloading with error in closed tab (issue 889)
When I set tabs -> last-close to blank
And I open data/downloads/issue889.html
And I run :hint links download
And I run :follow-hint s
And I run :tab-close
And I wait for the error "Download error: * - server replied: NOT FOUND"
And I run :download-retry
And I wait for the error "Download error: * - server replied: NOT FOUND"
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Retrying a failed download
When I run :download http://localhost:(port)/does-not-exist
And I wait for the error "Download error: * - server replied: NOT FOUND"
And I run :download-retry
And I wait for the error "Download error: * - server replied: NOT FOUND"
Then the requests should be:
Scenario: Retrying with no failed downloads
When I open data/downloads/download.bin
And I wait until the download is finished
And I run :download-retry
Then the error "No failed downloads!" should be shown.
Scenario: Retrying with no downloads
When I run :download-retry
Then the error "No failed downloads!" should be shown.
Scenario: :download with deprecated dest-old argument
When I run :download http://localhost:(port)/ deprecated-argument
Then the warning ":download [url] [dest] is deprecated - use download --dest [dest] [url]" should be shown.
Scenario: Two destinations given
When I run :download --dest destination2 http://localhost:(port)/ destination1
Then the warning ":download [url] [dest] is deprecated - use download --dest [dest] [url]" should be shown.
And the error "Can't give two destinations for the download." should be shown.
Scenario: :download --mhtml with an URL given
When I run :download --mhtml http://foobar/
Then the error "Can only download the current page as mhtml." should be shown.
Scenario: Downloading as mhtml is available
When I open html
And I run :download --mhtml
And I wait for "File successfully written." in the log
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Downloading as mhtml with non-ASCII headers
When I open response-headers?Content-Type=text%2Fpl%C3%A4in
And I run :download --mhtml --dest mhtml-response-headers.mht
And I wait for "File successfully written." in the log
Then no crash should happen