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Installing qutebrowser
On Debian / Ubuntu
qutebrowser should run on these systems:
* Debian jessie or newer
* Ubuntu Trusty (14.04 LTS) or newer
* Any other distribution based on these (e.g. Linux Mint)
Install the dependencies via apt-get:
# apt-get install python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit python-virtualenv
To generate the documentation for the `:help` command, when using the git
repository (rather than a release):
# apt-get install asciidoc
# python3 scripts/asciidoc2html.py
Then run the supplied script to run qutebrowser inside a
# python3 scripts/init_venv.py
This installs all needed Python dependencies in a `.venv` subfolder. The
system-wide Qt5/PyQt5 installations are symlinked into the virtualenv.
You can then create a simple wrapper script to start qutebrowser somewhere in
your `$PATH` (e.g. `/usr/local/bin/qutebrowser` or `~/bin/qutebrowser`):
~/path/to/qutebrowser/.venv/bin/python3 -m qutebrowser "$@"
On Archlinux
There are two Archlinux packages available in the AUR:
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/qutebrowser/[qutebrowser] and
You can install them like this:
$ mkdir qutebrowser
$ cd qutebrowser
$ wget https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/qu/qutebrowser-git/PKGBUILD
$ makepkg -si
or you could use an AUR helper, e.g. `yaourt -S qutebrowser-git`.
On Gentoo
A dedicated overlay is available on
https://github.com/posativ/qutebrowser-overlay[GitHub]. To install it, add the
overlay with http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Layman[layman]:
# layman -a qutebrowser
Note, that Qt5 is available in the portage tree, but masked. You may need to do
a lot of keywording to install qutebrowser. Also make sure you have `python3_4`
in your `PYTHON_TARGETS` (`/etc/portage/make.conf`) and rebuild your system
(`emerge -uDNav @world`). Afterwards, you can install qutebrowser:
# emerge -av qutebrowser
On Windows
You can either use one of the
https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/releases[prebuilt standalone
packages or MSI installers], or install manually:
* Use the installer from http://www.python.org/downloads[python.org] to get
Python 3 (be sure to install pip).
* Use the installer from
http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download5[Riverbank computing]
to get Qt and PyQt5.
* Run `pip install virtualenv` or
http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#virtualenv[the installer from here]
to install virtualenv.
Then run the supplied script to run qutebrowser inside a
# python3 scripts/init_venv.py
This installs all needed Python dependencies in a `.venv` subfolder. The
system-wide Qt5/PyQt5 installations are used in the virtualenv.
To install qutebrowser on OS X, you'll want a package manager, e.g.
http://brew.sh/[Homebrew] or https://www.macports.org/[MacPorts]. Also make
sure, you have https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/xcode/id497799835[XCode]
installed to compile PyQt5 in a later step.
$ brew install python3 pyqt5
$ pip3.4 install qutebrowser
if you are using Homebrew. For MacPorts, run:
$ sudo port install python34 py34-jinja2 asciidoc py34-pygments py34-pyqt5
$ sudo pip3.4 install qutebrowser
The preferences for qutebrowser are stored in
`~/Library/Preferences/qutebrowser`, the application data is stored in
`~/Library/Application Support/qutebrowser`.
There are example .desktop and icon files provided. They would go in the
standard location for your distro (`/usr/share/applications` and
`/usr/share/pixmaps` for example).
The normal `setup.py install` doesn't install these files, so you'll have to do
it as part of the packaging process.