When we open a background tab, it gets a hardcoded size (800x600 or so) because it doesn't get resized by the layout yet. By resizing it to the size it'll actually have later, we make sure scrolling to an anchor in an background tab works, and JS also gets the correct size for background tabs. Fixes #1190 Fixes #2495 See #1417
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# vim: ft=cucumber fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
Feature: Javascript stuff
Integration with javascript.
Scenario: Using console.log
When I set general -> log-javascript-console to debug
And I open data/javascript/consolelog.html
Then the javascript message "console.log works!" should be logged
Scenario: Opening/Closing a window via JS
When I open data/javascript/window_open.html
And I run :tab-only
And I run :click-element id open-normal
And I wait for "Changing title for idx 1 to 'about:blank'" in the log
And I run :tab-focus 1
And I run :click-element id close-normal
Then "Focus object changed: *" should be logged
Scenario: Opening/closing a modal window via JS
When I open data/javascript/window_open.html
And I run :tab-only
And I run :click-element id open-modal
And I wait for "Changing title for idx 1 to 'about:blank'" in the log
And I run :tab-focus 1
And I run :click-element id close-normal
Then "Focus object changed: *" should be logged
# WebModalDialog with QtWebKit, WebDialog with QtWebEngine
And "Web*Dialog requested, but we don't support that!" should be logged
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/906
Scenario: Closing a JS window twice (issue 906) - qtwebkit
When I open about:blank
And I run :tab-only
And I open data/javascript/window_open.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id open-normal
And I wait for "Changing title for idx 2 to 'about:blank'" in the log
And I run :tab-focus 2
And I run :click-element id close-twice
Then "Requested to close * which does not exist!" should be logged
@qtwebkit_skip @flaky
Scenario: Closing a JS window twice (issue 906) - qtwebengine
When I open about:blank
And I run :tab-only
And I open data/javascript/window_open.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id open-normal
And I wait for "Changing title for idx 2 to 'about:blank'" in the log
And I run :tab-focus 2
And I run :click-element id close-twice
And I wait for "Focus object changed: *" in the log
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Opening window without user interaction with javascript-can-open-windows-automatically set to true
When I open data/hello.txt
And I set content -> javascript-can-open-windows-automatically to true
And I run :tab-only
And I run :jseval if (window.open('about:blank')) { console.log('window opened'); } else { console.log('error while opening window'); }
Then the javascript message "window opened" should be logged
Scenario: Opening window without user interaction with javascript-can-open-windows-automatically set to false
When I open data/hello.txt
And I set content -> javascript-can-open-windows-automatically to false
And I run :tab-only
And I run :jseval if (window.open('about:blank')) { console.log('window opened'); } else { console.log('error while opening window'); }
Then the javascript message "error while opening window" should be logged
Scenario: Executing jseval when javascript is disabled
When I set content -> allow-javascript to false
And I run :jseval console.log('jseval executed')
And I set content -> allow-javascript to true
Then the javascript message "jseval executed" should be logged
## webelement issues (mostly with QtWebEngine)
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/2569
Scenario: Clicking on form element with tagName child
When I open data/issue2569.html
And I run :click-element id tagnameform
And I wait for "Sending fake click to *" in the log
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Clicking on form element with text child
When I open data/issue2569.html
And I run :click-element id textform
And I wait for "Sending fake click to *" in the log
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Clicking on svg element
When I open data/issue2569.html
And I run :click-element id icon
And I wait for "Sending fake click to *" in the log
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Clicking on li element
When I open data/issue2569.html
And I run :click-element id listitem
And I wait for "Sending fake click to *" in the log
Then no crash should happen
# We load the tab in the background, and the HTML sets the window size for
# when it's hidden.
# Then, "the window sizes should be the same" uses :jseval to set the size
# when it's shown, and compares the two.
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1190
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/2495
Scenario: Checking visible/invisible window size
When I run :tab-only
And I set general -> log-javascript-console to info
And I open data/javascript/windowsize.html in a new background tab
And I wait for "[*/data/javascript/windowsize.html:*] loaded" in the log
And I run :tab-next
Then the window sizes should be the same