2014-08-14 13:29:07 +02:00

314 lines
9.3 KiB

import pypeg2 as peg
import os.path
from collections import namedtuple
import urllib.parse
import string
import re
class UniqueNamespace(peg.Namespace):
"""A pyPEG2 namespace which prevents setting a value twice."""
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key in self:
raise DuplicateParamError(key)
super().__setitem__(key, value)
# RFC 2616
separator_chars = "()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t"
ctl_chars = ''.join(chr(i) for i in range(32)) + chr(127)
nontoken_chars = separator_chars + ctl_chars
# RFC 5987
attr_chars_nonalnum = '!#$&+-.^_`|~'
attr_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + attr_chars_nonalnum
# RFC 5987 gives this alternative construction of the token character class
token_chars = attr_chars + "*'%"
# Definitions from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-2.2
# token was redefined from attr_chars to avoid using AnyBut,
# which might include non-ascii octets.
token_re = '[{}]+'.format(re.escape(token_chars))
class Token(str):
"""A token (RFC 2616, Section 2.2)."""
grammar = re.compile(token_re)
# RFC 2616 says some linear whitespace (LWS) is in fact allowed in text
# and qdtext; however it also mentions folding that whitespace into
# a single SP (which isn't in CTL) before interpretation.
# Assume the caller already that folding when parsing headers.
# NOTE: qdtext also allows non-ascii, which we choose to parse
# as ISO-8859-1; rejecting it entirely would also be permitted.
# Some broken browsers attempt encoding-sniffing, which is broken
# because the spec only allows iso, and because encoding-sniffing
# can mangle valid values.
# Everything else in this grammar (including RFC 5987 ext values)
# is in an ascii-safe encoding.
qdtext_re = r'[^"{}]'.format(re.escape(ctl_chars))
quoted_pair_re = r'\\[{}]'.format(re.escape(
''.join(chr(i) for i in range(128))))
class QuotedString(str):
"""A quoted string (RFC 2616, Section 2.2)."""
grammar = re.compile(r'"({}|{})+"'.format(quoted_pair_re, qdtext_re))
def __str__(self):
s = super().__str__()
s = s[1:-1] # remove quotes
s = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', s) # drop backslashes
return s
class Value(str):
"""A value. (RFC 2616, Section 3.6)."""
grammar = [re.compile(token_re), QuotedString]
class Charset(str):
"""A charset (RFC5987, Section 3.2.1)."""
# Other charsets are forbidden, the spec reserves them
# for future evolutions.
grammar = re.compile('UTF-8|ISO-8859-1', re.I)
class Language(str):
"""A language-tag (RFC 5646, Section 2.1).
FIXME: This grammar is not 100% correct yet.
grammar = re.compile('[A-Za-z0-9-]+')
attr_char_re = '[{}]'.format(re.escape(attr_chars))
hex_digit_re = '%[' + string.hexdigits + ']{2}'
class ValueChars(str):
"""A value of an attribute.
FIXME: Can we merge this with Value?
grammar = re.compile('({}|{})*'.format(attr_char_re, hex_digit_re))
class ExtValue(peg.List):
"""An ext-value of an attribute (RFC 5987, Section 3.2)."""
grammar = peg.contiguous(Charset, "'", peg.optional(Language), "'",
class ExtToken(peg.Symbol):
"""A token introducing an extended value (RFC 6266, Section 4.1)."""
regex = re.compile(token_re + r'\*')
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__().lower()
class NoExtToken(peg.Symbol):
"""A token introducing a normal value (RFC 6266, Section 4.1)."""
regex = re.compile(token_re + r'(?<!\*)')
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__().lower()
class DispositionParm(str):
"""A parameter for the Disposition-Type header (RFC6266, Section 4.1)."""
grammar = peg.attr('name', NoExtToken), '=', Value
class ExtDispositionParm:
"""An extended parameter (RFC6266, Section 4.1)."""
grammar = peg.attr('name', ExtToken), '=', ExtValue
def __init__(self, value, name=None):
self.name = name
self.value = value
class DispositionType(peg.List):
"""The disposition type (RFC6266, Section 4.1)."""
grammar = [re.compile('(inline|attachment)', re.I), Token]
class DispositionParmList(UniqueNamespace):
"""A list of disposition parameters (RFC6266, Section 4.1)."""
grammar = peg.maybe_some(';', [ExtDispositionParm, DispositionParm])
class ContentDispositionValue:
"""A complete Content-Disposition value (RFC 6266, Section 4.1)."""
# Allows nonconformant final semicolon
# I've seen it in the wild, and browsers accept it
# http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/#attwithasciifilenamenqs
grammar = (peg.attr('dtype', DispositionType),
peg.attr('params', DispositionParmList),
LangTagged = namedtuple('LangTagged', 'string langtag')
class DuplicateParamError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when a parameter has been given twice."""
class InvalidISO8859Error(Exception):
"""Exception raised when a byte is invalid in ISO-8859-1."""
class ContentDisposition:
"""Records various indications and hints about content disposition.
These can be used to know if a file should be downloaded or
displayed directly, and to hint what filename it should have
in the download case.
def __init__(self, disposition='inline', assocs=None, location=None):
"""This constructor is used internally after parsing the header.
Instances should generally be created from a factory
function, such as parse_headers and its variants.
if len(disposition) != 1:
self.disposition = 'inline'
self.disposition = disposition[0]
self.location = location
if assocs is None:
self.assocs = {}
self.assocs = dict(assocs) # So we can change values
if 'filename*' in self.assocs:
param = self.assocs['filename*']
assert isinstance(param, ExtDispositionParm)
self.assocs['filename*'] = parse_ext_value(param.value).string
def filename_unsafe(self):
"""The filename from the Content-Disposition header.
If a location was passed at instanciation, the basename
from that may be used as a fallback. Otherwise, this may
be the None value.
On safety:
This property records the intent of the sender.
You shouldn't use this sender-controlled value as a filesystem
path, it can be insecure. Serving files with this filename can be
dangerous as well, due to a certain browser using the part after the
dot for mime-sniffing.
Saving it to a database is fine by itself though.
if 'filename*' in self.assocs:
return self.assocs['filename*']
elif 'filename' in self.assocs:
# XXX Reject non-ascii (parsed via qdtext) here?
return self.assocs['filename']
elif self.location is not None:
return os.path.basename(self.location_path.rstrip('/'))
def is_inline(self):
"""If this property is true, the file should be handled inline.
Otherwise, and unless your application supports other dispositions
than the standard inline and attachment, it should be handled
as an attachment.
return self.disposition.lower() == 'inline'
def __repr__(self):
return 'ContentDisposition(%r, %r, %r)' % (
self.disposition, self.assocs, self.location)
def normalize_ws(text):
"""Do LWS (linear whitespace) folding."""
return ' '.join(text.split())
def parse_headers(content_disposition, location=None, relaxed=False):
"""Build a ContentDisposition from header values."""
# We allow non-ascii here (it will only be parsed inside of qdtext, and
# rejected by the grammar if it appears in other places), although parsing
# it can be ambiguous. Parsing it ensures that a non-ambiguous filename*
# value won't get dismissed because of an unrelated ambiguity in the
# filename parameter. But it does mean we occasionally give
# less-than-certain values for some legacy senders.
content_disposition = content_disposition.decode('iso-8859-1')
# Our parsing is relaxed in these regards:
# - The grammar allows a final ';' in the header;
# - We do LWS-folding, and possibly normalise other broken
# whitespace, instead of rejecting non-lws-safe text.
# XXX Would prefer to accept only the quoted whitespace
# case, rather than normalising everything.
content_disposition = normalize_ws(content_disposition)
parsed = peg.parse(content_disposition, ContentDispositionValue)
except (SyntaxError, DuplicateParamError, InvalidISO8859Error):
return ContentDisposition(location=location)
return ContentDisposition(
disposition=parsed.dtype, assocs=parsed.params, location=location)
def parse_ext_value(val):
"""Parse the value of an extended attribute."""
if len(val) == 3:
charset, langtag, coded = val
charset, coded = val
langtag = None
decoded = urllib.parse.unquote(coded, charset, errors='strict')
if charset == 'iso-8859-1':
# Fail if the filename contains an invalid ISO-8859-1 char
for c in decoded:
if 0x7F <= ord(c) <= 0x9F:
raise InvalidISO8859Error(c)
return LangTagged(decoded, langtag)