With QtWebEngine, inserting text into the field is async, so if our test runs too fast, it would fail. Now we instead log stuff via JS on changes insteaad, and wait for those log messages in the tests.
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283 lines
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Feature: Yanking and pasting.
:yank, {clipboard} and {primary} can be used to copy/paste the URL or title
from/to the clipboard and primary selection.
Given I clean up open tabs
#### :yank
Scenario: Yanking URLs to clipboard
When I open data/title.html
And I run :yank
Then the message "Yanked URL to clipboard: http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html" should be shown
And the clipboard should contain "http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html"
Scenario: Yanking URLs to primary selection
When selection is supported
And I open data/title.html
And I run :yank --sel
Then the message "Yanked URL to primary selection: http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html" should be shown
And the primary selection should contain "http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html"
Scenario: Yanking URLs with ref and UTM parameters
When I open data/title.html?utm_source=kikolani&utm_medium=320banner&utm_campaign=bpp&ref=facebook
And I run :yank
Then the message "Yanked URL to clipboard: http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html" should be shown
And the clipboard should contain "http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html"
Scenario: Yanking URLs with ref and UTM parameters and some other parameters
When I open data/title.html?stype=models&utm_source=kikolani&utm_medium=320banner&utm_campaign=bpp&ref=facebook
And I run :yank
Then the message "Yanked URL to clipboard: http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html?stype=models" should be shown
And the clipboard should contain "http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html?stype=models"
Scenario: Yanking title to clipboard
When I open data/title.html
And I wait for regex "Changing title for idx \d to 'Test title'" in the log
And I run :yank title
Then the message "Yanked title to clipboard: Test title" should be shown
And the clipboard should contain "Test title"
Scenario: Yanking domain to clipboard
When I open data/title.html
And I run :yank domain
Then the message "Yanked domain to clipboard: http://localhost:(port)" should be shown
And the clipboard should contain "http://localhost:(port)"
Scenario: Yanking fully encoded URL
When I open data/title with spaces.html
And I run :yank
Then the message "Yanked URL to clipboard: http://localhost:(port)/data/title%20with%20spaces.html" should be shown
And the clipboard should contain "http://localhost:(port)/data/title%20with%20spaces.html"
Scenario: Yanking pretty decoded URL
When I open data/title with spaces.html
And I run :yank pretty-url
Then the message "Yanked URL to clipboard: http://localhost:(port)/data/title with spaces.html" should be shown
And the clipboard should contain "http://localhost:(port)/data/title with spaces.html"
#### {clipboard} and {primary}
Scenario: Pasting a URL
When I put "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt" into the clipboard
And I run :open {clipboard}
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Pasting a URL from primary selection
When selection is supported
And I put "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello2.txt" into the primary selection
And I run :open {primary}
Then data/hello2.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Pasting with empty clipboard
When I put "" into the clipboard
And I run :open {clipboard} (invalid command)
Then the error "Clipboard is empty." should be shown
Scenario: Pasting with empty selection
When selection is supported
And I put "" into the primary selection
And I run :open {primary} (invalid command)
Then the error "Primary selection is empty." should be shown
Scenario: Pasting with a space in clipboard
When I put " " into the clipboard
And I run :open {clipboard} (invalid command)
Then the error "Clipboard is empty." should be shown
Scenario: Pasting in a new tab
When I put "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt" into the clipboard
And I run :open -t {clipboard}
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank
- data/hello.txt (active)
Scenario: Pasting in a background tab
When I put "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt" into the clipboard
And I run :open -b {clipboard}
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank (active)
- data/hello.txt
Scenario: Pasting in a new window
When I put "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt" into the clipboard
And I run :open -w {clipboard}
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
url: about:blank
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt
Scenario: Pasting an invalid URL
When I set general -> auto-search to false
And I put "foo bar" into the clipboard
And I run :open {clipboard}
Then the error "Invalid URL" should be shown
# https://travis-ci.org/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/jobs/157941726
Scenario: Pasting multiple urls in a new tab
When I put the following lines into the clipboard:
And I run :open -t {clipboard}
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
And I wait until data/hello2.txt is loaded
And I wait until data/hello3.txt is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank
- data/hello.txt (active)
- data/hello2.txt
- data/hello3.txt
Scenario: Pasting multiline text
When I set general -> auto-search to true
And I set searchengines -> DEFAULT to http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt?q={}
And I put the following lines into the clipboard:
this url:
should not open
And I run :open -t {clipboard}
And I wait until data/hello.txt?q=this%20url%3A%0Ahttp%3A//qutebrowser.org%0Ashould%20not%20open is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank
- data/hello.txt?q=this%20url%3A%0Ahttp%3A//qutebrowser.org%0Ashould%20not%20open (active)
Scenario: Pasting multiline whose first line looks like a URI
When I set general -> auto-search to true
And I set searchengines -> DEFAULT to http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt?q={}
And I put the following lines into the clipboard:
should open
as search
And I run :open -t {clipboard}
And I wait until data/hello.txt?q=text%3A%0Ashould%20open%0Aas%20search is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank
- data/hello.txt?q=text%3A%0Ashould%20open%0Aas%20search (active)
# https://travis-ci.org/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/jobs/157941726
Scenario: Pasting multiple urls in a background tab
When I put the following lines into the clipboard:
And I run :open -b {clipboard}
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
And I wait until data/hello2.txt is loaded
And I wait until data/hello3.txt is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank (active)
- data/hello.txt
- data/hello2.txt
- data/hello3.txt
Scenario: Pasting multiple urls in new windows
When I put the following lines into the clipboard:
And I run :open -w {clipboard}
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
And I wait until data/hello2.txt is loaded
And I wait until data/hello3.txt is loaded
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
url: about:blank
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/hello2.txt
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/hello3.txt
Scenario: Pasting multiple urls with an empty one
And I put "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt\n\nhttp://localhost:(port)/data/hello2.txt" into the clipboard
And I run :open -t {clipboard}
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Pasting multiple urls with an almost empty one
And I put "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt\n \nhttp://localhost:(port)/data/hello2.txt" into the clipboard
And I run :open -t {clipboard}
Then no crash should happen
#### :insert-text
Scenario: Inserting text into an empty text field
When I set general -> log-javascript-console to info
And I open data/paste_primary.html
And I run :click-element id qute-textarea
And I wait for "Clicked editable element!" in the log
And I run :insert-text Hello world
# Compare
Then the javascript message "textarea contents: Hello world" should be logged
Scenario: Inserting text into a text field at specific position
When I set general -> log-javascript-console to info
And I open data/paste_primary.html
And I set the text field to "one two three four"
And I run :click-element id qute-textarea
And I wait for "Clicked editable element!" in the log
# Move to the beginning and two characters to the right
And I press the keys "<Home>"
And I press the key "<Right>"
And I press the key "<Right>"
And I run :insert-text Hello world
# Compare
Then the javascript message "textarea contents: onHello worlde two three four" should be logged
Scenario: Inserting text into a text field with undo
When I set general -> log-javascript-console to info
And I open data/paste_primary.html
And I run :click-element id qute-textarea
And I wait for "Clicked editable element!" in the log
# Paste and undo
And I run :insert-text This text should be undone
And I wait for the javascript message "textarea contents: This text should be undone"
And I press the key "<Ctrl+z>"
# Paste final text
And I run :insert-text This text should stay
# Compare
Then the javascript message "textarea contents: This text should stay" should be logged
Scenario: Inserting text without a focused field
When I open data/paste_primary.html
And I run :enter-mode insert
And I run :insert-text test
Then the error "No element focused!" should be shown
Scenario: Inserting text with a read-only field
When I open data/paste_primary.html
And I run :click-element id qute-textarea-noedit
And I wait for "Clicked non-editable element!" in the log
And I run :enter-mode insert
And I run :insert-text test
Then the error "Element is not editable!" should be shown