Martin Tournoij 8af5cfb4ac
Add a modeline to all the *.feature files
This really tripped me up yesterday, My "Vim default" is to use tabs.

This (where `!···` is a tab) does not work as you'll hope it works:

    Scenario: Retrying a failed download when the directory didn't exist (issue 2445)
        When I download http://localhost:(port)/data/downloads/download.bin to <path>
        And I wait for the error "Download error: No such file or directory: *"
        And I make the directory <mkdir>
        And I run :download-retry
!···!···And I wait until the download is finished
        Then the downloaded file <expected> should exist

        | path                 | mkdir   | expected             |
        | asd/zxc/             | asd/zxc | asd/zxc/download.bin |

Unfortunately, pytest-bdd uses the "Python 2 behaviour" of "expand all
tabs to 8 spaces", and doesn't give any errors on strange/inconsistent
whitespace. It can cause very confusing errors.
2017-03-31 16:16:31 +01:00

370 lines
12 KiB

# vim: ft=cucumber fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
Feature: Saving and loading sessions
Given I clean up open tabs
Scenario: Saving a simple session
When I open data/hello.txt
And I open data/title.html in a new tab
Then the session should look like:
- active: true
- history:
- url: about:blank
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt
- active: true
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/title.html
title: Test title
Scenario: Zooming (qtwebkit)
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :zoom 50
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- url: about:blank
zoom: 1.0
- url: http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt
zoom: 0.5
# The zoom level is only stored for the newest element for QtWebEngine.
Scenario: Zooming (qtwebengine)
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :zoom 50
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- url: about:blank
- url: http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt
zoom: 0.5
Scenario: Scrolling (qtwebkit)
When I open data/scroll/simple.html
And I run :scroll-px 10 20
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- url: about:blank
x: 0
y: 0
- url: http://localhost:*/data/scroll/simple.html
x: 10
y: 20
# The scroll position is only stored for the newest element for QtWebEngine.
Scenario: Scrolling (qtwebengine)
When I open data/scroll/simple.html
And I run :scroll-px 10 20
And I wait until the scroll position changed to 10/20
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- url: about:blank
- url: http://localhost:*/data/scroll/simple.html
x: 10
y: 20
Scenario: Redirect
When I open redirect-to?url=data/title.html without waiting
And I wait until data/title.html is loaded
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- url: about:blank
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/title.html
original-url: http://localhost:*/redirect-to?url=data/title.html
title: Test title
Scenario: Valid UTF-8 data
When I open data/sessions/snowman.html
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- url: about:blank
- url: http://localhost:*/data/sessions/snowman.html
title: snowman
Scenario: Long output comparison (qtwebkit)
When I open data/numbers/1.txt
And I open data/title.html
And I open data/numbers/2.txt in a new tab
And I open data/numbers/3.txt in a new window
# Full output apart from "geometry:" and the active window (needs qutewm)
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- scroll-pos:
x: 0
y: 0
title: about:blank
url: about:blank
zoom: 1.0
- scroll-pos:
x: 0
y: 0
title: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/1.txt
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/1.txt
zoom: 1.0
- active: true
x: 0
y: 0
title: Test title
url: http://localhost:*/data/title.html
zoom: 1.0
- active: true
- active: true
x: 0
y: 0
title: ''
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/2.txt
zoom: 1.0
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
x: 0
y: 0
title: ''
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/3.txt
zoom: 1.0
# FIXME:qtwebengine what's up with the titles there?
Scenario: Long output comparison (qtwebengine)
When I open data/numbers/1.txt
And I open data/title.html
And I open data/numbers/2.txt in a new tab
And I open data/numbers/3.txt in a new window
# Full output apart from "geometry:" and the active window (needs qutewm)
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- title: about:blank
url: about:blank
- title: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/1.txt
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/1.txt
- active: true
x: 0
y: 0
title: Test title
url: http://localhost:*/data/title.html
zoom: 1.0
- active: true
- active: true
x: 0
y: 0
title: localhost:*/data/numbers/2.txt
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/2.txt
zoom: 1.0
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
x: 0
y: 0
title: localhost:*/data/numbers/3.txt
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/3.txt
zoom: 1.0
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/879
Scenario: Saving a session with a page using history.replaceState()
When I open data/sessions/history_replace_state.html without waiting
Then the javascript message "Calling history.replaceState" should be logged
And the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- url: about:blank
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/sessions/history_replace_state.html?state=2
title: Test title
Scenario: Saving a session with a page using history.replaceState() and navigating away (qtwebkit)
When I open data/sessions/history_replace_state.html
And I open data/hello.txt
Then the javascript message "Calling history.replaceState" should be logged
And the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- url: about:blank
- url: http://localhost:*/data/sessions/history_replace_state.html?state=2
# What we'd *really* expect here is "Test title", but that
# workaround is the best we can do.
title: http://localhost:*/data/sessions/history_replace_state.html?state=2
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt
# Seems like that bug is fixed upstream in QtWebEngine
Scenario: Saving a session with a page using history.replaceState() and navigating away
When I open data/sessions/history_replace_state.html without waiting
And I wait for "* Calling history.replaceState" in the log
And I open data/hello.txt
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- url: about:blank
- url: http://localhost:*/data/sessions/history_replace_state.html?state=2
title: Test title
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt
# :session-save
Scenario: Saving to a directory
When I run :session-save (tmpdir)
Then the error "Error while saving session: *" should be shown
Scenario: Saving internal session without --force
When I run :session-save _internal
Then the error "_internal is an internal session, use --force to save anyways." should be shown
And the session _internal should not exist
Scenario: Saving internal session with --force
When I run :session-save --force _internal_force
Then the message "Saved session _internal_force." should be shown
And the session _internal_force should exist
Scenario: Saving current session without one loaded
Given I have a fresh instance
And I run :session-save --current
Then the error "No session loaded currently!" should be shown
Scenario: Saving current session after one is loaded
When I open data/numbers/1.txt
When I run :session-save current_session
And I run :session-load current_session
And I wait until data/numbers/1.txt is loaded
And I run :session-save --current
Then the message "Saved session current_session." should be shown
Scenario: Saving session
When I run :session-save session_name
Then the message "Saved session session_name." should be shown
And the session session_name should exist
Scenario: Saving session with --quiet
When I run :session-save --quiet quiet_session
Then "Saved session quiet_session." should not be logged
And the session quiet_session should exist
Scenario: Saving session with --only-active-window
When I open data/numbers/1.txt
And I open data/numbers/2.txt in a new tab
And I open data/numbers/3.txt in a new window
And I open data/numbers/4.txt in a new tab
And I open data/numbers/5.txt in a new tab
And I run :session-save --only-active-window window_session_name
And I run :window-only
And I run :tab-only
And I run :session-load window_session_name
And I wait until data/numbers/5.txt is loaded
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/5.txt
- tabs:
- history:
- url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/3.txt
- history:
- url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/4.txt
- history:
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/5.txt
# :session-delete
Scenario: Deleting a directory
When I run :session-delete (tmpdir)
Then "Error while deleting session!" should be logged
And the error "Error while deleting session: *" should be shown
Scenario: Deleting internal session without --force
When I run :session-save --force _internal
And I run :session-delete _internal
Then the error "_internal is an internal session, use --force to delete anyways." should be shown
And the session _internal should exist
Scenario: Deleting internal session with --force
When I run :session-save --force _internal
And I run :session-delete --force _internal
And I wait for "Deleted session _internal." in the log
Then the session _internal should not exist
Scenario: Normally deleting a session
When I run :session-save deleted_session
And I run :session-delete deleted_session
And I wait for "Deleted session deleted_session." in the log
Then the session deleted_session should not exist
Scenario: Deleting a session which doesn't exist
When I run :session-delete inexistent_session
Then the error "Session inexistent_session not found!" should be shown
# :session-load
Scenario: Loading a directory
When I run :session-load (tmpdir)
Then the error "Error while loading session: *" should be shown
Scenario: Loading internal session without --force
When I run :session-save --force _internal
And I run :session-load _internal
Then the error "_internal is an internal session, use --force to load anyways." should be shown
Scenario: Loading internal session with --force
When I open about:blank
And I run :session-save --force _internal
And I replace "about:blank" by "http://localhost:(port)/data/numbers/1.txt" in the "_internal" session file
And I run :session-load --force _internal
Then data/numbers/1.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Normally loading a session
When I open about:blank
And I run :session-save loaded_session
And I replace "about:blank" by "http://localhost:(port)/data/numbers/2.txt" in the "loaded_session" session file
And I run :session-load loaded_session
Then data/numbers/2.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Loading a session which doesn't exist
When I run :session-load inexistent_session
Then the error "Session inexistent_session not found!" should be shown