.desktop file, icon, and a note about installing them, for packagers. Please, for the love of flying spaghetti monster, someone make a better icon. This is just here so the desktop file has something to use. .desktop file worked on kde4 and kde5. Should work on everything else too as it's dead simple Icon is from breeze icons licensed under the LGPL https://github.com/NitruxSA/plasma-next-icons/blob/master/apps/software/network-manager.svg Add a note for packagers since we can't use setup.py to install non-code resources to system locations.
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Installing qutebrowser
On Debian / Ubuntu
qutebrowser should run on these systems:
* Debian jessie or newer
* Ubuntu Trusty (14.04 LTS) or newer
Install the dependencies via apt-get:
# apt-get install python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit python3-pkg-resources python3-pip python3-jinja2 python3-pygments
To generate the documentation for the `:help` command, when using the git
repository (rather than a release):
# apt-get install asciidoc
# python3 scripts/asciidoc2html.py
Then install qutebrowser:
# python3 setup.py install
On Archlinux
There's an Archlinux package available in the
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/qutebrowser-git/[Archlinux AUR].
You can install it like this:
$ mkdir qutebrowser
$ cd qutebrowser
$ wget https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/qu/qutebrowser-git/PKGBUILD
$ makepkg -si
or you could use an AUR helper, e.g. `yaourt -S qutebrowser-git`.
On Gentoo
A dedicated overlay is available on
https://github.com/posativ/qutebrowser-overlay[GitHub]. To install it, add the
overlay with http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Layman[layman]:
# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/posativ/qutebrowser-overlay/master/overlays.xml -O /etc/layman/overlays/qutebrowser.xml
# layman -a qutebrowser
Note, that Qt5 is available in the portage tree, but masked. You may need to do
a lot of keywording to install qutebrowser. Also make sure you have `python3_4`
in your `PYTHON_TARGETS` (`/etc/portage/make.conf`) and rebuild your system
(`emerge -uDNav @world`). Afterwards, you can install qutebrowser:
# emerge -av qutebrowser
On Windows
// FIXME: use setup.py to install all dependencies
* Use the installer from http://www.python.org/downloads[python.org] to get Python 3
* Use the installer from
http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download5[Riverbank computing]
to get Qt and PyQt5.
* Run `scripts/ez_setup.py` to get setuptools.
* Get pip as described http://stackoverflow.com/a/12476379[on Stack Overflow].
* Run `pip install pypeg2` to install pypeg2.
* Run `pip install jinja2` to install jinja2, or install it from
* Run `pip install pygments` to install pygments, or install it from
As soon as v0.1 is out, a standalone .exe (built with
http://cx-freeze.sourceforge.net/[cx_Freeze]) will be provided. In the
meantime, you can simply ask in IRC if you need one.
Running qutebrowser on OS X requires compiling PyQt5 by hand. These steps have
been tested on OS X Mavericks:
* Install XCode from the Appstore
* Open a Terminal
* Run `xcode-select --install`
* Install the XCode commandline tools
* Run `sudo /usr/bin/xcodebuild` and accept the license.
* http://www.qt.io/download-open-source/[Download] and run the Qt5 installer.
If you want, you can deselect Android/iOS when selecting the components to be
* Run `sed -i -e 's/macosx10\.8/macosx10\.9/' ~/Qt/5.3/clang_64/mkspecs/qdevice.pri`
* http://www.python.org/downloads/[Download] and install the Python 3
installer. After opening the `.dmg`, right-click on 'Python.mpkg' and click
'Open' to run it -- double-clicking won't work.
* Download SIP and PyQt5 from Riverbank Coputing
* Open a Terminal and use `cd ~/Downloads` to get to the download directory.
* Use `tar xzvf sip-*.tar` to extract SIP and `cd sip-*` to change into the
SIP directory
* Run `python3 configure.py`, `make` and `sudo make install`.
* Use `cd ~/Downloads` to get back to the download directory.
* Use `tar xvf PyQt-*.tar` to extract PyQt and `cd PyQt-*` to change into the
PyQt directory.
* Run `sed -i -e "s/qmake_QT=\['webkit', 'network'\]/qmake_QT=['webkit',
'network', 'printsupport']/" configure.py`
* Run `sed -i -e "s/qmake_QT=\['webkitwidgets'\]/qmake_QT=['webkitwidgets',
'printsupport']/" configure.py`
* Run `python3 configure.py --qmake ~/Qt/5.3/clang_64/bin/qmake --sip
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin/sip` and accept
the license.
* Run `make` and `sudo make install`.
* Run `python3 setup.py install` to install all other dependencies
Running qutebrowser
// FIXME setup.py / venv
After installing the requirements, you have these options:
* Run qutebrowser directly via `./qutebrowser.py` in the toplevel directory.
* Run `python3 setup.py install` to install qutebrowser, then call
NOTE: If you're running qutebrowser from the git repository rather than a
released version, you should run `scripts/asciidoc2html.py` to generate the
There are example .desktop and icon files provided. They would go in the
standard location for your distro (/usr/share/applications and
/usr/share/pixmaps for example).
The normal `setup.py install` doesn't install these files, so you'll have to do
it as part of the packaging process. |