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244 lines
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Feature: Scrolling
Tests the various scroll commands.
Given I open data/scroll.html
And I run :tab-only
## :scroll-px
Scenario: Scrolling pixel-wise vertically
When I run :scroll-px 0 10
Then the page should be scrolled vertically
Scenario: Scrolling pixel-wise horizontally
When I run :scroll-px 10 0
Then the page should be scrolled horizontally
Scenario: Scrolling down and up
When I run :scroll-px 10 0
And I run :scroll-px -10 0
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling right and left
When I run :scroll-px 0 10
And I run :scroll-px 0 -10
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling down and up with count
When I run :scroll-px 0 10 with count 2
When I run :scroll-px 0 -10
When I run :scroll-px 0 -10
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling left and right with count
When I run :scroll-px 10 0 with count 2
When I run :scroll-px -10 0
When I run :scroll-px -10 0
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: :scroll-px with a very big value
When I run :scroll-px 99999999999 0
Then the error "Numeric argument is too large for internal int representation." should be shown
Scenario: :scroll-px on a page without scrolling
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :scroll-px 10 10
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: :scroll-px with floats
# This used to be allowed, but doesn't make much sense.
When I run :scroll-px 2.5 2.5
Then the error "dx: Invalid int value 2.5" should be shown
And the page should not be scrolled
## :scroll
Scenario: Scrolling down
When I run :scroll down
Then the page should be scrolled vertically
Scenario: Scrolling down and up
When I run :scroll down
And I run :scroll up
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling right
When I run :scroll right
Then the page should be scrolled horizontally
Scenario: Scrolling right and left
When I run :scroll right
And I run :scroll left
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling with page down
When I run :scroll page-down
Then the page should be scrolled vertically
Scenario: Scrolling with page down and page up
When I run :scroll page-down
And I run :scroll page-up
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling to bottom
When I run :scroll bottom
Then the page should be scrolled vertically
Scenario: Scrolling to bottom and to top
When I run :scroll bottom
And I run :scroll top
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: :scroll with invalid argument
When I run :scroll foobar
Then the error "Invalid value 'foobar' for direction - expected one of: bottom, down, left, page-down, page-up, right, top, up" should be shown
And the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling down and up with count
When I run :scroll down with count 2
And I run :scroll up
And I run :scroll up
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling right
When I run :scroll right
Then the page should be scrolled horizontally
Scenario: Scrolling right and left
When I run :scroll right
And I run :scroll left
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling right and left with count
When I run :scroll right with count 2
And I run :scroll left
And I run :scroll left
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling down with a very big count
When I run :scroll down with count 99999999999
# Make sure it doesn't hang
And I run :message-info "Still alive!"
Then the message "Still alive!" should be shown
Scenario: :scroll on a page without scrolling
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :scroll down
Then no crash should happen
## :scroll-perc
Scenario: Scrolling to bottom with :scroll-perc
When I run :scroll-perc 100
Then the page should be scrolled vertically
Scenario: Scrolling to bottom and to top with :scroll-perc
When I run :scroll-perc 100
And I run :scroll-perc 0
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling to middle with :scroll-perc
When I run :scroll-perc 50
Then the page should be scrolled vertically
Scenario: Scrolling to middle with :scroll-perc (float)
When I run :scroll-perc 50.5
Then the page should be scrolled vertically
Scenario: Scrolling to middle and to top with :scroll-perc
When I run :scroll-perc 50
And I run :scroll-perc 0
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling to right with :scroll-perc
When I run :scroll-perc --horizontal 100
Then the page should be scrolled horizontally
Scenario: Scrolling to right and to left with :scroll-perc
When I run :scroll-perc --horizontal 100
And I run :scroll-perc --horizontal 0
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling to middle (horizontally) with :scroll-perc
When I run :scroll-perc --horizontal 50
Then the page should be scrolled horizontally
Scenario: Scrolling to middle and to left with :scroll-perc
When I run :scroll-perc --horizontal 50
And I run :scroll-perc --horizontal 0
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: :scroll-perc without argument
When I run :scroll-perc
Then the page should be scrolled vertically
Scenario: :scroll-perc without argument and --horizontal
When I run :scroll-perc --horizontal
Then the page should be scrolled horizontally
Scenario: :scroll-perc with count
When I run :scroll-perc with count 50
Then the page should be scrolled vertically
Scenario: :scroll-perc with a very big value
When I run :scroll-perc 99999999999
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: :scroll-perc on a page without scrolling
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :scroll-perc 20
Then no crash should happen
## :scroll-page
Scenario: Scrolling down with :scroll-page
When I run :scroll-page 0 1
Then the page should be scrolled vertically
Scenario: Scrolling down with :scroll-page (float)
When I run :scroll-page 0 1.5
Then the page should be scrolled vertically
Scenario: Scrolling down and up with :scroll-page
When I run :scroll-page 0 1
And I run :scroll-page 0 -1
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling right with :scroll-page
When I run :scroll-page 1 0
Then the page should be scrolled horizontally
Scenario: Scrolling right with :scroll-page (float)
When I run :scroll-page 1.5 0
Then the page should be scrolled horizontally
Scenario: Scrolling right and left with :scroll-page
When I run :scroll-page 1 0
And I run :scroll-page -1 0
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: Scrolling right and left with :scroll-page and count
When I run :scroll-page 1 0 with count 2
And I run :scroll-page -1 0
And I run :scroll-page -1 0
Then the page should not be scrolled
Scenario: :scroll-page with --bottom-navigate
When I run :scroll-perc 100
And I run :scroll-page --bottom-navigate next 0 1
Then data/hello2.txt should be loaded
Scenario: :scroll-page with --top-navigate
When I run :scroll-page --top-navigate prev 0 -1
Then data/hello3.txt should be loaded
Scenario: :scroll-page with a very big value
When I run :scroll-page 99999999999 99999999999
Then the error "Numeric argument is too large for internal int representation." should be shown
Scenario: :scroll-page on a page without scrolling
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :scroll-page 1 1
Then no crash should happen