The test was failing because of two reasons: First, the old code had filename questions in DownloadManager.get and DownloadManager.fetch which were almost identical, thus the part in DownloadManager.get was removed in an earlier commit. All filename asking is now done by DownloadManager.fetch. The good part is code deduplication, the bad part is slightly modified behavior: The new code doesn't wait for a filename to start the download, instead it tries to fill the buffer immediately. This made the test fail because qute:// has no registered handler, so in order for the test to pass now, the "no crash" part is not enough, we also need to expect the "No handler" error. Secondly, and a rather rare (race) condition was the handling of errors in the DownloadItem. If an error occured after the registration of self.on_reply_error as error handler and before the check reply.error() != QNetworkReply.NoError at the end of the function, the error signal would be emitted twice: Once by _die() (called by on_reply_error), and once by the init_reply function directly (in the last if block). This lead to duplicated error messages. This is also explained in a comment in the file (with small "stack traces").
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Feature: Downloading things from a website.
Given I set up a temporary download dir
And I clean old downloads
Scenario: Downloading which redirects with closed tab (issue 889)
When I set tabs -> last-close to blank
And I open data/downloads/issue889.html
And I run :hint links download
And I run :follow-hint a
And I run :tab-close
And I wait for "* Handling redirect" in the log
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Downloading with error in closed tab (issue 889)
When I set tabs -> last-close to blank
And I open data/downloads/issue889.html
And I run :hint links download
And I run :follow-hint s
And I run :tab-close
And I wait for the error "Download error: * - server replied: NOT FOUND"
And I run :download-retry
And I wait for the error "Download error: * - server replied: NOT FOUND"
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Downloading a link without path information (issue 1243)
When I set completion -> download-path-suggestion to filename
And I set storage -> prompt-download-directory to true
And I open data/downloads/issue1243.html
And I run :hint links download
And I run :follow-hint a
And I wait for "Asking question <qutebrowser.utils.usertypes.Question default='qutebrowser-download' mode=< 5> text='Save file to:'>, *" in the log
Then the error "Download error: No handler found for qute://!" should be shown
Scenario: Downloading a data: link (issue 1214)
When I set completion -> download-path-suggestion to filename
And I set storage -> prompt-download-directory to true
And I open data/downloads/issue1214.html
And I run :hint links download
And I run :follow-hint a
And I wait for "Asking question <qutebrowser.utils.usertypes.Question default='binary blob' mode=< 5> text='Save file to:'>, *" in the log
And I run :leave-mode
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Downloading with SSL errors (issue 1413)
When I run :debug-clear-ssl-errors
And I set network -> ssl-strict to ask
And I download an SSL page
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.* (reason: question asked)" in the log
And I run :prompt-accept
Then the error "Download error: SSL handshake failed" should be shown
Scenario: Retrying a failed download
When I run :download http://localhost:(port)/does-not-exist
And I wait for the error "Download error: * - server replied: NOT FOUND"
And I run :download-retry
And I wait for the error "Download error: * - server replied: NOT FOUND"
Then the requests should be:
Scenario: Retrying with no failed downloads
When I open data/downloads/download.bin
And I wait until the download is finished
And I run :download-retry
Then the error "No failed downloads!" should be shown
Scenario: Retrying with no downloads
When I run :download-retry
Then the error "No failed downloads!" should be shown
Scenario: :download with deprecated dest-old argument
When I run :download http://localhost:(port)/ deprecated-argument
Then the warning ":download [url] [dest] is deprecated - use download --dest [dest] [url]" should be shown
Scenario: Two destinations given
When I run :download --dest destination2 http://localhost:(port)/ destination1
Then the warning ":download [url] [dest] is deprecated - use download --dest [dest] [url]" should be shown
And the error "Can't give two destinations for the download." should be shown
Scenario: :download --mhtml with a URL given
When I run :download --mhtml http://foobar/
Then the error "Can only download the current page as mhtml." should be shown
Scenario: Downloading as mhtml is available
When I open html
And I run :download --mhtml
And I wait for "File successfully written." in the log
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Downloading as mhtml with non-ASCII headers
When I open response-headers?Content-Type=text%2Fpl%C3%A4in
And I run :download --mhtml --dest mhtml-response-headers.mht
And I wait for "File successfully written." in the log
Then no crash should happen
## :download-cancel
Scenario: Cancelling a download
When I run :download http://localhost:(port)/drip?numbytes=128&duration=5
And I run :download-cancel
Then "cancelled" should be logged
Scenario: Cancelling a download which does not exist
When I run :download-cancel with count 42
Then the error "There's no download 42!" should be shown
Scenario: Cancelling a download which is already done
When I open data/downloads/download.bin
And I wait until the download is finished
And I run :download-cancel
Then the error "Download 1 is already done!" should be shown
Scenario: Cancelling a download which is already done (with count)
When I open data/downloads/download.bin
And I wait until the download is finished
And I run :download-cancel with count 1
Then the error "Download 1 is already done!" should be shown
Scenario: Cancelling all downloads
When I run :download http://localhost:(port)/drip?numbytes=128&duration=5
And I run :download http://localhost:(port)/drip?numbytes=128&duration=5
And I run :download-cancel --all
Then "cancelled" should be logged
And "cancelled" should be logged
Scenario: Cancelling an MHTML download (issue 1535)
When I open data/downloads/issue1535.html
And I run :download --mhtml
And I wait for "fetch: PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl('http://localhost:*/drip?numbytes=128&duration=2') -> drip" in the log
And I run :download-cancel
Then no crash should happen
## :download-delete
Scenario: Deleting a download
When I open data/downloads/download.bin
And I wait until the download is finished
And I run :download-delete
And I wait for "deleted download *" in the log
Then the downloaded file download.bin should not exist
Scenario: Deleting a download which does not exist
When I run :download-delete with count 42
Then the error "There's no download 42!" should be shown
Scenario: Deleting a download which is not done yet
When I run :download http://localhost:(port)/drip?numbytes=128&duration=5
And I run :download-delete
Then the error "Download 1 is not done!" should be shown
Scenario: Deleting a download which is not done yet (with count)
When I run :download http://localhost:(port)/drip?numbytes=128&duration=5
And I run :download-delete with count 1
Then the error "Download 1 is not done!" should be shown
## :download-open
# Scenario: Opening a download
# When I open data/downloads/download.bin
# And I wait until the download is finished
# And I run :download-open
# Then ...
Scenario: Opening a download which does not exist
When I run :download-open with count 42
Then the error "There's no download 42!" should be shown
Scenario: Opening a download which is not done yet
When I run :download http://localhost:(port)/drip?numbytes=128&duration=5
And I run :download-open
Then the error "Download 1 is not done!" should be shown
Scenario: Opening a download which is not done yet (with count)
When I run :download http://localhost:(port)/drip?numbytes=128&duration=5
And I run :download-open with count 1
Then the error "Download 1 is not done!" should be shown
## completion -> download-path-suggestion
Scenario: completion -> download-path-suggestion = path
When I set storage -> prompt-download-directory to true
And I set completion -> download-path-suggestion to path
And I open data/downloads/download.bin
Then the download prompt should be shown with "{downloaddir}/"
Scenario: completion -> download-path-suggestion = filename
When I set storage -> prompt-download-directory to true
And I set completion -> download-path-suggestion to filename
And I open data/downloads/download.bin
Then the download prompt should be shown with "download.bin"
Scenario: completion -> download-path-suggestion = both
When I set storage -> prompt-download-directory to true
And I set completion -> download-path-suggestion to both
And I open data/downloads/download.bin
Then the download prompt should be shown with "{downloaddir}/download.bin"
Scenario: Closing window with remove-finished-downloads timeout
When I set ui -> remove-finished-downloads to 500
And I open data/downloads/download.bin in a new window
And I wait until the download is finished
And I run :close
And I wait 0.5s
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Quitting with finished downloads and confirm-quit=downloads
Given I have a fresh instance
When I set storage -> prompt-download-directory to false
And I set ui -> confirm-quit to downloads
And I open data/downloads/download.bin
And I wait until the download is finished
And I run :close
Then qutebrowser should quit