When the user pressed esc during an SSL prompt, the message.ask call returned None, which was handled fine by QtWebKit (which simply used an 'if') but failed with QtWebEngine (which returned the value to Qt). Fixes #2123.
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Feature: Prompts
Various prompts (javascript, SSL errors, authentification, etc.)
Given I set general -> log-javascript-console to debug
# Javascript
Scenario: Javascript alert
When I open data/prompt/jsalert.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept
Then the javascript message "Alert done" should be logged
Scenario: Using content -> ignore-javascript-alert
When I set content -> ignore-javascript-alert to true
And I open data/prompt/jsalert.html
And I run :click-element id button
Then the javascript message "Alert done" should be logged
Scenario: Javascript confirm - yes
When I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept yes
Then the javascript message "confirm reply: true" should be logged
Scenario: Javascript confirm - no
When I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept no
Then the javascript message "confirm reply: false" should be logged
Scenario: Javascript confirm - aborted
When I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :leave-mode
Then the javascript message "confirm reply: false" should be logged
Scenario: Javascript prompt
When I open data/prompt/jsprompt.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I press the keys "prompt test"
And I run :prompt-accept
Then the javascript message "Prompt reply: prompt test" should be logged
Scenario: Javascript prompt with default
When I open data/prompt/jsprompt.html
And I run :click-element id button-default
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept
Then the javascript message "Prompt reply: default" should be logged
Scenario: Rejected javascript prompt
When I open data/prompt/jsprompt.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I press the keys "prompt test"
And I run :leave-mode
Then the javascript message "Prompt reply: null" should be logged
# Multiple prompts
@qtwebengine_skip: QtWebEngine refuses to load anything with a JS question
Scenario: Blocking question interrupted by blocking one
When I set content -> ignore-javascript-alert to false
And I open data/prompt/jsalert.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
# JS confirm
And I run :prompt-accept yes
# JS alert
And I run :prompt-accept
Then the javascript message "confirm reply: true" should be logged
And the javascript message "Alert done" should be logged
@qtwebengine_skip: QtWebEngine refuses to load anything with a JS question
Scenario: Blocking question interrupted by async one
When I set content -> ignore-javascript-alert to false
And I set content -> notifications to ask
And I open data/prompt/jsalert.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I open data/prompt/notifications.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
# JS alert
And I run :prompt-accept
# notification permission
And I run :prompt-accept yes
Then the javascript message "Alert done" should be logged
And the javascript message "notification permission granted" should be logged
@qtwebengine_todo: Notifications are not implemented in QtWebEngine
Scenario: Async question interrupted by async one
When I set content -> notifications to ask
And I open data/prompt/notifications.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :quickmark-save
And I wait for a prompt
# notification permission
And I run :prompt-accept yes
# quickmark
And I run :prompt-accept test
Then the javascript message "notification permission granted" should be logged
And "Added quickmark test for *" should be logged
@qtwebengine_todo: Notifications are not implemented in QtWebEngine
Scenario: Async question interrupted by blocking one
When I set content -> notifications to ask
And I set content -> ignore-javascript-alert to false
And I open data/prompt/notifications.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I open data/prompt/jsalert.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
# JS alert
And I run :prompt-accept
# notification permission
And I run :prompt-accept yes
Then the javascript message "Alert done" should be logged
And the javascript message "notification permission granted" should be logged
# Shift-Insert with prompt (issue 1299)
Scenario: Pasting via shift-insert in prompt mode
When selection is supported
And I put "insert test" into the primary selection
And I open data/prompt/jsprompt.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I press the keys "<Shift-Insert>"
And I run :prompt-accept
Then the javascript message "Prompt reply: insert test" should be logged
Scenario: Pasting via shift-insert without it being supported
When selection is not supported
And I put "insert test" into the primary selection
And I open data/prompt/jsprompt.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I press the keys "<Shift-Insert>"
And I run :prompt-accept
Then the javascript message "Prompt reply: " should be logged
Scenario: Using content -> ignore-javascript-prompt
When I set content -> ignore-javascript-prompt to true
And I open data/prompt/jsprompt.html
And I run :click-element id button
Then the javascript message "Prompt reply: null" should be logged
Scenario: SSL error with ssl-strict = false
When I clear SSL errors
And I set network -> ssl-strict to false
And I load an SSL page
And I wait until the SSL page finished loading
Then the error "Certificate error: *" should be shown
And the page should contain the plaintext "Hello World via SSL!"
Scenario: SSL error with ssl-strict = true
When I clear SSL errors
And I set network -> ssl-strict to true
And I load an SSL page
Then a SSL error page should be shown
Scenario: SSL error with ssl-strict = ask -> yes
When I clear SSL errors
And I set network -> ssl-strict to ask
And I load an SSL page
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept yes
And I wait until the SSL page finished loading
Then the page should contain the plaintext "Hello World via SSL!"
Scenario: SSL error with ssl-strict = ask -> no
When I clear SSL errors
And I set network -> ssl-strict to ask
And I load an SSL page
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept no
Then a SSL error page should be shown
Scenario: SSL error with ssl-strict = ask -> abort
When I clear SSL errors
And I set network -> ssl-strict to ask
And I load an SSL page
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :leave-mode
Then a SSL error page should be shown
# Geolocation
Scenario: Always rejecting geolocation
When I set content -> geolocation to false
And I open data/prompt/geolocation.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
Then the javascript message "geolocation permission denied" should be logged
@ci @not_osx
Scenario: Always accepting geolocation
When I set content -> geolocation to true
And I open data/prompt/geolocation.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
Then the javascript message "geolocation permission denied" should not be logged
@ci @not_osx
Scenario: geolocation with ask -> true
When I set content -> geolocation to ask
And I open data/prompt/geolocation.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept yes
Then the javascript message "geolocation permission denied" should not be logged
Scenario: geolocation with ask -> false
When I set content -> geolocation to ask
And I open data/prompt/geolocation.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept no
Then the javascript message "geolocation permission denied" should be logged
Scenario: geolocation with ask -> abort
When I set content -> geolocation to ask
And I open data/prompt/geolocation.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :leave-mode
Then the javascript message "geolocation permission denied" should be logged
# Notifications
@qtwebengine_todo: Notifications are not implemented in QtWebEngine
Scenario: Always rejecting notifications
When I set content -> notifications to false
And I open data/prompt/notifications.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
Then the javascript message "notification permission denied" should be logged
@qtwebengine_todo: Notifications are not implemented in QtWebEngine
Scenario: Always accepting notifications
When I set content -> notifications to true
And I open data/prompt/notifications.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
Then the javascript message "notification permission granted" should be logged
@qtwebengine_todo: Notifications are not implemented in QtWebEngine
Scenario: notifications with ask -> false
When I set content -> notifications to ask
And I open data/prompt/notifications.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept no
Then the javascript message "notification permission denied" should be logged
@qtwebengine_todo: Notifications are not implemented in QtWebEngine
Scenario: notifications with ask -> true
When I set content -> notifications to ask
And I open data/prompt/notifications.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept yes
Then the javascript message "notification permission granted" should be logged
# This actually gives us a denied rather than an aborted
Scenario: notifications with ask -> abort
When I set content -> notifications to ask
And I open data/prompt/notifications.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :leave-mode
Then the javascript message "notification permission aborted" should be logged
@qtwebengine_todo: Notifications are not implemented in QtWebEngine
Scenario: answering notification after closing tab
When I set content -> notifications to ask
And I open data/prompt/notifications.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :tab-close
And I wait for "Leaving mode KeyMode.yesno (reason: aborted)" in the log
Then no crash should happen
# Page authentication
Scenario: Successful webpage authentification
When I open basic-auth/user1/password1 without waiting
And I wait for a prompt
And I press the keys "user1"
And I run :prompt-accept
And I press the keys "password1"
And I run :prompt-accept
And I wait until basic-auth/user1/password1 is loaded
Then the json on the page should be:
"authenticated": true,
"user": "user1"
Scenario: Authentication with :prompt-accept value
When I open about:blank in a new tab
And I open basic-auth/user2/password2 without waiting
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept user2:password2
And I wait until basic-auth/user2/password2 is loaded
Then the json on the page should be:
"authenticated": true,
"user": "user2"
Scenario: Authentication with invalid :prompt-accept value
When I open about:blank in a new tab
And I open basic-auth/user3/password3 without waiting
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept foo
And I run :prompt-accept user3:password3
Then the error "Value needs to be in the format username:password, but foo was given" should be shown
Scenario: Tabbing between username and password
When I open about:blank in a new tab
And I open basic-auth/user4/password4 without waiting
And I wait for a prompt
And I press the keys "us"
And I run :prompt-item-focus next
And I press the keys "password4"
And I run :prompt-item-focus prev
And I press the keys "er4"
And I run :prompt-accept
And I run :prompt-accept
And I wait until basic-auth/user4/password4 is loaded
Then the json on the page should be:
"authenticated": true,
"user": "user4"
# :prompt-accept with value argument
Scenario: Javascript alert with value
When I set content -> ignore-javascript-alert to false
And I open data/prompt/jsalert.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept foobar
And I run :prompt-accept
Then the javascript message "Alert done" should be logged
And the error "No value is permitted with alert prompts!" should be shown
Scenario: Javascript prompt with value
When I set content -> ignore-javascript-prompt to false
And I open data/prompt/jsprompt.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I press the keys "prompt test"
And I run :prompt-accept "overridden value"
Then the javascript message "Prompt reply: overridden value" should be logged
Scenario: Javascript confirm with invalid value
When I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept nope
And I run :prompt-accept yes
Then the javascript message "confirm reply: true" should be logged
And the error "Invalid value nope - expected yes/no!" should be shown
Scenario: Javascript confirm with default value
When I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept
And I run :prompt-accept yes
Then the javascript message "confirm reply: true" should be logged
And the error "No default value was set for this question!" should be shown
Scenario: Javascript confirm with deprecated :prompt-yes command
When I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-yes
Then the javascript message "confirm reply: true" should be logged
And the warning "prompt-yes is deprecated - Use :prompt-accept yes instead!" should be shown
Scenario: Javascript confirm with deprecated :prompt-no command
When I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-no
Then the javascript message "confirm reply: false" should be logged
And the warning "prompt-no is deprecated - Use :prompt-accept no instead!" should be shown
# Other
Scenario: Shutting down with a question
When I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :quit
Then the javascript message "confirm reply: false" should be logged
And qutebrowser should quit
Scenario: Using :prompt-open-download with a prompt which does not support it
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :quickmark-save
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-open-download
And I run :prompt-accept test-prompt-open-download
Then "Added quickmark test-prompt-open-download for *" should be logged
Scenario: Using :prompt-item-focus with a prompt which does not support it
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :quickmark-save
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-item-focus next
And I run :prompt-accept test-prompt-item-focus
Then "Added quickmark test-prompt-item-focus for *" should be logged
Scenario: Getting question in command mode
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :later 500 quickmark-save
And I run :set-cmd-text :
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :prompt-accept prompt-in-command-mode
Then "Added quickmark prompt-in-command-mode for *" should be logged
# https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/1093
@qtwebengine_skip: QtWebEngine doesn't open the second page/prompt
Scenario: Keyboard focus with multiple auth prompts
When I open basic-auth/user5/password5 without waiting
And I open basic-auth/user6/password6 in a new tab without waiting
And I wait for a prompt
And I wait for a prompt
# Second prompt (showed first)
And I press the keys "user6"
And I press the key "<Enter>"
And I press the keys "password6"
And I press the key "<Enter>"
And I wait until basic-auth/user6/password6 is loaded
# First prompt
And I press the keys "user5"
And I press the key "<Enter>"
And I press the keys "password5"
And I press the key "<Enter>"
And I wait until basic-auth/user5/password5 is loaded
# We're on the second page
Then the json on the page should be:
"authenticated": true,
"user": "user6"
# https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/1249#issuecomment-175205531
# https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/pull/2054#issuecomment-258285544
@qtwebengine_todo: Notifications are not implemented in QtWebEngine
Scenario: Interrupting SSL prompt during a notification prompt
When I set content -> notifications to ask
And I set network -> ssl-strict to ask
And I open data/prompt/notifications.html in a new tab
And I run :click-element id button
And I wait for a prompt
And I open about:blank in a new tab
And I load an SSL page
And I wait for a prompt
And I run :tab-close
And I run :prompt-accept yes
Then the javascript message "notification permission granted" should be logged