Two history end2end tests are failing because sqlite is not flushing to disk in time to be read by the test process. My understanding is that sqlite should take an exclusive lock while writing, so it is difficult to understand why this is happening. This can be fixed by adding a delay, but that seems flaky. I'm fixing it by checking qute://history instead of reading the database file. See: and the following discussion.
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# vim: ft=cucumber fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
Feature: Page history
Make sure the global page history is saved correctly.
Given I open about:blank
And I run :history-clear --force
Scenario: Simple history saving
When I open data/numbers/1.txt
And I open data/numbers/2.txt
Then the history file should contain:
Scenario: History item with title
When I open data/title.html
Then the history file should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html Test title
Scenario: History item with redirect
When I open redirect-to?url=data/title.html without waiting
And I wait until data/title.html is loaded
Then the history file should contain:
r http://localhost:(port)/redirect-to?url=data/title.html Test title
http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html Test title
Scenario: History item with spaces in URL
When I open data/title with spaces.html
Then the history file should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/title%20with%20spaces.html Test title
Scenario: History item with umlauts
When I open data/äöü.html
Then the history file should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/%C3%A4%C3%B6%C3%BC.html Chäschüechli
# The following two tests use qute://history instead of checking the
# history file due to a race condition with sqlite.
@flaky @qtwebengine_todo: Error page message is not implemented
Scenario: History with an error
When I run :open file:///does/not/exist
And I wait for "Error while loading file:///does/not/exist: Error opening /does/not/exist: *" in the log
And I open qute://history
Then the page should contain the plaintext "Error loading page: file:///does/not/exist"
@qtwebengine_todo: Error page message is not implemented
Scenario: History with a 404
When I open status/404 without waiting
And I wait for "Error while loading http://localhost:*/status/404: NOT FOUND" in the log
And I open qute://history
Then the page should contain the plaintext "Error loading page: http://localhost:"
And the page should contain the plaintext "/status/404"
Scenario: History with invalid URL
When I run :tab-only
And I open data/javascript/window_open.html
And I run :click-element id open-invalid
Then "Changing title for idx 1 to 'about:blank'" should be logged
Scenario: History with data URL
When I open data/data_link.html
And I run :click-element id link
And I wait until data:;base64,cXV0ZWJyb3dzZXI= is loaded
Then the history file should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/data_link.html data: link
Scenario: History with view-source URL
When I open data/title.html
And I run :view-source
And I wait for "Changing title for idx * to 'Source for http://localhost:*/data/title.html'" in the log
Then the history file should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/title.html Test title
Scenario: Clearing history
When I open data/title.html
And I run :history-clear --force
Then the history file should be empty
Scenario: Clearing history with confirmation
When I open data/title.html
And I run :history-clear
And I wait for "Asking question <* title='Clear all browsing history?'>, *" in the log
And I run :prompt-accept yes
Then the history file should be empty
Scenario: History with yanked URL and 'add to history' flag
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "--add-history links yank" and follow a
Then the history file should contain:
http://localhost:(port)/data/hints/html/simple.html Simple link
Scenario: Listing history
When I open data/numbers/3.txt
And I open data/numbers/4.txt
And I open qute://history
Then the page should contain the plaintext "3.txt"
Then the page should contain the plaintext "4.txt"
Scenario: Listing history with qute:history redirect
When I open data/numbers/3.txt
And I open data/numbers/4.txt
And I open qute:history without waiting
And I wait until qute://history is loaded
Then the page should contain the plaintext "3.txt"
Then the page should contain the plaintext "4.txt"
## Bugs
@qtwebengine_skip @qtwebkit_ng_skip
Scenario: Opening a valid URL which turns out invalid
When I set general -> auto-search to true
And I run :open http://foo%40bar@baz
Then "QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified" should be logged
And "Error while loading : Host not found" should be logged