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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2014-2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
"""Tests for the webelement utils."""
from unittest import mock
import collections.abc
from PyQt5.QtCore import QRect, QPoint
from PyQt5.QtWebKit import QWebElement
import pytest
from qutebrowser.browser import webelem
def get_webelem(geometry=None, frame=None, null=False, visibility='',
display='', attributes=None, tagname=None, classes=None):
"""Factory for WebElementWrapper objects based on a mock.
geometry: The geometry of the QWebElement as QRect.
frame: The QWebFrame the element is in.
null: Whether the element is null or not.
visibility: The CSS visibility style property value.
display: The CSS display style property value.
attributes: Boolean HTML attributes to be added.
tagname: The tag name.
classes: HTML classes to be added.
elem = mock.Mock()
elem.isNull.return_value = null
elem.geometry.return_value = geometry
elem.webFrame.return_value = frame
elem.tagName.return_value = tagname
elem.toOuterXml.return_value = '<fakeelem/>'
if attributes is not None:
if not isinstance(attributes, collections.abc.Mapping):
attributes = {e: None for e in attributes}
elem.hasAttribute.side_effect = lambda k: k in attributes
elem.attribute.side_effect = lambda k: attributes.get(k, '')
elem.attributeNames.return_value = list(attributes)
elem.hasAttribute.return_value = False
elem.attribute.return_value = ''
elem.attributeNames.return_value = []
if classes is not None:
elem.classes.return_value = classes.split(' ')
elem.classes.return_value = []
def _style_property(name, strategy):
"""Helper function to act as styleProperty method."""
if strategy != QWebElement.ComputedStyle:
raise ValueError("styleProperty called with strategy != "
"ComputedStyle ({})!".format(strategy))
if name == 'visibility':
return visibility
elif name == 'display':
return display
raise ValueError("styleProperty called with unknown name "
elem.styleProperty.side_effect = _style_property
wrapped = webelem.WebElementWrapper(elem)
if attributes is not None:
return wrapped
class TestWebElementWrapper:
"""Test WebElementWrapper."""
def test_nullelem(self):
"""Test __init__ with a null element."""
with pytest.raises(webelem.IsNullError):
class TestIsVisibleInvalid:
"""Tests for is_visible with invalid elements.
frame: The FakeWebFrame we're using to test.
def setup(self, stubs):
self.frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100))
def test_nullelem(self):
"""Passing an element with isNull() == True.
geometry() and webFrame() should not be called, and ValueError should
be raised.
elem = get_webelem()
elem._elem.isNull.return_value = True
with pytest.raises(webelem.IsNullError):
def test_invalid_invisible(self):
"""Test elements with an invalid geometry which are invisible."""
elem = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 0, 0), self.frame)
assert not elem.geometry().isValid()
assert elem.geometry().x() == 0
assert not elem.is_visible(self.frame)
def test_invalid_visible(self):
"""Test elements with an invalid geometry which are visible.
This seems to happen sometimes in the real world, with real elements
which *are* visible, but don't have a valid geometry.
elem = get_webelem(QRect(10, 10, 0, 0), self.frame)
assert not elem.geometry().isValid()
assert elem.is_visible(self.frame)
class TestIsVisibleScroll:
"""Tests for is_visible when the frame is scrolled.
frame: The FakeWebFrame we're using to test.
def setup(self, stubs):
self.frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100),
scroll=QPoint(10, 10))
def test_invisible(self):
"""Test elements which should be invisible due to scrolling."""
elem = get_webelem(QRect(5, 5, 4, 4), self.frame)
assert not elem.is_visible(self.frame)
def test_visible(self):
"""Test elements which still should be visible after scrolling."""
elem = get_webelem(QRect(10, 10, 1, 1), self.frame)
assert elem.is_visible(self.frame)
class TestIsVisibleCss:
"""Tests for is_visible with CSS attributes.
frame: The FakeWebFrame we're using to test.
def setup(self, stubs):
self.frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100))
def test_visibility_visible(self):
"""Check that elements with "visibility = visible" are visible."""
elem = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 10, 10), self.frame,
assert elem.is_visible(self.frame)
def test_visibility_hidden(self):
"""Check that elements with "visibility = hidden" are not visible."""
elem = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 10, 10), self.frame,
assert not elem.is_visible(self.frame)
def test_display_inline(self):
"""Check that elements with "display = inline" are visible."""
elem = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 10, 10), self.frame, display='inline')
assert elem.is_visible(self.frame)
def test_display_none(self):
"""Check that elements with "display = none" are not visible."""
elem = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 10, 10), self.frame, display='none')
assert not elem.is_visible(self.frame)
class TestIsVisibleIframe:
"""Tests for is_visible with a child frame.
frame: The FakeWebFrame we're using to test.
iframe: The iframe inside frame.
elem1-elem4: FakeWebElements to test.
def setup(self, stubs):
"""Set up the following base situation.
0, 0 300, 0
# #
0,10 # iframe 100,10 #
#********** #
#*e * elem1: 0, 0 in iframe (visible)
#* * #
#* e * elem2: 20,90 in iframe (visible)
#********** #
0,110 #. .100,110 #
#. . #
#. e . elem3: 20,150 in iframe (not visible)
#.......... #
# e elem4: 30, 180 in main frame (visible)
# #
# frame #
300, 0 300, 300
self.frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 300, 300))
self.iframe = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 10, 100, 100),
self.elem1 = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 10, 10), self.iframe)
self.elem2 = get_webelem(QRect(20, 90, 10, 10), self.iframe)
self.elem3 = get_webelem(QRect(20, 150, 10, 10), self.iframe)
self.elem4 = get_webelem(QRect(30, 180, 10, 10), self.frame)
def test_not_scrolled(self):
"""Test base situation."""
assert self.frame.geometry().contains(self.iframe.geometry())
assert self.elem1.is_visible(self.frame)
assert self.elem2.is_visible(self.frame)
assert not self.elem3.is_visible(self.frame)
assert self.elem4.is_visible(self.frame)
def test_iframe_scrolled(self):
"""Scroll iframe down so elem3 gets visible and elem1/elem2 not."""
self.iframe.scrollPosition.return_value = QPoint(0, 100)
assert not self.elem1.is_visible(self.frame)
assert not self.elem2.is_visible(self.frame)
assert self.elem3.is_visible(self.frame)
assert self.elem4.is_visible(self.frame)
def test_mainframe_scrolled_iframe_visible(self):
"""Scroll mainframe down so iframe is partly visible but elem1 not."""
self.frame.scrollPosition.return_value = QPoint(0, 50)
geom = self.frame.geometry().translated(self.frame.scrollPosition())
assert not geom.contains(self.iframe.geometry())
assert geom.intersects(self.iframe.geometry())
assert not self.elem1.is_visible(self.frame)
assert self.elem2.is_visible(self.frame)
assert not self.elem3.is_visible(self.frame)
assert self.elem4.is_visible(self.frame)
def test_mainframe_scrolled_iframe_invisible(self):
"""Scroll mainframe down so iframe is invisible."""
self.frame.scrollPosition.return_value = QPoint(0, 110)
geom = self.frame.geometry().translated(self.frame.scrollPosition())
assert not geom.contains(self.iframe.geometry())
assert not geom.intersects(self.iframe.geometry())
assert not self.elem1.is_visible(self.frame)
assert not self.elem2.is_visible(self.frame)
assert not self.elem3.is_visible(self.frame)
assert self.elem4.is_visible(self.frame)
class TestIsWritable:
"""Check is_writable."""
def test_writable(self):
"""Test a normal element."""
elem = get_webelem()
assert elem.is_writable()
def test_disabled(self):
"""Test a disabled element."""
elem = get_webelem(attributes=['disabled'])
assert not elem.is_writable()
def test_readonly(self):
"""Test a readonly element."""
elem = get_webelem(attributes=['readonly'])
assert not elem.is_writable()
class TestJavascriptEscape:
"""Check javascript_escape.
Class attributes:
STRINGS: A list of (input, output) tuples.
@pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', [
('foo\\bar', r'foo\\bar'),
('foo\nbar', r'foo\nbar'),
("foo'bar", r"foo\'bar"),
('foo"bar', r'foo\"bar'),
def test_fake_escape(self, before, after):
"""Test javascript escaping."""
assert webelem.javascript_escape(before) == after
class TestGetChildFrames:
"""Check get_child_frames."""
def test_single_frame(self, stubs):
"""Test get_child_frames with a single frame without children."""
frame = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame()
children = webelem.get_child_frames(frame)
assert len(children) == 1
assert children[0] is frame
def test_one_level(self, stubs):
r"""Test get_child_frames with one level of children.
o parent
/ \
child1 o o child2
child1 = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame()
child2 = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame()
parent = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame([child1, child2])
children = webelem.get_child_frames(parent)
assert len(children) == 3
assert children[0] is parent
assert children[1] is child1
assert children[2] is child2
def test_multiple_levels(self, stubs):
r"""Test get_child_frames with multiple levels of children.
o root
/ \
o o first
/\ /\
o o o o second
second = [stubs.FakeChildrenFrame() for _ in range(4)]
first = [stubs.FakeChildrenFrame(second[0:2]),
root = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame(first)
children = webelem.get_child_frames(root)
assert len(children) == 7
assert children[0] is root
for frame in [root] + first + second:
class TestIsEditable:
"""Tests for is_editable."""
def setup(self):
old_config = webelem.config
webelem.config = None
webelem.config = old_config
def stub_config(self, stubs):
"""Fixture to create a config stub with an input section."""
config = stubs.ConfigStub({'input': {}})
with mock.patch('qutebrowser.browser.webelem.config', new=config):
yield config
def test_input_plain(self):
"""Test with plain input element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input')
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_input_text(self):
"""Test with text input element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input', attributes={'type': 'text'})
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_input_text_caps(self):
"""Test with text input element with caps attributes."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='INPUT', attributes={'TYPE': 'TEXT'})
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_input_email(self):
"""Test with email input element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input', attributes={'type': 'email'})
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_input_url(self):
"""Test with url input element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input', attributes={'type': 'url'})
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_input_tel(self):
"""Test with tel input element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input', attributes={'type': 'tel'})
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_input_number(self):
"""Test with number input element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input', attributes={'type': 'number'})
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_input_password(self):
"""Test with password input element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input', attributes={'type': 'password'})
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_input_search(self):
"""Test with search input element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input', attributes={'type': 'search'})
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_input_button(self):
"""Button should not be editable."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input', attributes={'type': 'button'})
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_input_checkbox(self):
"""Checkbox should not be editable."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input', attributes={'type': 'checkbox'})
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_textarea(self):
"""Test textarea element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='textarea')
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_select(self):
"""Test selectbox."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='select')
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_input_disabled(self):
"""Test disabled input element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input', attributes={'disabled': None})
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_input_readonly(self):
"""Test readonly input element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='input', attributes={'readonly': None})
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_textarea_disabled(self):
"""Test disabled textarea element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='textarea', attributes={'disabled': None})
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_textarea_readonly(self):
"""Test readonly textarea element."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='textarea', attributes={'readonly': None})
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_embed_true(self, stub_config):
"""Test embed-element with insert-mode-on-plugins true."""
stub_config.data['input']['insert-mode-on-plugins'] = True
elem = get_webelem(tagname='embed')
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_applet_true(self, stub_config):
"""Test applet-element with insert-mode-on-plugins true."""
stub_config.data['input']['insert-mode-on-plugins'] = True
elem = get_webelem(tagname='applet')
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_embed_false(self, stub_config):
"""Test embed-element with insert-mode-on-plugins false."""
stub_config.data['input']['insert-mode-on-plugins'] = False
elem = get_webelem(tagname='embed')
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_applet_false(self, stub_config):
"""Test applet-element with insert-mode-on-plugins false."""
stub_config.data['input']['insert-mode-on-plugins'] = False
elem = get_webelem(tagname='applet')
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_object_no_type(self):
"""Test object-element without type."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='object')
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_object_image(self):
"""Test object-element with image type."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='object', attributes={'type': 'image/gif'})
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_object_application(self, stub_config):
"""Test object-element with application type."""
stub_config.data['input']['insert-mode-on-plugins'] = True
elem = get_webelem(tagname='object',
attributes={'type': 'application/foo'})
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_object_application_false(self, stub_config):
"""Test object-element with application type but not ...-on-plugins."""
stub_config.data['input']['insert-mode-on-plugins'] = False
elem = get_webelem(tagname='object',
attributes={'type': 'application/foo'})
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_object_classid(self, stub_config):
"""Test object-element with classid."""
stub_config.data['input']['insert-mode-on-plugins'] = True
elem = get_webelem(tagname='object',
attributes={'type': 'foo', 'classid': 'foo'})
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_object_classid_false(self, stub_config):
"""Test object-element with classid but not insert-mode-on-plugins."""
stub_config.data['input']['insert-mode-on-plugins'] = False
elem = get_webelem(tagname='object',
attributes={'type': 'foo', 'classid': 'foo'})
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_div_empty(self):
"""Test div-element without class."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='div')
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_div_noneditable(self):
"""Test div-element with non-editable class."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='div', classes='foo-kix-bar')
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_div_xik(self):
"""Test div-element with xik class."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='div', classes='foo kix-foo')
assert elem.is_editable()
def test_div_xik_caps(self):
"""Test div-element with xik class in caps.
This tests if classes are case sensitive as they should.
elem = get_webelem(tagname='div', classes='KIX-FOO')
assert not elem.is_editable()
def test_div_codemirror(self):
"""Test div-element with codemirror class."""
elem = get_webelem(tagname='div', classes='foo CodeMirror-foo')
assert elem.is_editable()