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516 lines
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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2014-2018 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import operator
import hypothesis
from hypothesis import strategies
import pytest
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QEvent, pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtGui import QKeyEvent, QKeySequence
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget
from tests.unit.keyinput import key_data
from qutebrowser.keyinput import keyutils
@pytest.fixture(params=key_data.KEYS, ids=lambda k: k.attribute)
def qt_key(request):
"""Get all existing keys from key_data.py.
Keys which don't exist with this Qt version result in skipped tests.
key = request.param
if key.member is None:
pytest.skip("Did not find key {}".format(key.attribute))
return key
@pytest.fixture(params=key_data.MODIFIERS, ids=lambda m: m.attribute)
def qt_mod(request):
"""Get all existing modifiers from key_data.py."""
mod = request.param
assert mod.member is not None
return mod
@pytest.fixture(params=[key for key in key_data.KEYS if key.qtest],
ids=lambda k: k.attribute)
def qtest_key(request):
"""Get keys from key_data.py which can be used with QTest."""
return request.param
def test_key_data_keys():
"""Make sure all possible keys are in key_data.KEYS."""
key_names = {name[len("Key_"):]
for name, value in sorted(vars(Qt).items())
if isinstance(value, Qt.Key)}
key_data_names = {key.attribute for key in sorted(key_data.KEYS)}
diff = key_names - key_data_names
assert not diff
def test_key_data_modifiers():
"""Make sure all possible modifiers are in key_data.MODIFIERS."""
mod_names = {name[:-len("Modifier")]
for name, value in sorted(vars(Qt).items())
if isinstance(value, Qt.KeyboardModifier) and
value not in [Qt.NoModifier, Qt.KeyboardModifierMask]}
mod_data_names = {mod.attribute for mod in sorted(key_data.MODIFIERS)}
diff = mod_names - mod_data_names
assert not diff
class KeyTesterWidget(QWidget):
"""Widget to get the text of QKeyPressEvents.
This is done so we can check QTest::keyToAscii (qasciikey.cpp) as we can't
call that directly, only via QTest::keyPress.
got_text = pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.text = None
def keyPressEvent(self, e):
self.text = e.text()
class TestKeyInfoText:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('upper', [False, True])
def test_text(self, qt_key, upper):
"""Test KeyInfo.text() with all possible keys.
See key_data.py for inputs and expected values.
modifiers = Qt.ShiftModifier if upper else Qt.KeyboardModifiers()
info = keyutils.KeyInfo(qt_key.member, modifiers=modifiers)
expected = qt_key.uppertext if upper else qt_key.text
assert info.text() == expected
def key_tester(self, qtbot):
w = KeyTesterWidget()
return w
def test_text_qtest(self, qtest_key, qtbot, key_tester):
"""Make sure KeyInfo.text() lines up with QTest::keyToAscii.
See key_data.py for inputs and expected values.
with qtbot.wait_signal(key_tester.got_text):
qtbot.keyPress(key_tester, qtest_key.member)
info = keyutils.KeyInfo(qtest_key.member,
assert info.text() == key_tester.text.lower()
class TestKeyToString:
def test_to_string(self, qt_key):
assert keyutils._key_to_string(qt_key.member) == qt_key.name
def test_modifiers_to_string(self, qt_mod):
expected = qt_mod.name + '+'
assert keyutils._modifiers_to_string(qt_mod.member) == expected
def test_missing(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.delattr(keyutils.Qt, 'Key_AltGr')
# We don't want to test the key which is actually missing - we only
# want to know if the mapping still behaves properly.
assert keyutils._key_to_string(Qt.Key_A) == 'A'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key, modifiers, expected', [
(Qt.Key_A, Qt.NoModifier, 'a'),
(Qt.Key_A, Qt.ShiftModifier, 'A'),
(Qt.Key_Space, Qt.NoModifier, '<Space>'),
(Qt.Key_Space, Qt.ShiftModifier, '<Shift+Space>'),
(Qt.Key_Tab, Qt.ShiftModifier, '<Shift+Tab>'),
(Qt.Key_A, Qt.ControlModifier, '<Ctrl+a>'),
(Qt.Key_A, Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier, '<Ctrl+Shift+a>'),
Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.AltModifier | Qt.MetaModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier,
(Qt.Key_Shift, Qt.ShiftModifier, '<Shift>'),
(Qt.Key_Shift, Qt.ShiftModifier | Qt.ControlModifier, '<Ctrl+Shift>'),
def test_key_info_str(key, modifiers, expected):
assert str(keyutils.KeyInfo(key, modifiers)) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('keystr, expected', [
('foo', "Could not parse 'foo': error"),
(None, "Could not parse keystring: error"),
def test_key_parse_error(keystr, expected):
exc = keyutils.KeyParseError(keystr, "error")
assert str(exc) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('keystr, parts', [
('a', ['a']),
('ab', ['a', 'b']),
('a<', ['a', '<']),
('a>', ['a', '>']),
('<a', ['<', 'a']),
('>a', ['>', 'a']),
('aA', ['a', 'Shift+A']),
('a<Ctrl+a>b', ['a', 'ctrl+a', 'b']),
('<Ctrl+a>a', ['ctrl+a', 'a']),
('a<Ctrl+a>', ['a', 'ctrl+a']),
('<Ctrl-a>', ['ctrl+a']),
('<Num-a>', ['num+a']),
def test_parse_keystr(keystr, parts):
assert list(keyutils._parse_keystring(keystr)) == parts
class TestKeySequence:
def test_init(self):
seq = keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_A, Qt.Key_B, Qt.Key_C, Qt.Key_D,
assert len(seq._sequences) == 2
assert len(seq._sequences[0]) == 4
assert len(seq._sequences[1]) == 1
def test_init_empty(self):
seq = keyutils.KeySequence()
assert not seq
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key', [Qt.Key_unknown, -1, '\x1f', 0])
def test_init_unknown(self, key):
with pytest.raises(keyutils.KeyParseError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('orig, normalized', [
('<Control+x>', '<Ctrl+x>'),
('<Windows+x>', '<Meta+x>'),
('<Mod1+x>', '<Alt+x>'),
('<Mod4+x>', '<Meta+x>'),
('<Control-->', '<Ctrl+->'),
('<Windows++>', '<Meta++>'),
('<ctrl-x>', '<Ctrl+x>'),
('<control+x>', '<Ctrl+x>'),
('<a>b', 'ab'),
def test_str_normalization(self, orig, normalized):
assert str(keyutils.KeySequence.parse(orig)) == normalized
def test_iter(self):
seq = keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_A | Qt.ControlModifier,
Qt.Key_B | Qt.ShiftModifier,
expected = [keyutils.KeyInfo(Qt.Key_A, Qt.ControlModifier),
keyutils.KeyInfo(Qt.Key_B, Qt.ShiftModifier),
keyutils.KeyInfo(Qt.Key_C, Qt.NoModifier),
keyutils.KeyInfo(Qt.Key_D, Qt.NoModifier),
keyutils.KeyInfo(Qt.Key_E, Qt.NoModifier)]
assert list(seq) == expected
def test_repr(self):
seq = keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_A | Qt.ControlModifier,
Qt.Key_B | Qt.ShiftModifier)
assert repr(seq) == ("<qutebrowser.keyinput.keyutils.KeySequence "
@pytest.mark.parametrize('sequences, expected', [
(['a', ''], ['', 'a']),
(['abcdf', 'abcd', 'abcde'], ['abcd', 'abcde', 'abcdf']),
def test_sorting(self, sequences, expected):
result = sorted(keyutils.KeySequence.parse(seq) for seq in sequences)
expected_result = [keyutils.KeySequence.parse(seq) for seq in expected]
assert result == expected_result
@pytest.mark.parametrize('seq1, seq2, op, result', [
('a', 'a', operator.eq, True),
('a', '<a>', operator.eq, True),
('a', '<Shift-a>', operator.eq, False),
('a', 'b', operator.lt, True),
('a', 'b', operator.le, True),
def test_operators(self, seq1, seq2, op, result):
seq1 = keyutils.KeySequence.parse(seq1)
seq2 = keyutils.KeySequence.parse(seq2)
assert op(seq1, seq2) == result
opposite = {
operator.lt: operator.ge,
operator.gt: operator.le,
operator.le: operator.gt,
operator.ge: operator.lt,
operator.eq: operator.ne,
operator.ne: operator.eq,
assert opposite[op](seq1, seq2) != result
@pytest.mark.parametrize('seq1, seq2, equal', [
('a', 'a', True),
('a', 'A', False),
('a', '<a>', True),
('abcd', 'abcde', False),
def test_hash(self, seq1, seq2, equal):
seq1 = keyutils.KeySequence.parse(seq1)
seq2 = keyutils.KeySequence.parse(seq2)
assert (hash(seq1) == hash(seq2)) == equal
@pytest.mark.parametrize('seq, length', [
('', 0),
('a', 1),
('A', 1),
('<Ctrl-a>', 1),
('abcde', 5)
def test_len(self, seq, length):
assert len(keyutils.KeySequence.parse(seq)) == length
def test_bool(self):
seq1 = keyutils.KeySequence.parse('abcd')
seq2 = keyutils.KeySequence()
assert seq1
assert not seq2
def test_getitem(self):
seq = keyutils.KeySequence.parse('ab')
expected = keyutils.KeyInfo(Qt.Key_B, Qt.NoModifier)
assert seq[1] == expected
def test_getitem_slice(self):
s1 = 'abcdef'
s2 = 'de'
seq = keyutils.KeySequence.parse(s1)
expected = keyutils.KeySequence.parse(s2)
assert s1[3:5] == s2
assert seq[3:5] == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('entered, configured, expected', [
# config: abcd
('abc', 'abcd', QKeySequence.PartialMatch),
('abcd', 'abcd', QKeySequence.ExactMatch),
('ax', 'abcd', QKeySequence.NoMatch),
('abcdef', 'abcd', QKeySequence.NoMatch),
# config: abcd ef
('abc', 'abcdef', QKeySequence.PartialMatch),
('abcde', 'abcdef', QKeySequence.PartialMatch),
('abcd', 'abcdef', QKeySequence.PartialMatch),
('abcdx', 'abcdef', QKeySequence.NoMatch),
('ax', 'abcdef', QKeySequence.NoMatch),
('abcdefg', 'abcdef', QKeySequence.NoMatch),
('abcdef', 'abcdef', QKeySequence.ExactMatch),
# other examples
('ab', 'a', QKeySequence.NoMatch),
# empty strings
('', '', QKeySequence.ExactMatch),
('', 'a', QKeySequence.PartialMatch),
('a', '', QKeySequence.NoMatch),
def test_matches(self, entered, configured, expected):
entered = keyutils.KeySequence.parse(entered)
configured = keyutils.KeySequence.parse(configured)
assert entered.matches(configured) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('old, key, modifiers, text, expected', [
('a', Qt.Key_B, Qt.NoModifier, 'b', 'ab'),
('a', Qt.Key_B, Qt.ShiftModifier, 'B', 'aB'),
('a', Qt.Key_B, Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier, 'B',
# Modifier stripping with symbols
('', Qt.Key_Colon, Qt.NoModifier, ':', ':'),
('', Qt.Key_Colon, Qt.ShiftModifier, ':', ':'),
('', Qt.Key_Colon, Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier, ':',
# Handling of Backtab
('', Qt.Key_Backtab, Qt.NoModifier, '', '<Backtab>'),
('', Qt.Key_Backtab, Qt.ShiftModifier, '', '<Shift+Tab>'),
('', Qt.Key_Backtab, Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier, '',
# Stripping of Qt.GroupSwitchModifier
('', Qt.Key_A, Qt.GroupSwitchModifier, 'a', 'a'),
def test_append_event(self, old, key, modifiers, text, expected):
seq = keyutils.KeySequence.parse(old)
event = QKeyEvent(QKeyEvent.KeyPress, key, modifiers, text)
new = seq.append_event(event)
assert new == keyutils.KeySequence.parse(expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key', [Qt.Key_unknown, 0x0])
def test_append_event_invalid(self, key):
seq = keyutils.KeySequence()
event = QKeyEvent(QKeyEvent.KeyPress, key, Qt.NoModifier, '')
with pytest.raises(keyutils.KeyParseError):
def test_strip_modifiers(self):
seq = keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_0,
Qt.Key_1 | Qt.KeypadModifier,
Qt.Key_A | Qt.ControlModifier)
expected = keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_0,
Qt.Key_A | Qt.ControlModifier)
assert seq.strip_modifiers() == expected
def test_with_mappings(self):
seq = keyutils.KeySequence.parse('foobar')
mappings = {keyutils.KeySequence('b'): keyutils.KeySequence('t')}
seq2 = seq.with_mappings(mappings)
assert seq2 == keyutils.KeySequence.parse('footar')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('keystr, expected', [
keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.AltModifier | Qt.Key_Y)),
('x', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_X)),
('X', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.ShiftModifier | Qt.Key_X)),
('<Escape>', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_Escape)),
('xyz', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_X, Qt.Key_Y, Qt.Key_Z)),
keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.Key_X,
Qt.MetaModifier | Qt.Key_Y)),
('<Shift-x>', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.ShiftModifier | Qt.Key_X)),
('<Alt-x>', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.AltModifier | Qt.Key_X)),
('<Control-x>', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.Key_X)),
('<Meta-x>', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.MetaModifier | Qt.Key_X)),
('<Num-x>', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.KeypadModifier | Qt.Key_X)),
('>', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_Greater)),
('<', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_Less)),
('a>', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_A, Qt.Key_Greater)),
('a<', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_A, Qt.Key_Less)),
('>a', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_Greater, Qt.Key_A)),
('<a', keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_Less, Qt.Key_A)),
keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_Greater | Qt.AltModifier)),
keyutils.KeySequence(Qt.Key_Less | Qt.AltModifier)),
('<alt+<>', keyutils.KeyParseError),
('<alt+>>', keyutils.KeyParseError),
('<blub>', keyutils.KeyParseError),
('<>', keyutils.KeyParseError),
('\U00010000', keyutils.KeyParseError),
def test_parse(self, keystr, expected):
if expected is keyutils.KeyParseError:
with pytest.raises(keyutils.KeyParseError):
assert keyutils.KeySequence.parse(keystr) == expected
def test_parse_hypothesis(self, keystr):
seq = keyutils.KeySequence.parse(keystr)
except keyutils.KeyParseError:
def test_key_info_from_event():
ev = QKeyEvent(QEvent.KeyPress, Qt.Key_A, Qt.ShiftModifier, 'A')
info = keyutils.KeyInfo.from_event(ev)
assert info.key == Qt.Key_A
assert info.modifiers == Qt.ShiftModifier
def test_key_info_to_event():
info = keyutils.KeyInfo(Qt.Key_A, Qt.ShiftModifier)
ev = info.to_event()
assert ev.key() == Qt.Key_A
assert ev.modifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier
assert ev.text() == 'A'
def test_key_info_to_int():
info = keyutils.KeyInfo(Qt.Key_A, Qt.ShiftModifier)
assert info.to_int() == Qt.Key_A | Qt.ShiftModifier
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key, printable', [
(Qt.Key_Control, False),
(Qt.Key_Escape, False),
(Qt.Key_Tab, False),
(Qt.Key_Backtab, False),
(Qt.Key_Backspace, False),
(Qt.Key_Return, False),
(Qt.Key_Enter, False),
(Qt.Key_Space, False),
(0x0, False), # Used by Qt for unknown keys
(Qt.Key_ydiaeresis, True),
(Qt.Key_X, True),
def test_is_printable(key, printable):
assert keyutils._is_printable(key) == printable
assert keyutils.is_special(key, Qt.NoModifier) != printable
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key, modifiers, special', [
(Qt.Key_Escape, Qt.NoModifier, True),
(Qt.Key_Escape, Qt.ShiftModifier, True),
(Qt.Key_Escape, Qt.ControlModifier, True),
(Qt.Key_X, Qt.ControlModifier, True),
(Qt.Key_X, Qt.NoModifier, False),
def test_is_special(key, modifiers, special):
assert keyutils.is_special(key, modifiers) == special
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key, ismodifier', [
(Qt.Key_Control, True),
(Qt.Key_X, False),
(Qt.Key_Super_L, False), # Modifier but not in _MODIFIER_MAP
def test_is_modifier_key(key, ismodifier):
assert keyutils.is_modifier_key(key) == ismodifier
@pytest.mark.parametrize('func', [
def test_non_plain(func):
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
func(Qt.Key_X | Qt.ControlModifier)