This adds the ability to open new tabs in the last-focused window instead, which fixes #1801. Right now the only other option is probably not that useful for human users but it's required to make tests behave deterministically and consistently. (But with #881 on the roadmap, I would implement this as another choice) To this end, also make the test framework set this option to preserve the invariant against which existing tests are written: that spawning a new window would effectively also focus it.
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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2014-2016 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <>.
"""The global object registry and related utility functions."""
import collections
import functools
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QTimer
from qutebrowser.utils import log
class UnsetObject:
"""Class for an unset object.
Only used (rather than object) so we can tell pylint to shut up about it.
__slots__ = ()
class RegistryUnavailableError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when a certain registry does not exist yet."""
class NoWindow(Exception):
"""Exception raised by last_window if no window is available."""
_UNSET = UnsetObject()
class ObjectRegistry(collections.UserDict):
"""A registry of long-living objects in qutebrowser.
Inspired by the eric IDE code (E5Gui/
_partial_objs: A dictionary of the connected partial objects.
def __init__(self):
self._partial_objs = {}
def __setitem__(self, name, obj):
"""Register an object in the object registry.
Sets a slot to remove QObjects when they are destroyed.
if name is None:
raise TypeError("Registering '{}' with name 'None'!".format(obj))
if obj is None:
raise TypeError("Registering object None with name '{}'!".format(
if isinstance(obj, QObject):
func = functools.partial(self.on_destroyed, name)
self._partial_objs[name] = func
super().__setitem__(name, obj)
def __delitem__(self, name):
"""Extend __delitem__ to disconnect the destroyed signal."""
def _disconnect_destroyed(self, name):
"""Disconnect the destroyed slot if it was connected."""
if name in self._partial_objs:
func = self._partial_objs[name]
except (RuntimeError, TypeError):
# If C++ has deleted the object, the slot is already
# disconnected.
# With older PyQt-versions (5.2.1) we'll get a "TypeError:
# pyqtSignal must be bound to a QObject" instead:
del self._partial_objs[name]
def on_destroyed(self, name):
"""Schedule removing of a destroyed QObject.
We don't remove the destroyed object immediately because it might still
be destroying its children, which might still use the object
log.destroy.debug("schedule removal: {}".format(name))
QTimer.singleShot(0, functools.partial(self._on_destroyed, name))
def _on_destroyed(self, name):
"""Remove a destroyed QObject."""
log.destroy.debug("removed: {}".format(name))
del self[name]
del self._partial_objs[name]
except KeyError:
def dump_objects(self):
"""Dump all objects as a list of strings."""
lines = []
for name, obj in
lines.append("{}: {}".format(name, repr(obj)))
return lines
# The registry for global objects
global_registry = ObjectRegistry()
# The window registry.
window_registry = ObjectRegistry()
def _get_tab_registry(win_id, tab_id):
"""Get the registry of a tab."""
if tab_id is None:
raise ValueError("Got tab_id None (win_id {})".format(win_id))
if tab_id == 'current' and win_id is None:
app = get('app')
window = app.activeWindow()
if window is None or not hasattr(window, 'win_id'):
raise RegistryUnavailableError('tab')
win_id = window.win_id
elif win_id is not None:
window = window_registry[win_id]
raise TypeError("window is None with scope tab!")
if tab_id == 'current':
tabbed_browser = get('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=win_id)
tab = tabbed_browser.currentWidget()
if tab is None:
raise RegistryUnavailableError('window')
tab_id = tab.tab_id
tab_registry = get('tab-registry', scope='window', window=win_id)
return tab_registry[tab_id].registry
except AttributeError:
raise RegistryUnavailableError('tab')
def _get_window_registry(window):
"""Get the registry of a window."""
if window is None:
raise TypeError("window is None with scope window!")
if window == 'current':
app = get('app')
win = app.activeWindow()
elif window == 'last-focused':
win = last_focused_window()
win = window_registry[window]
except (KeyError, NoWindow):
win = None
return win.registry
except AttributeError:
raise RegistryUnavailableError('window')
def _get_registry(scope, window=None, tab=None):
"""Get the correct registry for a given scope."""
if window is not None and scope not in ['window', 'tab']:
raise TypeError("window is set with scope {}".format(scope))
if tab is not None and scope != 'tab':
raise TypeError("tab is set with scope {}".format(scope))
if scope == 'global':
return global_registry
elif scope == 'tab':
return _get_tab_registry(window, tab)
elif scope == 'window':
return _get_window_registry(window)
raise ValueError("Invalid scope '{}'!".format(scope))
def get(name, default=_UNSET, scope='global', window=None, tab=None):
"""Helper function to get an object.
default: A default to return if the object does not exist.
reg = _get_registry(scope, window, tab)
return reg[name]
except KeyError:
if default is not _UNSET:
return default
def register(name, obj, update=False, scope=None, registry=None, window=None,
"""Helper function to register an object.
name: The name the object will be registered as.
obj: The object to register.
update: If True, allows to update an already registered object.
if scope is not None and registry is not None:
raise ValueError("scope ({}) and registry ({}) can't be given at the "
"same time!".format(scope, registry))
if registry is not None:
reg = registry
if scope is None:
scope = 'global'
reg = _get_registry(scope, window, tab)
if not update and name in reg:
raise KeyError("Object '{}' is already registered ({})!".format(
name, repr(reg[name])))
reg[name] = obj
def delete(name, scope='global', window=None, tab=None):
"""Helper function to unregister an object."""
reg = _get_registry(scope, window, tab)
del reg[name]
def dump_objects():
"""Get all registered objects in all registries as a string."""
blocks = []
lines = []
blocks.append(('global', global_registry.dump_objects()))
for win_id in window_registry:
registry = _get_registry('window', window=win_id)
blocks.append(('window-{}'.format(win_id), registry.dump_objects()))
tab_registry = get('tab-registry', scope='window', window=win_id)
for tab_id, tab in tab_registry.items():
dump = tab.registry.dump_objects()
data = [' ' + line for line in dump]
blocks.append((' tab-{}'.format(tab_id), data))
for name, data in blocks:
lines.append("{} object registry - {} objects:".format(
name, len(data)))
for line in data:
lines.append(" {}".format(line))
return lines
def last_focused_window():
"""Get the last focused window, or the last window if none."""
return get('last-focused-main-window')
except KeyError:
return last_window()
def last_window():
"""Get the last opened window object."""
if not window_registry:
raise NoWindow()
key = sorted(window_registry)[-1]
return window_registry[key]