2016-05-13 07:43:44 +02:00

510 lines
21 KiB

# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2014-2016 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Contains the Command class, a skeleton for a command."""
import inspect
import collections
import traceback
from PyQt5.QtWebKit import QWebSettings
from qutebrowser.commands import cmdexc, argparser
from qutebrowser.utils import log, utils, message, docutils, objreg, usertypes
from qutebrowser.utils import debug as debug_utils
def arg_name(name):
"""Get the name an argument should have based on its Python name."""
return name.rstrip('_').replace('_', '-')
class Command:
"""Base skeleton for a command.
name: The main name of the command.
maxsplit: The maximum amount of splits to do for the commandline, or
hide: Whether to hide the arguments or not.
deprecated: False, or a string to describe why a command is deprecated.
desc: The description of the command.
handler: The handler function to call.
completion: Completions to use for arguments, as a list of strings.
debug: Whether this is a debugging command (only shown with --debug).
parser: The ArgumentParser to use to parse this command.
count_arg: The name of the count parameter, or None.
win_id_arg: The name of the win_id parameter, or None.
flags_with_args: A list of flags which take an argument.
no_cmd_split: If true, ';;' to split sub-commands is ignored.
_flags: A mapping of argument names to alternative flags
_type_conv: A mapping of conversion functions for arguments.
_needs_js: Whether the command needs javascript enabled
_modes: The modes the command can be executed in.
_not_modes: The modes the command can not be executed in.
_count: The count set for the command.
_instance: The object to bind 'self' to.
_scope: The scope to get _instance for in the object registry.
Class attributes:
AnnotationInfo: Named tuple for info from an annotation.
AnnotationInfo = collections.namedtuple(
'AnnotationInfo', ['type', 'hide', 'metavar'])
def __init__(self, *, handler, name, instance=None, maxsplit=None,
hide=False, completion=None, modes=None, not_modes=None,
needs_js=False, debug=False, ignore_args=False,
deprecated=False, no_cmd_split=False, flags=None,
star_args_optional=False, scope='global', count=None,
# I really don't know how to solve this in a better way, I tried.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
if modes is not None and not_modes is not None:
raise ValueError("Only modes or not_modes can be given!")
if modes is not None:
for m in modes:
if not isinstance(m, usertypes.KeyMode):
raise TypeError("Mode {} is no KeyMode member!".format(m))
if not_modes is not None:
for m in not_modes:
if not isinstance(m, usertypes.KeyMode):
raise TypeError("Mode {} is no KeyMode member!".format(m))
if scope != 'global' and instance is None:
raise ValueError("Setting scope without setting instance makes "
"no sense!")
self.name = name
self.maxsplit = maxsplit
self.hide = hide
self.deprecated = deprecated
self._instance = instance
self.completion = completion
self._modes = modes
self._not_modes = not_modes
self._scope = scope
self._needs_js = needs_js
self._star_args_optional = star_args_optional
self._flags = flags or {}
self.debug = debug
self.ignore_args = ignore_args
self.handler = handler
self.no_cmd_split = no_cmd_split
self.count_arg = count
self.win_id_arg = win_id
self.docparser = docutils.DocstringParser(handler)
self.parser = argparser.ArgumentParser(
name, description=self.docparser.short_desc,
self.parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action=argparser.HelpAction,
default=argparser.SUPPRESS, nargs=0,
self.opt_args = collections.OrderedDict()
self.namespace = None
self._count = None
self.pos_args = []
self.desc = None
self.flags_with_args = []
self._type_conv = {}
args = self._inspect_func()
if self.completion is not None and len(self.completion) > len(args):
raise ValueError("Got {} completions, but only {} "
for argname in self._flags:
if argname not in args:
raise ValueError("Got argument {} in flags param, but no such "
"argument exists for {}".format(
argname, self.name))
def _check_prerequisites(self, win_id):
"""Check if the command is permitted to run currently.
win_id: The window ID the command is run in.
mode_manager = objreg.get('mode-manager', scope='window',
curmode = mode_manager.mode
if self._modes is not None and curmode not in self._modes:
mode_names = '/'.join(mode.name for mode in self._modes)
raise cmdexc.PrerequisitesError(
"{}: This command is only allowed in {} mode.".format(
self.name, mode_names))
elif self._not_modes is not None and curmode in self._not_modes:
mode_names = '/'.join(mode.name for mode in self._not_modes)
raise cmdexc.PrerequisitesError(
"{}: This command is not allowed in {} mode.".format(
self.name, mode_names))
if self._needs_js and not QWebSettings.globalSettings().testAttribute(
raise cmdexc.PrerequisitesError(
"{}: This command needs javascript enabled.".format(self.name))
if self.deprecated:
message.warning(win_id, '{} is deprecated - {}'.format(
self.name, self.deprecated))
def _check_func(self):
"""Make sure the function parameters don't violate any rules."""
signature = inspect.signature(self.handler)
if 'self' in signature.parameters and self._instance is None:
raise TypeError("{} is a class method, but instance was not "
elif 'self' not in signature.parameters and self._instance is not None:
raise TypeError("{} is not a class method, but instance was "
elif any(param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD
for param in signature.parameters.values()):
raise TypeError("{}: functions with varkw arguments are not "
def _get_typeconv(self, param, typ):
"""Get a dict with a type conversion for the parameter.
param: The inspect.Parameter to handle.
typ: The type of the parameter.
type_conv = {}
if utils.is_enum(typ):
type_conv[param.name] = argparser.enum_getter(typ)
elif isinstance(typ, tuple):
if param.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty:
typ = typ + (type(param.default),)
type_conv[param.name] = argparser.multitype_conv(typ)
return type_conv
def _inspect_special_param(self, param):
"""Check if the given parameter is a special one.
param: The inspect.Parameter to handle.
True if the parameter is special, False otherwise.
if param.name == self.count_arg:
if param.default is inspect.Parameter.empty:
raise TypeError("{}: handler has count parameter "
"without default!".format(self.name))
return True
elif param.name == self.win_id_arg:
return True
def _inspect_func(self):
"""Inspect the function to get useful informations from it.
Sets instance attributes (desc, type_conv, name_conv) based on the
How many user-visible arguments the command has.
signature = inspect.signature(self.handler)
doc = inspect.getdoc(self.handler)
if doc is not None:
self.desc = doc.splitlines()[0].strip()
self.desc = ""
if (self.count_arg is not None and
self.count_arg not in signature.parameters):
raise ValueError("count parameter {} does not exist!".format(
if (self.win_id_arg is not None and
self.win_id_arg not in signature.parameters):
raise ValueError("win_id parameter {} does not exist!".format(
if not self.ignore_args:
for param in signature.parameters.values():
annotation_info = self._parse_annotation(param)
if param.name == 'self':
if self._inspect_special_param(param):
typ = self._get_type(param, annotation_info)
kwargs = self._param_to_argparse_kwargs(param, annotation_info)
args = self._param_to_argparse_args(param, annotation_info)
self._type_conv.update(self._get_typeconv(param, typ))
callsig = debug_utils.format_call(
self.parser.add_argument, args, kwargs,
log.commands.vdebug('Adding arg {} of type {} -> {}'.format(
param.name, typ, callsig))
self.parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
return signature.parameters.keys()
def _param_to_argparse_kwargs(self, param, annotation_info):
"""Get argparse keyword arguments for a parameter.
param: The inspect.Parameter object to get the args for.
annotation_info: An AnnotationInfo tuple for the parameter.
A kwargs dict.
kwargs = {}
typ = self._get_type(param, annotation_info)
kwargs['help'] = self.docparser.arg_descs[param.name]
except KeyError:
kwargs['dest'] = param.name
if isinstance(typ, tuple):
kwargs['metavar'] = annotation_info.metavar or param.name
elif utils.is_enum(typ):
kwargs['choices'] = [arg_name(e.name) for e in typ]
kwargs['metavar'] = annotation_info.metavar or param.name
elif typ is bool:
kwargs['action'] = 'store_true'
elif typ is not None:
kwargs['type'] = typ
if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
kwargs['nargs'] = '*' if self._star_args_optional else '+'
elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
kwargs['default'] = param.default
elif typ is not bool and param.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty:
kwargs['default'] = param.default
kwargs['nargs'] = '?'
return kwargs
def _param_to_argparse_args(self, param, annotation_info):
"""Get argparse positional arguments for a parameter.
param: The inspect.Parameter object to get the args for.
annotation_info: An AnnotationInfo tuple for the parameter.
A list of args.
args = []
name = arg_name(param.name)
shortname = self._flags.get(param.name, name[0])
if len(shortname) != 1:
raise ValueError("Flag '{}' of parameter {} (command {}) must be "
"exactly 1 char!".format(shortname, name,
typ = self._get_type(param, annotation_info)
if typ is bool or param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
long_flag = '--{}'.format(name)
short_flag = '-{}'.format(shortname)
self.opt_args[param.name] = long_flag, short_flag
if typ is not bool:
self.flags_with_args += [short_flag, long_flag]
if not annotation_info.hide:
self.pos_args.append((param.name, name))
return args
def _parse_annotation(self, param):
"""Get argparse arguments and type from a parameter annotation.
param: A inspect.Parameter instance.
An AnnotationInfo namedtuple.
typ: The type to use for this argument.
name: The long name if overridden.
info = {'type': None, 'hide': False, 'metavar': None}
if param.annotation is not inspect.Parameter.empty:
log.commands.vdebug("Parsing annotation {}".format(
for field in ('type', 'name', 'hide', 'metavar'):
if field in param.annotation:
info[field] = param.annotation[field]
return self.AnnotationInfo(**info)
def _get_type(self, param, annotation_info):
"""Get the type of an argument from its default value or annotation.
param: The inspect.Parameter to look at.
annotation_info: An AnnotationInfo tuple which overrides the type.
if annotation_info.type is not None:
return annotation_info.type
elif param.default is None or param.default is inspect.Parameter.empty:
return None
return type(param.default)
def _get_self_arg(self, win_id, param, args):
"""Get the self argument for a function call.
win_id: The window id this command should be executed in.
param: The count parameter.
args: The positional argument list. Gets modified directly.
assert param.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
if self._scope == 'global':
tab_id = None
win_id = None
elif self._scope == 'tab':
tab_id = 'current'
elif self._scope == 'window':
tab_id = None
raise ValueError("Invalid scope {}!".format(self._scope))
obj = objreg.get(self._instance, scope=self._scope, window=win_id,
def _get_count_arg(self, param, args, kwargs):
"""Add the count argument to a function call.
param: The count parameter.
args: The positional argument list. Gets modified directly.
kwargs: The keyword argument dict. Gets modified directly.
if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
if self._count is not None:
elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
if self._count is not None:
kwargs[param.name] = self._count
raise TypeError("{}: invalid parameter type {} for argument "
"{!r}!".format(self.name, param.kind, param.name))
def _get_win_id_arg(self, win_id, param, args, kwargs):
"""Add the win_id argument to a function call.
win_id: The window ID to add.
param: The count parameter.
args: The positional argument list. Gets modified directly.
kwargs: The keyword argument dict. Gets modified directly.
if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
kwargs[param.name] = win_id
raise TypeError("{}: invalid parameter type {} for argument "
"{!r}!".format(self.name, param.kind, param.name))
def _get_param_value(self, param):
"""Get the converted value for an inspect.Parameter."""
value = getattr(self.namespace, param.name)
if param.name in self._type_conv:
# We convert enum types after getting the values from
# argparse, because argparse's choices argument is
# processed after type conversation, which is not what we
# want.
value = self._type_conv[param.name](value)
return value
def _get_call_args(self, win_id):
"""Get arguments for a function call.
win_id: The window id this command should be executed in.
An (args, kwargs) tuple.
args = []
kwargs = {}
signature = inspect.signature(self.handler)
if self.ignore_args:
if self._instance is not None:
param = list(signature.parameters.values())[0]
self._get_self_arg(win_id, param, args)
return args, kwargs
for i, param in enumerate(signature.parameters.values()):
if i == 0 and self._instance is not None:
# Special case for 'self'.
self._get_self_arg(win_id, param, args)
elif param.name == self.count_arg:
# Special case for count parameter.
self._get_count_arg(param, args, kwargs)
elif param.name == self.win_id_arg:
# Special case for win_id parameter.
self._get_win_id_arg(win_id, param, args, kwargs)
value = self._get_param_value(param)
if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
if value is not None:
args += value
elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
kwargs[param.name] = value
raise TypeError("{}: Invalid parameter type {} for argument "
self.name, param.kind, param.name))
return args, kwargs
def run(self, win_id, args=None, count=None):
"""Run the command.
Note we don't catch CommandError here as it might happen async.
win_id: The window ID the command is run in.
args: Arguments to the command.
count: Command repetition count.
dbgout = ["command called:", self.name]
if args:
if count is not None:
log.commands.debug(' '.join(dbgout))
self.namespace = self.parser.parse_args(args)
except argparser.ArgumentParserError as e:
message.error(win_id, '{}: {}'.format(self.name, e),
except argparser.ArgumentParserExit as e:
log.commands.debug("argparser exited with status {}: {}".format(
e.status, e))
self._count = count
posargs, kwargs = self._get_call_args(win_id)
log.commands.debug('Calling {}'.format(
debug_utils.format_call(self.handler, posargs, kwargs)))
self.handler(*posargs, **kwargs)