Ryan Roden-Corrent 38bb3673db Preserve a backup if editor callback fails.
Currently the editor deletes its temp file whenever editing is finished.
With this patch, the file will not be deleted if the editor callback
encounters an exception.

One example is if the tab containing the edited element is closed. The
editor errors with "Edited element vanished", but with this patch it
will also print "Backup at ..." so the user does not lose their work.

Resolves .

Supersedes , using the cleaner approach started in .
2018-03-12 08:34:50 -04:00

193 lines
7.7 KiB

# vim: ft=cucumber fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
Feature: Opening external editors
Given I have a fresh instance
## :edit-url
Scenario: Editing a URL
When I open data/numbers/1.txt
And I set up a fake editor replacing "1.txt" by "2.txt"
And I run :edit-url
Then data/numbers/2.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Editing a URL with -t
When I run :tab-only
And I open data/numbers/1.txt
And I set up a fake editor replacing "1.txt" by "2.txt"
And I run :edit-url -t
Then data/numbers/2.txt should be loaded
And the following tabs should be open:
- data/numbers/1.txt
- data/numbers/2.txt (active)
Scenario: Editing a URL with -rt
When I set tabs.new_position.related to prev
And I open data/numbers/1.txt
And I set up a fake editor replacing "1.txt" by "2.txt"
And I run :edit-url -rt
Then data/numbers/2.txt should be loaded
And the following tabs should be open:
- data/numbers/2.txt (active)
- data/numbers/1.txt
Scenario: Editing a URL with -b
When I run :tab-only
And I open data/numbers/1.txt
And I set up a fake editor replacing "1.txt" by "2.txt"
And I run :edit-url -b
Then data/numbers/2.txt should be loaded
And the following tabs should be open:
- data/numbers/1.txt (active)
- data/numbers/2.txt
Scenario: Editing a URL with -w
When I open data/numbers/1.txt in a new tab
And I run :tab-only
And I set up a fake editor replacing "1.txt" by "2.txt"
And I run :edit-url -w
Then data/numbers/2.txt should be loaded
And the session should look like:
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/1.txt
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/2.txt
Scenario: Editing a URL with -p
When I open data/numbers/1.txt in a new tab
And I run :tab-only
And I set up a fake editor replacing "1.txt" by "2.txt"
And I run :edit-url -p
Then data/numbers/2.txt should be loaded
And the session should look like:
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/1.txt
- tabs:
- active: true
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/numbers/2.txt
private: true
Scenario: Editing a URL with -t and -b
When I run :edit-url -t -b
Then the error "Only one of -t/-b/-w can be given!" should be shown
Scenario: Editing a URL with invalid URL
When I set url.auto_search to never
And I open data/hello.txt
And I set up a fake editor replacing "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt" by "foo!"
And I run :edit-url
Then the error "Invalid URL" should be shown
Scenario: Spawning an editor successfully
When I set up a fake editor returning "foobar"
And I open data/editor.html
And I run :click-element id qute-textarea
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: clicking input)" in the log
And I run :open-editor
And I wait for "Read back: foobar" in the log
And I run :click-element id qute-button
Then the javascript message "text: foobar" should be logged
Scenario: Spawning an editor in normal mode
When I set up a fake editor returning "foobar"
And I open data/editor.html
And I run :click-element id qute-textarea
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: clicking input)" in the log
And I run :leave-mode
And I wait for "Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)" in the log
And I run :open-editor
And I wait for "Read back: foobar" in the log
And I run :click-element id qute-button
Then the javascript message "text: foobar" should be logged
# Could not get signals working on Windows
# There's no guarantee that the tab gets deleted...
@posix @flaky
Scenario: Spawning an editor and closing the tab
When I set up a fake editor that writes "foobar" on save
And I open data/editor.html
And I run :click-element id qute-textarea
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: clicking input)" in the log
And I run :open-editor
And I set tabs.last_close to blank
And I run :tab-close
And I kill the waiting editor
Then the error "Edited element vanished" should be shown
And the message "Editor backup at *" should be shown
# Could not get signals working on Windows
Scenario: Spawning an editor and saving
When I set up a fake editor that writes "foobar" on save
And I open data/editor.html
And I run :click-element id qute-textarea
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: clicking input)" in the log
And I run :open-editor
And I save without exiting the editor
And I wait for "Read back: foobar" in the log
And I run :click-element id qute-button
Then the javascript message "text: foobar" should be logged
Scenario: Spawning an editor in caret mode
When I set up a fake editor returning "foobar"
And I open data/editor.html
And I run :click-element id qute-textarea
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: clicking input)" in the log
And I run :leave-mode
And I wait for "Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)" in the log
And I run :enter-mode caret
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.caret (reason: command)" in the log
And I run :open-editor
And I wait for "Read back: foobar" in the log
And I run :click-element id qute-button
Then the javascript message "text: foobar" should be logged
Scenario: Spawning an editor with existing text
When I set up a fake editor replacing "foo" by "bar"
And I open data/editor.html
And I run :click-element id qute-textarea
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: clicking input)" in the log
And I run :insert-text foo
And I wait for "Inserting text into element *" in the log
And I run :open-editor
And I wait for "Read back: bar" in the log
And I run :click-element id qute-button
Then the javascript message "text: bar" should be logged
## :edit-command
Scenario: Edit a command and run it
When I run :set-cmd-text :message-info foo
And I set up a fake editor replacing "foo" by "bar"
And I run :edit-command --run
Then the message "bar" should be shown
And "Leaving mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd accept)" should be logged
Scenario: Edit a command and omit the start char
When I set up a fake editor returning "message-info foo"
And I run :edit-command
Then the error "command must start with one of :/?" should be shown
And "Leaving mode KeyMode.command *" should not be logged
Scenario: Edit a command to be empty
When I run :set-cmd-text :
When I set up a fake editor returning empty text
And I run :edit-command
Then the error "command must start with one of :/?" should be shown
And "Leaving mode KeyMode.command *" should not be logged