Jimmy 47446baf29 s/obj/target/
Would a bit of consistency in variable names be too much to ask?
2018-05-21 21:23:38 +12:00

204 lines
6.8 KiB

(function() {
const _qute_script_id = "__gm_{{ scriptName }}";
function GM_log(text) {
const GM_info = {
'script': {{ scriptInfo }},
'scriptMetaStr': "{{ scriptMeta }}",
'scriptWillUpdate': false,
'version': "0.0.1",
// so scripts don't expect exportFunction
'scriptHandler': 'Tampermonkey',
function checkKey(key, funcName) {
if (typeof key !== "string") {
throw new Error(`${funcName} requires the first parameter to be of type string, not '${typeof key}'`);
function GM_setValue(key, value) {
checkKey(key, "GM_setValue");
if (typeof value !== "string" &&
typeof value !== "number" &&
typeof value !== "boolean") {
throw new Error(`GM_setValue requires the second parameter to be of type string, number or boolean, not '${typeof value}'`);
localStorage.setItem(_qute_script_id + key, value);
function GM_getValue(key, default_) {
checkKey(key, "GM_getValue");
return localStorage.getItem(_qute_script_id + key) || default_;
function GM_deleteValue(key) {
checkKey(key, "GM_deleteValue");
localStorage.removeItem(_qute_script_id + key);
function GM_listValues() {
const keys = [];
for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
if (localStorage.key(i).startsWith(_qute_script_id)) {
return keys;
function GM_openInTab(url) {
// Almost verbatim copy from Eric
function GM_xmlhttpRequest(/* object */ details) {
details.method = details.method ? details.method.toUpperCase() : "GET";
if (!details.url) {
throw new Error("GM_xmlhttpRequest requires an URL.");
// build XMLHttpRequest object
const oXhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// run it
if ("onreadystatechange" in details) {
oXhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if ("onload" in details) {
oXhr.onload = function() { details.onload(oXhr); };
if ("onerror" in details) {
oXhr.onerror = function () { details.onerror(oXhr); };
oXhr.open(details.method, details.url, true);
if ("headers" in details) {
for (const header in details.headers) {
oXhr.setRequestHeader(header, details.headers[header]);
if ("data" in details) {
} else {
function GM_addStyle(/* String */ styles) {
const oStyle = document.createElement("style");
oStyle.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
const head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
if (head === undefined) {
// no head yet, stick it whereever
} else {
// Stub these two so that the gm4 polyfill script doesn't try to
// create broken versions as attributes of window.
function GM_getResourceText(caption, commandFunc, accessKey) {
console.error(`${GM_info.script.name} called unimplemented GM_getResourceText`);
function GM_registerMenuCommand(caption, commandFunc, accessKey) {
console.error(`${GM_info.script.name} called unimplemented GM_registerMenuCommand`);
// Mock the greasemonkey 4.0 async API.
const GM = {};
GM.info = GM_info;
const entries = {
'log': GM_log,
'addStyle': GM_addStyle,
'deleteValue': GM_deleteValue,
'getValue': GM_getValue,
'listValues': GM_listValues,
'openInTab': GM_openInTab,
'setValue': GM_setValue,
'xmlHttpRequest': GM_xmlhttpRequest,
for (newKey in entries) {
let old = entries[newKey];
if (old && (typeof GM[newKey] == 'undefined')) {
GM[newKey] = function(...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
{% if use_proxy %}
* Try to give userscripts an environment that they expect. Which
* seems to be that the global window object should look the same as
* the page's one and that if a script writes to an attribute of
* window it should be able to access that variable in the global
* scope.
* Use a Proxy to stop scripts from actually changing the global
* window (that's what unsafeWindow is for).
* Use the "with" statement to make the proxy provide what looks
* like global scope.
* There are other Proxy functions that we may need to override.
* set, get and has are definitely required.
const unsafeWindow = window;
const qute_gm_window_shadow = {}; // stores local changes to window
const qute_gm_windowProxyHandler = {
get: function(target, prop) {
if (prop in qute_gm_window_shadow)
return qute_gm_window_shadow[prop];
if (prop in target) {
if (typeof target[prop] === 'function' && typeof target[prop].prototype == 'undefined')
// Getting TypeError: Illegal Execution when callers try to execute
// eg addEventListener from here because they were returned
// unbound
return target[prop].bind(target);
return target[prop];
set: function(target, prop, val) {
return qute_gm_window_shadow[prop] = val;
has: function(target, key) {
return key in qute_gm_window_shadow || key in target;
const qute_gm_window_proxy = new Proxy(
unsafeWindow, qute_gm_windowProxyHandler);
with (qute_gm_window_proxy) {
// We can't return `this` or `qute_gm_window_proxy` from
// `qute_gm_window_proxy.get('window')` because the Proxy implementation
// does typechecking on read-only things. So we have to shadow `window`
// more conventionally here.
const window = qute_gm_window_proxy;
// ====== The actual user script source ====== //
{{ scriptSource }}
// ====== End User Script ====== //
{% else %}
// ====== The actual user script source ====== //
{{ scriptSource }}
// ====== End User Script ====== //
{% endif %}