2018-02-23 18:13:20 -05:00

273 lines
10 KiB

# vim: ft=cucumber fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
Feature: Searching on a page
Searching text on the page (like /foo) with different options.
Given I open data/search.html
And I run :tab-only
## searching
Scenario: Searching text
When I run :search foo
And I wait for "search found foo" in the log
Then "foo" should be found
Scenario: Searching twice
When I run :search foo
And I wait for "search found foo" in the log
And I run :search bar
And I wait for "search found bar" in the log
Then "Bar" should be found
Scenario: Searching with --reverse
When I set search.ignore_case to always
And I run :search -r foo
And I wait for "search found foo with flags FindBackward" in the log
Then "Foo" should be found
Scenario: Searching without matches
When I run :search doesnotmatch
And I wait for "search didn't find doesnotmatch" in the log
Then the warning "Text 'doesnotmatch' not found on page!" should be shown
Scenario: Searching with / and spaces at the end (issue 874)
When I run :set-cmd-text -s /space
And I run :command-accept
And I wait for "search found space " in the log
Then "space " should be found
Scenario: Searching with / and slash in search term (issue 507)
When I run :set-cmd-text -s //slash
And I run :command-accept
And I wait for "search found /slash" in the log
Then "/slash" should be found
# This doesn't work because this is QtWebKit behavior.
Scenario: Searching text with umlauts
When I run :search blub
And I wait for "search didn't find blub" in the log
Then the warning "Text 'blub' not found on page!" should be shown
@qtwebkit_skip: Supported by default on qtwebkit
Scenario: Searching text duplicates
When I run :search foo
And I wait for "search found foo" in the log
And I run :search foo
Then "Ignoring duplicate search request for foo" should be logged
## search.ignore_case
Scenario: Searching text with search.ignore_case = always
When I set search.ignore_case to always
And I run :search bar
And I wait for "search found bar" in the log
Then "Bar" should be found
Scenario: Searching text with search.ignore_case = never
When I set search.ignore_case to never
And I run :search bar
And I wait for "search found bar with flags FindCaseSensitively" in the log
Then "bar" should be found
Scenario: Searching text with search.ignore_case = smart (lower-case)
When I set search.ignore_case to smart
And I run :search bar
And I wait for "search found bar" in the log
Then "Bar" should be found
Scenario: Searching text with search.ignore_case = smart (upper-case)
When I set search.ignore_case to smart
And I run :search Foo
And I wait for "search found Foo with flags FindCaseSensitively" in the log
Then "Foo" should be found # even though foo was first
## :search-next
Scenario: Jumping to next match
When I set search.ignore_case to always
And I run :search foo
And I wait for "search found foo" in the log
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "next_result found foo" in the log
Then "Foo" should be found
Scenario: Jumping to next match with count
When I set search.ignore_case to always
And I run :search baz
And I wait for "search found baz" in the log
And I run :search-next with count 2
And I wait for "next_result found baz" in the log
Then "BAZ" should be found
Scenario: Jumping to next match with --reverse
When I set search.ignore_case to always
And I run :search --reverse foo
And I wait for "search found foo with flags FindBackward" in the log
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "next_result found foo with flags FindBackward" in the log
Then "foo" should be found
Scenario: Jumping to next match without search
# Make sure there was no search in the same window before
When I open data/search.html in a new window
And I run :search-next
Then the error "No search done yet." should be shown
Scenario: Repeating search in a second tab (issue #940)
When I open data/search.html in a new tab
And I run :search foo
And I wait for "search found foo" in the log
And I run :tab-prev
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "search found foo" in the log
Then "foo" should be found
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/2438
Scenario: Jumping to next match after clearing
When I set search.ignore_case to always
And I run :search foo
And I wait for "search found foo" in the log
And I run :search
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "next_result found foo" in the log
Then "foo" should be found
## :search-prev
Scenario: Jumping to previous match
When I set search.ignore_case to always
And I run :search foo
And I wait for "search found foo" in the log
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "next_result found foo" in the log
And I run :search-prev
And I wait for "prev_result found foo with flags FindBackward" in the log
Then "foo" should be found
Scenario: Jumping to previous match with count
When I set search.ignore_case to always
And I run :search baz
And I wait for "search found baz" in the log
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "next_result found baz" in the log
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "next_result found baz" in the log
And I run :search-prev with count 2
And I wait for "prev_result found baz with flags FindBackward" in the log
Then "baz" should be found
Scenario: Jumping to previous match with --reverse
When I set search.ignore_case to always
And I run :search --reverse foo
And I wait for "search found foo with flags FindBackward" in the log
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "next_result found foo with flags FindBackward" in the log
And I run :search-prev
And I wait for "prev_result found foo" in the log
Then "Foo" should be found
Scenario: Jumping to previous match without search
# Make sure there was no search in the same window before
When I open data/search.html in a new window
And I run :search-prev
Then the error "No search done yet." should be shown
## wrapping
Scenario: Wrapping around page
When I run :search foo
And I wait for "search found foo" in the log
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "next_result found foo" in the log
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "next_result found foo" in the log
Then "foo" should be found
Scenario: Wrapping around page with --reverse
When I run :search --reverse foo
And I wait for "search found foo with flags FindBackward" in the log
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "next_result found foo with flags FindBackward" in the log
And I run :search-next
And I wait for "next_result found foo with flags FindBackward" in the log
Then "Foo" should be found
# TODO: wrapping message with scrolling
# TODO: wrapping message without scrolling
## follow searched links
Scenario: Follow a searched link
When I run :search follow
And I wait for "search found follow" in the log
And I run :follow-selected
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Follow a searched link in a new tab
When I run :window-only
And I run :search follow
And I wait for "search found follow" in the log
And I run :follow-selected -t
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- data/search.html
- data/hello.txt (active)
Scenario: Don't follow searched text
When I run :window-only
And I run :search foo
And I wait for "search found foo" in the log
And I run :follow-selected
Then the following tabs should be open:
- data/search.html (active)
Scenario: Don't follow searched text in a new tab
When I run :window-only
And I run :search foo
And I wait for "search found foo" in the log
And I run :follow-selected -t
Then the following tabs should be open:
- data/search.html (active)
# Following a link selected via JS doesn't work in Qt 5.10 anymore.
Scenario: Follow a manually selected link
When I run :jseval --file (testdata)/search_select.js
And I run :follow-selected
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
# Following a link selected via JS doesn't work in Qt 5.10 anymore.
Scenario: Follow a manually selected link in a new tab
When I run :window-only
And I run :jseval --file (testdata)/search_select.js
And I run :follow-selected -t
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- data/search.html
- data/hello.txt (active)
@qtwebkit_skip: Not supported in qtwebkit
Scenario: Follow a searched link in an iframe
When I open data/iframe_search.html
And I run :tab-only
And I run :search follow
And I wait for "search found follow" in the log
And I run :follow-selected
Then "navigation request: url http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt, type NavigationTypeLinkClicked, is_main_frame False" should be logged
@qtwebkit_skip: Not supported in qtwebkit
Scenario: Follow a tabbed searched link in an iframe
When I open data/iframe_search.html
And I run :tab-only
And I run :search follow
And I wait for "search found follow" in the log
And I run :follow-selected -t
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- data/iframe_search.html
- data/hello.txt (active)