flake8 2.6.0 ------------ - Switch to pycodestyle as all future pep8 releases will use that package name - Allow for Windows users on select versions of Python to use --jobs and multiprocessing - Update bounds on McCabe - Update bounds on PyFlakes and blacklist known broken versions - Handle new PyFlakes warning with a new error code: F405 flake8-copyright 0.1.1 ---------------------- - Set line & column to 1,1 to avoid a flake8 error - Support multi-year copyright notices flake8-docstrings 0.2.8 ----------------------- - Try to import pydocstyle (not pycodestyle) as pep257 - Import either pycodestyle or pep8 to use stdin_get_value. This fixes the problem for newer Flake8’s (2.6.0+) and older ones. pycodestyle 2.0.0 ----------------- Announcements: - Repository renamed to `pycodestyle` - Added joint Code of Conduct as member of PyCQA Changes: - Added tox test support for Python 3.5 and pypy3 - Added check E275 for whitespace on `from ... import ...` lines - Added W503 to the list of codes ignored by default ignore list - Removed use of project level `.pep8` configuration file Bugs: - Fixed bug with treating `~` operator as binary - Identify binary operators as unary Other changes ------------- - Unpin mccabe as the flake8 requirement got updated - Pin pep8 as an older version gets installed otherwise - DIsable D403 warning (false-positivies)
61 lines
2.6 KiB
61 lines
2.6 KiB
exclude = .venv,.hypothesis,.git,__pycache__,resources.py
# E128: continuation line under-indented for visual indent
# E226: missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
# E265: Block comment should start with '#'
# E501: Line too long
# E402: module level import not at top of file
# E266: too many leading '#' for block comment
# F401: Unused import
# N802: function name should be lowercase
# L101: The __init__ method of classes must not have a docstring
# L102: A docstring was incorrectly formatted.
# L103: A test docstring must not start with any form of the words "test", ...
# L201: Container literals must have a trailing comma
# L202: print is not allowed except for debugging.
# L203: pdb and compatible modules are not allowed except for debugging.
# L204: Implicit string literal concatenation is only allowed if every string
# being concatenated is parenthesize
# L207: pass is only necessary in non-optional suites containing no other
# statements.
# L302: The line was too long.
# P101: format string does contain unindexed parameters
# P102: docstring does contain unindexed parameters
# P103: other string does contain unindexed parameters
# D102: Missing docstring in public method (will be handled by others)
# D103: Missing docstring in public function (will be handled by others)
# D104: Missing docstring in public package (will be handled by others)
# D105: Missing docstring in magic method (will be handled by others)
# D209: Blank line before closing """ (removed from PEP257)
# D211: No blank lines allowed before class docstring
# (PEP257 got changed, but let's stick to the old standard)
# D402: First line should not be function's signature (false-positives)
# D403: First word of the first line should be properly capitalized
# (false-positives)
# H101: Use TODO(NAME)
# H201: bare except
# H238: Use new-stule classes
# H301: one import per line
# H306: imports not in alphabetical order
ignore =
min-version = 3.4.0
max-complexity = 12
putty-auto-ignore = True
putty-ignore =
/# pylint: disable=invalid-name/ : +N801,N806
/# pylint: disable=wildcard-import/ : +F403
/# pragma: no mccabe/ : +C901
tests/*/test_*.py : +D100,D101,D401
tests/unit/browser/webkit/http/test_content_disposition.py : +D400
scripts/dev/ci/appveyor_install.py : +FI53
copyright-check = True
copyright-regexp = # Copyright [\d-]+ .*
copyright-min-file-size = 110