Florian Bruhin 203a5dff74 Get rid of webelem.FILTERS
There's actually no good reason to filter javascript links as we might want to
click them (or copy their URL) just like any other link - this fixes .

With that being gone, we don't need FILTERS at all anymore, as we can check for
existence of the href attribute in the CSS selector instead.
2017-05-12 09:41:12 +02:00

497 lines
21 KiB

# vim: ft=cucumber fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
Feature: Using hints
# https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-58381
Given I clean up open tabs
Scenario: Using :follow-hint outside of hint mode (issue 1105)
When I run :follow-hint
Then the error "follow-hint: This command is only allowed in hint mode, not normal." should be shown
Scenario: Using :follow-hint with an invalid index.
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "links normal" and follow xyz
Then the error "No hint xyz!" should be shown
### Opening in current or new tab
Scenario: Following a hint and force to open in current tab.
When I open data/hints/link_blank.html
And I hint with args "links current" and follow a
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- data/hello.txt (active)
Scenario: Following a hint and allow to open in new tab.
When I open data/hints/link_blank.html
And I hint with args "links normal" and follow a
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- data/hints/link_blank.html
- data/hello.txt
Scenario: Following a hint to link with sub-element and force to open in current tab.
When I open data/hints/link_span.html
And I hint with args "links current" and follow a
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- data/hello.txt (active)
Scenario: Entering and leaving hinting mode (issue 1464)
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "all"
And I run :fake-key -g <Esc>
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Using :hint spawn with flags and -- (issue 797)
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "-- all spawn -v python -c ''" and follow a
Then the message "Command exited successfully." should be shown
Scenario: Using :hint spawn with flags (issue 797)
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "all spawn -v python -c ''" and follow a
Then the message "Command exited successfully." should be shown
Scenario: Using :hint spawn with flags and --rapid (issue 797)
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "--rapid all spawn -v python -c ''" and follow a
Then the message "Command exited successfully." should be shown
Scenario: Using :hint spawn with flags passed to the command (issue 797)
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "--rapid all spawn -v echo -e foo" and follow a
Then the message "Command exited successfully." should be shown
Scenario: Using :hint run
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "all run message-info {hint-url}" and follow a
Then the message "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt" should be shown
Scenario: Using :hint fill
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "all fill :message-info {hint-url}" and follow a
And I press the key "<Enter>"
Then the message "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt" should be shown
Scenario: Using :hint userscript
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "all userscript (testdata)/userscripts/echo_hint_text" and follow a
Then the message "Follow me!" should be shown
Scenario: Using :hint userscript with a script which doesn't exist
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "all userscript (testdata)/does_not_exist" and follow a
Then the error "Userscript '*' not found" should be shown
Scenario: Yanking to clipboard
When I run :debug-set-fake-clipboard
And I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "links yank" and follow a
Then the clipboard should contain "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt"
Scenario: Yanking to primary selection
When selection is supported
And I run :debug-set-fake-clipboard
And I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "links yank-primary" and follow a
Then the primary selection should contain "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt"
Scenario: Yanking to primary selection without it being supported (#1336)
When selection is not supported
And I run :debug-set-fake-clipboard
And I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "links yank-primary" and follow a
Then the clipboard should contain "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt"
Scenario: Yanking email address to clipboard
When I run :debug-set-fake-clipboard
And I open data/email_address.html
And I hint with args "links yank" and follow a
Then the clipboard should contain "nobody"
Scenario: Yanking javascript link to clipboard
When I run :debug-set-fake-clipboard
And I open data/hints/html/javascript.html
And I hint with args "links yank" and follow a
Then the clipboard should contain "javascript:window.location.href='/data/hello.txt'"
Scenario: Rapid hinting
When I open data/hints/rapid.html in a new tab
And I run :tab-only
And I hint with args "all tab-bg --rapid"
And I run :follow-hint a
And I run :follow-hint s
And I run :leave-mode
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
And I wait until data/hello2.txt is loaded
# We should check what the active tab is, but for some reason that makes
# the test flaky
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- url: http://localhost:*/data/hints/rapid.html
- history:
- url: http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt
- history:
- url: http://localhost:*/data/hello2.txt
Scenario: Using hint --rapid to hit multiple buttons
When I open data/hints/buttons.html
And I hint with args "--rapid"
And I run :follow-hint s
And I run :follow-hint d
And I run :follow-hint f
Then the javascript message "beep!" should be logged
And the javascript message "bop!" should be logged
And the javascript message "boop!" should be logged
Scenario: Using :hint run with a URL containing spaces
When I open data/hints/html/with_spaces.html
And I hint with args "all run message-info {hint-url}" and follow a
Then the message "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt" should be shown
Scenario: Clicking an invalid link
When I open data/invalid_link.html
And I hint with args "all" and follow a
Then the error "Invalid link clicked - *" should be shown
Scenario: Clicking an invalid link opening in a new tab
When I open data/invalid_link.html
And I hint with args "all tab" and follow a
Then the error "Invalid link clicked - *" should be shown
Scenario: Hinting inputs without type
When I open data/hints/input.html
And I hint with args "inputs" and follow a
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: clicking input)" in the log
And I run :leave-mode
# The actual check is already done above
Then no crash should happen
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1613
Scenario: Hinting inputs with padding
When I open data/hints/input.html
And I hint with args "inputs" and follow s
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: clicking input)" in the log
And I run :leave-mode
# The actual check is already done above
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Hinting with ACE editor
When I open data/hints/ace/ace.html
And I hint with args "inputs" and follow a
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: clicking input)" in the log
And I run :leave-mode
# The actual check is already done above
Then no crash should happen
Scenario: Hinting invisible elements
When I open data/hints/invisible.html
And I run :hint
Then the error "No elements found." should be shown
Scenario: Clicking input with existing text
When I set general -> log-javascript-console to info
And I open data/hints/input.html
And I run :click-element id qute-input-existing
And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert *" in the log
And I run :fake-key new
Then the javascript message "contents: existingnew" should be logged
### iframes
@qtwebengine_todo: Hinting in iframes is not implemented yet
Scenario: Using :follow-hint inside an iframe
When I open data/hints/iframe.html
And I hint with args "links normal" and follow a
Then "navigation request: url http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt, type NavigationTypeLinkClicked, *" should be logged
### FIXME currenly skipped, see https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1525
Scenario: Using :follow-hint inside a scrolled iframe
When I open data/hints/iframe_scroll.html
And I hint with args "all normal" and follow a
And I run :scroll bottom
And I hint wht args "links normal" and follow a
Then "navigation request: url http://localhost:*/data/hello2.txt, type NavigationTypeLinkClicked, *" should be logged
@qtwebengine_skip: Opens in new tab due to Chromium bug
Scenario: Opening a link inside a specific iframe
When I open data/hints/iframe_target.html
And I hint with args "links normal" and follow a
Then "navigation request: url http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt, type NavigationTypeLinkClicked, *" should be logged
Scenario: Opening a link with specific target frame in a new tab
When I open data/hints/iframe_target.html
And I run :tab-only
And I hint with args "links tab" and follow a
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- data/hints/iframe_target.html
- data/hello.txt (active)
Scenario: Clicking on iframe with :hint all current
When I open data/hints/iframe.html
And I hint with args "all current" and follow a
Then no crash should happen
### hints -> auto-follow-timeout
Scenario: Ignoring key presses after auto-following hints
When I set hints -> auto-follow-timeout to 1000
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I run :bind --force , message-error "This error message was triggered via a keybinding which should have been inhibited"
And I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "all"
And I press the key "f"
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
And I press the key ","
# Waiting here so we don't affect the next test
And I wait for "Releasing inhibition state of normal mode." in the log
Then "Ignoring key ',', because the normal mode is currently inhibited." should be logged
Scenario: Turning off auto-follow-timeout
When I set hints -> auto-follow-timeout to 0
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I run :bind --force , message-info "Keypress worked!"
And I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I hint with args "all"
And I press the key "f"
And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
And I press the key ","
Then the message "Keypress worked!" should be shown
### Word hints
Scenario: Hinting with a too short dictionary
When I open data/hints/short_dict.html
And I set hints -> mode to word
# Test letter fallback
And I hint with args "all" and follow d
Then the error "Not enough words in the dictionary." should be shown
And data/numbers/5.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Dictionary file does not exist
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> dictionary to no_words
And I set hints -> mode to word
And I run :hint
And I wait for "hints: *" in the log
And I press the key "a"
Then the error "Word hints requires reading the file at *" should be shown
And data/hello.txt should be loaded
### Number hint mode
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/308
Scenario: Renumbering hints when filtering
When I open data/hints/number.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I hint with args "all"
And I press the key "s"
And I run :follow-hint 1
Then data/numbers/7.txt should be loaded
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/576
Scenario: Keeping hint filter in rapid mode
When I open data/hints/number.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I hint with args "all tab-bg --rapid"
And I press the key "t"
And I run :follow-hint 0
And I run :follow-hint 1
Then data/numbers/2.txt should be loaded
And data/numbers/3.txt should be loaded
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1186
Scenario: Keeping hints filter when using backspace
When I open data/hints/issue1186.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I hint with args "all"
And I press the key "x"
And I press the key "0"
And I press the key "<Backspace>"
And I run :follow-hint 11
Then the error "No hint 11!" should be shown
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/674#issuecomment-165096744
Scenario: Multi-word matching
When I open data/hints/number.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I set hints -> auto-follow to unique-match
And I set hints -> auto-follow-timeout to 0
And I hint with args "all"
And I press the keys "ten pos"
Then data/numbers/11.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Scattering is ignored with number hints
When I open data/hints/number.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I set hints -> scatter to true
And I hint with args "all" and follow 00
Then data/numbers/1.txt should be loaded
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1559
Scenario: Filtering all hints in number mode
When I open data/hints/number.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I hint with args "all"
And I press the key "2"
And I wait for "Leaving mode KeyMode.hint (reason: all filtered)" in the log
Then no crash should happen
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1657
Scenario: Using rapid number hinting twice
When I open data/hints/number.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I hint with args "--rapid"
And I run :leave-mode
And I hint with args "--rapid" and follow 00
Then data/numbers/1.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Using a specific hints mode
When I open data/hints/number.html
And I set hints -> mode to letter
And I hint with args "--mode number all"
And I press the key "s"
And I run :follow-hint 1
Then data/numbers/7.txt should be loaded
### auto-follow option
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'always' in letter mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to letter
And I set hints -> auto-follow to always
And I hint with args "all"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
# unique-match is actually the same as full-match in letter mode
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'unique-match' in letter mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to letter
And I set hints -> auto-follow to unique-match
And I hint with args "all"
And I press the key "a"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'full-match' in letter mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to letter
And I set hints -> auto-follow to full-match
And I hint with args "all"
And I press the key "a"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'never' without Enter in letter mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to letter
And I set hints -> auto-follow to never
And I hint with args "all"
And I press the key "a"
Then "Leaving mode KeyMode.hint (reason: followed)" should not be logged
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'never' in letter mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to letter
And I set hints -> auto-follow to never
And I hint with args "all"
And I press the key "a"
And I press the key "<Enter>"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'always' in number mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I set hints -> auto-follow to always
And I hint with args "all"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'unique-match' in number mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I set hints -> auto-follow to unique-match
And I hint with args "all"
And I press the key "f"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'full-match' in number mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I set hints -> auto-follow to full-match
And I hint with args "all"
# this actually presses the keys one by one
And I press the key "follow me!"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'never' without Enter in number mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I set hints -> auto-follow to never
And I hint with args "all"
# this actually presses the keys one by one
And I press the key "follow me!"
Then "Leaving mode KeyMode.hint (reason: followed)" should not be logged
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'never' in number mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to number
And I set hints -> auto-follow to never
And I hint with args "all"
# this actually presses the keys one by one
And I press the key "follow me!"
And I press the key "<Enter>"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'always' in word mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to word
And I set hints -> auto-follow to always
And I hint with args "all"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'unique-match' in word mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to word
And I set hints -> auto-follow to unique-match
And I hint with args "all"
# the link gets "hello" as the hint
And I press the key "h"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'full-match' in word mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to word
And I set hints -> auto-follow to full-match
And I hint with args "all"
# this actually presses the keys one by one
And I press the key "hello"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'never' without Enter in word mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to word
And I set hints -> auto-follow to never
And I hint with args "all"
# this actually presses the keys one by one
And I press the key "hello"
Then "Leaving mode KeyMode.hint (reason: followed)" should not be logged
Scenario: Using hints -> auto-follow == 'never' in word mode
When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
And I set hints -> mode to word
And I set hints -> auto-follow to never
And I hint with args "all"
# this actually presses the keys one by one
And I press the key "hello"
And I press the key "<Enter>"
Then data/hello.txt should be loaded