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# Copyright 2014-2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org>
# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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"""Tests for qutebrowser.utils.debug."""
import logging
import re
import time
import textwrap
import pytest
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, Qt, QEvent, QObject, QTimer
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QStyle, QFrame, QWidget
from qutebrowser.utils import debug
class EventObject(QObject):
def test_log_events(qapp, caplog):
obj = EventObject()
qapp.postEvent(obj, QEvent(QEvent.User))
records = caplog.records()
assert len(records) == 1
assert records[0].msg == 'Event in test_debug.EventObject: User'
class SignalObject(QObject):
signal1 = pyqtSignal()
signal2 = pyqtSignal(str, str)
def __repr__(self):
"""This is not a nice thing to do, but it makes our tests easier."""
return '<repr>'
class DecoratedSignalObject(SignalObject):
@pytest.fixture(params=[(SignalObject, True), (DecoratedSignalObject, False)])
def signal_obj(request):
klass, wrap = request.param
obj = klass()
if wrap:
return obj
def test_log_signals(caplog, signal_obj):
signal_obj.signal2.emit('foo', 'bar')
records = caplog.records()
assert len(records) == 2
assert records[0].msg == 'Signal in <repr>: signal1()'
assert records[1].msg == "Signal in <repr>: signal2('foo', 'bar')"
def test_log_time(caplog):
logger_name = 'qt-tests'
with caplog.atLevel(logging.DEBUG, logger_name):
with debug.log_time(logging.getLogger(logger_name), action='foobar'):
records = caplog.records()
assert len(records) == 1
pattern = re.compile(r'^Foobar took ([\d.]*) seconds\.$')
match = pattern.match(records[0].msg)
assert match
duration = float(match.group(1))
assert 0 < duration < 1
class TestQEnumKey:
def test_metaobj(self):
"""Make sure the classes we use in the tests have a metaobj or not.
If Qt/PyQt even changes and our tests wouldn't test the full
functionality of qenum_key because of that, this test will tell us.
assert not hasattr(QStyle.PrimitiveElement, 'staticMetaObject')
assert hasattr(QFrame, 'staticMetaObject')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('base, value, klass, expected', [
(QStyle, QStyle.PE_PanelButtonCommand, None, 'PE_PanelButtonCommand'),
(QFrame, QFrame.Sunken, None, 'Sunken'),
(QFrame, 0x0030, QFrame.Shadow, 'Sunken'),
(QFrame, 0x1337, QFrame.Shadow, '0x1337'),
def test_qenum_key(self, base, value, klass, expected):
key = debug.qenum_key(base, value, klass=klass)
assert key == expected
def test_add_base(self):
key = debug.qenum_key(QFrame, QFrame.Sunken, add_base=True)
assert key == 'QFrame.Sunken'
def test_int_noklass(self):
"""Test passing an int without explicit klass given."""
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
debug.qenum_key(QFrame, 42)
class TestQFlagsKey:
"""Tests for qutebrowser.utils.debug.qflags_key.
fixme = pytest.mark.xfail(reason="See issue #42", raises=AssertionError)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('base, value, klass, expected', [
fixme((Qt, Qt.AlignTop, None, 'AlignTop')),
fixme((Qt, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop, None, 'AlignLeft|AlignTop')),
(Qt, Qt.AlignCenter, None, 'AlignHCenter|AlignVCenter'),
fixme((Qt, 0x0021, Qt.Alignment, 'AlignLeft|AlignTop')),
(Qt, 0x1100, Qt.Alignment, '0x0100|0x1000'),
def test_qflags_key(self, base, value, klass, expected):
flags = debug.qflags_key(base, value, klass=klass)
assert flags == expected
def test_add_base(self):
"""Test with add_base=True."""
flags = debug.qflags_key(Qt, Qt.AlignTop, add_base=True)
assert flags == 'Qt.AlignTop'
def test_int_noklass(self):
"""Test passing an int without explicit klass given."""
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
debug.qflags_key(Qt, 42)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('signal, expected', [
(SignalObject().signal1, 'signal1'),
(SignalObject().signal2, 'signal2'),
def test_signal_name(signal, expected):
assert debug.signal_name(signal) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args, kwargs, expected', [
([], {}, ''),
(None, None, ''),
(['foo'], None, "'foo'"),
(['foo', 'bar'], None, "'foo', 'bar'"),
(None, {'foo': 'bar'}, "foo='bar'"),
(['foo', 'bar'], {'baz': 'fish'}, "'foo', 'bar', baz='fish'"),
(['x' * 300], None, "'{}".format('x' * 198 + '…')),
def test_format_args(args, kwargs, expected):
assert debug.format_args(args, kwargs) == expected
def func():
@pytest.mark.parametrize('func, args, kwargs, full, expected', [
(func, None, None, False, 'func()'),
(func, [1, 2], None, False, 'func(1, 2)'),
(func, [1, 2], None, True, 'test_debug.func(1, 2)'),
(func, [1, 2], {'foo': 3}, False, 'func(1, 2, foo=3)'),
def test_format_call(func, args, kwargs, full, expected):
assert debug.format_call(func, args, kwargs, full) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args, expected', [
([23, 42], 'fake(23, 42)'),
(['x' * 201], "fake('{}\u2026)".format('x' * 198)),
(['foo\nbar'], r"fake('foo\nbar')"),
def test_dbg_signal(stubs, args, expected):
assert debug.dbg_signal(stubs.FakeSignal(), args) == expected
class ExampleObject(QObject):
def __init__(self, num, parent=None):
self._num = num
def __repr__(self):
return '<ExampleObject {}>'.format(self._num)
class ExampleWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self, num, parent=None):
self._num = num
def __repr__(self):
return '<ExampleWidget {}>'.format(self._num)
def test_get_all_objects(qtbot):
w1 = ExampleWidget(1)
w2 = ExampleWidget(2)
root = QObject()
o1 = ExampleObject(1, root)
o2 = ExampleObject(2, o1)
o3 = ExampleObject(3, root)
expected = textwrap.dedent("""
Qt widgets - 2 objects:
<ExampleWidget 1>
<ExampleWidget 2>
Qt objects - 3 objects:
<ExampleObject 1>
<ExampleObject 2>
<ExampleObject 3>
global object registry - 0 objects:
assert debug.get_all_objects(start_obj=root) == expected
def test_get_all_objects_qapp():
objects = debug.get_all_objects()
assert '<PyQt5.QtCore.QAbstractEventDispatcher object at' in objects