Florian Bruhin 5a319cc505 Be more strict about Python deprecation warnings again
The warnings caught in earlyinit.py got fixed in the affected dependencies.
The collections.abc warning also seems to be fixed in everything but PyYAML.
2019-02-16 20:10:29 +01:00

73 lines
4.5 KiB

log_level = NOTSET
addopts = --strict -rfEw --faulthandler-timeout=90 --instafail --benchmark-columns=Min,Max,Median
testpaths = tests
markers =
gui: Tests using the GUI (e.g. spawning widgets)
posix: Tests which only can run on a POSIX OS.
windows: Tests which only can run on Windows.
linux: Tests which only can run on Linux.
mac: Tests which only can run on macOS.
not_mac: Tests which can not run on macOS.
not_frozen: Tests which can't be run if sys.frozen is True.
no_xvfb: Tests which can't be run with Xvfb.
frozen: Tests which can only be run if sys.frozen is True.
integration: Tests which test a bigger portion of code
end2end: End to end tests which run qutebrowser as subprocess
xfail_norun: xfail the test with out running it
ci: Tests which should only run on CI.
no_ci: Tests which should not run on CI.
qtwebengine_todo: Features still missing with QtWebEngine
qtwebengine_skip: Tests not applicable with QtWebEngine
qtwebkit_skip: Tests not applicable with QtWebKit
qtwebengine_flaky: Tests which are flaky (and currently skipped) with QtWebEngine
qtwebengine_mac_xfail: Tests which fail on macOS with QtWebEngine
js_prompt: Tests needing to display a javascript prompt
this: Used to mark tests during development
no_invalid_lines: Don't fail on unparseable lines in end2end tests
issue2478: Tests which are broken on Windows with QtWebEngine, https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/2478
issue3572: Tests which are broken with QtWebEngine and Qt 5.10, https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/3572
qtbug60673: Tests which are broken if the conversion from orange selection to real selection is flaky
fake_os: Fake utils.is_* to a fake operating system
unicode_locale: Tests which need an unicode locale to work
qtwebkit6021_skip: Tests which would fail on WebKit version 602.1
qt_log_level_fail = WARNING
qt_log_ignore =
^SpellCheck: .*
^SetProcessDpiAwareness failed: .*
^QWindowsWindow::setGeometry(Dp)?: Unable to set geometry .*
^QProcess: Destroyed while process .* is still running\.
^"Method "GetAll" with signature "s" on interface "org\.freedesktop\.DBus\.Properties" doesn't exist
^"Method \\"GetAll\\" with signature \\"s\\" on interface \\"org\.freedesktop\.DBus\.Properties\\" doesn't exist\\n"
^propsReply "Method \\"GetAll\\" with signature \\"s\\" on interface \\"org\.freedesktop\.DBus\.Properties\\" doesn't exist\\n"
^nmReply "Method \\"GetDevices\\" with signature \\"\\" on interface \\"org\.freedesktop\.NetworkManager\\" doesn't exist\\n"
^"Object path cannot be empty"
^virtual void QSslSocketBackendPrivate::transmit\(\) SSL write failed with error: -9805
^virtual void QSslSocketBackendPrivate::transmit\(\) SSLRead failed with: -9805
^Type conversion already registered from type .*
^QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once\.
^QWaitCondition: Destroyed while threads are still waiting
^QXcbXSettings::QXcbXSettings\(QXcbScreen\*\) Failed to get selection owner for XSETTINGS_S atom
^QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to .*
^QObject::connect: Cannot connect \(null\)::stateChanged\(QNetworkSession::State\) to QNetworkReplyHttpImpl::_q_networkSessionStateChanged\(QNetworkSession::State\)
^QXcbClipboard: Cannot transfer data, no data available
^load glyph failed
^Error when parsing the netrc file
^Image of format '' blocked because it is not considered safe. If you are sure it is safe to do so, you can white-list the format by setting the environment variable QTWEBKIT_IMAGEFORMAT_WHITELIST=
^QPainter::end: Painter ended with \d+ saved states
^QSslSocket: cannot resolve .*
^QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function .*
^Incompatible version of OpenSSL
^QQuickWidget::invalidateRenderControl could not make context current
^libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
^inotify_add_watch\(".*"\) failed: "No space left on device"
^QSettings::value: Empty key passed
^Icon theme ".*" not found
^Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
^QBackingStore::endPaint\(\) called with active painter on backingstore paint device
xfail_strict = true
filterwarnings =
# WORKAROUND for https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-bdd/pull/288
ignore:the `pytest\.config` global is deprecated\. Please use `request.config` or `pytest_configure` \(if you're a pytest plugin\) instead\.