264 lines
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264 lines
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Feature: Various utility commands.
## :set-cmd-text
Scenario: :set-cmd-text and :command-accept
When I run :set-cmd-text :message-info "Hello World"
And I run :command-accept
Then the message "Hello World" should be shown
Scenario: :set-cmd-text with two commands
When I run :set-cmd-text :message-info test ;; message-error error
And I run :command-accept
Then the message "test" should be shown
And the error "error" should be shown
Scenario: :set-cmd-text with URL replacement
When I open data/hello.txt
When I run :set-cmd-text :message-info >{url}<
And I run :command-accept
Then the message ">http://localhost:*/hello.txt<" should be shown
Scenario: :set-cmd-text with -s and -a
When I run :set-cmd-text -s :message-info "foo
And I run :set-cmd-text -a bar"
And I run :command-accept
Then the message "foo bar" should be shown
Scenario: :set-cmd-text with -a but without text
When I run :set-cmd-text -a foo
Then the error "No current text!" should be shown
Scenario: :set-cmd-text with invalid command
When I run :set-cmd-text foo
Then the error "Invalid command text 'foo'." should be shown
## :message-*
Scenario: :message-error
When I run :message-error "Hello World"
Then the error "Hello World" should be shown
Scenario: :message-info
When I run :message-info "Hello World"
Then the message "Hello World" should be shown
Scenario: :message-warning
When I run :message-warning "Hello World"
Then the warning "Hello World" should be shown
## :jseval
Scenario: :jseval
When I set general -> log-javascript-console to info
And I run :jseval console.log("Hello from JS!");
And I wait for "[:0] Hello from JS!" in the log
Then the message "No output or error" should be shown
Scenario: :jseval without logging
When I set general -> log-javascript-console to none
And I run :jseval console.log("Hello from JS!");
Then the message "No output or error" should be shown
And "[:0] Hello from JS!" should not be logged
Scenario: :jseval with --quiet
When I set general -> log-javascript-console to info
And I run :jseval --quiet console.log("Hello from JS!");
And I wait for "[:0] Hello from JS!" in the log
Then "No output or error" should not be logged
Scenario: :jseval with a value
When I run :jseval "foo"
Then the message "foo" should be shown
Scenario: :jseval with a long, truncated value
When I run :jseval Array(5002).join("x")
Then the message "x* [...trimmed...]" should be shown
# :debug-webaction
Scenario: :debug-webaction with valid value
Given I open data/backforward/1.txt
When I open data/backforward/2.txt
And I run :tab-only
And I run :debug-webaction Back
And I wait until data/backforward/1.txt is loaded
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/backforward/1.txt
- url: http://localhost:*/data/backforward/2.txt
Scenario: :debug-webaction with invalid value
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :debug-webaction blah
Then the error "blah is not a valid web action!" should be shown
Scenario: :debug-webaction with non-webaction member
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :debug-webaction PermissionUnknown
Then the error "PermissionUnknown is not a valid web action!" should be shown
# :inspect
Scenario: Inspector without developer extras
When I set general -> developer-extras to false
And I run :inspector
Then the error "Please enable developer-extras before using the webinspector!" should be shown
@not_xvfb @posix
Scenario: Inspector smoke test
When I set general -> developer-extras to true
And I run :inspector
And I wait for "Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets.QWebView object at *>" in the log
And I run :inspector
And I wait for "Focus object changed: *" in the log
Then no crash should happen
# :stop/:reload
# WORKAROUND for https://bitbucket.org/cherrypy/cherrypy/pull-requests/117/
Scenario: :stop
Given I have a fresh instance
# We can't use "When I open" because we don't want to wait for load
# finished
When I run :open http://localhost:(port)/custom/redirect-later?delay=-1
And I wait for "emitting: cur_load_status_changed('loading') (tab *)" in the log
And I wait 1s
And I run :stop
And I open custom/redirect-later-continue in a new tab
And I wait 1s
Then the unordered requests should be:
# no request on / because we stopped the redirect
Scenario: :reload
When I open data/reload.txt
And I run :reload
And I wait until data/reload.txt is loaded
Then the requests should be:
Scenario: :reload with force
When I open headers
And I run :reload --force
And I wait until headers is loaded
Then the header Cache-Control should be set to no-cache
# :view-source
Scenario: :view-source
Given I open data/hello.txt
When I run :tab-only
And I run :view-source
Then the session should look like:
- tabs:
- history:
- active: true
url: http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt
- active: true
history: []
And the page source should look like misc/hello.txt.html
Scenario: :view-source on source page.
When I open data/hello.txt
And I run :view-source
And I run :view-source
Then the error "Already viewing source!" should be shown
# :debug-console
Scenario: :debug-console smoke test
When I run :debug-console
And I wait for "Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.misc.consolewidget.ConsoleLineEdit *>" in the log
And I run :debug-console
And I wait for "Focus object changed: *" in the log
Then no crash should happen
# :help
Scenario: :help without topic
When I run :tab-only
And I run :help
And I wait until qute://help/index.html is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- qute://help/index.html (active)
Scenario: :help with invalid topic
When I run :help foo
Then the error "Invalid help topic foo!" should be shown
Scenario: :help with command
When the documentation is up to date
And I run :tab-only
And I run :help :back
And I wait until qute://help/commands.html#back is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- qute://help/commands.html#back (active)
Scenario: :help with invalid command
When I run :help :foo
Then the error "Invalid command foo!" should be shown
Scenario: :help with setting
When the documentation is up to date
And I run :tab-only
And I run :help general->editor
And I wait until qute://help/settings.html#general-editor is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- qute://help/settings.html#general-editor (active)
Scenario: :help with invalid setting (2 arrows)
When I run :help general->editor->foo
Then the error "Invalid help topic general->editor->foo!" should be shown
Scenario: :help with invalid setting (unknown section)
When I run :help foo->bar
Then the error "Invalid section foo!" should be shown
Scenario: :help with invalid setting (unknown option)
When I run :help general->bar
Then the error "Invalid option bar!" should be shown
Scenario: :help with -t
When I open about:blank
And I run :tab-only
And I run :help -t
And I wait until qute://help/index.html is loaded
Then the following tabs should be open:
- about:blank
- qute://help/index.html (active)
# :home
Scenario: :home with single page
When I set general -> startpage to http://localhost:(port)/data/hello2.txt
And I run :home
Then data/hello2.txt should be loaded
Scenario: :home with multiple pages
When I set general -> startpage to http://localhost:(port)/data/numbers/1.txt,http://localhost:(port)/data/numbers/2.txt
And I run :home
Then data/numbers/1.txt should be loaded
# pdfjs support
Scenario: pdfjs is used for pdf files
Given pdfjs is available
When I set content -> enable-pdfjs to true
And I open data/misc/test.pdf
Then the javascript message "PDF * [*] (PDF.js: *)" should be logged
Scenario: pdfjs is not used when disabled
When I set content -> enable-pdfjs to false
And I set storage -> prompt-download-directory to false
And I open data/misc/test.pdf
Then "Download finished" should be logged