Turns out --force is just in the way for most people, and at least for default bindings it's easy to reset them. Also, it makes :config-source fail when config.py contains keybindings. Closes #3049
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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2014-2017 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Tests for qutebrowser.config.configcommands."""
import logging
import pytest
from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, QProcess
from qutebrowser.config import configcommands
from qutebrowser.commands import cmdexc
from qutebrowser.utils import objreg, usertypes
from qutebrowser.misc import objects
def commands(config_stub, keyconf):
return configcommands.ConfigCommands(config_stub, keyconf)
class TestSet:
"""Tests for :set."""
def tabbed_browser(self, qapp, stubs, win_registry):
tb = stubs.TabbedBrowserStub()
objreg.register('tabbed-browser', tb, scope='window', window=0)
yield tb
objreg.delete('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=0)
def test_set_no_args(self, commands, tabbed_browser):
"""Run ':set'.
Should open qute://settings."""
assert tabbed_browser.opened_url == QUrl('qute://settings')
def test_get(self, config_stub, commands, message_mock):
"""Run ':set url.auto_search?'.
Should show the value.
config_stub.val.url.auto_search = 'never'
commands.set(win_id=0, option='url.auto_search?')
msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.info)
assert msg.text == 'url.auto_search = never'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('temp', [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('option, old_value, inp, new_value', [
('url.auto_search', 'naive', 'dns', 'dns'),
# https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/2962
('editor.command', ['gvim', '-f', '{}'], '[emacs, "{}"]',
['emacs', '{}']),
def test_set_simple(self, monkeypatch, commands, config_stub,
temp, option, old_value, inp, new_value):
"""Run ':set [-t] option value'.
Should set the setting accordingly.
monkeypatch.setattr(objects, 'backend', usertypes.Backend.QtWebKit)
assert config_stub.get(option) == old_value
commands.set(0, option, inp, temp=temp)
assert config_stub.get(option) == new_value
if temp:
assert option not in config_stub._yaml
assert config_stub._yaml[option] == new_value
@pytest.mark.parametrize('temp', [True, False])
def test_set_temp_override(self, commands, config_stub, temp):
"""Invoking :set twice.
:set url.auto_search dns
:set -t url.auto_search never
Should set the setting accordingly.
assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'naive'
commands.set(0, 'url.auto_search', 'dns')
commands.set(0, 'url.auto_search', 'never', temp=True)
assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'never'
assert config_stub._yaml['url.auto_search'] == 'dns'
def test_set_print(self, config_stub, commands, message_mock):
"""Run ':set -p url.auto_search never'.
Should set show the value.
assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'naive'
commands.set(0, 'url.auto_search', 'dns', print_=True)
assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'dns'
msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.info)
assert msg.text == 'url.auto_search = dns'
def test_set_invalid_option(self, commands):
"""Run ':set foo bar'.
Should show an error.
with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match="set: No option 'foo'"):
commands.set(0, 'foo', 'bar')
def test_set_invalid_value(self, commands):
"""Run ':set auto_save.session blah'.
Should show an error.
with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError,
match="set: Invalid value 'blah' - must be a "
commands.set(0, 'auto_save.session', 'blah')
def test_set_wrong_backend(self, commands, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(objects, 'backend', usertypes.Backend.QtWebEngine)
with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError,
match="set: This setting is not available with the "
"QtWebEngine backend!"):
commands.set(0, 'content.cookies.accept', 'all')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('option', ['?', '!', 'url.auto_search'])
def test_empty(self, commands, option):
"""Run ':set ?' / ':set !' / ':set url.auto_search'.
Should show an error.
See https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1109
with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError,
match="set: The following arguments are required: "
commands.set(win_id=0, option=option)
def test_invalid(self, commands):
"""Run ':set foo?'.
Should show an error.
with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match="set: No option 'foo'"):
commands.set(win_id=0, option='foo?')
class TestCycle:
"""Test :config-cycle."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize('initial, expected', [
# Normal cycling
('magenta', 'blue'),
# Through the end of the list
('yellow', 'green'),
# Value which is not in the list
('red', 'green'),
def test_cycling(self, commands, config_stub, initial, expected):
"""Run ':set' with multiple values."""
opt = 'colors.statusbar.normal.bg'
config_stub.set_obj(opt, initial)
commands.config_cycle(opt, 'green', 'magenta', 'blue', 'yellow')
assert config_stub.get(opt) == expected
assert config_stub._yaml[opt] == expected
def test_different_representation(self, commands, config_stub):
"""When using a different representation, cycling should work.
For example, we use [foo] which is represented as ["foo"].
opt = 'qt_args'
config_stub.set_obj(opt, ['foo'])
commands.config_cycle(opt, '[foo]', '[bar]')
assert config_stub.get(opt) == ['bar']
commands.config_cycle(opt, '[foo]', '[bar]')
assert config_stub.get(opt) == ['foo']
def test_toggle(self, commands, config_stub):
"""Run ':config-cycle auto_save.session'.
Should toggle the value.
assert not config_stub.val.auto_save.session
assert config_stub.val.auto_save.session
assert config_stub._yaml['auto_save.session']
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args', [
['url.auto_search'], ['url.auto_search', 'foo']
def test_toggle_nonbool(self, commands, config_stub, args):
"""Run :config-cycle without a bool and 0/1 value.
:config-cycle url.auto_search
:config-cycle url.auto_search foo
Should show an error.
assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'naive'
with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match="Need at least "
"two values for non-boolean settings."):
assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'naive'
def test_set_toggle_print(self, commands, config_stub, message_mock):
"""Run ':config-cycle -p auto_save.session'.
Should toggle the value and show the new value.
commands.config_cycle('auto_save.session', print_=True)
msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.info)
assert msg.text == 'auto_save.session = true'
class TestUnsetAndClear:
"""Test :config-unset and :config-clear."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize('temp', [True, False])
def test_unset(self, commands, config_stub, temp):
name = 'tabs.show'
config_stub.set_obj(name, 'never', save_yaml=True)
commands.config_unset(name, temp=temp)
assert config_stub.get(name) == 'always'
if temp:
assert config_stub._yaml[name] == 'never'
assert name not in config_stub._yaml
def test_unset_unknown_option(self, commands):
with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match="No option 'tabs'"):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('save', [True, False])
def test_clear(self, commands, config_stub, save):
name = 'tabs.show'
config_stub.set_obj(name, 'never', save_yaml=True)
assert config_stub.get(name) == 'always'
if save:
assert name not in config_stub._yaml
assert config_stub._yaml[name] == 'never'
class TestSource:
"""Test :config-source."""
pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures('config_tmpdir', 'data_tmpdir')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('use_default_dir', [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('clear', [True, False])
def test_config_source(self, tmpdir, commands, config_stub, config_tmpdir,
use_default_dir, clear):
assert config_stub.val.content.javascript.enabled
config_stub.val.ignore_case = 'always'
if use_default_dir:
pyfile = config_tmpdir / 'config.py'
arg = None
pyfile = tmpdir / 'sourced.py'
arg = str(pyfile)
pyfile.write_text('c.content.javascript.enabled = False\n',
commands.config_source(arg, clear=clear)
assert not config_stub.val.content.javascript.enabled
assert config_stub.val.ignore_case == ('smart' if clear else 'always')
def test_errors(self, commands, config_tmpdir):
pyfile = config_tmpdir / 'config.py'
pyfile.write_text('c.foo = 42', encoding='utf-8')
with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError) as excinfo:
expected = ("Errors occurred while reading config.py:\n"
" While setting 'foo': No option 'foo'")
assert str(excinfo.value) == expected
class TestEdit:
"""Tests for :config-edit."""
def test_no_source(self, commands, mocker, config_tmpdir):
mock = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.config.configcommands.editor.'
'ExternalEditor._start_editor', autospec=True)
def patch_editor(self, mocker, config_tmpdir, data_tmpdir):
"""Write a config.py file."""
def do_patch(text):
def _write_file(editor_self):
with open(editor_self._filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
editor_self.on_proc_closed(0, QProcess.NormalExit)
return mocker.patch('qutebrowser.config.configcommands.editor.'
'ExternalEditor._start_editor', autospec=True,
return do_patch
def test_with_sourcing(self, commands, config_stub, patch_editor):
assert config_stub.val.content.javascript.enabled
mock = patch_editor('c.content.javascript.enabled = False')
assert not config_stub.val.content.javascript.enabled
def test_error(self, commands, config_stub, patch_editor, message_mock,
patch_editor('c.foo = 42')
with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR):
msg = message_mock.getmsg()
expected = ("Errors occurred while reading config.py:\n"
" While setting 'foo': No option 'foo'")
assert msg.text == expected
class TestBind:
"""Tests for :bind and :unbind."""
def no_bindings(self):
"""Get a dict with no bindings."""
return {'normal': {}}
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', ['nop', 'nope'])
def test_bind(self, commands, config_stub, no_bindings, keyconf, command):
"""Simple :bind test (and aliases)."""
config_stub.val.aliases = {'nope': 'nop'}
config_stub.val.bindings.default = no_bindings
config_stub.val.bindings.commands = no_bindings
commands.bind('a', command)
assert keyconf.get_command('a', 'normal') == command
yaml_bindings = config_stub._yaml['bindings.commands']['normal']
assert yaml_bindings['a'] == command
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key, mode, expected', [
# Simple
('a', 'normal', "a is bound to 'message-info a' in normal mode"),
# Alias
('b', 'normal', "b is bound to 'mib' in normal mode"),
# Custom binding
('c', 'normal', "c is bound to 'message-info c' in normal mode"),
# Special key
('<Ctrl-X>', 'normal',
"<ctrl+x> is bound to 'message-info C-x' in normal mode"),
# unbound
('x', 'normal', "x is unbound in normal mode"),
# non-default mode
('x', 'caret', "x is bound to 'nop' in caret mode"),
def test_bind_print(self, commands, config_stub, message_mock,
key, mode, expected):
"""Run ':bind key'.
Should print the binding.
config_stub.val.aliases = {'mib': 'message-info b'}
config_stub.val.bindings.default = {
'normal': {'a': 'message-info a',
'b': 'mib',
'<Ctrl+x>': 'message-info C-x'},
'caret': {'x': 'nop'}
config_stub.val.bindings.commands = {
'normal': {'c': 'message-info c'}
commands.bind(key, mode=mode)
msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.info)
assert msg.text == expected
def test_bind_invalid_mode(self, commands):
"""Run ':bind --mode=wrongmode nop'.
Should show an error.
with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError,
match='bind: Invalid mode wrongmode!'):
commands.bind('a', 'nop', mode='wrongmode')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key', ['a', 'b', '<Ctrl-X>'])
def test_bind_duplicate(self, commands, config_stub, keyconf, key):
"""Run ':bind' with a key which already has been bound.'.
Also tests for https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1544
config_stub.val.bindings.default = {
'normal': {'a': 'nop', '<Ctrl+x>': 'nop'}
config_stub.val.bindings.commands = {
'normal': {'b': 'nop'},
commands.bind(key, 'message-info foo', mode='normal')
assert keyconf.get_command(key, 'normal') == 'message-info foo'
def test_bind_none(self, commands, config_stub):
config_stub.val.bindings.commands = None
commands.bind(',x', 'nop')
def test_unbind_none(self, commands, config_stub):
config_stub.val.bindings.commands = None
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key, normalized', [
('a', 'a'), # default bindings
('b', 'b'), # custom bindings
('c', 'c'), # :bind then :unbind
('<Ctrl-X>', '<ctrl+x>') # normalized special binding
def test_unbind(self, commands, keyconf, config_stub, key, normalized):
config_stub.val.bindings.default = {
'normal': {'a': 'nop', '<ctrl+x>': 'nop'},
'caret': {'a': 'nop', '<ctrl+x>': 'nop'},
config_stub.val.bindings.commands = {
'normal': {'b': 'nop'},
'caret': {'b': 'nop'},
if key == 'c':
# Test :bind and :unbind
commands.bind(key, 'nop')
assert keyconf.get_command(key, 'normal') is None
yaml_bindings = config_stub._yaml['bindings.commands']['normal']
if key in 'bc':
# Custom binding
assert normalized not in yaml_bindings
assert yaml_bindings[normalized] is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize('key, mode, expected', [
('foobar', 'normal',
"unbind: Can't find binding 'foobar' in normal mode"),
('x', 'wrongmode', "unbind: Invalid mode wrongmode!"),
def test_unbind_invalid(self, commands, key, mode, expected):
"""Run ':unbind foobar' / ':unbind x wrongmode'.
Should show an error.
with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match=expected):
commands.unbind(key, mode=mode)