Trying to get the device location while running the tests can trigger all kind of funny effects. Since we can't easily mock the GPS responses, we only run those on the CI where we at least have some predictable setup. Fixes #1297.
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41 lines
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norecursedirs = .tox .venv
addopts = --strict -rfEsw --faulthandler-timeout=70 --instafail
markers =
gui: Tests using the GUI (e.g. spawning widgets)
posix: Tests which only can run on a POSIX OS.
windows: Tests which only can run on Windows.
linux: Tests which only can run on Linux.
osx: Tests which only can run on OS X.
not_osx: Tests which can not run on OS X.
not_frozen: Tests which can't be run if sys.frozen is True.
no_xvfb: Tests which can't be run with Xvfb.
frozen: Tests which can only be run if sys.frozen is True.
integration: Tests which test a bigger portion of code, run without coverage.
skip: Always skipped test.
pyqt531_or_newer: Needs PyQt 5.3.1 or newer.
xfail_norun: xfail the test with out running it
flaky: Tests which are flaky and should be rerun
ci: Tests which should only run on CI.
qt_log_level_fail = WARNING
qt_log_ignore =
^SpellCheck: .*
^SetProcessDpiAwareness failed: .*
^QWindowsWindow::setGeometryDp: Unable to set geometry .*
^QProcess: Destroyed while process .* is still running\.
^"Method "GetAll" with signature "s" on interface "org\.freedesktop\.DBus\.Properties" doesn't exist
^"Method \\"GetAll\\" with signature \\"s\\" on interface \\"org\.freedesktop\.DBus\.Properties\\" doesn't exist\\n"
^virtual void QSslSocketBackendPrivate::transmit\(\) SSL write failed with error: -9805
^virtual void QSslSocketBackendPrivate::transmit\(\) SSLRead failed with: -9805
^Type conversion already registered from type .*
^QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once\.
^QWaitCondition: Destroyed while threads are still waiting
^QXcbXSettings::QXcbXSettings\(QXcbScreen\*\) Failed to get selection owner for XSETTINGS_S atom
^QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to .*
^QXcbClipboard: SelectionRequest too old
^QGeoclueMaster error creating GeoclueMasterClient\.
^Geoclue error: Process org\.freedesktop\.Geoclue\.Master exited with status 127
^QObject::connect: Cannot connect \(null\)::stateChanged\(QNetworkSession::State\) to QNetworkReplyHttpImpl::_q_networkSessionStateChanged\(QNetworkSession::State\)
^QXcbClipboard: Cannot transfer data, no data available
qt_wait_signal_raising = true